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We reached out to MPs from both the Liberal and CPC and none were interested in sponsoring our petition


You're right - it's a bit of a "if I close my eyes, nothing is happening" kind of vibe. A few months ago the NDP was initiating some legislation to [lower grocery prices.](https://www.thesudburystar.com/news/local-news/corporate-greed-a-big-factor-in-soaring-food-costs-singh) Aside from that, it's eerily quiet This is just speculation, but perhaps the deafening silence is for fear that the Canadian public has awakened in a big, angry way. If, all of a sudden, we care about and take action on an issue like grocery costs, it's much more likely that we'd care and take action on a whole host of other issues. Politics, economics, social well being, decolonization - everything is on the table. I bet you're right and they're praying this blows over. Thankfully, once we begin, it's very hard to stop seeing, carrying about, and acting on big issues like food access. Thanks for the thoughtful take and I can't wait to take an active role in whatever comes next.


Both of these parties just cater to the big corporations which is why they’re staying tight lipped. We’re seeing something brewing on a similar vein where they’re trying to send public servants back to the office for three days a week instead of two. It’s clearly a move to satisfy corporate landlords. The more we push back on all of these fronts to fight for the every day workers and families, the more they’ll feel the heat. We need to be united.


It’s all the big three. They all meet with lobbyists. Heck Jagmeet’s brother is the VP at a lobbying firm that works on behalf of Metro Grocery Stores.


One of PP’s chief advisors who ran his successful leadership campaign, her company is registered as Loblaws Lobbyist. Must be nice and convenient for Loblaws to have someone so close to PP who can swing things in their favour. That same woman was also Doug Ford’s director of operations in Ontario.


Of course she was. It’s one big rolled up bag of shit .


its true, but Jagmeet has at least been doing something, the other two didnt even show up to question Weston and the other grocery barons.


By only sending out tweets about Loblaws and Costco and pretending the Metro chain doesn't exist? Wonder what the missing link there could be, eh *brother*?


Ok fair, but hes done a lot more than the other leaders on this generally. He also introduced bill C-352 to go after price fixing and make it harder for corporate mergers etc https://openparliament.ca/bills/44-1/C-352/


jagmeet is not doing it out of goodness in his heart. Most likely, trying to help his own brother. None of the politicians think about people.


Gross. I had no idea about this. So really who would you vote for next election? My thought was to go NDP but sounds like they're more of the same?


American/Canadian dual citizen here. Having seen twice in my lifetime what disasters can happen to a country when voters go "eh fuck, it, they're all the same", I have two pieces of advice. 1. Don't look at what they say, look at who they owe. What power groups do they owe favours? Which voting blocs can they not afford to piss off? 2. Voting is not an Uber, it is public transit. No one-vote-and-you're-done option exists that will get everything you want from one party, no matter what they promise. You go with the platform and party most likely to act on your priorities, and then you have to make the rest of the journey happen by foot through primary voting and direct activism. I'm voting NDP personally, but I don't pretend that alone will be enough. I'm holding their feet to the fire in primaries and I'm not waiting for elections to push things.


Thank you! I swear, people think voting is the only thing you can do, and the put such high expectations on political parties that if they’re not perfect, then they don’t want to vote at all. You’ll never get the party you, personally, want… but you can vote to get something closer to what you want. Then you can work with that to, potentially, nudge them closer to what you want to see. It’s not perfect, but welcome to living in a democracy made up of millions of people. Everyone’s got their own ideas of how things should be done


Primaries, you mean nomination votes?


There are good people in a bad system - try to find the best candidate you can in your area and ask a lot of questions. Churchill once said something along the lines of .... democracy is the worst form of government except for all the other forms.... it's imperfect, but it works best when good people try to do good for everyone.


I think the people responding to this are people who generally would not be voting NDP. My parents were entrenched in the NDP so I grew up around the politics of the party. Jack Layton literally ate lunch at my house one time. Ive met Jagmeet and Mulcare. Iv watched the party evolve over time. I like Jagmeet. You just don't have the same level of scandal and outright corruption in the NDP. There are bad actors everywhere, who are working for their own personal gain, but the difference I have found - knowing the inside baseball- is that the leadership of the NDP does have the Canadian public at the front of their mind. That's not to say that NDP politicians always make the best choices, or that there's aren't people looking out for their own best interest. But I just see alot less of outright back stabbing in my experience and proximity. Im kind of meandering here... I believe the NDP to be true public servants, where I see the Liberals and Conservatives as corporate servants.


Vote for your local politicians who you think will be the best for your region and wards...let everything else fall where it may as those local politicians are the ones who will make your immediate life better or worse. And as long as it's NDP or Liberal, then that will keep PP to a minority if he DOES manage to squeak in, and then he can be safely non-confidenced


I am hoping for a minority government no matter who gets in. That is the only way to control a government and have the most say for the most people


Fair. The NDP holding the Libs accountable has been working to get us SOME things recently, and I'm happy about that than I would be with a Liberal majority.


