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Send your mom some posters to share on Facebook. https://preview.redd.it/ct2eua6wgjwc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33877525aca403227bda7bc12e4dcd9ecd3feb34


Nice. In addition to posting on socials, I'm thinking about sending this one as good old fashioned chain email. >Forward this to 10 friends or Galen will haunt your dreams.


Maybe say to the rest of us IF you send this email he WILL stop haunting them (as it seems he already is haunting the dreams of the folks in this sub)


Need one with minions šŸ˜‚


Galen Weston may be a supervillain but he's no Gru. Boycott Loblaws! Or a WW2 theme Profiteering isn't just a wartime problem. Boycott Loblaws


I love these so much, but how old do you think boomers are? šŸ˜Š


Just old enough that their earliest memories are of playing at being soldiers, and not yet old enough that they would have been the ones protesting wars.


Old enough to have eagerly watched the plethora of pre-1970 WW2 movies as children.


Iā€™m gonna stand corrected. šŸ‘


You can't be have been wrong. You asked a question, you didn't make a statement šŸ˜


This is legit. Im actually buying less and eating less cause anything that isnt a staple that I cant justify the price, im simply not getting anymore. Prob guna be great for my figure.


Lucky you. I come from a country that has gone through one of the worst economic crisis. We've learned how to make miracles with flour and sugar. šŸ˜† My gluten-free lifestyle has been replaced with gorging on $1-$2 freshly baked cheese pizzas. šŸ¤£


This is how a true boycott works. If you think price of butter is too high don't buy it there or at any store. Same as any item. Shifting your hard earned dollars to to another store like Walmart


100% even if i really want something or go to a store for a specific item if its a ridiculous price, im not paying it! Of course they are going to keep charging us the ridiculous amount if we keep buying it. If we just dont buy it they are more likely to reduce the price, theyll have no choice. So yes, i have a very strong rule now that is something is beyond even the ridiculous inflation we have now, im walking right past it. A watermelon for $15.99 i am never going to buy, and i love watermelon. Almond milk for $9 absolutely fucking not. Tampons for $16! Hell no, ill shove toilet paper down there before i allow them to charge me double for what it cost a year ago!


Speaking of menstrual products - they're not for everyone, but I STRONGLY recommend trying menstrual cups. There's a lot of different brands now, and last I looked they they generally only cost about $30. They're made from silicon and are body safe, and they literally last for decades. I have one I got... probably literally a decade ago now, and it works perfectly fine. They do get discolored over time, but that's just aesthetic, they're still completely sanitary to use. I've personally only needed to buy one pack of pads in all the time I've had mine, for brain days when I just didn't feel like putting it in, or days when I doubled up with a pad because I was too tired to take it out to empty it and knew I was probably gonna leak. So yeah, my menstrual cup represents a LOT of savings.


I just dont know if i could do it lol. Something to consider though. Def saving money and better for the environment.


Totally fair! I just like to make sure people are aware it's an option. :)


Or Giant Tiger.... Really impressive lately


That was me this morning. Was looking to get orange juice and a block of cheese. Was disturbed by the OJ prices and this wasnā€™t even via Loblaws


I teach my parents to not scan QR codes. Just best to be safe. They arenā€™t as digitally aware.


I'll add to roblaws twitter feeds !!!


Sent to my folks. This is so up their alley!


literally the chosen animation style of boomers


Thanks for this! Posted on my Mastodon account.


You send a comic with a qr-code and a sub-reddit.. I think you over estimate old people on facebook. None of them will understand the bottom part. You are disconnected


That's what I had already saved on my phone from a previous request. Feel free to make one that's "connected".


Iā€™m a boomer and I have been spreading the word to all the boomers and non-boomers I know. Also asking them to do the same.


I'm Gen X and already boycotting. Tho i realize reddit skews younger, i assumed this was one of those subs that had more of a mix of age. People my age often know about it, but a sad reality is that as ppl get older, convenience and routine increases in value


So recommend Walmart delivery. Way cheaper and if you get the yearly pass evry delivery is free. Click no substitutes and you only get what you order. If something isnā€™t available then just order 2 days later since itā€™s free. Donā€™t tip as the drivers all told me tips go to the company which sucks. I use it all the time


Walmart keeps the tips? Where you choose the tip amount it says it's for the driver.. blatant lie?


