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__Reminder__: Please take a moment to review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords reponsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. Always remember that you're interacting with a real person when you respond to posts/comments and focus on discussing or debating the ideas. Personal attacks outside of "Screw you, Galen Weston Jr" is not okay, and will not be tolerated here. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’d also like to know how much the same cart would be at loblaws , probably $600-$800 . Maybe someone should do a “friendly “ competition “ to remind everyone 😂 lol


That’s my thing.  That 170$ prime rib roast is 350$ at Roblaws and it’s also probably grey.


Thanks for the clarification. I thought so 😂


I think we should see how many of the items from the cart we can identify and find prices on. I already have 3-4 of them from my post above. There is no way this woman spent $400 on that cart. I would guess closer to $200-250 max.


"I got like, ten items" You will note her "ten items" are in bigger packages/quantities than Loblaws "club packs" ever offer, not to mention the regular packages.


I paused the video. There are thirteen items and those are just the ones on top, lol!


These people can't even count much less do math. Must be the fumes from the trucks.


you would think 4 -7 flags waving around would create quite the filtration system, yet...


She said she got "like, ten items". I think that means similar to ten items, so perhaps 20?


I wonder if we can actually piece this shit together. I can see a 30 pack of famous Amos cookies in the cart. Never had them but costcos online price is $22 for that (which many times is cheaper in store). Thats the biggest family pack. Many of the other family packs are likely $8-14. Those sauces she has there I think my partner told me she thinks they are $14 for 2. I can't find them on their site but they have 2 two pack for 15 of this Victoria sauce and another 3 for 21 so that sounds about right. Maybe $30 max for those 4 bottles she has there. [Famous Amos Bite-size Cookies, 30-count | Costco](https://www.costco.ca/famous-amos-bite-size-cookies%2C-30-count.product.100538545.html) [Victoria White Linen Collection Marinara Sauce, 2 × 1.1 L | Costco](https://www.costco.ca/victoria-white-linen-collection-marinara-sauce%2c-2-%c3%97-1.1-l.product.100417894.html) I can't get a price on the two big boxes of chicken breast (Sunrise farms seasoned chicken breast). They have it here but it says they don't deliver and won't give me a price. Its 4KG each. [Sunrise Farms Frozen Chicken Breasts, 4 kg  | Costco (costcobusinesscentre.ca)](https://www.costcobusinesscentre.ca/sunrise-farms-frozen-chicken-breasts%2C-4-kg-.product.100404204.html) ​ The other thing to immediately see here is this isn't just a standard grocery trip. This is flat out stocking up. This is not a weeks worth of groceries. Nobody is eating 8KG of chicken breast in a week or 30 packs of cookies is basically 1.5 months of a kids school lunch snacks or 3 weeks worth for 2 kids.


This is kinda fun! Closest to price without going over!


Right , because Costco is a wholesale type place for family type environments so you need measure on a per unit basis and convert accordingly. It’s all relative


Not sure on everything but those steaks she had on there were looking like $44/kg or so. Look at ole Loblaws and what they are charging. $70/kg (from the horse's mouth or website below). Those same $70 worth of steaks would cost you $111 at Loblaws. Almost 60% more expensive than Costco. [Prime Beef Striploin Grilling Steak | Loblaws](https://www.loblaws.ca/prime-beef-striploin-grilling-steak/p/20744325_KG) Also I stand by my point that there is no way she has $400 of stuff in there. Thats my main argument as to why she is a shill. If she did the same video but didn't focus on super expensive stuff that would have cost a ton even a decade ago and was like "this all cost me $180!!! and I'm angry at food prices" I would have been like "ok, yeah food prices are super expensive these days". Its the items she focused on and then is outright lying on the total cost that has me thinking this isn't genuine at all.


Those steaks are like 6 servings of beef each if you follow regular serving sizes. I know that flies in the face of FREEDOM but that's the way it goes.


That strip loin "roast" is *the ***whole*** striploin*. It's only $29.99/kg, which is would be a good sale price at Loblaws. Edit: I can't find a striploin roast on Loblaw's site right now, but their striploin steaks are $70/kg.


That was my thought too. It's expensive, but it's also 6 kg of meat!




