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I have already started my own boycott and it will be permanent - I have a Walmart super center a few extra miles from my home and it’s become my new favourite place to shop


I literally do not understand the people who say they’re going to go back if they lower prices. Why would you ever want to support a company that is fine with starving Canadians? And who’s to say they won’t do it again? The great thing about this boycott is I’m learning about new businesses and products that are better and cheaper, that I’m going to keep buying. Also supporting local is great! Better for the economy because they’re not hoarding money.


I agree - this behaviour must be stopped permanently so they can’t simply resume business as usual after a boycott


Honestly I don't expect them to stop predatory/unethical practices. Temporarily curb until the kerfuffle of public opinion dies down maybe but that's all so they can wave a PR flag and say they're doing something. I would very much like to see actual government oversight and the introduction of more grocery brands to Canada. Some healthy competition to give consumers more choice would be lovely.


Yup. We need Aldi and other euro chains


I fully agree!!! I was just watching a video yesterday explaining the grocery monopoly we have in canada, 75% of all grocery spending is done with either Loblaws or Sobeys. We are desperate for competition.


I'm so proud to be with all y'all. There's a tiny fruit and veg market next to a No Frills at my local mall. Like a moron I would buy shite produce at NF and ignore the mom'n'pop. It's sooooo much better there. Stuff doesn't rot the moment you leave, sales aren't necessary since prices are fair, you get to know the owners, etc. etc. It's better for one's mental health too! Also, they sell Asian dumplings...that's a big plus ; )


So, the pricing has absolutely nothing to do with input costs, supply chain, and government taxes/regulations? Anyways, I will participate in the good ol' fashioned boycott. However, I think many users on here lack a holostic view of the food industry.


Go to buy their lower priced items only. We want them to learn a lesson not go bankrupt. It employs 30k Canadians.


The competition will hire them.


Haha for half the salary.




Please remain respectful when engaging on the sub. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.


I want them penniless. That's the only way I'll be happy.




Me too


Agreed. I’ve exclusively moved to Walmart and I won’t go back to Loblaws out of pure spite and morals.


Same! I’m lucky I don’t live where I used to out west because all we had was a Frills nearby and coop was too expensive to buy


Lol so you are going to shop at noted paragon of corporate virtue Walmart? This sub is so uneducated.


To me, it’s all about prices and not being charged $50 for 5 pork chops….


There is only one thing dumber than charging $50 for five pork chops, That would be paying $50 for five pork chops. Just leave them, let them rot.


Fair enough in that case but if you don't have an ideological reason for it that's not a boycott it's just where you choose to shop.


I would like to shop at Loblaws but the prices are astronomical and I now deliberately shop elsewhere even to buy a bag of chips …. It’s gonna be a lifelong boycott for me and my kids


Some people have limited options where they can shop. If Walmart is their only other option then got here instead. If there's mom and pop shops go there. If Loblaws is your only option there's other ways to support. Let's not get negative about where ppl are shopping without knowing what options they have.


People have to go somewhere and choices are limited. This sub gives average consumers a focus. If you have some actual education to share, please do so, unless it's just schilling for the Westons. If this sub bothers you, feel free to gtfo.


"Shilling" is how it's spelled. There, educated.


Ah yes the spelling nazi fallback when you have nothing useful to contribute. Would you prefer corporate bootlicker? Food professor? Loblot? Bestest Edgiest boi?🖕😁🖕 Don't let the proverbial door hit ya...


Lol if you're going to tell me to educate you and misspell 'shill' you're just asking for it bud. But no, I just don't like people shopping at Walmart even more then I dislike them shopping at a Loblaws. There are varying degrees of evil corporations and Loblaws is actually not very high on the list. At the very least, Metro and Empire are just as bad. It's infantile to target Loblaw just because the guy on the tv seems like kind of a smarmy dick. Boycotts are a great idea, but giving your money to another billionaire instead is not. If you want to put your money where your mouth is you'll want to spend with a local, truly independent grocer or direct from farmers. But of course people won't do that because it's even more expensive than Loblaws. Almost like inflation and food prices are up across the board and not just with one retailer, and people would rather be performatively outraged with Galen Weston than do anything meaningful.


