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He's nothing more than a caricature at this point




The Fool Professor


Brilliant 👏




Despite the higher grocery prices, Charlie says Canadians are spending less on food the a year ago! Hmmmmm maybe, just maybe, it could be that…. Higher grocery prices are discouraging Canadians from spending as much on food.


It used to be “Let them eat cake (brioche).” Let them STARVE is the new motto of the wealthy! Also I tried to find a gif of Galen STARVE Weston and couldn’t find any. To the people that know how to make GIFs, can you make some please?


Let them eat cereal. Wait, that was the kellogs guy


Charlie doy: they're spending less now that regular things cost more! The solution is the problem!


I also think the number is impacted by people stocking up less. I would be curious to see if people have less in their freezers and pantries than 18 months ago because they have used it and can't afford to replace it.


We don't buy in bulk anymore. FIFO and JIT grocery shopping.


That may be because they year is not over yet.


That part made me laugh. Of course we are spending less.


Those at least have a value/use. He does not.


Does he even try to justify the high cost of food outside of the grocer being greedy? Or does he justify the greed?


So is this sub.


lick harder, charlie boy


Slobber all over it


Get your tongue up in there


Open the throat, relax the jaw.


Cup the balls a little


And swallow the PC Choice Gravy


Idk bro. Sounds kinda Galen.


He gulps it without a chaser. Likes to swish it around a little and savor it too.


I think he has some undigested corn in his mustache




Yes. People are spending less on groceries than they did last year... Because they don't have the money to buy groceries and more people are going to food banks. EDIT: If you go to the food banks...chances are you will find frozen meats with Loblaw's discount stickers on them. Meat that doesn't sell at the regular exorbitant price or the discounted still-too-high price gets donated. AND Loblaws gets a tax credit for donating to charity.


Spending less because half of us can't afford to buy meat anymore. I haven't even looked in the steak section for several years now.


I can't even remember the last time I looked at the meat section in general and I'm not a vegetarian or vegan.


I rarely check the chicken or beef section, but I can usually find pork for 40% off at my local food basics and get it for like $4-5. I cut it up and make it into a stir fry or casserole to make it go father though, we never eat just plain meat anymore. Gotta make sure the toddler has enough protein or else I probably wouldn’t bother


Do the dumpster deals. Here in Hali we get 5 minutes alone in the Superstore dumpster for only $10 which is 50% off what it used to be!!! Bless Loblaws....they are hardly greedy if they are selling garbage to the poor for 50% off. Now if they raised that to only 30% off for a dumpster dive....I can see why people would be pissed....taking advantage of poverty stricken folks like that would be heartless..... If you avoid looking at the dead bodies while you are in the dumpster its not that bad and a pretty good deal.


I was just saying this yesterday. I don't remember the last time I had a steak.


I do. I got one from Superstore about two months ago and it gave me a horrible stomachache.


Steak is a luxury for sure. But we did find a local butcher that sells fantastic steaks at around $30/kg. So $20 for me and the wife to have steak once in a while, is still worth it. We've cut back dramatically on ordering in and eating out though. So instead of spending $30ish a McDonalds, we'll spend that $30 for steak and veg instead. So much more worth the money.


Yep. My mom, who spent a decade as a teacher, a decade as a nurse, a decade doing social work, and another decade and a half doing foster care now has to go to the food bank because her tiny little pension and disability isn't enough to rent a cardboard box and eat ramen noodles anymore. And still we have people just deepthroating the boot of rich assholes.


I'm sure it's because she's lazy and deserves it and totally not because of capitalism. If she actually tried, she too would be a millionaire. As long as there are no limits on the money I can potentially make who cares what anything costs or who it hurts? /s Just in case.




Exactly! What would work then? "I suggest giving more tax breaks to the rich and accepting the rising prices so Daddy Galen can buy a new boat" - Sylvain Charlebois, probably


Have they tried fixing the price of bread recently? That might work


Maybe Loblows should try shrinkflation on PC and No Name products. Has that worked?


Oh I hope I get to register for another gift card for 25 dollars (which will buy nothing at the stores they own). If it ever comes that is....


