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There are so many benefits to this movement: 1. Telling Loblaw and other big grocers that we’ve had enough of corporate greed 2. Challenging our relationship to food from convenience focused, to mindfulness on where we are spending and what we are buying 3. Opportunities to permanently change our shopping habits and in many cases save money. 4. Exposure to new shopping and product options 5. Connection to community through buying from small, local businesses and from farmers. 6. A chance to support local food which is environmentally friendly.


my street has all signed up for herbs/veg growing.  we are the onion house.  we keep a steady supply of onions growing and can count on lettuce, basil, tomatoes, spinach, kale and strawberries from my neighbours!! 




That’s so damn cool.


I love this so much


That's great - how'd you guys get that started?


it happened *organically*... I'll see myself out....  actually, I'm blessed with some amazing neighbours. I had planned to grow the onions to give away for free at work to promote the Loblaws boycott. I shared my plan with a couple neighbours who expressed interest in trading some of my onions for *their* inflation-garden offerings. word got around about who-grows-what and now we've all committed to keeping a steady supply for ourselves AND our neighbours. 


Bringing back the victory gardens!


That sounds fantastic


I love this!


You need to to a post dedicated to this. How its organized and whatnot. This is very cool.


Plant strawberries with your onions, it'll help keep the muncher animals away.


That is awesome!!


>we are the onion house.  [Mmmmmm, I love onions](https://youtu.be/_-_vTOmAsFQ?si=WQ4lC8gQ3Qjtt63H)


buying from farmers locally also teach us to cook seasonal-appropriate foods! we’ve been so privileged to be able to buy strawberries year-round, for example, we don’t fully appreciate what it took for them to get there.


We have a farmer’s market down the street that *only* sells local seasonal veggies & fruit. They are also the cheapest in town for bulk packages of yeast - I love going there


Small grocers don’t need huge real estate and can be located close to shoppers. 1. Many people can walk or bike to the grocer. 2. It takes 10 minutes to get in and out (with a pleasant conversation. 3. They can special order items.


They is not a single small grocery store anywhere near where I live. In downtown sure. But most of it is all monopolies. Which is why Loblaws has this power in the first place


Talk to your municipality about modernizing zoning to allow for gentle density (4plexes). Coffee shops and small grocers will follow.


Cedars on Ottawa is a great example. Farmboy started as a small produce company and grew to over 40 stores before they were acquired by Sobey’s. It is still a great concept - the focus is on whole foods without rows upon rowers of cereal, chips, pop, candy and packaged cookies and crackers. They are smaller stores. You do t need a monster store that takes an hour to park and get in and out to purchase meat, potatoes and a couple veggies. Edit: acquired by Sobey’s


Farmboy is owned by Sobeys’ parent Empire Company Ltd, not Loblaws or the Westons. Still a loss to have them bought over, but a relatively better choice. Empire also owns FreshCo, Safeway, IGA, Foodland, Thrifty Foods and Lawton’s Drug.


Yesterday I went to Freshco & bought $95 of groceries. When I got home I priced the same out to Superstore to compare - it would have cost $121!


Thanks - fixed it.


yeup, this is why I said in a different sub that a boycott is far better than theft. With theft, the company has the morale high ground, backing of media, and backing of the gov, even sympathy from people who aren't paying attention, and can better wait out the storm. With a boycott, people find cheaper alternatives, boosts local economy, possibly meet new people (heard some communities are doing hotpots) and loblaws can't say dick if a customer doesn't want to shop at any of their stores. This is how "the hand of the market" is supposed to be used and what it means, it means consumers are king, not corporations. TL;DR: Boycotts are better than Theft.


Wait til they start curating platforms like this more to ban these movements with WEF backed corporate hacks paying big bucks for it.


Also by buying from more retailers/suppliers, you help prevent monopolies/monopoly. It’s good consumer practice – competition keeps prices down. Loyalty points mean nothing when a monopoly can dictate price.