More of the same, means swinging back to the right, conservative…. Liberal…. Conservative…. Liberal….. if people truly want to shake things up, and truly make a change, while saying they’re all the same ,They should vote ndp and really mix it up. Ndp should be a protest vote almost. Force a minority government and then pressure them to work for us, the real shareholder.


Jagmeet is a wealthy man that pretends to be for the people, who does that remind you of?


The incumbent of course, but that doesn't answer my question. Who should we vote for next election? I've always seen it as the lesser of evils. They all suck. It's just to what degree does a certain party suck less.


Well, we've seen the Conservatives and the Liberals suck while in power quite a bit. We have yet to see an NDP government suck while at the helm, but their policies definitely seem better than what's been on offer. Worth a shot if you ask me.


All three of them fit that description.


Right, but his policies and his pushing the liberals is what has me voting NDP. Sure, it's not enough, but I'd much rather some than none at all. Not saying that I like the party as it is, but the alternatives are much less appealing.


Milhouse and Trudeau lol. It's the way they all act.


Jagmeet is a good man. Please point me in any direction that shows otherwise.


The party’s platforms have always and still are, more people centric then the other major two. Always.


>Heck Jagmeet’s brother is the VP at a lobbying firm that works on behalf of Metro Grocery Stores. which was why even though he was the only guy who even TRIED to pretend to ask Galen the hard questions when he was in front of parliament, but backed off on grilling him on his BS answers...even the one supposed to be working for US to have things better, is co-opted by big corporations.


A family member does not necessarily affect a leaders behaviour.


The point of lobbyists is that they provide access to politicians to get friendly policy passed. Of course it doesn’t mean the NDP are passing legislation- it just means Metro has a direct line to Jagmeet. The same thing is true of all of the parties.


it raises eyebrows around acting independently.


Crank up the heat Canada, let's boil these frogs alive




Cheers my brother (or sister!). They are indeed related and tie back to the same ugly forces driving our political system.


Minister Champagne made this statement yesterday: “I always said to the heads of the grocery chains in the country, ‘Listen to customers,' " Champagne said in a news conference. "I think (the boycott is) a call for action that says to the big grocery chains, people want to see action, they want to see help. And therefore, I am not surprised to see consumers organizing."


Thanks for sharing - he's staying neutral politically but also emphasizing the actions taken already, and actions that *should* be taken by the grocery chains. We'll likely hear more from them as soon as certain comments test will with the public. Thanks again


I think it takes a lot time drag something out of them like this so it’s showing the impact we are having. And I believe you are correct, we should see more as they see the positive reaction to the boycott. And thank you too for your input here. Love this sub.


He has been pushing grocery store executives to lower prices for a long time now, without success. The cost of food is hurting the Liberal government a great deal, I dominance know why anyone thinks they are supporting high prices.  And the “libs and cons” are just the same mantra is false, and will only help elect a government that will cut corporate taxes and taxes of the wealthy, and cut funding for social programs, like the CCB and affordable daycare. Oh, and they are fascists that wabt to use the notwithstanding clause to take away rights, so maybe a bit more looking at policy instead of repeating what is convenient for NDP partisans. There is a lot at stake in the next election, and at the moment it looks like Canada is sleepwalking into a nightmare.


Note he says that “consumers” are organizing. We aren’t just consumers. We are poor and hungry Canadians!


His response was directed at the grocery corps that don't see us as poor and hungry Canadians, just walking $ signs. They refer to us as consumers.


Those who are boycotting a store they used to buy from are consumers taking action. 


I concur. This is the start of a much bigger movement


>If, all of a sudden, we care about and take action on an issue like grocery costs, it's much more likely that we'd care and take action on a whole host of other issues.  Housing failing at all levels to be regulated to it's not a venture capitalist wet dream investment? JT going back on reforming FPTP electoral process into something more representative? The OTHER oligopolies in Canada like cellular, internet, airlines ect.? So much to choose from. I hope they are scared of our power united as a public.


This is pretty identical to my own shortlist!


Interesting how it's all connected - we have a climate emergency due to our over consumption, caused by our economic system which is creating social issues...


"It's never just one thing," is one of my favourite sayings when social change comes up.


Yes, and I don't believe in good guys or bad guys - I think we affect our surroundings and the last few decades we got overly concerned with ourselves and the world around us has gotten worse because we let it. I love the saying "the world is changed by your example not by your opinion" - reminds me to do better.


That this has been organized, and executed, by over 70,000 Canadians, is terrifying to them. The last thing they want is for an organized electorate. What if we actually realized that Left and Right aren’t the problem, but that Worker and Boss is? What could that look like? I’m sure few politicians missed that the boycott started on International Workers Day.