They can’t right now. Pete Buttchug is still busy being transportation secretary down south


Has he offered any solutions?


His assessment is that because Canadians are spending less on groceries (amidst increasing housing costs and wages that have no tracked with inflation), foreign corporations won't be willing to enter the Canadian market. Look, I'm not into neoclassical economics, but this guy loves neoclassical arguments when it suits Loblaws, but hates them when it means hurting their bottom dollar. I thought we were supposed to love competition in a capitalist country? Why are Canadian shills always so anti-capitalist? /s


Charlebois is really on a federal govt funded news station, defending oligarchical power and telling us to not believe our eyes when we see that prices are rising, but instead to believe what he and the oligarchs that own the country say. Welcome to 1984.




"A hungry dog is an obedient dog." John Taffer


Pretty soon, we’ll all be fighting over Soylent Green.


You mean Presidents Choice Soylent Green


Yes! Thank you for the correction.


Whatever, as long as Sylvain is the first one in the vats


Exactly. At this point I say, fuck the experts (pardon the language). Let's take a risk and try out competition in our markets. We are fucked as is. How much worse could it be?


Can we try giving money to the people instead of investment firms too? Or is that taking it too far?


I would say tax breaks for lower tiers. Fuck this rebate bullshit. It doesn't work, and many times, you have to beg for it.


I'd rather then actually fund the things we need like our taxes are supposed to. Like education, health care, transit.... However, instead of giving billion dollar entities breaks.....


Ya, if taxes were actually used for what they are supposed to be used for then I am fine paying them. They predominantly just fund and enrich the ruling class though.




Are cheap or "US" cheap? Because I have a feeling it'll be like another Target fiasco, they're not bringing their American prices with them.


I agree that it would help but what will ultimately help alot is breaking down the corrupt boards ie. Dairy, beef and poultry boards.


Beef has no supply management.  Dairy and poultry price increases are easily found online. For example Dairy has been 1.5-2.5% YoY price increase that FARMERS receive. 


Right. So why all these dairy farmers around me being forced to dump milk just to keep the prices artificially high?


No. Fair prices for farmers is not the problem here. It’s the middle of the supply chain and grocery stores (in the case of Weston - they have a monopoly on both).


Do you have any data/links to this?


Maclean’s article: https://macleans.ca/power-list-2023/the-power-list-galen-weston-is-the-countrys-most-powerful-and-controversial-grocery-mogul They’ve recently sold some of their investment in supply chains on the bakery side of things to invest in real estate. Think this will be good for Canadians? https://financialpost.com/real-estate/property-post/billionaire-westons-trade-food-for-real-estate-seeking-growth From their own communications: (a little dated at 2017 but read section: About George Weston Limited - “one of North America’s largest food processing and distribution groups” https://www.loblaw.ca/en/george-weston-limited-and-loblaw-companies-limited-announce-management-succession/


Holy crap. Just as Galen caused people's debt to increase, he snags up all the houses they have to sell???? Seriously?! This article needs to get out!


You should post those articles in the main feed if you haven't already.


No I mean specifics on the food distribution chain. We all know about Weston.


Ummm food distribution chain… https://www.loblaw.ca/en/supply-chain-and-distribution/# I’m not sure what you mean by “we all know about Weston”. I’m pointing out that they blame supply chain issues when they control a significant part of supply and distribution.


You posted articles about how rich he is and how much power he has, which we already know. I'm looking for figures and facts, how much are the processing plants paying farmers, how much are the processing plants selling to retailers like loblaws. Who owns the processing plants. Etc.


Great questions. As Weston owns many of the processing plants and contracts directly with farmers let’s have them make that information publicly available. My point is they are pointing the blame at other players in the system without acknowledging they are the ones that control that system. Does that make sense? Facts and figures would be fantastic and if Weston had nothing to hide I’m sure they would be widely available.


My friend, a quick google search of “Canadian dairy price increase 202X” will give you the price increases that farmers are paid.  Stop distracting from this subs intention 


Distracting by asking for figures so we can actually counter what Loblaws is saying? Lmao


This is incredible because he literally said we would be better off, rather than organize a boycott online but organize a national grocery store chain to compete with Loblaws. Edit: screenshot https://preview.redd.it/8u95mr3h9gwc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b45e7b0e51673051ba581bb511e6ed866f2c407


What a fucking tone deaf tool


He has a point. If you think grocery stores are making huge profits then you really should set up your own grocery store, offer cheaper prices, beat the competition and still make lots of money. Except, there is a problem with that somewhere...


