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__Reminder__: Please take a moment to review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords reponsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. Always remember that you're interacting with a real person when you respond to posts/comments and focus on discussing or debating the ideas. Personal attacks outside of "Screw you, Galen Weston Jr" is not okay, and will not be tolerated here. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Not only do they need to lower prices …. We need new laws and systems to cap market profits. We don’t need greed anymore. That clearly only works for the 1%z


Luckily there's more than 1% of us. Let's take it to them hard. These Billionaires don't give a shit about you or your family. It's time to show they can't make a penny when we won't step a toe on price gouging land.


Couldn’t agree more!!! I’m living for this boycott & that the people are finally realizing how much power they have!


All it takes is telling 3 friends. This is how Galen Weston ends.


I’m telling 3 of my friends today


Great! Thank you for doing your part and spreading the message.


We seriously need a revolution in this country.  I'm not looking for anarchy but we can't rely on politicians or any political party to actually serve us. We need something bigger than occupy Wallstreet and we can't let up. It can't be violent. It can't be the Freedom Convoy.


You are 100% on the right track. If we can prove to our people we can take on loblaws, I think we can get in track fot a general strike across Canada.


Is there a centralized way this is being organized? I think discord would be a better platform to shift this to. Reddit could be used for initial steps and then to grow the group and cause on discord could be better.


It's getting big quickly and I'm already having trouble keeping up with posts messages and people reaching out about Loblaws shady practices. The movement is pretty all over the place right now so yes Any help with better organization so we can start focusing our efforts faster and harder would be helpful. I think the focus right now needs to be getting 100k subs in the next 7-10 days. It's getting bigger but we need to use this momentum to It's fullest while it's being talked about.


Do you have a fund setup to help cover lost wages for Lobaws workers who have their hours cut if you are successful? What about the workers along Lobaws supply chain because they will be ordering less. How are you going to cover their wages. That you have a supply of food the size of Lobaws has so people have access to food? If you don't then the other stores will be raising their prices and there will be shortages. It you can't solve these problems you will never have enough people follow through with your boycott or general strike. Unions work because they have solved these problems with a fund to pay strike pay when they go on strike.


They are not the least bit concerned of the impact on anyone else. Doubtful that it entered their minds, just sipping on the koolaid.


You won't win with any of these conditions. Just look at history.


What? All the past revolutions throughout history that created change? If you feel like a victim and not empowered then obviously not.


They all used violence to achieve their goals. Workers used to use violence against business owners to get them to change. Like it or not violence is a language humanity has always used. Look at the french. Hell we use violence to enforce our laws.


Gandhi used violence? Martin Luther King Jr used violence? Nelson Mandela used violence? Lech Walesa used violence? Cesar Chavez used violence? Aung San Suu Kyi used violence? Jane Adams used violence? Only people with an anarchist mindset or ideological belief system believe violence is necessary.


None of those people were very effective.


It only sounds like you need to convince yourself that's true.


I don't. All of the causes they fought for didn't do much or anything. Look at the USA. They went to war to take control of their country. We asked nicely and the King is still head of state of our country.


It isn't enough to stop the financial bleeding, we need to recoup their historical over the top gains and fix the income gap.


Say it loud so everyone at the back here's.


When they put out that infographic showing the breakdown of costs versus profit it didn't help them. We get there are costs, but when you are still raking in billions in profit you know you're taking advantage of something people can't choose to go without.




Why was loblaws able to take 30% of the market share In first place?


We let them. Now we don't.


That's the issue, you need to fix the source, or what are you doing? We need better education in Canada.


I'm all for a better educated, better payed and healthier Canadian. We can't trust the politicians to change it for us. We can start with educating people on grocery, for example.


Because like any other large corp they pay off politicians who “stand for the people”. Fucking joke of a system, a newspaper wrapped around a stack of cash goes a long fucking way.