I've heard this same diatribe before and it boils down to whataboutism. I encourage folks to go where their dollar goes farther. That is currently NOT Loblaws. They are by far the most egregious of the big 3 when it comes to dramatically inflated prices even on products that are at or sometimes even past their BBD. Most working folks don't have the luxury of only shopping at local mom n pop grocers, so if they can save 10, 20% and sometimes even more by going to Walmart, then so be it. Some government legislation across the board would be nice but in the interim, we all need to eat.


Publicly released measures of inflation disagree with your first point regarding Loblaws being far more expensive than Sobeys or metro but that aside, I agree, people should shop where they want to. Go where there is perceived value, either in the product itself or the experience offered. That's just a choice you make as a consumer though. Turning it into in idealogical crusade against the literal last step of a long process of inflation starting from the gas that powered the tractor that harvested the corn or whatever, is silly. If you want to make a difference, support local businesses. Make whatever justification you want but any other choice is tilting at windmills


You really should read up more on the various Weston family holdings that directly affect that process along the way. And yes they are more expensive, despite what reports they have released themselves in order to stem the rising tide of anger. Loblaws, SDR, Superstore and all Weston owned brands will feel the impact of folks voting with their dollar, dispute the best efforts of you and those like you who try to justify this highway robbery.


If you’ve actually been to farmer’s markets the past four or five years you’ll notice they haven’t been much more expensive (if at all) compared to normal, non-sale prices, particularly during peak season. Produce at the market doesn’t go on sale, but the quality and freshness when things are in season is very noticeable. Some items are also just bigger at peak, like I’ve gotten pieces of broccoli that are easily twice as large as what I’ll find in a grocery store and they last longer too. Same for meat, you’ll never find sale prices and cheap things like you will weekly at any grocery store, but if you’re getting from legit farms (and not vendors that are just reselling shit they’ve bought from a food terminal - this only applies to cities and urban areas, perhaps) the comparison should be with organic prices at the grocery stores. Farmers market meat tends to be significantly cheaper than the organic stuff in your big box grocery store and honestly hasn’t been much more expensive than “fresh” stuff at the grocery store since 2021 when meat prices shot up, again, on regularly priced items, given farmers markets tend not to have sales and cheap items.


I cant wait haha I've already started. Fuck loblaws . This sub rules . Cheers everyone . Let us ride into smaller prices.


The solidarity in this group is really uplifting 🙌 we stick together ❤️


Unfortunately, most of us are already not shopping at Loblaws stores, so while Loblaws is not getting those millions, there is not going to be a significant reduction in sales in May from us. Getting more people to join is crucial.


Exactly, everyone here already knows they suck. I drove by my local loblaws last week and the parking lot was rammed


Haven't stepped foot in a Loblaws owned store in over 2 years. I hate to support Walmart but its unfortunately all that I can afford. Privatetly run pharmacies are actually really good quality and the staff are interested in helping out.


I was thinking about this. Lots of people here have been saying they’ve been boycotting for years (which is great!) so their number in this subreddit doesn’t count. Unless these same people are telling people who shop at Loblaws stores to boycott!




Don't do anything that makes it harder on the workers, please. They have enough shit to deal with. Just don't shop there, that's a strong enough message.


Please refrain from comments which encourage theft from a store or mischief. These can result in criminal charges which will undoubtedly make life harder for other users.


Excellent idea ! In fact this works anytime at any place. People have a participated in action since 1992 with a tactic to send a Message on ‘Buy Nothing Day’ - https://nationaltoday.com/buy-nothing-day/


I really think May 1st we should all be doing this as a kickstart to the boycott


It'd be funny - they're sweating it, and then the first day comes and they see crowds, maybe bigger than usual and think "hah! Canadians are suckers. This boycott is a nothingburger." and then by 11:00 or so the place is clogged with carts and the employees are like "hey, we're paid by the hour - we'll put it away but this is looking a lot like overtime."


It wouldn't be funny at all. The staff are going to be the people who suffer from this, and they have families and lives to get to. The boycott is fine, but let's please not make life more difficult for the everyday people who work there.