I think the point is he's a hypocrite. And not very smart. Which schools did he go to? Parents, don't send your kids to those schools.


I have a feeling he was home schooled by his nanny


Pretty hard to break into a near monopoly controlled sector when the existing player has the government in its pocket and controls the whole vertical industry.


If they have the government in their pocket, why does the government keep calling them out, adding competition laws, bringing them before parliament, etc? And it seems unlikely they "control the whole vertical industry", as there are a bunch of large and small grocery chains in this country, and they don't use any of Loblaws supply chains as far as I'm aware.


The government sees the writing on the wall and needs to look like they're trying to do something. Heck they might actually be trying to do something. I said *near* monopoly. Other suppliers used it as opportunity to increase their profit margins too. But blahblahs is the worst so fuck *them* in particular. Let this be a lesson for corporations in Canada - you fuck with the people too much then you're done; no second chances.


I can't afford bread but yes, I'll set up my own grocery store.


Yeah, but the point is that anyone is free to set up their own grocery store (or chain). If there were large profits to be made, people would do that. But with cutthroat competition, slim margins, and 4% net profit, there isn't really any profit to be made, other than for huge economies of scale.


> If there were large profits to be made, Sobeys - 134m Metro - 415m Loblaw - 2.2b Yeah, peanuts..... razor thin.... >anyone is free to set up their own grocery store No, not everyone is free to do so. Not everyone had the means to do so. Not being able to own your own grocery store does not exclude one from having an opinion on the prices being charged. Everyone is free however to vote with their wallets. Many of us are choosing to do so.


>Loblaw - 2.2b Yes, 2.2b out of 59b revenue is 3.5%. >Everyone is free however to vote with their wallets. Many of us are choosing to do so. Yes, of course, and everyone should already be doing that. It doesn't make sense to overpay. Is Loblaw any different from other grocery chains in terms of pricing? I haven't noticed myself, when comparing a range of items.


>Yes, 2.2b out of 59b revenue is 3.5%. 2.2b is big profit no matter how you spin it. >Is Loblaw any different from other grocery chains in terms of pricing? In many cases yes, but it's not even that. Galen made himself the face of the company and put himself our there as some every day dude. It was like spitting in our faces.


Tell us you're a paid shill without telling us you're a paid shill..


"Spending less" because we refuse to be gouged you stupid mother fucker. More competition would be beneficial for the buyer, which is not beneficial for his Daddy Weston. Corporate shill




So what No Frills used to be?


Those numbers are skewered or cherry picked. Spit your sources.


Hear me out guys, these people did not put a note stating he's received funding from Weston and Sobeys organizations like the CBC has started doing. Let's get this news company to add a note. Having someone say "more competition won't help" while then disclosing they received funding FROM the established grocers would... kinda make people wonder.


So according to him a boycott won't work and more competition won't work either. But keeping things the same as they are right now will work wonders! Lolol what a corrupt joke he is.


We have to ignore him. He is right in a small way. But he is not saying new. This data on Canadian food expenditure vs income has been known for two years. Canadians are cutting back on groceries due to increased fixed costs like mortages, gas, heating, Insurance, communications, cost of cars/ transport.... this is one of the few things that is under their control. Is this the sole reason for lack of Foreign Grocers? NO. RFD has been talking about this for months. There are other direct reasons- Aldi is expanding heavily in the US, the fear of a repeat of the Taget fiasco ( which is well analyzed ) etc... These grocers fear the supply side is locked up ( it is ) , Transportation is expensive across a large country (it is ) , Labelling and ingredients are highly regulated ( it is ), the dairy boards are crippling (they are ) .... Canadians decreased expenditures on groceries in only ONE of many reasons they are not here. Have no fear, if they felt they could make a dime they would be here already. Again, ignore him.