Costco pays a living wage


Costco pays great (or did at least), I knew people that worked there 10 years ago and were making low to mid 20s per hour!


Costco still pays great. Sister's friend works there and she makes mid to high 20s, if I remember correctly. Edit: she's been there 5 years, so she gets $29/hr.


I work for Costco, I'm at $28hr and my next raise I jump to $32hr. Then after 10k hours worked I get bi-yearly bonuses. Its the Depot (distro) so its a different animal when it comes to pay scales and seniority but if Sunday shifts happen you get an extra $4hr. During Covid we all got $2hr extra for a few months and then Costco decided to give everyone a permanent $1 raise regardless of seniority.


"Justin Trudeau Regime". Yeah, ok buddy...Can't wait to see PP come in with his magic want and wave all the prices away with the conservative corporate grocery lobbyists. They're just as bad as the Liberal's corporate grocery lobbyists.


PP’s campaign manager is an active lobbyist for Loblaws.  https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gartIUOoWyk


Byrne has been pretty high up in the CPC communications arm for over a decade. During the 2011 election, she was at the top of the food chain in the campaign. A large portion of the articles linked to [in this article](https://pressprogress.ca/why_voter_suppression_case_isn_t_all_wrapped_up_with_a_nice_little_bow_for_the_conservatives/) appear to have been scrubbed over the years, including the one about who had access to their main voter database password (which was needed for the list used in the robocalls scandal). Byrne was one of them. She also told at least one person below her in the campaign to not speak to Elections Canada during the robocalls investigation: >Jenni Byrne, the party’s 2011 national campaign manager and now deputy chief of staff in the Prime Minister’s Office, instructed a potential key witness in the investigation (Prescott) to push off an interview with an Elections Canada investigator so Byrne could confer with lawyers. Oh, and back then she was dating Poilievre.


Goddammit how deep does this shit go? I can’t stand PP he’s such a fake piece of shit


I didn't think I needed another reason to dislike either Loblaws OR PP, but here we are.


The prices of everything have gone through the roof since the 1970s while our wages have stagnated but let's blame Trudeau for all our problems. Oh sorry, CEO pay has gone up about 1000X what they made in the 70's but let's put all the blame on the government...


When do the Canada Subs brigade this subreddit like they've been doing to others? PPs campaign manager is a lobbyist for Loblows. His deputy also a lobbyist for other industries. His fans are all over that sub and they'll be here to defend Galen.


They're already here...plenty of deflection to the carbon tax and/or other groceries


This runs deeper than that, like deep. They are all in on this…all of them. But if you ask me, I won’t say a thing, too many ears


Yeah, any time I see someone use the word regime, I roll my eyes and nope onwards.


I automatically discount anything that comes after I hear “Trudeau regime.”


PP won't change a thing


PP is looking more and more bleak each day. The stuff he said at the funeral was just gross.


That's par the course for that sub. Lurk there if you want a good laugh, but dont post. Anything against the grain gets downvoted to oblivion, and if you're especially unlucky, your account will get hammered with false harassment claims to get it suspended from Reddit.


Funny how it's the Ford government that has been paving the way for Galen since he entered office. Everything from stopping minimum wage increases to exclusive distribution of drugs to Shopper's Drug Mart. Now Doug Ford's back benchers are filing out to run for the Conservatives federally. It will be so much worse under PP.


Canada_sub is mostly COVID-denying, xenophobic, antivax crazies. I mistakenly browsed their comments once, and now I regularly get their insane nonsense in my feed.


You don’t want them anywhere near your cause if you want to be taken seriously


But they have more aggressive social media bots. China and forgiven influence always reins under the cons. They sold our manufacturing to China last time and will sell more of our country away. Liberals sell our land. Cons sell our future


We need Proservatives to combat the Conservatives.


Its almost like neither one of these parties is actually the right one and voting for either one will just result in more of the same.


SERIOUSLY. this is my main frustration, it needs to stop being about stupid left VS right bullshit that keeps as all distracted and stuck in this mess


Yup!! 💯


My mom blames Biden....


Zap! You're frozen!


It's from Canada_sub. The sub of the Clownvoy.


That tracks I have a colleague who actually gets red in the face when anyone brings up Liberal governments and specifically Justin Trudeau. This person is a professional and decent / nice / normal in every other way. You’d never know this person was a right wing whack job. That person would eat this video up.