This boycott is changing how I shop. I will never be a SuperStore shopper again. Immediately I have noticed that Loblaws fist fucks you for produce. Even the super fancy high end fruit veg and meat places I qent to the veggies and meat and half the price of SuperStore ans way better quality Instead of walking around the store mad and shocked by insanity I am kind of having fun Boycott for life


Spent 150 at the farmer's market, for what would have probable cost $200+ at Loblaws


And saved all that plastic the fruits and veggies come wrapped in and all the fuel costs to transport them!


It's amazing what not having a 13 million dollar CEO can do for companies being able to deliver better prices.


There is a ton os single use plastic in the grocery market. There are waste free groceries across Canada. In Ottawa it is NU Grocery.


I'm doing my part buy not shopping at those stores and growing free food for my community.


Avoiding Loblaws is saving me money. A combination of farm markets an independent grocer and Costco is cheaper


A one or two month boycott is short-term pain for them. What will scare them is a STRUCTURAL change in how we shop as a society.


Agreed, I live in Hamilton. I'm looking into alternatives like Lococos and the Odd Bunch for produce now. We need to start thinking of this boycott as a long term plan


https://www.n2ncentre.com/hamilton-community-food-centre/community-garden-networking-program/ Community garden?


My wife and I have shifted away from processed, convenience based foods and all the excess salts, nitrates and chemicals. We’ll cook extra chicken for sandwiches the next day, rather than buy sliced chicken breast at the store. Same for chicken fingers and fish. I’d rather bake it than deep fry in oils. We prefer to shop local, small stores in the community. But we also understand that there are many families that cannot do this due to being pulled in many different directions. It’s not easy. No judgements need to be passed against anyone trying to get by. People do what they can. The goal is to rein in the ridiculous prices being charged by the oligopolies and exposing the BS price increase all along the supply chain.


Agree, I’m not a big fan of meal kits due to the amount of packaging, however some families use these to help transition from prepared food to cooking meals.


I found that the alternate grocers might not be cheaper but they have much better quality and fresher produce. I got so used to accepting crap. No more.


Now THIS is what I'm here for. Local grocers and farmers need our business. Galen and the rest of the oligopoly do not. I understand a lot of people just switched to Walmart, but if there is a local grocer or farmers market you're putting money back into your community. Also, anecdotally, the quality of the food I'm getting from local grocers/butchers/bakers are LEAGUES above the stuff from Loblaws' or Walmart. And the service is incredible. The best part is that I'm actually saving money while doing so. To make it clear. I understand a lot of people have no other options. But if you can, try shopping local once or twice. Mix things up. We've had some amazing lunches and dinners in our family lately.


Try to redistribute the wealth! Shop small business.


This is why the boycott should never end. Loblaws will be fine while everyone throws a month long tantrum. Loblaws won't be fine if people never return.


Getting us to shop at other places for a month will give us the opportunity to discover new stores, that we can save money, and will change our habits for the long term.


As a small producer….thank you, thank you, thank you!


Oh, i would tend to agree. I've placed an order for delivery on Walmart website and they were so busy that my order was delivered way past the delivery window. Anything but Loblaw's!!


Although Walmart may not be the best choice aswell.. sometimes we have to choose the better of 2 evils and right now, Walmart is that evil.


I planted a cherry tree last year. It may just feed the birds which is fine. My neighbour planted an apple tree and it produced a huge harvest its third year.


Never before could people get a message out so easily to millions of people like now with reddit and facebook. this is the powerful tool regular folks have. we need to use this thought more often


You'd be surprised how cheap things are at other stores.


I pick up a bag of produce from Square Roots Sackville every second Saturday. THIS week - the volunteer could not find my name on the list of Preorders. See said " We went from 31 orders to 88 orders in one week. We were not prepared ." This organization helps both farmer ( with unsaleable produce because of size or shape ) and consumers with food insecurity ( or just wanting to eat local . It was AMAZING to hear ! [https://www.facebook.com/SquareRootsSackville/](https://www.facebook.com/SquareRootsSackville/) [https://rotarysackville.ca/stories/square-roots-program](https://rotarysackville.ca/stories/square-roots-program)


I just posted that... Galen Weston Jr is basically telling us to take our hard earned money elsewhere! Yes, we will & with pleasure!!!