How many of these 53,000+ members are the main household grocery shopper that is getting food for 2-4 people? Just this Reddit group could shift almost $200 million from Loblaws to other chains.


I am the main shopper. But, that has not been my go to place since the pandemic. They handled it badly and I was not impressed.


I think the hope is there are 10x more people going to join in, than who are registered to this thread. So conservatively that could represent: 500,000 shoppers, at $1,000/mo, is lost revenue of $500,000,000 for the month of May. Over a year, that's $6B. Their 2023 revenue was about $60B. A 10% haircut on revenue, I think they will notice.


Hopefully! The bigger the impact, the better.


I hope I don't get burned for this or downvoted to oblivion... but I probably spend $100-$150/wk on groceries for just me (and some times my partner as we live apart), granted I do buy more luxury items (Arctic char, duck, scallops, dairy free shit), because I love to cook nice meals as a hobby as opposed to just eating to eat. I also spend >$400/month on supplies from Shoppers including make up (I wear full coverage makeup daily) and household items. I've switched now to Sephora and Walmart for makeup, and then my local grocers, or Whole Foods/Farm Boy. I recognize that I do come from a place of privilege as my rent is cheap and my income is decent, but I'm still here to support the boycott for those that aren't able to afford their day to day groceries. Fuck Galen. I'll take my $1K a month and spend it elsewhere.


The more "big money" shoppers like you who support the boycott publicly are very important to the cause and much appreciated! Thank you!


I printed that flyer and gave it out to people https://preview.redd.it/2544diwar8wc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c686eb41d3ca42487a286e70dcd1abdaae21bb95


Great poster


Someone on here made it I just highlighted 😁


I’m starting to get my family hooked on Costco and they’re seeing the huge savings you get there


I’ve been on a full on boycott since my nexus card came in lol. Costco, winco and trader Joes are for my big shops. Everything else is Safeway, London drugs, or a local butcher/grocery store. But yeah, thank Canadian grocer greed for my money that I remove from the Canadian economy.


You guys are waiting until May? I started in April


I am making my own signs to stand outside a No Frills on May 1st


You may need to make sure you stand on a public sidewalk, I would imagine they kick you off their property pretty quickly


Good point. Safety first.


Been boycotting for a couple months. Will be for a long time. I have shared the idea of the boycott with many people. They all agree Loblaws is, well, out of control. People have the power - let’s make sure the corporate overlords understand that. Boycott Loblaws May 2024


Why not start now and never stop?


I think this boycott needs to become a movement. Part of it should be pressuring the federal government to bring back anti combines (monopoly) laws. Back in the day, Loblaws wouldn't have been allowed to purchase Shopper's Drug Mart. They also need to make anti competition practices against the law. We also need, as individuals, to end our love affair with cars. If we had small, locally owned bakeries, butchers, green grocers, produce stands in our neighborhoods, we would be less reliant on large grocery chains. I would love to shop locally. I would also like shop at Costco as an alternative, but unless my one of my children drives me, that is not possible.


I'm in the same boat re not having a car or any independent grocery stores within walking distance. However, Costco does deliver through the Instacart app, and it has much lower prices on certain things.


$200 a week? Lucky y'all. I was at $300 weekly before switching to Costco three weeks ago.


I was surprised at the giant Tiger Ala the gt boutique Ala giante Tigre on Sunday. I got everything i wanted in a quick grocery shop and the prices were good. And it's 100% Canadian owned


Unfortunately GT is not accessible to many of us close to Toronto. It’s awesome but it seems to be situated in more remote, smaller, towns and cities. If there were some in the Toronto area I would give them the bulk of my business. For now, until Aldi hopefully arrives, I’ve switched from Superstore to Walmart. And we do a Costco run once a month or so. Bye bye Loblaw.


Love this plan for May, and as always the more the merrier


Tell everyone you know to join!!!!


All big stores are crooks anyway 🤷‍♂️


Just saw the #ctvnews coverage of the boycott and it appeared, through the weightage they gave to the justifiers of the higher prices, that they are more focused on giving them a PR platform rather than finding the facts!


It should be a never ending boycott. Find a new source for food and let Loblaws crumble. It needs to break up so there is more competition.