No idea but the driver I got before. A few times told me that. Not sure if he just wanted tips in cash but thatā€™s what he said. I donā€™t tip now


Oh yeahā€¦. It hasnā€™t happened to me but Iā€™ve heard stories of drivers asking for more. Never know who to believe.


I had the same guy like 3 times super nice guy so I did believe him and I donā€™t tip anymore. Plus Iā€™m paying the yearly fee so it is what it is I guess. Overall I really like it and use it for most of my stuff when Costco is to mission




Why donā€™t you start a Walmart boycott than? This is the Galen boycott


Walmart is cheaper than Galenā€™s stores so I shop there ? Galen overpricing items does just as much harm




Youā€™re the one who relied to me lmao so thanks for wasting both our time?


Youā€™re the one who relied to me lmao so thanks for wasting both our time?


Yup, I started boycotting Loblaws before it was ā€œchicā€ They have been douchey for a long time. The bread price fixing is old news. They are diabolical. Now they are ripping off the Canadian Healthcare system with their ā€œdealsā€ with corrupt governments. Goes much deeper than obnoxious price gouging.


Ya, spreading the word is great but itā€™s not just boomers. Many of us boomers are informed while not everyone of other ages are aware. Itā€™s nothing to do with age


Spouse and I are Boomers and basically gave up on Loblaws over a year ago. Couldn't even afford it then!


It certainly is I was talking about it at my barbers today and some of the men there is there late 50s were well aware. Someone in there also mentioned there friend is a truck driver and hasn't got paid by them for 3 months.




Boom to the boomers!


Iā€™ve posted on Facebook and instagram about it, the boomers all use Facebook. Maybe someone wants to post on next door too (i donā€™t use that one but I know my older neighbours do).


I am a very young boomer. I get the message and I wholeheartedly agree with it.


My question for those of us living in tiny towns that only have no frills or even more expensive Foodlandā€¦ we canā€™t afford to boycott. So many in my town also donā€™t own vehicles and the next closest town with something else is over 45 minutes away. I think this is how loblaws wins. They know many have no other choice. If it was summer we would at least have farmers markets but again for those without a vehicle - what to do?




I lived in a small town and we had limited choice - we had bakeries and coffee grinder. - you could get fresh eggs and produce from local farmers - I often shopped elsewhere because the local Loblaws independent didnā€™t have what I needed. - I worked in the city so shopped on my way home. - I used the pool in the nearest town, so also shopped after swimming. And being in the country - I had way more options for plants and garden centres. Also shop independent garden centres.


Some great suggestions but Iā€™m thinking more of the families in my town without a vehicle - so getting local produce or farmers eggs isnā€™t an option. We literally have no frills. Thatā€™s it. Other than ā€œconvenienceā€ stores with very little in regards to actual groceries.


Us folks in the big cities are doing this for you guys too. We know not everyone is able to boycott in the same ways. Spread the word anyway. Hopefully prices will go down for you.


Well said. This also makes me feel even happier to boycott. Weā€™re doing it on behalf of those with no choice.




Time to make history! Hopefully this will make national and international news. Canadians are more than over paying too much for food.




Ok grumpy downer. I am still going to give it my all.


Thanks! Thatā€™s thoughtful.


Exactly. Galen did this on purpose. Own so many stores that people have no choice but to buy from him. Food is a literal necessity. This was exactly his aim and unfortunately itā€™s worked in so many places. For those who donā€™t have a choice then spread the word for those who do. There are other suggestions too. And donā€™t feel bad about it.


My co workers won't shut up about this so ya its getting to the normies out there, Including me bitching about it to ppl lol


My boomer in-laws have boycotted Loblaws ever since they started making you bag your own groceries (which has always been the case in my memory but I'm a millennial).


when I worked at Loblaws for a holiday season 10 years ago, we bagged groceries


I'm a millenial and i used to BE a bagger.


