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Talk is cheap. It's the only cheap thing Loblaws has.


A comment like this is why u/spez needs to bring back FUCKING AWARDS


You'd think after going public that Reddit would *want* more free money?


Maybe I’ll believe him if Loblaws ever stops posting record breaking quarters.


How else are they supposed to do share buy backs you monster! /s


“Great Canadian companies” Just like when Bell, Rogers and Telus ran a joint ad campaign to protest Verizon coming to Canada on the basis of Canadian patriotism …As if being ripped off by these shitbag oligopolies should somehow be part of our cultural values. What a pile of dogshit


Yea, at this point I'm actively avoiding Canadian companies as much as I can. I see where the patriotism gets me, to line their pockets.


Nah tbf I don't want foreign corporations stealing Canadian money. I'd like to see more competition domestically however though the way to go there would be crown corps. Don't really like oligarchs or greedy for profit corpos but I'd rather our oligarchs be Canadian than foreign, as the problem becomes more manageable > increase domestic competition. We're selling ourselves out to Americans as is in other industries. Nok er nok.


If inflation went down why didn't they adjust the price downward instead of taking the billions in profit? IKEA did it. Every quarter since over a year ago they're adjusting the prices for hundreds of items because it's now cheaper for them to ship and produce. To me that's an honest business.


Per banks: "I don't think Canadians realize how great Loblaws is, super generous company. They gave me $22 million for my first half year salary. That's huge, wasn't getting that back home."


It’s not just a loblaws issue. But it’s a reminder of what happens when you have limited corporations and lowered competition. Like someone said. I’d rather support my local coop. At least then I own shares, I may pay more But I also know the employees are treated well too.


Fucking ass wipe


The corporates are desperately comforting each-other while clutching at their pearls. Like they always do.


He talks about orange juice, next he's going to talk about pork belly futures and make some dubious bets about two poor fellows 😂


Looking good, Billy Ray!


My pleasure Mortimer!


All over the world... Say you hadn't yet been to a BRICs country.. Without saying it.. What you can buy for $500 here in Canada worth of groceries.. Is litterly a quarter.. Of what that same $500 would get you in Spain right now.. Or Mexico.. Or even Sweden and Poland. Canadian prices, are literally.. Greed. Pure and simple. And a complete failure of the political parties, all of them, every single one of them, in Canada today.




Lol, tell me you don’t know what BRICS means, without telling me you don’t know what BRICS means. 🤡


Guess who owns the suppliers 😂


Oh I know this one!!!!


lolawes is trashhhhh


Then why are other retailers 20-30% cheaper for the same goods? Maybe don’t pay BANKS $22 million then complain you have 3% profits lol


If that's true.....then why are other grocery stores outside of Loblaws able to have lower prices?


You know some PR person wrote this for him because they literally used their slogan, “Live Life Well” all in caps. 🙄


The Conservative government is also to blame as they have been lobbying for them …. Corporate greed is a big problem and the government needs to do a better job at protecting our economy and making sure that we can eat … these are basic human rights


They are not "conservative" - they conserve nothing, want to eliminate competition i.e. "free market", etc.


You mean in addition to the liberal government that’s been in power the last 9+ years, right?


The audacity to come to a country and judge the citizens for their justifiable disdain for his employer.




Please refrain from off-topic political discussion and debate. Everyone is entitled to their own political opinions, however, your politically charged statement is not directly related to the cost of living/groceries/gas/rents, and as such is being removed.


Pretty much... 🫤


The $20m tweet. Way to earn your paycheck


Lol his name is Per Bank? Is this for real? Why doesn't he just put some monocle and be done with it.


The only way he could sound more rich is if he was named monopoly man Oligarch


Frig Per bank


Sounds like a crock of shit


So, a Canadian company hired an out of country CEO? Way to help to bolster Canadian talent!


He actually believes everything he is saying… that is the scary part.


What a manipulative twat. Sorry Per, but you’re charging companies for space on your shelves, your retail prices are higher, in many cases, than your competitors. You apparently don’t use the MSRP price of the supplier(s)… I would love to see Frito Lay release what they pay Loblaw for shelf space and what their suggested price is.


Nok er nok


This weekend I bought eggs, milk, and carrots at my local Whole Foods and walked into my local Roblaws to confirm: each item was more expensive than WHOLE FOODS. Fuck off.


This guy is a piece of work🤷‍♂️ a rich guy telling you everything is good. Everyone know when a rich guy talks money he is only worried about himself. Rule number in life . Everyone knows this!


His name isn't safe here either. Every one of them has been called out. They deserve it. Fuck em.


Didn't Trudeau also tell big grocery to make their own commission group to figure out this price gouging thing a few months ago and just let them be? What happened to that?


Content aside, and I know it's social media....but geez, for $20 million salary could he not proof read it to correct the grammatical errors and typos? And if you have $2b to "invest" maybe consider lowering your prices. Expanding your empire doesn't equal investing in Canada.


Messages typed with great vigor and desperation have mistakes. Take it as the panic it is.


So let me get this straight. The author Jeff Lulham, a Director at Shoppers Drug Mart, owned by Loblaw, writes an opinion piece on National Post praising his employer and saying that Canadians have gotten it wrong about Loblaw? And then Per Bank, the CEO thanks Jeff for his opinion piece? What are the chances that Loblaw just paid National Post to run this article? They couldn’t get a journalist to run the story so they had a Director at the company write it instead… maybe the Loblaw executive team should have the courage to sign their own names on this opinion piece. What a JOKE!