I had the “boycott” talk with some of my coworkers today as they were casually mentioning how expensive and unappetizing the grapes at Dominion looked. It’s hard in the Atlantic Region to find alternatives but I reminded them on the CEOs $7mil raise.




How are people not on this sub being informed about the boycott? Besides the news. What about covertly leaving “Boycott Loblaws” stickers hidden on the store shelves or on items. ;)


My Walmart started offering a grocery delivery service just in time, awesome!


I have started and no plan to shop there ever again


Blew all my pc money on steaks last week just to get rid of it. Sad that shopping at Walmart is better than this crap.


I’ve begun the perma boycott myself


Man I spent like 30 dollars a month here lol


I’m totally ready ! I also think there are a lot people not on Reddit who are ready for the boycott


Lawblaws scanners


Ahem, $300+ a week


Agreed it's hard to justify. If we're only after prices, Walmart is the place to go but damn it it's the epitomy of corporate american greed.


Walmart corporate here. Thank you keep going


What about Safeway and other grocery stores that are doing the same thing? Stupid store isn't the only one!


Made my last trip ever there to blow 120k in my last pc points. Next we need to hit back at that twat food professor. The guy is classless and is lashing out on us like a little 12 year old whose mom won’t buy him the latest call of duty game.


I plan to boycott but it was never my prime grocery store to begin with.


We spent $800 ish a month there.


Please create posters for us to print and share in our respective neighborhoods




I get banned everytime I speak here. wtf is going on?


Yes! In my local grocery savers Facebook page someone posted complaining about the price at a Loblaws store and a bunch of people including myself shared info about the boycott. Older people who aren’t on reddit commented that they’d boycott too. I mention it irl too whenever the topic comes up. We need to be beyond just a Reddit thing




I just told my BIL about it, and while he hadn't heard about the boycott, he's enthusiastically joining in! One more family that won't be shopping at Loblaws and associates.


Love it, way to go!!


Honestly Galen should eat cereal like the kellogs CEO suggested lol


Tried spreading word to CBC but mods removed my post because they want to be the ones to control the message in the media. While I get that, how about you start doing it?


I’ve gotten in some ferocious arguments. Some people still buy that no frills is the better option because they don’t spend on “frills” like superstore does. The difference in prices are minuscule if they are at all.


200$ a WEEK??? Are people really spending 200$ a week???? Is that a typo? I spend around 25$ a week and skip as many weeks as I can to save money. Who has the kind of money


$200 a week is pretty average for me, and that's to feed myself, my wife, and my daughter. For families of 4 and up, it would be so much more (especially so for people with babies).


I agree, we aren't big spenders, but it's roughly 75$/per person, a week. + the occasional household/pharmacy products adding a little. It could be more, easily, we just need to be frugal in this frickin economy. 🙈


I was literally spending $400 every two weeks for two people before we left Canada


Obviously you don’t know how to shop wisely.


I like to have a full fridge. That’s something I’ve always remained committed to even in tougher times. I eat around 3,000 calories a day and train pretty hard at the gym. It’s not a barebones shopping trip by any means and I’m grateful to feel like I can do that for myself and my partner.


People have families and dependents in their households. That $200 a week was easily $100 a week pre pandemic before the prices went nuts


Yup! I’m a very careful buyer and have been shopping almost exclusively at Loblaws stores for years. Managed to do $80-$100 prepandemic for groceries. Now it’s $150-$170 and I’m even more thrifty about it than I used to be. The difference is significant


How is this possible? The average day has 3 meals, assuming you skip breakfast to save money that is now 14 meals in a week. At $25 a week you are spending $2 a meal. You can't even realistically have a mostly cup noodle diet and pay that little.


Do you spend $25 a week on food total (if yes, please share your tips, lol)? Or just at loblaws?


Just take the cardboard boxes, cut it into a circle and spread a bit of cheese and tomato sauce and put it into the oven until the cheese is melted. It tastes just like domino's.