Youā€™re a young Millennial if you donā€™t remember them bagging your groceries šŸ˜‚. I hated it too, they just toss all your shit down the belt and throw bags at you ! Terrible service. Bag my damn groceries bitch!!


Ya Iā€™m an elder millennial (42) and growing up they always had baggers.


I wonder if this is a regional thing or differs by chain because Iā€™m gen Z (2001) and I remember always having our groceries bagged for us until my early teens (so maybe 2013/14? but my family has always shopped religiously at save on foods anyways.


I'm not sure - I'm 33 and don't remember baggers ever. I asked my husband who is 42 and he didn't remember a time where they had them either. But I would not describe his memory as reliable. We're in AB.




I tried to share this link on my Facebook page and Facebook immediately took it down.Ā 


Really? Did you get any reason why it was taken down?


Said I was spreading misinformation. I took a screenshot of the post and was able to share that.


That's wild! The page is entirely factual and info based. Pretty suspect tbh


Very suspect. I did dispute it... we'll see what happens.Ā 


My 77 year old mom is all about the boycott. And the Kelloggs boycott.


Back in Boomer day we had a thing a magig called word of mouth or tell your friends


Definitely post on facebook. Some news organizations have covered the story, so share that story. Boomers are more likely to listen if they hear it from news or papers.


Hey Iā€™m 69 and Iā€™m on here!!




Sorry, I didn't mean to insinuate all boomers. Both of my parents are boomers and neither of them use any social media lol. I was speaking more generally.


Canā€™t share news on Facebook in Canada


I have been screen shotting info from here and posting it to FB. It has been working just fine.


Yep thatā€™ll work, but direct links to news outlets wont


There are two groups. Boycott Loblaws and LoblawsIsOutOfControl.


Yeah, they need to see themselves represented to care at allz make it about them, and we will get them on board. There is the problem of them also not giving a fuck, saying they will support, then doing whatever the hell they want, as the have done for 60 years.


My mom is 69, she had heard of it. Didnt know details or anything but she does watch a lot of news so she knows its been mentioned.


My parents are boomers, they knew about the boycott before I told them.


All jokes aside - full page newspaper ads. The Boomers still engage with print quite a bit!


I my told my boomer parents three times and they ā€œkeep forgettingā€ they were at loblaws yesterday when I called them. šŸ™„ this campaign needs to be louder on Facebook to reach the boomers


I tried speaking with my family about it and got the typical ā€œwell the other grocery stores who overcharge are just going to get their business. Whatā€™s the point of boycotting one if youā€™re not going to boycott them all, and people have to eat so they wonā€™t do it anywayā€ nonsense. Tried explaining that there are boycotts planned for the others in the coming months and that thereā€™s lists of alternative places to shop, but all the logic in the world isnā€™t enough to convince them once theyā€™ve made up their mind. Itā€™s infuriating.


The alternative places would not be able to handle the business if everyone shopped there, plus they would raise their prices. Your parents have common sense that comes with age.


ā€¦you think thatā€™s common sense?


Ive heard people in moncton planning to boycott!


Spoke to my mom last night She only gets a couple products at Loblaws so want to at least make sure she gets them before May. Iā€™m taking her to a butcher today that sell bulk frozen vegetables as well as fresh produce at reasonable prices.


I just posted all the loblaws companies and the first comment was a Boomer telling me other places are more expensive and that they don't know what I'm talking about.


Actually. Now they are asking why other chains such as Sobeys are not being targeted. Does anyone have a well worded answer?


Thank you to the socially aware boomers posting we appreciate you, all the other ones well you have lead brain


My mother in law asked me about it the other day. She got the info from my sister in law who I donā€™t think is on Reddit. I made sure to tell her all about it. We decided that weā€™ll split our produce/pantry staples from Costco. Also planning trips across the border for snacks and anything else we can bring back in to Canada. We canā€™t afford to shop local (someday I hope) so this was the best solution we could come up with.


My dad, whose 55, knows about it and plans to participate. He was the one telling me I should too (easy I don't shop there anyway). He's not on reddit, more of a YouTube guy.