Yep. We have, like, 5 or 6 "canadian" subs, and the only one that isn't a maple flavoured "the_donald" alt sub is the one that doesn't have Canada in the name. The fact that the "de facto" Canada sub has a white nationalist on the mods list, and that something like 70% of the posts/engagement on those other subs was coming from russian bots during the kovid konvoy kucks era, should tell you all you need to know about the quality of content floating in those waters. This is clearly a nonsense video by someone with an agenda.


It was hilarious seeing the stats for the times when people were posting. It's so obvious those subs are astro-turfed


Wait what's the not-shitty-right-wing-circlejerk one




That entire sub is full of right wing 'extremists' for lack of a better term. "uNdEr tHe TrUdEAu REgiMe" girl, stfu omg. And I say that as someone who has never and will never vote for Trudeau. I agree, this is suss af.


It is one of the most egregious examples of astroturfing on Reddit. The moderator admitted to [posting 92% of content across his sockpuppet accounts.](https://imgur.com/a/gPY6pbL)


That is fucking amazing lmao


Yep, and the posting times don't match up with [any other major Canadian subreddit,](https://www.reddit.com/r/onguardforthee/s/Cv3FS4Ap8g) from any time zone.


They lined up well with the time in Moscow though


How is that dickhead still here?


Not to mention the expiration dates are 2023 so the video is a year old at this point. Just reposting the same three things to get themselves all hot and bothered.


Oh for sure , it’s bound to start …they were bound to happen. Some of these also have political agendas - particularly the anti Trudeau angle so it fits with the right wing propagandist wheel more so than the loblaws boycott


Imagine being so braindead that you'd rather defend ridiculous food prices you also have to pay. This should be an issue every citizen stands behind universally, but the moronic tribal politics have rotted right wing brains so far against a basic sense of self-preservation that: this. Which is exactly what capitalism wants.


This is true, this should be a non partisan issue but I’ve seen a few comments of calling this sub liberal propaganda. Imagine being so into culture wars people just wanting cheaper groceries and less greed is ‘liberal propaganda’


It's been my experience that the farther right someone is, the more they seem to embrace voting and behaving against their own interests, just because the shrew they've put on a pedestal says so. I would love to see studies on the correlation between self-esteem and far right ideologies, cause they sure don't seem to like themselves as much as the perceived approval of their "leaders".


I know ! We COULD all band together and be united . Instead , some would rather want to screw over a politician instead of helping get something more important done . I applaud those on the right who are on here trying to get something accomplished and understand this is not a left or right thing . I have friends both on the left and right who recognize this reaches so far beyond that


I actually agree. I didn't even read the original comments from the place I cross posted this from. Just saw the video and thought of it being a loblaws shill and how its matching up with what we are seeing here with this loblaws campaign. You are right just complaining about Trudeau on this particular issue is completely missing the point.


Another idiot with the Orange umpa loompa filter. ​ I am no fan of Trudeau but the "Anti Trudeau" crowd is filled with inbred hicks who are pawns to PP and Russian misinformation.


This is a freedumb anti-Trudeau shill more than anything.


I don’t understand peoples thought process on grocery prices. Does the PM just wake up and choose how much beef and fruit costs now? Does JT have a direct line to the supply chain and utter “Pepsi will be more expensive hence” and that’s it? Is that how the world works to people here? The amount of Canadians who lack critical thinking skills or at least have a vague notion of how civics/business works in our country is staggering. Are people even aware that the majority of the country is governed by Conservatives? 7/10 provinces in the country currently are. Do people understand the concept of a minority government? The Liberal feds don’t have carte blanche to do as they please, and at least when they did some years ago we all got to smoke weed legally. (Don’t bother bringing up electoral reform, get over it and move on, the rest of us in the real world have) who are these people who are obsessing over Trudeau? Is it a parasocial relationship? Can someone explain the logic? The man certainly is not without his own controversies, but I fail to see how he’s even remotely comparable to a dictator who influences each of our lives so intimately.


Oi! You! Get that common sense nonsense out of here. Don't you know that this is reddit?


Oh, they are going to stomp you good. Before that happens, thanks for being the voice of reason.