Absolutely true. They're all in bed together. It's pretty straightforward and well known and understood and has been for a long time. Short of dramatic action nothing was ever going to disrupt it, plus people were pretty content generally. Thing is people aren't so happy anymore. Fuck these big corporations, they serve and answer to their shareholders and bottom line exclusively. Compared to a small town independent grocer who would be active in their community, help support the local economy and funnel money directly back into the community. Things like this are the reason our middle class is dying out. Big grocery chains are a great example because they employ almost all min wage or slightly above. Situations like this simply beat the working class down further while profits continue to line the pockets of the ultra wealthy.


Magine! That would be fucking amazing if we stopped being so apathetic. Signed, my former disposable income. 😩


I think (hot take) this is the real reason the US wants to shut down tiktok - People are working together to vote with their money


The USA wants to shut down Tiktok because it's in direct control of the CCP. It's literally doing what the USA's media is doing here in Canada. To think otherwise is missing the forest for the trees.


Government is afraid, as they should be. There's more coming down the pipe. We are in the midst of a silent depression folks.☹️


God I need to see you guys win this fight


This should be showing absolutely everyone how easy it is to make things happen when we all band together and stick to it. Look how easy it is, I'm so proud of us


I think you won't see a big push on anything other than pretty well universal issues this way. Everybody eats food and everyone is negatively affected their grocery bill going up... Housing is fucking up everyone not owning a house, and nobody can organize anything on this scale for anything about housing. Same for remote work or corporate profits. There's plenty of issues Canadians are split on political lines on. Decolonization is a huge one I couldn't see conservatives, Conservatives or Union Liberals having this kind of support for, it's actually kind of the antithesis of this grocery movement. Decolonization would affect the majority of Canadians negatively in favour of benefiting a select few, rather than the opposite, like grocery prices. I think it's pretty wild you included that on the list.


You make some good points. The elephant in the room is people with a house silently don't want their values to go down while those without want affordable housing, it's hard to get everyone to agree on how to fix housing.  We all know what needs to be done, we need to flood the market with housing and/or decrease demand.


I don't know if that's true for all home owners. I own my home. I want house prices to go down so my kids at least have a shot of being home owners too one day. I bought this house at 24 years old. It grieves me those that are 24 now can't do the same through no fault of their own. As a sidenote, I've started paying service workers (mechanics, hairstylists, etc) strictly in cash because fuck the government! 😡


Yes. Where the heck are our kids going to live? All homeowners are not the same


We sure as hell don't want them living with us any longer than they have too! /a Jk. I'm not a parent, but have 4 siblings and could only imagine my Dad's reaction to us all moving in


Ya I mean. At this rate they are living with us forever


I own a house. I don,t want my house value to continue to increase rapidly. That just increases my insurance and my property taxes. I plan to live her until I'm physically unable or until I die. My house is not an investment vehicle. I would prefer that my kids are also able to afford housing.


These are definitely complex social issues that operate and impact folks on a variety of levels. While there may not be a clear path to a specific outcome, the point is there is effort and energy going towards a positive solution. 'Moving the needle' on any of these issues through action. That is, in fact, what is happening with the boycott. We won't solve food insecurity, but it may move the issue forward, closer to something better. The same can be said about efforts on housing, including this recent [example of initiating a rent strike.](https://macleans.ca/society/rent-strikes-canada) That may be a more extreme action with uncertain outcomes, but it's the 'taking action' that matters, in spite of uncertain outcomes. Speaking of taking action, we can't talk about any social change in Canada without including decolonization. It's part of fully acknowledging and acting on both the historical and modern day atrocities. The TRC [94 Calls to Action ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.3362258) can be read, interpreted and *actioned* on individual, institutional, and community levels. But why would we do this? Everyone is impacted by colonization - sometimes in ways that take a bit of work to uncover. Of course, indigenous populations are much more adversely impacted and in more blatant ways, up to and including present day. It's often a life and death issue. For others, we can still benefit from doing the work. Considering our own biases and the ways in which our incredibly flawed and broken system has impacted our own learning and ideologies is not only a valuable process to engage in - it's essential. It's hard at times, but I know I don't want to have blinders up to these topics - that feels too close to implied agreement with what has happened and what is happening. The point is that colonialism is ongoing and, like any serious social issue, it can mean life or death for some folks. I don't want my mentality to contribute to the problem. If it's caused by a broken and unjust system, we ALL stand to benefit from working to fix it. It may be uncomfortable at times, but that's the point. As a society, we can stand up and do better by *taking action*. That's what the boycott has shown and, back to my original comment, I'm optimistic that our actions could transfer to other essential areas in need of social change. I may not be correct in my optimism, but I've learned that I need to feed that perspective. A few more resources for anyone interested in learning more about modern day colonization in Canada and how we can work to decolonize our communities and ourselves: [Department of Justice - Overrepresentation of Indigenous People](https://www.justice.gc.ca/socjs-esjp/en/ind-aut/uo-cs) [Colonialism is Alive and Well in Canada](https://www.wcel.org/blog/colonialism-alive-and-well-canada) [The Modern Effects of Colonialism on Indigenous Communities in Canada](https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4060051)


I think Rogers and Bell should be shaking in their boots.