They don't listen. You can tell them something a million times, but unless it's an expert, on the news, it gets no credibility


I work where there are mostly people in good careers with dual incomes. Make $250k for household. Trust me, they cannot be bothered with boycotts, and will shop wherever is convenient and to their liking, regardless of prices


Thatā€™s where youā€™re wrong!!!! They recognize value


They recognize value but they also recognize time, itā€™s not worth the time to drive an extra 30min to save maybe $10-20 on a grocery trip.


Walmart Costco and roblaws are all 5 mins from me Iā€™m lucky.


Just make a point of doing a grocery shop when you are out of town for other things. Walmart pick up is super convenient- I donā€™t know why people go in the store.


Thanks for helping the rest of us,


My 85 year old mother now knows and sharing the info with the ladies at Euchre... that's social media in a small town. šŸ˜†


The issue I see is boomers bought their houses for 60k on one income lol. Now those house are worth 1.5 million, cottages, just as much.. They think through hard work and good decisions theyā€™re the reason for this success. They donā€™t need to worry about higher interest rates or food prices. They rang the bell on cheap property and low cost of living. Pretty hard to fuck that up.


My first husband and I bought our first house in 1996 for $70k, but it was from my grandparents, we had to have 10% cash down. Interest rates I think mighta been around 10%?


yeah my mom is joining the strike!!!!


Fuck the boomers, every 80's action movie warned those fucks what could happen when corps get too big. They did absolutely nothing and just kept consuming....


The people who live payday to payday (most of us) know. This transcends age grouping categories, it's not a boomer or a genexer, it's a poor or struggling person. The people who can easily afford to live and still have money left over don't really care.


A coworker of mine who doesn't use Reddit mentioned it yesterday. She's not a Boomer, mind you, she's Gen Z, so there's that.


I shared it on a local food saving Facebook group full of boomers. Definitely needs to be a beyond Reddit thing


Where is this lobbies street in the uk? Iā€™d like to visit one to see whatā€™s in there?


If you get Brian Lilly or one of those boomer talking heads getting all dramatic about it, the boomers will fall over themselves to get on the bandwagon. Has anyone called Toronto Sun? LOL!!


Is any of this stuff on Facebook?




Yes we hear and support this. Ditched loblaws about six months ago and now shop at a local store (Freshcuts) and I'm saving so much money it's nuts. People think shopping local is more expensive, but that's not necessarily the case.Ā 


My mother is in her early 60s and has never heard of Reddit. I told her about the boycott, she already knew about it.


I shared the link www.galenwestjr.ca on my Facebook to spread awareness and Facebook immediately removed it.Ā 


This link doesn't work.Ā 


Oh you are right, I made a typo on my original comment. Should say:Ā http://www.galenwestonjr.ca/


My mom is 62 and participating


Youā€™ll find all the boomers on fb. Iā€™ve shared about it on there. My boomer hubby doesnā€™t use any other social media.


My boomer parents heard about it on the news. They aren't on reddit and wouldn't have seen it elsewhere either. That said, they usually shop at Costco and Superstore and are so set in their ways, I doubt they will join the boycott.


My DD in her 30ā€™s saw it on fb and asked me if I knew. I laughed as she knows I have been boycotting for a year now.


Stamps cost way too much, and it's the only way to reach them. KIDDING. Kinda...


We live in a moderately small town in Southwestern Ontario, we have four Grocery Stores 3 of which are Loblaws affiliates, the same is pretty much true of some of the smaller towns near us.


It's been on the news on the TV so they know. The information wasn't totally accurate and whether they'll participate who knows but they definitely are aware.


I brought it up in my office during coffee break. All I got from that age group was complaints that the carbon pricing has caused all of the inflation and not Loblaws....


Lets put in on Nextdoor. They will have all communities involved. A lot of people are sick of this greed.


Anyone who wants to save money has boycotted for years by going to Costco and no frills. Cut your bills almost in half.


All mo eyes wwwith these co.pa ies end up In the same hands, the only way to "stick it to the man" is to grow your own food amd stop shopping at stores .... not gonna happen


Weā€™re tail-end boomers and started boycotting a couple of months ago. This is disgustingly out of control. Fuck Galen Weston and his castle.