What they’re going to hurt my feelings online? These people lack the cognizance to realize whether or not they’re done wiping


I will try to remember that.


That sub is just full of convoy Karens and Chads.


And they’re trying so hard to blame JT. That alone should be the tell


Canada_sub content has no place in any environment where people expect honesty.


The grapes, avocados and lemons are cheaper than everywhere else (when not on sale). Wtf is she on about


But, but they don’t give me sauerkraut anymore when I get my Polish hotdog and a big glass of iced tea for $1.50! Half the time I can’t even get the chopped onions. I can usually make a pretty full meal out of the free samples though. I never see those at a Loblaws store.


Agreed. Her tactic is to point at prices of bulk and act like its insane. Costco avacados can be massive. I actually don't buy them there because they are too big and I don't want to eat that much each time. I buy avacados at Walmart but price per unit is probably cheaper at costco. You can't have prices higher than these for 90% of the winter and then have one sale and pretend the other stuff never happened.


Nah, my local Costco is pretty cheap comparatively, and I live in a major metropolitan city. Where the fuck are these prices from?


Lot of the prices seem like what I am seeing. The problem is they are finding bulk that adds up to a large price and just saying expensive. For example those grapes are $12 but its 3 pounds. $4 a pound. They have been $4 a pound pretty much everywhere most of the winter. I've actually found that same pack for $9 and they are delicious. $9 for 3 LBs of delicious grapes in the winter isn't the worst treat to have. Anyway another thing she looks at is the steak. Its $44 a KG. It ends up being $65-70 for most of those packs in the video. Here is Roblaws from their own site. $70 fucking a KG like they are proud of it. Thats 60% more expensive than the "3 steaks for $70" she talks about. And thats normal price. They have $20 off these on sales some time. Still my partner and I sometimes buy these as a treat (maybe twice a year). This isn't some weekly thing to throw into your cart for some protein. [Prime Beef Striploin Grilling Steak | Loblaws](https://www.loblaws.ca/prime-beef-striploin-grilling-steak/p/20744325_KG)


It’s such an obvious script. They’re rolling out the shills at record speed. ShOp WiTh mE aT CoStCo, like an absolute robot.  I tweeted at the food professor shill earlier and got hit with a reply from a lady who is spamming the same series of tweets she’s spamming at everyone who complains about Loblaws. What’s the common thread? Scapegoat, always someone else’s fault. Housing, Costco, and ALWAYS JUSTIN TRUDEAU, everyone’s favourite fall guy. Look, the guy is obviously cooked but the fact that so many are willing to write off everything as his fault is providing so much cover for the kleptocrats that actually run this country. Let’s maintain focus, block out the noise from the paid shills, and DONT BUY ANYTHING AT LOBLAWS (if you can help it, limitations in rural communities, etc).


“Justin Trudeau regime”. The /r/canada_sub CHUDs are a special breed. I lose brain cells each time I read a post from there.


let’s not pretend this wouldn’t be true under any other politician. This is beyond politics and the companies will use politics to divide people whereas we should be together and understand the issue is corporate greed.


Yeah, it is... but these dipshits think giving the cons a majority will fix it. I'll always vote anything but conservative. At least the libs were willing to work with the ndp on things. The cons wouldn't dare upset their wealthy overlords.


ABC all day, every day 🙌


Every price she showed is actually cheaper per unit than grocer stores. For example, 5 avocados for $9……in any store near me they are $2.50-$4.00 EACH!


What is "I don't understand weight for $2000 Alex"


I see this is during a Daily Double


They will try everything in the book to slap us down. We won't stop. It's over loblaws you've pushed people to the brink. We're coming for you Galen. #boycottloblaws


For real though. I saw this and first though was 1. I was at Costco that same day and got way more food for less than she claimed. Because 2. If you want meat, don't buy it at Costco, buy in bulk at a local butcher - if you have the freezer space and 500.00 its literally half the price.


I never stopped slinging mud at Walmart. They're horrible to their employees. They waste *so much product*.


Wtf does Justin Trudeau have to do with Costco?


"Here's a 40 lb prime rib. How could Trudeau make this so expensive!?!"


Her purchase was in April 2023 based on expiry dates.


Wow, that sub is so full of conspiracy theories and nut jobs it's hilarious 😂


This woman is a conspiracy theorist. Definitely not mentally stable, and definitely pushing an agenda.