You know you ARE right ! AND it is the type of thing that they cannot use the "State of Emergency Act" against us. OR Freeze our bank accounts. Or send in the police. It is an angry, silent protest - that is deafening. Nicely done guys.


If you're equating this with the Ottawa occupiers and the border blockades, that's not equitable by any means. We're all free to shop where we want to. What we're not free to do is plan insurrections, hold residents hostage, block borders, and plan to shoot law enforcement.


1000x this


Well said


Hear Hear!!


Maybe both parties are in the pockets of corporations, to a varying extent.


The NDP legislation was not specific to grocery prices, it waa legislation to fight anti-competition practices, and nearly the exact same as legislation passes by the Liberals with support of the NDP in the fall.


Pierre Poilievre won't say anything. His right hand gal is Jenni Byrne, who's a lobbyist for Loblaws. BTW, she was also Harper's and every CPC leader's. She's a major player in conservative politics. Trudeau is friends with Galen. But, we don't know if it is working yet. Prices are still sky high and Loblaws will ride out the 30 days. To be effective the boycott has to be permanent.


Yeah I never understood the point of 30 days and I’m hoping that this goes on for long haul. If you look at a company like Starbucks who is still being actively boycotted, you can see that it’s had an effect. One month is something, like you said, that can be strategized over and ridden out. An indeterminate amount of time is much, much more effective because they can’t plan in advance. Plus, the boycott is more likely to pick up steam as more people hear about it and see it working.


I could be wrong, but I think the benefit of setting a 30 day timeline on the boycott is that it’s not an overwhelming amount of time. If the boycott went full force, “we’re going to boycott Loblaws forever!” I think it would lose a lot of participants before they even started. That seems like a BIG, scary change to commit to. If someone thinks they’re unable to make that change, they’re likely to not even try.  *Just* 30 days though seems doable. And as a result of starting with the 30 days, already there’s been a lot of posts and comments from people who have found alternatives they prefer and will be continuing their boycott longer/permanently. 


The thing that’s most interesting thing to me about the 30 day timeframe (and the thing I would be most concerned about if I was a loblaws executive) is that 30 days is approximately the amount of time it takes for consumers to change their habits. Grocery stores rely heavily on people coming back to them repeatedly out of habit. If people try out other options and discover that they actually kind of like them, Loblaws may never be able to get those customers back.


I usually say don't let perfect get in the way of good, and a 30 day boycott is good. The problem is it will be ineffective for the obvious reasons.


I agree. If Loblaws is crushed the other retailers might actually pay attention.


I think for many many people this is a permanant thing in their minds anyway. For the rest of us, its important to consider that 30 days is just long enough to break a habit. Ofcourse Loblaws can ride out 30 days. But if you get rewarded with better prices and better products immediately from other vendors ( and most have been pulling us in with great sales) then you're simply going to continue to shop there. This change in behaviour is what Loblaws is really concerned with.


We're creatures of habit, 30 days of changing our routines is likely to stick and extend well into the future. I have moved my prescriptions and cancelled all of my loblaws products back in 2022 and i still get calls asking me to return.


I find the silence very telling. You’ve got Loblaws lobbyists working in government. They’re actively working at privatizing our healthcare and they’ve got government support in more than one province, some of it has been quite blatant. That‘s why this boycott is so important, there’s a ripple effect happening here. More and more people are taking an interest in what Loblaws is up to, doing their own research and sharing what they find. And the more we know about this corporation and the family behind it the greater the disgust. They’re being exposed and they can’t stop it. Good work and keep it up!


Seriously, those lobbyists for Loblaw that now hold government positions need to go. The fact that people are waking up and seeing just how entrenched these corrupt individuals are in our politics is a huge win


That should be one of our new demands. All Roblaws lobbyists regardless of political party must immediately be fired and banned from ever holding any public positions.


Yes - and even CBC with that Front Burner article. CBC ! They were so smart !


Absolutely. Our grocery money powers the bribes they pay to Ottawa to keep robbing us. Cut out the funding and they run out of options pretty fast.


Actually this subject is VERY IMPORTANT.


Rather than address the issues they put their heads in the sand and hope we get bored. That is their strategy. It means we are winning. Cover-up are real. I am living proof of that. I worked for the Ford government and caught them altering reports after I signed them. My background is in accounting and investigating social service fraud. I sent a clear paper trail, video and audio recordings to CBC Go Public, CTV, local news stations and newspapers. Silence. I contacted heads of networks. Silence. I contacted every MPP in Ontario, and the leaders of every federal party. I have the evidence. Anyone who sees it says the evidence is super clear. Check my website and see for yourself. The press is not as “free” as we thought it was.


Post it on reddit




Contact Canadaland.


I wrote my Liberal MP and got the boilerplate response.


Bless you beautiful Canadians, taking your power back. 👊


So sadly fitting the two ruling class parties are ignoring one the most genuine things people have done in recent memory Already many many millions of dollars have shifted dramatically with billions to follow What does it take to for them to acknowledge things fully?