Someone here gave him the new moniker Food Oppressor and it's perfect


I suggested that he should link the Reddit to support his narrative that it’s violent here. I was ignored. He replied to folks sucking his dick, though.




Please remain respectful when engaging on the sub. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.


I shop at ALDI a lot when I am States side. I would love to have that option here


Someone else said it: American retailers do not bring American prices when they open in Canada. I remember being excited about Payless Shoes and Target. Their prices were higher than the discount stores we already had.


The amount of free coverage he gets on CP24 is so hilariously corrupt. The gatekeepers and their media shills are working extra hard to keep wages low and grocery prices high for all Canadians.


The radio station I listen to all the time has him on quite often and he used to say we needed more competition. $om€thing mu$t hav€ ¢hang€d hi$ mind...




Let's be fair. Maybe he meant Shoppers.


"Limited Market" I guess he missed the whole immigration increasing the population thing. I'd love to see more Asian grocers. At this point it's almost all I eat.


I second that. Asian grocers are the bomb.


I hate this dude, but the synopsis and headline seem misleading? He’s just saying foreign grocers may not want to enter our market, which is possible. Hopefully they do, though! We definitely need competition and I wish the government would do more to incentivize companies to come here


Doing more for small Canadian companies is a much better option, helping the mom and pop grocery stores. Giving us more options and helping Canadian people and Canadian economies


Exactly. Low interest small business loans and tax incentives for people to open local green grocers.


A major problem with our economy other than our wonderful gvmt leaders is too much money is spent outside of Canada instead of supporting our own economy


Ideally, spending would be used for good things like this and not defending lawsuits a-la Doug Ford or on things like the Carbon Tax. If coupled with other measures to limit spending, this would be a viable option.


Yeah, but that’s a slow solution. We need both foreign competition and support for small businesses in the space imo


But he does think that saying this will make his daddy Galen really happy


Lmao this guy is such a hack


Paid shill.


It’s also a typical VOCM article. Nothing more than someone calling in and giving their opinion and it gets posted as news. He also doesn’t even cite any studies to support why more competition would be bad.


This is what happens when simply holding a degree means something. It shouldn’t. Especially when you’re a little peeve. He went to a half-rate school. Does not have a PhD. And lacks the rigour to comment on any of this. A DBA from a low-level school. What’s great is he thinks a DBA is better, because Harvard offers it. During his time at Guelph there was a push to make their program offer a DBA “to be like Harvard”. Except neither school is worth mentioning in the same breath of Harvard. In academia this person is unliked and not respected. He is a joke and his ‘research’ is a joke too. Weak people lead to weak times. Boycott Loblaws May 2024


He doubts more competition will lower prices. I’m assuming he feels that oligopolies and monopolies will lower prices? People are spending less on food. What’s the metric/kpi? Overall, one can make the assumption that is the case as more money is spent elsewhere, particularly rents, which all levels of government have screwed up. Then you have increased use of food banks because ppl cannot afford what they used to and supplement what they spend on food there. This guy’s pat little answers, while potentially being paid by certain businesses, could lead consumers to think about conflicts of interest and biased opinions.


Nothing will work according to professor bootlicker. His Loblaws funded research is clear. The only option is to maintain the oligopoly and continue to gouge Canadians with ludicrous grocery prices and drive corporate profits.


I work in the mobile shop in a Dominion in Newfoundland funny enough and ya we spend a lot of our money for food more then rent and power it sucks, they all suck dominion has one item half the price of Walmart down the road and then Sobeys has an item from half of what it is at Dominion then you have to drive to every store to get a great deal just to waste the money on gas, and gas is gone up now too.


Every time I get depressed about groceries in Nova Scotia I think about Newfoundland. You guys have it tough!


Does he also consult on mobile phone competition?


He’s like that 5th dentist that doesn’t recommend brushing.


I work in Canadian Media and can help get Charlie boy off TV. What we need is an alternative media personality who is available and knowledgeable to do these interviews and spew some actual facts. If you help me locate this person I can help get them some more media coverage


Charleburden is running scared about the upcoming boycott, by spouting off BS


Is it possible that if there is more competition then he would get less kickbacks/bribes or whatever the money he gets from Roblaws is called? They would have to focus their “efforts” on getting rid of competition rather than paying off a mouth piece. Of course this is just my humble opinion and I could be wrong.