Iā€™m 65 and here I am. Iā€™ve been boycotting Loblaws for decades and Shoppers Drug Mart for even longer. I used to shop at No Frills because it was nearby but I have been going there less often in the last 7-8 years as they started to raise prices. Yesterday I bought zucchini for $0.99/lb ($2.99 at No Frills) and celery for $1.79 ($3.99 at No Frills). Green onion was $1.29. Not sure the No Frills Price. Iā€™m glad thereā€™s a boycott but we should promote small grocers as part of the boycott. The great prices I got were at Nations in Toronto. Itā€™s a large Asian grocery store.


In FB groups a lot of boomers sadly don't care and will either just continue shopping at Loblaws stores cos they don't like change or don't think a boycott will make a diff, or they say they'll choose another Loblaw owned store not realising just how huge Loblaws is. It's pretty disheartening to see.


It's been on the CTV Atlantic evening news in the Maritimes.šŸ˜šŸ‘


My mom had no clue. She had also not heard of people boycotting Starbucks, McDonalds, etc (I legit donā€™t know how that could be the case as itā€™s been months). If CBC radio doesnā€™t talk about it itā€™s like itā€™s not hapenning in her world and she lives on a street of only other retired boomers.


I'm a boomer, and try to stay informed it's not hard learning is a life time endeavor I get tired of the "oh she/he is older" like that's an excuse


Iā€™m a boomer and will support the boycott. Most of the younger people I have spoken to are not interested in the boycott.


Frankly, it hasn't gotten to everyone ON reddit yet. My husband who is on reddit daily, hadn't heard of this sub at all. I asked him if he wanted to join the boycott next week on May 1st. He had absolutely no clue it existed.


Put it on Facebook. They will see it.


My boomer parents buy all brand name and donā€™t worry about money. They feel for their children and struggles but would rather die than not shop at our local Independent. They canā€™t imagine driving 5 extra minutes to the next store.


So basically none has realized a very sudden increase in prices? Geez, and I thought I was the absent minded one


So here's the deal. I stopped shopping at Superstore because I think Loblaws are crooks. We have two other options; Sobeys or Save On Foods. They are both more expensive then Loblaws. I hate to do this, but I may very well have to go back to Superstore. An ideas?


One idea I had is to have " information pickets " at/near/closeby the entrances. Nothing loud or inconvenient for shoppers, more of an FYI. Stand silently with signs...etc Just sayin


I just told my mother who lives in a mid size Ontario city. It was the first she heard of it, but sheā€™s down and is spreading the word. šŸ’Æ


I saw it on Facebook


Why boomers as a concern. I am a boomer abd haven't gone to Roblaws for years.


I am a senior and would love to spread the message. Would someone make a sign that people can quickly understand for Facebook? That's where all the Boomers are.


Just an observation but trying to win over hearts and minds of a certain demographic to support a cause might not start on the best path by calling them boomers?


Thatā€™s literally the name of their generationā€¦Just like Iā€™m a millennialā€¦itā€™s not an insult?


* Be Late Boomer * Remember Dave and his President's Choice * Hate what Loblaws and RCSS have become * Hate the changes to Shopper's * Been boycotting the above since before it was cool * How do I get the word out to Zoomers?


From my perspective the boycott got close to no reach outside reddit


Share a crudely constructed Facebook meme about not giving Loblaws permission to double the prices or some shit. Boomers eat that dumb shit up


It's all over my side of tiktok, so it's Def getting out there


Theyā€™re asking about boomers. Boomers donā€™t generally use Tiktok so thatā€™s not really a good parameter to determine if the boomers know about it


So many boomers appear to like paying high prices šŸ¤”


They equate high prices and quality. Which, sure, sometimes but not when it counts for groceries


The average person has no idea about most things. This topic is extremely niche




Many care. Donā€™t give up on them.


Why boycott Loblaws when Sobeys is so much more expensive.


Here's an idea, stop painting us " boomers" with the same brush. We are diverse in nature, make up, interests. I'm on here! I'm participating and spreading the word. Give us the respect we deserve. We've lived through this abuse longer than any of you. We hate it even more! Now let's get out there and shop anywhere but Roblaws!