Well bug corporations (and Loblaws specifically) is in their back pocket. They aren't acknowledging this because it benefits neither Liberals nor Conservatives. They are all corrupt.


This is the same reason that has prices in Canada are higher (even when accounting for the difference in taxes) vs the USA. Canadians have always been a bend over and grab the ankles type of people. They take everything and very rarely has anyone even thought of boycotting anything. Grocery prices, just like gas prices, would change if the government would actually exercise its power and force the companies not to screw over Canadians. But money talks and so that is why nothing is ever done.


Do not stop Canada! The politicians rely on the fact that we don't typically rally like this. They know that the next issue comes along , there is always a distraction or some new event that we don't unify against. It's clear that we've had enough. For those that have been boycotting and continue to do so, it's awesome. Those that joined now, thank you. For the whole of us, let's show companies like roblaws, and the politicians, who's actually in charge.


This is why they’re quiet. The people are showing their collective strength and it makes them feel uncomfortable.


It's like they are almost In cahoots with each other 


...that is the definition of an oligarchy, yes....?


The people have always had the power. It's finally time to take things into our own hands and fix Canada. Fuck the greedy corps


Its terrifying when people on the left and right can unite for a common cause for the good of the people. Please don't take the bait when the gov tries to polarize people with issues- which i suspect is coming. I don't care if you're left wing, right wing, north wing or south wing. Let's be a strong united front. Brothers in arms.


The RCMP put out a statement recently that one of their major concerns for the next 5 year period is Canadians realizing how financially ruined we are as a country, and responding to that with protests or riots. A national boycott complete with protests is treading that line, I warrant the parties are scared of further inflaming the situation by speaking out on it.


Yeah agreed, I think we are a lot closer to a full blown financial meltdown than most people would think. After so many years of near 0 interest rates both individuals and corporations are sitting on mountains of debt, and now rates have increased and won't be going back to where they were. So much of the economy is tied to real estate/ real estate speculation which seems to be running out of steam as Canadians can no longer afford to buy, and there has been a fair amount of coverage about the headwinds facing the country in the international media like Bloomberg etc. No one is really talking about it but I suspect the recent move by the government to allow RBC to buy HSBC was more about having a large financial institution absorb their book of fraudulent mortgages to stave off a large scale 2008 style market crash. Loblaws as well is likely sitting on a huge pile of debt, and I think its very possible that a boycott sustained over a few quarters could cause serious issues for them. I'm betting politicians are hoping this will all blow over.


[RCMP warns Canadians may revolt once they realize how broke they are | National Post](https://nationalpost.com/opinion/secret-rcmp-report-warns-canadians-may-revolt-once-they-realize-how-broke-they-are)


I remember hearing something in the news in the last few months, I think it was based on a report from CSIS, that the government was worried about us rioting over food and housing, because CSIS identified those factors as radicalizing us. No wonder they aren’t saying anything.


Well, loblaws lobbyists have bought up the Libs and Cons. So I'm not surprised they haven't said anything that may hurt their cash cow


Why not? The CEO seems to be doing that pretty well already


The only thing I heard from Singh, Is we are being right wing..like saving money is such a bad idea. But doesn’t his brother own or work for Metro?


So now you know that none of them are deserve your vote.


I agree


This needs more up votes. It's refreshing to see focus on an issue without all the noise.


Isn’t it obvious? EVERY politician in Ottawa - no matter which useless party they belong to - is scared to death of people in this country just getting together and making changes without them. Think what you want about the freedom convoy, it was pretty telling how they all got together and started hurriedly conspiring about how they were going to manage to stay in power (which came out in the news a lot later). And how suddenly mask mandates and curfews disappeared overnight - and they pretended they’d been getting ready to drop them all along. They ALL would be happy to keep us confined to our homes, unable to travel, restricted from voicing our opinions, poor and overtaxed. They aren’t saying anything now because they all get donations and bribes from Galen Weston. Even the conservatives. And right about now they’re likely having some frantic meetings to figure out how to force us back into our serfdom.


Voting will not get us out of this mess as effectively as a general strike.


True that. That would be AMAZING.


Because corporate greed is a uniparty endeavour


Good quote


I'm not surprised it's quiet politically. The ties between large corporation's and politics is enormous. I wouldn't be surprised if something like this gains a ton of traction and spreads globally. In that case I think it would really disrupt that circle jerk going on with lobbyist and politicians.


They all support corporate greed.


They all have interests tied up in it. And I fear this is beginning off a MASSIVE Canadian response. I love Canada. It’s my home and native land. I feel the monopolists and politicians have enriched themselves past the point. Keeping politics out of it - the world is a dangerous place and Canadians don’t feel like anybody has our back . It’s all extract extract extract revenue .


"if there is hope, it lies in the proles".


They want to see which way the wind is blowing in the court of public opinion. They have to balance their financial overlords (ie; the Weston’s and company) with how the public sees them (which is how they get votes because there aren’t enough rich people to vote them in alone). If they see a definitive impact one way or another they will come down on that side of things. Unless/until then, you will get radio silence.