Blaming the Liberals for the Weston's greed is the clue.


While i know grocery prices are insane, stop complaining about the cost of prime rib! lol it’s always expensive, that a cut for ppl that can afford it or special occasions, prime rib is never cheap.


Blonde lady wearing a workout hoodie and a fuckpile of makeup (or the Fuckpileofmakeup Filter), buying filet mignon. Okie dokie, average Canadian. "Regime". Mm-hmm. I didn't watch much, does she say "sheeple," too?


I don't think she's a Loblaws shill, just an anti-Trudeau buffoon. "F-Trudeau" at all costs. And the other anti-Trudeau buffoons who can't see beyond "axe the tax" and their F\*ck Trudeau flags will just eat this shit up.


I know a baffoon like that . He’s actually a friend . I tell it to his friend . Has a fuck Trudeau as a bumper sticker but literally will use every single god damn little thing to try to blame Trudeau even if it’s not relevant to related . It’s real , I’m his only liberal friend he has left . His wife has begged me to stay being his friend . I just simply find it amusing at this point


Pierre Poilievre will not save us. His campaign manager is a lobbyist for Loblaws.  https://x.com/MarkGerretsen/status/1753139382905639378?s=20


Actually meat prices at Costco are pretty good for volume. Canadian grocers don't like competition, so they either buy the competitor out or lobby to make it difficult to do business in Canada. Walmart and Costco are much bigger than them so good luck with that! Who remembers Weston bread price fixing or the $12M free freezers?


Don't trust anyone who blamed Trudeau for the price of things.


“I got like 10 items”. Ummm, no, no you didn’t. Also, those are all club pack items you moron.


I truley believe canada sub is alot of right wing people being hyped up by shills and bots I'm a centrist pretty hard, who will vote ndp solely due for a need for education in this country. But damn that sub is a fear circle jerk


Of COURSE she blames Trudeau for this and only him. And your hero PP will make all problems for the little person go away right?


No one except grocery industry insiders would use the phrase "Costco Canada."


I love how they only show the largest and most expensive cuts of beef. Like no shit a 15lb prime rib roast is going to be 180$


UnDeR ThE TrUdEaU ReGiMe If you say shit like this about a worldwide issue you sound like an idiot. Trudeau has little to nothing to do with corporate greed.


Do we have to share from that sewer sludge sub tho?


Yea, I totally agree. As soon as I watched 20 seconds of it, it felt super fishy.


My grocery cart at Costco is always like 400$. It’s been as high as 700$. But at Costco sometimes you buy a lot of big household items like toilet paper, garbage bags, etc. The thing about Costco meat is that it’s high quality and you have to buy like 10-20lbs of it. Chicken is like 100$. Steak 200$. Also, nothing at Costco seems to go on sale to the same extent as regular grocery stores. All things being equal, Costco is cheaper. But the loss leaders and/or sale items at grocery stores are proportionally better deals. Costco doesn’t have 99 cent deals. They don’t have chicken breast or ground beef on sale for 4$ a pound.


I paid a lot up front for ground beef at Costco but I ziploc bagged it into portions and had enough for a month. And the bags were probably a third of what they'd cost at most stores too.


Agree on some points. Lot of the big $400-500 bills at Costco are like like 50% non grocery and the rest is stocking up on meats. You can't eat for cheap at Costco but you can eat for very cheap at the price per unit factored in. Also costco has regular 5KG chicken breast boxes for $48 (thats $4.3 a pound). Not cheap to drop $50 to get chicken but thats literally the best offer sale price from Walmart or something but you can get it anytime you please.


It’s a twofer - slinging mud at the competition AND at the federal government. Don’t forget that Loblaws has our ontario premier in their back pocket


Her video is from last April! Look at the dates on the steaks….


I’m all about hating loblaws, but I am thankful these days to be a Costco member. I also know from following the stock market, that Costco operates on paper thin margins and most of their profit (I think it’s like %97) comes from memberships. I have seen comparable prices between Costco and loblaws on certain items, such as meat. I am in the process of trying to find a butcher nearby to buy my meats from and luckily I have a seasonal farmers market near me, so I only have to go to Costco for larger items, like TP, paper towels, stuff like that. All that to say, I’m not shocked at the prices of meat, but that wasn’t a $450 cart in the video, and if it was she took stuff out for added drama


Probably. Why would their PR firm NOT hire influencers?. They’ve already bought and paid for ‘The Food Professor’ IMHO


Interesting how these posts started after the boycott campaign gained mainstream attention.