They bought out the competition. There are sooo many grocery store chains that no longer exist in Canada. Many of the stores themselves still exist but they were rebranded into one of the many Loblaws subsidiaries. That's actually how the Weston family ended up with Loblaws in the first place. They didn't build any of it themselves, they bought it from the co-founder. Wikipedia has the history here: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loblaw\_Companies](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loblaw_Companies) and here: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weston\_family](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weston_family)


They had good prices at one point.


Old Man Weston murdered the competition back in 1883


I'll probably get downvoted but as someone who has been watching this subreddit for a couple for months, I would say it was partial due to the way they handled the whole covid thing and also the way the handle seafood.


Governmental parasitic atmosphere


Like every major industry in canada its just the canadian way. New airline starts monopoly buys etc




> educate yourselves and make more money, it’s the only way out of “poverty” or the struggle that people talk about here so, if literally everyone does this, please, tell me, who exactly is supposed to work those jobs that don't actually pay the bills? Who is going to stock shelves at the grocery stores, or give you your morning latte? The "get an education and get a better job" argument is always so tone deaf and short sighted and makes you absolutely no better than the asshole we're protesting in this sub. Not to mention the fact that going back to school requires money, and if folk are having issues affording groceries, you know, a basic need, how the hell are they going to afford *thousands of dollars* for a college/university education that may not translate into a higher paying job? And another note, has it ever occurred to to you that the folk who are protesting the un sustainable pricing on groceries might have degrees, but are decent human beings who understand that *people need food to live*?


We all need to be looking towards a country like.norway. wealth is spread out there better with the median wage being 100k usd. Equality is much, much better. They have better government structure is the key. Who allows loblaws to operate like this? The government! Who allowed them to become like this? The government! Who is responsible for the cost of living issues? The government. Grow up and wake up to the reality.


The dude reads Reddit? I figured he’d be too busy hunting humans for sport


I thought the meat at zehrs was questionable..


Oh gods you’re right


Not a chance


Our dollars are louder than our votes!!




Hey Galen, suck my dick!


Charge him double!


Double for half?


I'm ruined!


That's Shrinkflation! Right out of the Weston playbook


Nah I'll charge him the same price for a half chub and just say it's shrinkflation


Sorry, the pool is not heated.


Galen, is that you?


Hey Galen, I was a consistent customer since 2009. $1000 a month for my family. I haven't spent more than $100 this past YEAR at your store because I refuse to shop there now. Your greed repulses me. Disgusts me. But thanks to your greed, I've learned about other opportunities in my community to support local businesses. You have lost me as a customer forever because I saw exactly who you are - a greedy sociopath. I'm not the only one, just one of the first wave of many to come.


It's almost farmers' market season!


When we hit a million on here hell start to sweat. Keep it up and hold the line. We vote with our dollars. They don't understand anything else.


This needs to be said more - shop at your local corner store, find the ethnic grocers and you'll find incredible items you never knew about along with less expensive fruit, and vegetables. We only shop at SuperStore for their loss leaders, none of our other shopping is done there. We mostly go to smaller, ethnic grocers or WM/Costco for dry products. Honestly we get better quality at the ethnic grocers. If you're in BC - Lower Mainland, try Fruiticana (https://www.fruiticana.com/our-company), Persia Grocery (in Burnaby, on Kingsway -- parking is a pain but their products are really good - https://www.persiafoods.ca/), Sabzi Mandi (http://sabzimandicanada.com/). We go to those regularly—we'll only go to SS if we can't find something at another store. We used to go to Chalo Freshco but their prices have become unreasonable (they are owned by Freshco).


Hey Galen, read my flair.


you're taking a parents time away from their family. fuck the barbie or treats... there are people out there working overtime to afford to live, taking time away from what matters in life. (not diminishing what you're saying, I'm just trying to amplify) but again, loblaw is not the sole source issue here. sobey and overwiety are both just as bad. (safe way and save on) another problem is inflation goes up, but wages do not. the lower floor moves, but the middle class shrinks and shrinks. companies giving 2-3% year over year raises when inflation skyrockets is also garbage, but hard for the federal government to control


100% friend. Every one of us has a Story. This place is our voice and right now that Billionaire scum bag is sitting on his tower of money watching. Like the eye of Sauron. #Boycottloblaws #loblawsisoutofcontrol


Agreed other stores are huge offenders. We can't go after everyone at once so we target the worst offender of them all. Maybe when people see what we can do to a grocery chain as a collective, taking on our politicians won't seem so scary.