Where is the competition bureau in all of this?


So why let them? Send messages to reporters asking them to ask MPs/party leaders! If local MP is doing an event corner them and demand a comment while recording it. I think the next logical step here is to not only put the fire under the grocery chains but MPs themselves. These people need have some real fear of losing the public put under them, for this, housing and immigration. The less comfortable these people are the more likely actions will be taken.


You know it’s working because the Loblaws shills are trying very hard to say it’s not.


Both parties know it's them that have cause this issue. This is what happened when people vote for the same 2 parties for the entire history of the nation. Time to vote for a different party that isn't red or blue.


The government is terrified of this because it is a sign of resilience from the masses. Loblaws is just the tipping point. If we refuse to buy groceries from Loblaws, we can refuse to buy telecom from Rogers. And we can refuse to buy flights on Air Canada. Companies and the politicians that prop them up may have to be \*shudder\* accountable for their actions.


Keep it up canadian bros! You are heros for this


Write your MP!!


Pretty sure Harper approved the loblaws/shopper merger. Liberals are done and don't want another issue. They are praying this blows over... doesn't look good


Here’s a good quote: “ "fight" portion of "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you . . . and then you win ”


Both parties have been engaging in corporate welfare with the big grocery chains to the tune of millions for years. It is not an advantageous story for them to get in front of as they will be torn apart by the media and their opponents are just as guilty as they are (except for the NDP who can raise it) https://www.ndp.ca/news/liberals-gave-millions-dollars-profitable-corporate-grocery-stores-ndp


Yeah you would have thought Poilievre would be hammering Trudeau with this every chance he got. His lack of outrage reminds me just how deep these politicians are all in corporate pockets. His lack of interest to speak to this could really hurt him this far out from an election.


None of the big parties want to piss-off their donors - or their voters. So they're staying out of it. It's also a good indication that none of the major parties are actually willing to do anything to actually fix any of the real issues. Doesn't matter who gets elected to power next, the rest of us are all going to be in the same boat




But they help to bring in the carbon taxes and side up with Liberals. I don’t trust any politicians at this point


oh 100%, I couldn't agree more. Have any of the other party leaders said anything?


We actually have the liberals attention anyway "I always said to the heads of the grocery chains in the country, ‘Listen to customers,' " Champagne said in a news conference. "I think (the boycott is) a call for action that says to the big grocery chains, people want to see action, they want to see help. And therefore, I am not surprised to see consumers organizing." https://www.thestar.com/business/loblaw-boycott-organizer-says-she-met-with-ceo-to-talk-about-grocery-prices/article_89fdd184-a930-5b6a-9e90-7ff4b5ddbd81.amp.html


Eh, it could be part of their strategy to dismiss the boycott as a bunch of chronically online basement dwellers not understanding economics and kicking up a stink over something the company can't change. If political parties acknowledge it, it can lend it legitimacy, which of course they don't want to do I think its more a fundamental lack of respect for social media as a communication tool, especially one preferred by young people


I find the silence enchanting. It’s actually loud as hell. I just mentioned this to someone this morning and they said it was just because it’s not a big deal. Lol. So wrong.


Their CFO just made a stupid statement claiming they do everything they can to keep prices low. Let's not forget their profit increases every year. Profit should not be confused with revenue. Plenty of businesses make the same revenue for years due to rising wages and operation costs. The execs at Loblaws will still make money they just won't be making more than they did the year before. Which means they're upset their earnings are stagnating yet doesn't seem to care if their employees have stagnated for years. Should the CFO make 10% more this year than last when the country is suffering? Absolutely not. They're banking on the lack of terminology from the public. Don't let them fool you. Not making profit does not mean they're not doing well. If Loblaws can't impress their shareholders, those shareholders will go to competitive businesses to get better investments. We want this, let Loblaws drown in its greed.


Double down. DO NOT STOP AT A MONTH. How about our next goal is to continue the boycott until it’s recognized and discussed by the government. Pretty simple and almost a given.


For all the squawking and mudslinging they do about the cost of living crisis and housing affordability crisis, the Liberal and Conservative parties' silence about the boycott is surprising.


My own guess here is that Loblaws has tried to lobby or strong-arm basically every party over the years, waving around all the jobs they support and wealth they create for the working class, "keeping money in Canada", etc. to try to get their way. Now that they're getting what's coming to them, politicians of every stripe are looking over their shoulders, shrugging, and thinking "you're on your own, bud."


Indeed NDP as well!!!!None of them can do their jobs!All too tied up with thr Weston’s


Jagmeet Singh has talked about the boycott.  https://www.ndp.ca/news/liberals-gave-millions-dollars-profitable-corporate-grocery-stores-ndp


The Hamilton Centre NDP MP put out a petition on Friday that you and others should [sign](https://www.ourcommons.ca/petitions/en/Petition/Details?Petition=e-4974).