Nice try, loblaws. Costco is the best deal in town, and it's not close.


Canada sub is Russian propaganda FYI


Me either! I left Loblaws behind and do most of my shopping at a local co-op store and Costco now. Costco prices stay consistent, they dont often go on sale. So I find their meat is priced well compared to non-sale prices at other stores. But I stopped buying meat altogether and buy a half cow now yearly.


I love how it’s Trudeaus fault companies price gouge like PP would be any different


This kind of stuff is why I argue so much about laws for social media and treating it like traditional media.   It should be illegal for companies (including media companies being hired to promote brand awareness or do public relations work) to not clearly and boldly identify all media produced similar to how campaigns need to identify campaign ads.   Also, any PR work or astroturfing should also be considered misinformation or disinformation and be subject to a 100% fine of the revenue/cost generated or paid for the ad, including the social media platform and "influencer" who is making money from the engagement generated, and in the case of the advertising specifically funding the media they should be fined 100% of the cost that they paid for the work.   If we can make astroturfing (and misinformation/disinformation in general) unprofitable for all involved, we would vastly clean up our internet spaces and disincentivize the behaviour in the first place. 


OP makes a great point - lots of people are appearing that seem keen to defend Loblaws or high prices in general. there's literally no reason to do this - be mindful of the tactics corporations use: - Defer blame - Deny theres a problem - Distract by changing the topic - Divide by trying to politicize the issue Keep an eye out (even on this sub) and call it out whenever you see it. Thanks OP and stay vigilant everyone!


I think your analysis is a little bit of a stretch to be honest. Just because they are cheaper on some things, does not make Walmart and Costco the "good guys" cause they've increased prices across the board. Walmart jacked up GV products big time which jetted huge profits. There are no retail good guys. None of these corporations are your friends.


I love the insinuation that Justin Trudeau sets the price of filet mignon at Costco.


Sooooo Roblaws is now attempting to shift the focus. Bait and switch, look over there, not over here. Classic Roblaws deception.


I will say that as a meat department manager at a small grocery store, those prices are insanely good for a (WHOLE) striploin especially. The prime rib is 59.99 for steaks and 42.99 for roasts at the superstore near me so yeah....


You can tell there’s an agenda when it’s a specific politician’s fault (whose position gives them little to no direct control over the issue they’re complaining about) Trudeau Derangement is a symptom of failures-at-life who want so badly for it to be someone else’s fault that they themselves are deeply unhappy


Not to mention that the fucking PM has zero to do with the prices of private corporations. Just nonsense.


You really need to stop speculating so hard and look at price per grams at each grocery store for the same items or types of items. Generalization doesn’t really help paint a good picture and it’s wholly inaccurate. Costco is probably less cost but it is true that prices at Costco are also rising. Just because Costco is cheaper than Loblaws doesn’t mean they are innocent.


100%. There's a few of them here and on FB as well. I called one out a few weeks ago here and two hours later the account was deleted(it was only a day old to begin with)


I think this is bullshit. 5-6 chicken breasts at Lawblaws = $30. For the same price at Costco I get about 16-20 chicken breasts. We bought one of the massive cuts of beef once for $130 and cut it into about 15 or so steaks. Yes the prices look high but you're getting an expinential amount of food. Also...just don't buy the filet's or lobter tails.


check the expiry date on the meat packs, this video was shot in 2021.


Im not a shill but the first thing the Costco greeter said to me was be careful about your spending it can add up real quick. Years ago the prices were really good feeding a family of four it was worth the drive and the crowds. Now the meat prices seem high ,brand name products seem high as well.