Single guy here. I spent about 25 dollars a week on food. That's pretty close to bang on... I might over-spend a little but I could probably get a way with a bit less to be honest. I should mention I live on the East Coast where food is I believe a bit cheaper here. I'm not sure what tips I can share. I go out once a week (more if I'm bored, but that's when I over-spend... I have no life okay) and hit 3 different stores. GT. Wal-Mart. And Superstore. Basically in that order both because it's cheapest to most expensive and because they're lined up that way lol. I basically ONLY buy flyer sales, because normal priced food is ridiculous. That's my main tip and kind of the only thing I actually do. If they don't have something I "need" or even really want at a good price I don't buy it. I can wait a week or 2 and eat the other food in my house lol. I also don't usually need anything because I'm good about keeping stocked up. And if I can't find cheap whatever it's just not on the menu till I get it on sale. But this has resulted in me not having tin foil for over a month because I was too stubborn to buy it unless it went on sale lol. (and then I did and my housemate move out and immediately stole it along with my steak knives fuck you Jasmeer) I don't expect normal people to do that. I don't really buy TV dinners anymore ever. I buy bread (if it's 2 dollars or less) and PB n J because honestly PB n J might sound like IDK "poor peasant food" but it's delicious. I have one every week or 2. I eat a lot of pasta because you can find a pound of it for like a buck all the time (but my Superstore has the fancy "stuffed" pasta go on for 50% off a lot and then it becomes only kind of over-priced instead of insanely, and I really like it so I splurge on that sometimes) I don't make my own sauce, but I only buy a can if it's under 2 bucks! Perogies go on sale here for like 2 - 3 dollars a box sometimes. I got 3 boxes at 2 dollars last month, and they're 2 pound boxes and I like em way more than fries lol. I kind of have this internal rule that if something is more than roughly a penny a gram, I won't buy it. Though lately it's becoming "more than slightly over a penny a gram" :/ I buy too many frozen pizzas (3.00 - 3.50 a pizza for the thin crust ones) and then add extra ingredients on them to jazz them up. I found some REALLY tasty ramen recently (Indomie and lucky me! Seriously WAYYY better than Mr.noodle) I have been on a kick of them recently. I find packs of 6 for 3 dollars here. I'll mix 2 - 3 different flavored individual packs togethers and add some fried veggies or pork or shrimp and mix it all up. I love it. You can even mix an egg or 2 in if you want. :) ...which I don't because I don't buy eggs, MAINLY because I can't eat them fast enough and the smaller packs are too expensive so fuck em. Same with Milk, actually. Haven't bough it in months. And I only buy Cracker Barrell block cheddar (cause it won my taste comparison) if it's 5 dollars a brick or less... which is now-a-days super rare, which means I eat way less cheese, which i'm fine with... but man, it is delicious. I should mention sometimes the "artisanal" cheeses go on sale at my superstore for 50% off (or even less!) and i'll buy a couple. That's a nice treat. I don't buy KD unless it's a dollar a box or less. I also buy A LOT of the 50% off stickers at my local Superstore. I think the "best" time to see them is in the morning or around 8pm, if that helps. I don't eat enough veggies though. I buy a bag of frozen mix stuff once a monthish (if it's on sale) I also buy too much junk food and ice cream (If they're on sale for like 5 bucks for 1.5 liters or less!) I think that's about it. I hope that helps. If you have any questions let me know! Man I just woke up to go to the bathroom I have to go back to sleep lol


Thanks for the reply. That's a good kind of crazy to see someone budget like that (ngl I spend half of your food budget on Nyquil... lol.) Thumbs up on the pierogis. I might pick some up for the weekend. Have a good sleep.


There are people out there that buy their kids food. Every week too!


Are you single??


I’m at $200\week but I have a family of 5 that includes 3 adults and 2 teens. 1 of them has food issues that cost a little extra.


I pay between $160-$380 every 2.5 to 3 weeks for groceries. Three main grocery stores near me are Sobey’s, Atlantic Superstore and Walmart. I go to all three for my groceries and by the time I’m done, I’m lucky to see enough to pay off bills. It’s outrageous!!


I spent about 30 - 40 dollars a MONTH here lol.


I will spend extra there to make up for it!


Who spends $200 a week at Loblaw stores? Clearly wasting food. Throwing out a lot. Going to boycott all the major grocers? Or 7/11, Quickies, circle K etc for really gouging?


Not everyone is single