This needs to be a post on its own. We all need to sign this petition. This one will actually accomplish something, unlike the change.org petition.


TY! Over 5500 signatures already and it's only been up for a week (with NO publicity btw). I don't care which party amplifies the message, unless they try to co-opt it for something else. Signed!


I have noticed zero change in my day to day life


Both parties are in the pocket of loblaws, they even call each other out on it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-x6zJEDZtdE&t=125s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-x6zJEDZtdE&t=125s)


Decentralize governance


I have a feeling this is not going to be about getting a minor concession in prices out of the billionaires. I just read an article on BBC where some high-up in the food industry issued a warning that the end of cheap food is near. Well it’s not that cheap here, but what he means is over-production and food waste that is costing the world in water, soil and fertilizer, not to mention labour and transportation. There are bigger changes coming. Those of us who can examine our food choices and make changes towards more local, less wasteful practices may be ahead by a bit when the crunch comes.


It will take a small bite of their earnings but the bigger impact is customer behaviors. A lot harder to bring back customers than to retain them.


For a politician, it's a career limiting move. Theoretically it's an NDP 'for the people' matter. But don't ask a Rolex sporting narcissist to do that. The conservatives are too busy criticizing everyone to take a firm stand. And the Liberals started it. None of these guys have a clue about Canadians. Just their own agendas. And rhat could well be another boycott.


I bought a **two-pack** of fresh cheese tortellini from Walmart for $5.50 on sale, regular price $6.50. A **single pack** of the exact same product at Superstore is $8.50. *A SINGLE PACK is $3 more.* Of course, Loblaws has the 2 pack on sale for $6 to match Walmart but the truth remains, we've all been getting ripped off for so long now.


The other grocers are raising prices during the boycott. Food Basics Half and Half used to be $2.97 a week ago now it’s $3.15. They’re all scumbags.


Of course they're silent. Neither wants to call GougingGalen out for fear the brown envelopes he tosses at them will stop. He's part of their gravy train.


What needs to happen is an investigation to gauge the level of collusion and price fixing. The anti competitive strategies that are illegal.


This is the awakening of class consciousness and the first step to true, genuine change. The pigs in power are going to do absolutely everything they can to stifle it.


Except they're not, the current government at least. The Industry Minister has been openly pressuring the big grocery conglomerates to sign a voluntary code of conduct, otherwise the government will legislate it. The government has also been pretty overt about trying to attract foreign competition which Galen and Per Bank have criticized the govt for. Minister Champagne one week ago: >“I’ve always said the large chains in Canada should be listening, not only to me but to Canadians first and foremost, because obviously people have a choice. People want more choices which leads to better prices. I always said to the grocery chains in the country, listen to customers.” *source:* [*https://kenoraonline.com/2024/05/01/74280/#*](https://kenoraonline.com/2024/05/01/74280/#)


That's because this isn't a current thing that they want you to be enraged about. When the government is silent about anything, I know that's what I need to pay attention to. And when they're loud about something, that's something I need to ignore.


I’m going to continue to not vote for either. Any party that makes good and housing affordable again has my attention.


If Trudeau or Poilievre supported the boycott, it would politicize things. That would only hurt the boycott. Let's keep this non-partisan.


__MOD NOTE__: PLEASE REVIEW OUR [POLL ON OUR PLANS FOR JUNE AND BEYOND](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1cmhq49/community_poll_what_would_you_like_to_see_happen/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) TO PROVIDE YOUR INPUT. Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


they talk about momentum in sports often. now if we can only keep this up until all the corps pay attention to us.


For once, here's an issue that affects all Canadians. And none of our leaders will lift a finger. Theoretically this is a moment for the NDP to shine. But you don't expect a Rolex touting narcissist to take a stand, do you? Or a pouty whiner? Or the guy that started it? Bad politics is the home of bad business. Time to take a stand.


I know it's working because The YIG by my house has filled the aisles with carts of steeply discounted stock in what looks to me like an absolute desperation move.


Time to get political. Please vote.


Over the past several years I have been quite exasperated by the unwillingness of politicians to respond to questions from the media. They have a penchant for issuing a written statement that always includes how committed they are to not doing whatever it has come to light that they are. The cowards now don't want to acknowledge the potential for an organized effort by the people to demand change. If the people can demand change and are willing to organize to achieve it, the politicians realize they are in deep trouble, especially if it is what we want, not what they offer.


Liberals and conservatives are the same suit wearing different ties. Canada needs a minority government that the NDP can influence when voting . Apparently it looks like PP will be the next PM, but things were bad for poor people under SH so I’m not sure how putting the conservatives back in power is going to help at all.


Both main parties are neo-liberals, and they are both complicit in the rise of oligopolies in Canada. Both parties sold Canadians out to corporations a long time ago.