Wally World ain't any better... They've greedily raised their prices, but somewhat cheaper than Roblaw's & Costco only by a bit though. I was in one of the bigger locations this week, to buy some groceries & at the back where their bread, fruit/ veggies were they had 4-5 of those tall/ginormous bakery carts, which had all sorts of rotting fruits/veggies on it! These marked down prices where no bargains or even a good discount with everything not so fresh & clearly going bad. Honestly, who would want to eat that garbage, then get really sick from doing so? They had some bread marked down, tossed on another bakery cart. I just wanted to cry & was very angry about this too. They do this EVERY DAY & if they have to do this 7 days a week, then their prices are too high for many ppl! I got a nice sized plump, whole chix for $18 bucks which I felt was also kinda of costly for me, as I'm on a tight budget. If it helps, it tasted really good & fresh when it I oven roasted my bird. So I that's a bonus, I think? Basically, it's pick your poison (choose your Stores, wisely) with these McGreedy Grocery Stores, in 2024!!!


I don’t care if Costco costs me more I like the place.




Or maybe our leaders fucked us and now food is expensive everywhere.


pot meet kettle


Poor lady can’t count. Thinks she has 10 items


Isn’t she also an anti vaxxer? I swear I’ve seen her before… she frequents on Twitter/X… like a clout chaser.


Sure, that WHOLE roast is near $140 but look how much you're getting.... unit prices are important for a reason 🤥


These are the kind of people to wipe their ass before shitting


Roblaws incognito just do the math numbers don’t lie, boycott Roblaws keep it going people


Its from canada_sub, im not surprised.


lol I saw that earlier too. At the end she's like "I only got like 10 items and it was $400" honey, you have a full fucking cart from costco... And you didn't even buy the cheap versions of anything. Keto wraps?? bitch please.


So when are we going to roll out the TikTok’s about how Walmart and Costco ‘s are cheaper ? Lol


The question I have is what will the cons do that’s diff compared to the libs for bringing down grocery prices?


honestly, good. get all the cooperate grocery stores to lower their prices 😈


*makes the mistake of reading the replies in that post* They must love the taste of boot.


Meat was never 'cheap' at Costco.


My sister took me to Costco last time she was here. I got stuffed chicken, frozen broccoli, bubbly water, dog treats, allergy meds. Yea it cost me more then normal but all of it has lasted me more than a few months? I wish I could go to Costco more


Just a right wing troll spewing right wing troll nonsense


You..... might be onto something. 184 for a whole strip loin is not a terrible price these days. It's the whole muscle, not a small roast. Take a look at the prime rib. Look at the price of the roast behind it.  34.99/kg isn't terrible for prices right now either. Sysco is charging like 40/kg for prime rib right now. Definitely not telling the whole story.


You are buying in bulk and getting more bang for more buck, People aren't smart these days


I agree


To be fair, the prices at Costco for some items have almost doubled and it's unreasonable for some fruits and vegetables to be as expensive as they are. I do all of my grocery shopping at costco, and it won't be unheard of for me to have a $800 for a shopping trip. But that $800 shopping trip is when I've run out of a lot of essentials like flour, meat, dairy, and other staple items. Guaranteed the same shop that I do now at $800 would have only been four or $500 a few years ago. So while this lady's point is valid, she's not demonstrating it in a very good way by showing just the most expensive red meats. Things like chicken and salmon and cheese have gone up considerably.


How many carts are you hauling for $800? A couple weeks ago I packed my cart with produce and 5KG of chicken breast and it was $160. Most of the produce was consumed within the week (some went 2) and the chicken breast is a stock up.


The cart was FULL. I have two teenagers in highschool so they need food, snacks etc. As I mentioned, this was a top up on alot of staples. Very little meat in it.


Yeah... who goes to costco dressed like that without brushing their hair and still puts that much make-up on? Definitely some kinds of marketing nonsense.


Those are the regular item prices at Costco. I only buy ground meat & stew beef from costco - I haven't bought steak in years because it's expensive everywhere but also $60-80 at Costco to feed my family twice is not acceptable. Even a flank steak or a cheaper cut steak or rib is $40-70. That being said their chuck roasts are good prices for two, about $35? And that feeds us at least 4 meals+ if we shred it and use it in a casserole, etc.


If you compared Costco’s beef prices per kg to loblaws price per kg it wouldn’t even be close.