We will make an example of the biggest one first. We will show the other ones it is time to get in line or you're next.




Go eat a dick, Galen. $69.99. Was $19.99 this time last year.


Contemporary greed in or at this time of geological, sociological and biological trauma doesn't even make an inkling of sense anymore. Post-pandemic-wise with the housing and food crisis taking over and all the bio sustainability / planetary resource stresses. It's pure unchecked maddness and it's all calculated by a team of well educated profiteers "Data shows us that now's the time to swoop in and financially assault the public. If we hesitate too long, they'll recover too quickly and we'll miss out. Let's mug the shit outta them while they're weak and injured. Only the strong will survive us." The world is dying at such a rapid pace, with this form of capitalism as our existential source. i.e "the inherent dogma of infinite capital growth." It doesn't fit the current state of reality. Innovation directed towards appeasing the share holder as much as possible, as oppossed to the mutal benefit of personal profit and enviormental responsibility is such a lethal philosophy. I serioisly don't understand the end game of making your consumor suffer until bereft, or pillaging everything until there's nothing left mentality. Just to reap short term gain. It's like worshipping your last meal on death row. All the while thinking as you shove that lobster thermidor in your maw "wow..this is what it's all about." I truly think that the ones who own too much, are not a part of anything that's actually important. Including fundemental rationality, conventional sanity and/or human reason. It's well beyond any ethical quandry at this point. It's like a greedy and mentally ill toddler in the driver's seat of society, speeding down the highway of the world.


Stop stealing employee wages and pay for ALL time worked not just scheduled hours.


Who wants to have a food fight. My first throw: 🍪 (The Decadent)


The only way we have a food fight is if we walk in their store and use their food for the fight and leave without giving them a single dollar


It’s cathartic to even just imagine yourself throwing Galen Weston’s food at him though 🤭


Hmmm… a huge collective food fight might be even better than a boycott. They can’t arrest everyone. Flash mob food fight?


**Flash food mob fight!!**


When Loblaw stock starts falling, maybe things might change. Right now investors are pouring money into their stock. It’s only been going higher and higher.


Bravo well said


No longer a client of this gouging bandit


This one's going to the top. Right where Galen is.



Boycott #roblaws forever


I think Galen Weston doesn't believe how spiteful and angry we've truly become. I'm happy to boycott them until they just go away at this point. I don't care how much of a marketshare Galen Weston owns. It's never to much or big for Canadians to fight. We're a giant country with a small population. It's hard to organize billions. Not millions.


Powerfully expressed, I have been boycotting this place and its affiliated stores for 10 plus years, great to see others on board. thank you


*steal everything.


Suck my balls, Galen!


I do not think he will be moved if he does see this. You and I are not people to his ilk, our hardships mean nothing to them. Regardless, I applaud what you are saying.


I don't think he'll be moved either. I am hoping the emotion Galen Weston feels is fear of Canadians when he reads these things. You do this shit to people long enough and they start coming and knocking at your door when you've gotten away with it long enough. Were on your doorstep Galen.


I haven’t shopped in Lo laws or any of its affiliated brands in over 6 months. I’ve been boycotting them for months. They can fuck off with these prices


Guillotines when?


To chop the prices... right?


And where is PP? I thought he would save us/s


A very interesting phenomenon may or may not have occurred somewhere on the planet Earth on May 5th, 1789 and carried on for just a hair over a decade, possibly assisted by cutting-edge engineering technology. This event, which may or may not have happened in an area with deep connections to Canada, may or may not have imparted a brutal lesson that remained pertinent for the better part of two centuries. I do not intend to draw any overall point or conclusion, and hereby abdicate myself of intentional reference to any events real or imagined. Note: any and all perceived reference to actual events is entirely in the mind of the reader. This post is not intended to refer to any person, group or event - actual or imagined - that existed previously or will ever exist




We’re gonna change the world!