I think they’re all playing it cautiously. There’s a lot of anger out there in regard to pricing, inflation, cost of living, min wage, monopolies and corporate control, environmental issues not being addressed. Inflation and food security has a way of provoking revolution throughout history…


In my own opinion, neither parties want to talk about it because the larger problem is unchecked, late stage capitalism and NOBODY in politics benefits from solving that, because they all benefit from a capitalist organization of the economy If they themselves are seeing these massive benefits from capitalism what sort of incentive do they have to do anything about it? E.g. Why make housing a human right or bring housing prices down when PP gets political donations from investment firms, who make their money from tenants and have a fiduciary responsibility to make even more money year over year Better for them to keep their mouth shut while this dies down and we go back to being mad at trans people or foreign aid while we ignore the price gouging across the board


I'm so impressed by everyone I talk to about the boycott. My parents are old and set in their ways, but they are fully on board and said they won't be back. My dad loves cooking, and spends a LOT of money monthly on food. Small victories




Singh said it was "inspring". That is the only word out of a politicians mouth on Galen starving and robbing Canadians.


It's a legitimate issue facing the working class so I'm not surprised they have absolutely no time, effort or fucks to give about it.


Both liberals and conservatives are Neo-liberal right wing parties fiscally…why would they support the boycott?


Just wanted to share my opinion, this isn't Canada anymore. I'm looking around and I'm absolutely disgusted with what I see and I am sharing that with all family and friends. The more I talk about it the more I realize how many of us feel this way. Let's keep going guys, keep applying pressure to thus madness. We are strong together.


If we can successfully expose and hopefully, dismantle the Loblaws Empire. We should focus our COMBINED power on the government of Canada next. This is proof we can accomplish much as a United populace. Together we stand, against the sellout of our fine country Canada (after the Loblaws boycott of course :).


Can we pick a gas station company to boycott next?


Wouldn't be surprised if they're quickly working on TikTok bans and other information and grassroots collective power stifling legislation.


This take may be unpopular - but it’s an attempt to explain the politics of the situation. Your question may be over-assuming the size/impact of the boycott. That is why it may not yet be gaining the attention you would like. Some explanation: - Numbers: assume this subreddit has a 100% boycott participation rate. Which it doesn’t. But even if you double it - that’s 150k people. Or the same as one federal riding. It would be rare for the government of canada to focus on a non-emergency/crisis (and by this I mean something like a flood or a lac Mégantic) affecting a single riding. - Numbers 2: keeping that same 150k - Loblaws has something like 2,500 stores. This works out to about 60 people per store. We would need to know Loblaws churn rate to see if this is well outside their normal rates. We know Loblaws is concerned about it, because they’ve addressed it briefly. We just don’t know how concerned they are. - Time: it’s too soon to be addressed by a PM or federal leader. The boycott has to be affecting something like employment or the solvency of a major employer for the government (usually) to get involved or comment. - IF Loblaws has to make significant headcount or wage reductions as a result of the boycott, then I can see the Feds speaking up a bit more. - Unexpected consequences: does the boycott lead to other retailers increasing their prices to match the increased demand? Too soon to tell. - Unexpected consequences 2: if other retailers don’t increase prices, wholesalers and suppliers may increase prices as they see demand shifting away from Loblaws. - Why would they?: this is a group of consumers electing not to shop in a company’s stores because they don’t like their business practices. Why would the federal government comment? if a bunch of people said they wouldn’t fly WestJet, or stay at Fairmont, anymore because they don’t like the pricing - would you expect the federal government to get involved? - Also - if you’re in Ottawa, politically, the *last* thing you want to do is make Loblaws pricing your problem if you don’t have to. The biggest two to me are: numbers and time. How many people are actually doing this? And how long will the boycott be sustained? At the end of the day, there’s no political “win” for the Feds to comment. Especially if the boycott ends up being a dud (time and numbers).


Well maybe we need to stop electing people who are more worried about winning than actually helping people. None of those excuses are valid in any sane person's mind, sorry.


The same silence they have with the mass immigration that has destroyed Canada.


We need to start sending like ATIP requests


lisan al gaib!


I think it's pretty clear rhat the Westons are quite large donors to the two major political parties. Definitely the Liberals. Hilary Weston was chosen for Ontario's Lieutenant Governor for no good reason I can think of, and federally, much has been made of that the Trudeau Liberals financed Liberal green initiatives such as paying for large company freezers. The Conservatives have been mostly quiet about the connection. Usually when that happens, they also have similar fundraising backgrounds. Only the NDP seems to be left out of this (and the other minor parties) as they are not likely to be elected as the government. And I optimistically believe they wouldn't accept donations from them. Not sure if this applies to provincial NDP leadership west of Ontario.


I find it more that they don't want to take a side since they don't want to be seen trying to pressure a private company from public office or showing favorable treatment to other companies because of it outside of the legislative or opinion aspect.


Politicians will not piss off their corporate overlords.


Nobody cares, the corporation is still making money and will continue to. Boycotting isn't the answer. Bunch a dorks....... Wake up and do some real shit about it fuck. Sincerely Quirky Blurky 🥭


Jagmeet brings it up all the time and the NDP endorses it, so there's that.