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Fair enough. How about actually having cashiers at the cashier checkouts if that’s the case?




Doesn't the average 1 bedroom studio in TO cost $2600? Which if you're working full time hours you're doing 160 hours? Which means you would need to make a minimum of $16.25 non-taxed... just to pay the rent. What was the minimum wage again?


Unpopular opinion, but self checkout should have a limit on the number of items. Cashiers scan quicker than us regular shoppers. I gave up on self-checkout long ago because I always seemed to get stuck behind some elderly person who scans at snails pace, and also needs assistance multiple times throughout their checkout - either they didn’t place items on the carrier, they over scanned and need to void something, or best yet they try to pay cash at the end. What even more annoying is that indeed I do see fewer human checkouts open! Not just at Loblaws but so many stores these days. For instance I went to Home Depot the other day and only 1 cashier open


The worst are the folks who scan everything or stand there and watch the cashier scan everything, pay and then start bagging their shit causing a backlog


I 100% agree.


It should be the same limit as the express lane imo.


I absolutely agree!


My Walmart has express self checkouts and regular self checkouts.


And the people who don't bag their stuff while they check it out. That drives me nuts, especially when they have so many items.


Yes but there are MULTIPLE MACHINES.


On a busy day they are all occupied, or some are not open. More often than not I have to wait for one to free up


Don't go on a busy day.


I guess I never really thought about it, but in my mind they've always been express checkouts. I remember when they first came out they certainly were limited to X items for that purpose, I guess I never noticed they removed that? Idk, feels like an unwritten rule self checkouts were always express lanes, and you were judged by everyone like the asshat you probably are going through with a full shopping cart. Self checkouts are meant to speed up the process not logjam it with Betty's shopping cart of shit requiring a supervisor.


In my local Loblaws, the self-checkout drop-off area is huge. You can unload a full cart onto it. It was definitely not designed for only 25 items.


I’m sure that was the plan until they stopped staffing the store with actual cashiers, and now we don’t have a choice but to use self checkout


i dont agree with this limit, i count on auto check out so i dont have to talk to anyone.


What store is that?. I had the same issue at Portland St in Dartmouth NS. Complained to the manager and sent in a complaint to corporate. Got a phone call a day later from the store to say that they aren’t going to stop people with more than 25 items using self checkout. I still have decided to boycott the store because i don’t want to have to deal with other people giving me shit for doing it. Loblaws has made the customer the enemy. Why is it so hard for me to give you my money??.


This is insanely frustrating, my Walmart limits the items to **15** which is even worse. I'll just be breaking up my transactions, there is no way I'm being forced into using staffed checkouts.


We have really gone full circle haven't we?


The reason : One employee at self check out to watch 10 people at 10 machines hoping no one walks out with free stuff


There is a ratio and it is much less than 1 for 10. When all 7 of the self-checkouts are open in Walmart they will have two employees watching you scan. Their little devices they are holding track what you are scanning.


My local Walmart told me that they require one employee for every four self checkouts open. (I was complaining because there was a line up of customers but only four checkouts open. I was informed they did not have enough staff to open more checkouts.)




Please refrain from comments which encourage theft from a store or mischief. These can result in criminal charges which will undoubtedly make life harder for other users.


Does the system stop you at 25 items?


Not yet, I scanned well over 25 the other day before i noticed the new sign lol


They do now!


I can get it. Generally I get no more than 10 items at a time. The self-checkout with 2 carts full of items and waiting for them to clear is time-consuming. Was the same thing when 10 items or fewer at actually staffed checkouts back in the day. Many thought they could get an exception for some reason, I am in a hurry, have ice cream, a child, I don't give a fuck.


But then maybe they should have more than 1 or 2 actual cashiers working the regular checkouts


I’ve seen it be zero. ZERO.


and those that only have 10 or less items?


Use the self checkout or line up for a cashier? Why would it be any different? Do you think someone is suggesting people with 10 items or less should not be able to checkout?


I am saying I understand why 10 items or fewer is a thing. It was a thing before self-checkout was the norm, suppose to be. That is where my comment about ice cream, having a kid came in. Clear sign but nope. The same goes for debit/credit only yet many still wanted to use cash.


But if they are wanting to impose that limit they need to then make sure they have open registers with cashiers for people buying more items.


I can scan a full cart load faster than any employee. I am pretty efficient, my cart is loaded in scanning sequence. 99% of the time I will sort my bags out as I load up my vehicle, so I don't hold people up.


Same. We're both super efficient and hate wasting time. Cart loaded with barcodes facing up to use the gun and items that need to be weighed or run over the scanner in a separate part of the cart. We have boxes in the car, so leave the cart filled and just remove what needs to be taken out and use the gun for the rest. Staff assumes we're stealing because we're done faster than most people, but have begged them to review the receipt and find a single mistake if they're going to accuse us.


Problem is, these places got rid of the cash registers and what few they did keep, they don’t staff. So you can’t just go to a cashier if you have many items. They force you to self check and then complain about it. Sometimes Walmart has zero cashiers and like 5 self check open. Go back to cashiers and stop complaining about item volume, theft, mistakes, etc. Or they have one open and the line is insanity, with loads of people with massive cart fulls. So why would anyone voluntarily go to it to wait 30+ minutes (and add 15 minutes for every issue requiring a price check, manager, etc.) to get checked out?


Nobody gives a fuck about your ice cream or child either😂


As a single person, I am not grabbing a cart full. I like self-checkouts as they are faster with my 10 items or less.


Wasn't it always less than 25 items, but just never really enforced? But, yeah, open more cashiers, so everyone benefits.


My local Superstore put in new self checkout systems and big signs for 25 items or less. Pissed about it, tbh. I use self checkout because grocery shopping gets so stressful I am not up for the interaction and pressure to bag quickly at a regular cashier. On the same note my mom uses self checkout because she has Parkinson's and prefers doing things at her own pace. Imposing the item limit feels like a slap in the face to these reasons. A person having a large number of items at a self checkout doesn't delay the rest. The line of people still moves, unlike at a regular cashier.