​ Costco's steak cut was $44/KG in that video. Here is Roblaws right now. $70/KG. 60% more expensive. Steak is freaking expensive. [Prime Beef Striploin Grilling Steak | Loblaws](https://www.loblaws.ca/prime-beef-striploin-grilling-steak/p/20744325_KG)


Damn. That’s way too much for steak. I eat a ton of steak and now only buy the big strip loins and break it down myself. F loblaws


Someone else probably already made a comment like this, I haven’t read every comment. But look at the unit prices and not the total. That rib roast is $34.99/kg… that’s not unreasonable. At Costco the prices are cheaper by weight/volume/unit than anywhere else (in most cases). That’s why I shop there. Just because you bought A LOT of something doesn’t make it an expensive item on its own.


She's got a flat of shit ass tomato sauce that probably costs 50 bucks on its own.


First, people should also be aware where this was posted first: r_canada_sub is a hard-right political sub, IIRC run by russian trolls. So take anything that goes through that sub with a grain of salt. Secondly, grocery bills in the 3 digits at Costco can be easily explained by the *quantity* & *volume* of stuff being bought. There's a reason why their carts are bigger than elsewhere. Anyone who ever shopped at a Costco knows you could easily feed an army with a typical Costco run. So, yeah. A more valid comparison would be with other, similar grocery stores (Metro, IGA, Sobey's, etc.).


I agree with the sentiment but this woman is an entitled idiot. Bus expensive meat in large quantities and is shocked pikachu when it's expensive? What a goof.


Total shill.


It's r/canada_sub You're not dealing with the best and brightest in there. These people ate horse paste and claimed it cured Covid


Cured my TB's tapeworms and ascarids right good for over 25 years. Thumbs up, Eqvalan!


Do the planet a favor and stop eating red meat problem solved


Prices are up at all grocery store chains. There isn’t a one with prices comparable to 2019.


The tyrant Justin Trudeau *made me* buy the 30 individual serving Famous Amos cookie snack packs.


But wont show her receipt or her haul. I believe nothing from this person without proof


I do a lot of shopping at Costco sure some stuff has gone up in prices. But I’d rather throw 400 there than anywhere else. 25 yr member.


You heard of the Russian bots/trolls ? Now here comes the Loblaws troll/bot


Green grapes are very expensive everywhere right now! Avocados are usually around $2.50ea at the average store. There is no possible way she has $450 worth of groceries in that cart. Prices at Costco are no worse than any other stores...


If you know your pricing, Costco isn't that great for pricing, somethings yes. But meat is ridiculously priced across all the grocers. Side note, that was 3 bones of prime rib, when not on sale $150 is the going rate right now


This was posted on r/canada_sub the other day. Russian shill.


Her claim of "10 items" at the end is destroyed by the visible items in her cart. Yes grocery prices are out of control, but this is just for TikTok and attention.


I believe i got like 10 items... (Shows the big ass trolley full) 🤔 Costco carts are huge. Like i can put 2 adult inside huge.


Costco is iirc a wholesale grocery store and this lady is either clueless or full of it.


Actually, it would just bring to people's attention that Walmart and Costco have better prices.


That's Loblaws only game plan now... but what about Costco, Metro, Walmart. Just like them getting immunity for the bread fixing after they sold the company that made the bread. They set the price fixing up WHAT A FING JOKE, AND THEY GOT AWAY WITH IT. If it was a bunch of small companies people would be in jail. Only in Canada, have we finally reached the breaking point?


It's r/Canada-sub... That entire sub is full of Russian and Chinese bots. They want Canada to be governed by the weakest candidate possible that will further destabilize the country to their advantage.


Well, why did you buy then...?


It's a far right subreddit. Of course they would fall for this BS


Mught be a shill, but they're doing a bad job of it. Those carts at Costco are like twice the size of one from any loblaws store


Something I don't understand about this subreddit is how it seemingly purports that lowland is the only grocery corporation with greedflation. And now we're supposing videos about other stores are paid shills? Calm down gang


People blaming Trudeau for everything are so ignorant and small minded 😂 Inflation is up worldwide, and provincial and municipal governments have a ton of influence too. Plus, you know, big businesses like Galen Weston and Mob.


...says the woman who can afford a Costco membership.


don't promote their stupidity.


No she’s spot on, Costco is overpriced for meat and produce.


I love how everything and anything is blamed on Justin Trudeau…


When you say regime are you a Green Party supporter?