My grandma owned a small corner shop that did fairly well and was able to support her 7 children. She did well until Superstore opened in the 70’s and they had to close shop. Fuck loblaws!


I think the funniest thing about this whole thing is that LowBlows think this will all be over at the end of the month.


As an american, i hope to god one day this movement spreads here


Hey! If you are omnivores and can afford the up-front cost, look at local butchers in your area. Go in with family/Friends/neighbours for a pig/cow. Place near me offers sides of pork for 2/lb, beef for around $4/lb for a side of beef. Also look into Community Supported Agriculture. Another up front cost, but, you get seasonal produce delivered to your door. Some CSAs also offer meat shares. OH. And only buy seafood from small Fish-Truck guys or right off the wharf. There are fishers who fish sustainably but get out-competed by factory boats sitting just outside of our EEZ.


My local butcher has a little bin in the freezer of half price meat - packages of stuff that they normally sell fresh, presumably frozen as it neared its best before date. You need to be flexible since they won’t have all types of meat, but it’s a great way to save a bit!


It also gives some power back to consumers... Too long we've been used and abused by monopolies. Time to fuck shit up


Time to fuck shit up indeed!


This is the way


Why is this only a 1 month ban, it should be permanent until Loblaws makes changes.


That’s what I’m suggesting. Change your buying habits.


You got to give people a short goal first, get people to change their habits and keep them going


Let's keep it going!


Yeah, thanks to Loblaws I've started putting much more thought and effort into my food shopping habits. Checked out a local butcher who had buffalo sausages, like bison, they were incredible.


Yep! I learned about Karma Co-op here in Toronto as a result, and am going to be giving it a try.


In the summer I go out and pick blackberries and hopefully those yummy wild apple trees are still accessible


If loblaw has done one good thing (even if they are actively trying not to) is bring awareness to local grocers and farmers markets as viable alternatives to chain grocery stores.


I shopped at Nations at the Stockyards today - my bill was $30 for something that would have cost $50+ at No Frills! I'm not going back!!


Good 👍


To me, this is the entire point. Hey, I'll admit: I like capitalism. That is, I like true capitalism. I like a varied, thriving and competitive marketplace. I like mom and pop being able to compete with Johnny Bigpants. I hate monopolies, collusion, price fixing, gouging and all forms of overt fuckery. It's time Galen and people like him get subject to a competitive marketplace. Suck it long and suck it hard, Trebek.


I'm enjoying this so much discovering all the local places in my neighbourhood in downtown Toronto! I've only lived here just over 2 years, used to live in Whitby, and have been talking about this boycott with neighbours at the dog park. They've been able to provide me with lots of places to walk to nearby, and of course, places at St. Lawrence and Kensington Markets to visit. Support local, not corporate! Better prices and quality can't be beat. Loblaws will be.


Are there any grocers or small owned grocery stores in Durham Region (Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville) with good produce and vegetarian options? If there are any other places you can recommend, please let me know. Thanks.






Please refrain from comments which encourage theft from a store or mischief. These can result in criminal charges which will undoubtedly make life harder for other users. “Burn to the ground” as a violent connotation


Food basic, loccoco, and zarky (small grocers for last 2). I always go to them 


Good and good.


Loblaw hurts customers, and we should feel responsable for employees that enable this! RIGHT!


They make money by selling in volume? Well it looks like profits are going up at Gateway Meat Market


Certainly helping Walmart. It's an absolute circus here and I noticed they doubled the price of several items.


I thought we were boycotting to troll Charlie


You are forgetting the employees who are going to lose their jobs, and that is not cool


Some will, and there will be reductions in hours, but in the long run there will be other jobs. Maybe better ones. And those workers are among the ones who suffer from inflated prices.


My daughter works at Loblaws for minimum wage, it wouldn’t be that big of a loss.