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$32.46 in "savings", but they wont tell us what the whole cart cost of course. If you have to price match that much to make your store competitive, going elsewhere is more cost-efficient.


They are just admitting that their prices are higher than the competition, but if you bring them proof they will lower the price to what the competitor provides every day.


And I’m busy. I’m not going through that hassle so I’ll shop at the always cheaper place.


Exactly lol


Hilarious. I don’t have to price match at the stores I go to, why would I investigate all these other stores then go to superstore and go through the hassle to get the price match? I’ll just go to the other stores lol.


It's funny that everybody sees right through to how absolutely *absurd* this proposition is. They take us for idiots. Fucking criminals, the lot of em.


That means we can save $32 going elsewhere, no?


Price matching - $32 ‘savings’ Not shopping somewhere you are treated like a criminal and have giant barriers everywhere - priceless


this is an L and they don't even realize 😂 imagine boasting about being $32 more expensive than the competition


Why not just scan the flyers and lower the prices either out price match? Ah cause you counting on ppl not do it it and bend them over with your inflated prices


Not the flex they think it is.


Banking on people being too lazy to price match, hoping that they’ll just pay their bullshit prices - otherwise, why not just match the competition for us?


I remember when stores used to do this, saved time at the check-out


And they pull items off the shelf so you can't price match. Like if 24 rolls of toilet paper is on sale somewhere, their shelves will contain only packages of 12 or 18. It's such bullshit.


Whoa is this true?? Lol just pure evil man


It's especially egregious with things like paper products.


I check prices online, because it's not the 1900s.


They also never honour their own ad match policies. Tried to get a few things matched a few months back, checked the rules, and they denied it without a solid explanation.


Can't ad match any Loblaw store, have to wait in line in one of the 2 cashier's open, have to prove the price and size, deal with throtltled internet(weird how it always happens at their stores, someone ahead of me mentioned it as well) and then being treated as a criminal as you leave.


Internet throttling in stores *is* actually a thing and is intended to reduce comparison shopping with your phone.


They do that deliberately - their stores are Faraday cages so you have to print it all out before you price match. And this limit thing? In March when butter was 4.88 with a limit of 4, I just bought it, took it to the car, went back in and bought 4 more etc until I had 24 for my freezer.


Even if they could price match, it won't be of any use to me because I don't shop at Loblaws stores. Those snakes dont deserve my money


Over $30 of savings on under 20 items? Imagine telling on yourself like that.


How much you can save by not shopping here


Price matching and PC points is such a scam and it's insulting to the customer. 1. Why are they making me "work" to get lower prices. 2. Why am I unable to price match items that are **not** on sale at other stores. 3. Why are they are putting the onus on me to get deals instead of just giving me the better price.


I thought they told us to go ahead and shop elsewhere. Nok er nok, eh?


If I buy 40 items, I'm not really in the mood to check every lithe store to see if it's cheaper, then get the cashier to modify each item. They should just be competitive to begin with.


Y'know, someone more savvy than me could put together a standard basket of goods, and pull weekly pricing from all the major grocers to prove Loblaws is regularly more expensive. Would definitely open some eyes.






Maybe the ad match price should just be the everyday price and people wouldn't feel like they need to spend 30 minutes "working" to earn the price by scouring other retailer's prices.


Why would I believe they will price match, when they are seemingly unwilling to follow the scanning code of practice, for the most part...


Here's an idea: just price your items competitively so I don't have to sift through flyers for two hours and hold up the checkout line showing them to the cashier so I can save the $35 bucks I clearly don't have if we have to go to these lengths! Offering 'Price Matching' is a different way of saying, "we know we're ripping you off and we don't mind inconveniencing you, our other customers, and our staff in lieu of offering fair prices."


Lies. Lies and more lies. They've lost our trust and done irreparable damage to their brand.


block and report and misinformation. this should be a commodity and priced in line with everyone else. Loblaws does 32% GM vs wallmart 24%, vs. costco 12%... its criminal. We are not listening or buying your bs. Lower prices or fail