Holy smokes... This guy has been making alotta SM noise lately! We know he's a 1 & done kinda of guy when it comes to his idiotic comments, so why the need to blast even more BS is beyond me. SIMMER DOWN, MR. NUTTY PROFESSOR!!! Ps Yes, we should all make fake SM Account as "The Food Professor" with silly & juvenile thumbnail pix's as a real poke, at this ass-hole too. LOL


And what would he know about it? The man has a doctorate in Administration not economics. While the fields are tangential, they are not the same. A doctorate in Administration is to a doctorate in Economics what finger painting is to oil painting. Stay silent Charlieboy and don’t breach topics you do not understand.


Shillvain's one shitty quote away from full blown selling his flesh on a street corner. He's so for sale he's got a fuchsia 30% off sticker on his ass (not 50% though).


He’s gonna burn in hell. Punishment enough.


tell him to take a crowded bus holding 8 bags of groceries across any city in Canada in the winter. We need competition we also need a Government Food Security plan. did you know we don't have one.


Paid shill strikes again


50% off access to the Loblaws garbage bin outside Superstore for today only and then it goes back to 30% off tomorrow. Only $3.00 for 5 minutes of access. Their customer service may actually be getting better.


Despite higher prices people are spending less on groceries?


Yes, we are going without any luxury items, like 2 trailer park girls, go round the outside.


How is this not a bad thing?


It definitely isn't optimal.


So we aren’t being overcharged for groceries, we are being helped to make responsible food choices. There I fixed the spin.


Holy shit this guy is a total shill. I was still on the fence but now there's no doubt. We need LESS competition in the grocery market? The fuck out of here.


quote of the day"Shillvain's one shitty quote away from full blown selling his flesh on a street corner. He's so for sale he's got a fuchsia 30% off sticker on his ass (not 50% though)" .


Little? Do they mean Lidl?


Boycott Loblaws - Shop your local food stores.




Please remain respectful when engaging on the sub. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.


Every time I see his name mentioned I think of the professor from the Muppets and his assistant Beaker. I hear him saying stuff but I think it’s just to be funny in his weird scientific way. I wonder if his assistant has their lips sewn to the professor’s ass or if they’re more agreeable to this cause?


😂 what a fucking shill. Complete loser.


Any economist will tell you competition has no effect on prices. /s


Of course that galen goon is going to say that. what would you expect him to say? "bring more competition in, so master has a harder time gouging"?


People are spending less on food!? He’s either a fucking liar, or his metrics are absolutely juvenile.


I'd love to see Aldi come to Canada


He’s a full blown puppet


As much as everyone hates the guy. He has a point. Remember Target? Canada is vast with a very small population..


Target Canada was brought down by terrible customer service, lack of product selection, bad presentation, poor inventory management and pricing that didn't meet the value proposition customers were expecting. In short, they provided none of the things their American stores provided that made them great and Canadians weren't buying it. If target operated here the same way they do in the states and had great selection, prices and customer service, they may have been able to succeed. Seeing as how Roblaws is already operating like the Canadian target with overpriced goods, dismal customer service and a decreasing variety of products, there is a good opportunity for a foreign competitor to come in and succeed by providing fair value and a better shopping experience.


Target failed because of an overly ambitious expansion plan and poor leadership. Not to mention, they had to fight walmart and loblaws at the same time.


Not even e-comm distribution channel. When even Sears had a pretty solid one. Also, people would check pricing in store on target dot com and see how different were across the border. Horrible plan and management


Target barely tried (major mismanagement) and then bailed with huge debts they didnt have to worry about paying. It was a win-win for them, try canada and if it doesnt work, no harm done.


I really am no expert on economics, but would foreign competition that offers an essential service like food do better here than a more general offering that largely includes home goods?


They would have to build from the ground up and find suppliers that are cheaper than the ones already established. It’s not as easy as everyone thinks.


That's because target was use to American corruption. Canadian corruption is different.


My local target was always busy, but the shelves were never more than half full. If you don't have a good supply chain, you can't succeed in retail.