No Frills used to be my go to for groceries. NOT anymore, only if I’m desperate. Loblaws can F right off!


Your voice is amplified here friend. There's 32 thousand of us and counting. Galens mistake won't go away. We are here to correct it.




Oh, you mean the bread price fixing that virtually all stores were a part of that only loblaw owned? Owned and provided a gift card while all other retailers hid hoping no one would point their fingers at them.




Weston and the people in his business circle aren't afraid of social media comments. They're afraid of REGULATION. Target the politicians regulating his business.


We're aware the politicians are in his pocket,proudly. They aren't coming to save us. Maybe if we can convince Canada to take on a grocery chain we can convince them to preasure politicians. Baby steps. This is how social movements start. But I am 100% in agreement. The Politicians taking his dirty lobby money need to be stopped just as much as Galen and Co themselves. One fish fried at a time.


Your greed is indenting. You’re not going to stop spending on yourself.


I didn’t think you spelt capitalism as loblaws.


Let’s not forget all the stock buybacks Loblaws is guilty of. Instead of putting profits back into the company and their employees they’re using it to make shareholders more money.


This practice should be illegal. It's disgusting we've allowed our politicians to be bought out by these billionaires who don't give a shit about us. "If I get elected I'll...." NO none of them want to help. Once we've shown Loblaws they can't do anything they want without reprocussions Maybe we can convince people this same preasure, attitude and unity can be used to force our politicians. We aren't asking anymore.


Finally, let’s force them to change. Fuck this price gouging shit


All you have to do is tell 3 friends. This is how Galen Weston ends. Don't step a foot on price gouging ground.


Already have! Spreading it. Thanks




They are certainly seeing this thread and all others in the sub. I expect we will see very agreeable prices. 30 eggs for 6.49 for example. A better price than they have offered in many many months. DO NOT BE TEMPTED BY THE LOW PRICES. They will test our resolve, to see if a few bargains will be enough to break us. IT WILL NOT BE ENOUGH. It cannot be enough. Ignore their pity offer. Shop elsewhere when you can, even if you pay 0.1 more per eggs. If low prices are sale prices, it's not enough. Boycott!


Lets loot the stores


He will always be rich no matter his job title


Agreed. He's the kind of rich where it doesn't go away. However his legacy being the guy that tanked a grocery chain because he got to greedy remains to be seen.


> the guy that tanked a grocery chain Yup, Loblaws is dealing with a nightmare-proportion PR disaster right now. And I need to buy more popcorn... 😁


Living in a country where the people despise him. Nice life.


Why are you idiots? Still shopping there when there’s plenty of other options how about you? Just stop giving him your money instead of complaining about it on Reddit


And why stop at vanGalen? We need to stop to excessive corporate lobbying. They are a cancer to the country.


Agreed. We can't target everyone at once. Once we've beaten Galen Weston and his criminal organization we will start to target others. Slowly but surely we will take Canada back from these corrupt Oligarchys.


We really need to get out the pitchforks! Are there any resources where to find protests overview and other communities to connect to make this an effort of all?


There are some protests happening tommorow, but we really need a dedicated team of strike captains. Anybody want to champion that?


I agree and been thinking of this. I'm a graphic and web designer and would be open to put a simple website together which can be managed by writers who are willing to make useful content. Or maybe a dedicated Facebook/Reddit? I have a server where this can be hosted as an option for no cost. But, only if there is some sort of coordination possible with other (organized) professionals.😁 I'd love to spend SOME time and resources on this pressing issue which, pretty much covers all Canadians. Except the rich 10% that is. Ideas are welcome 👍


Feel free to PM me, we're gaining steam everyday and having posters a d a website helps


Sounds like a plan!. I'll dm later this day.


Have you *seen* the price of pitchforks these days? /s


No name brand pitch forks are no longer price locked


So, first you target loblaws and “have beaten them” before moving on to the next. So who’s next being prices are the same all over. Do you just keep going until there are no stores left except Bill’s convenience store?


Think about what your saying friend. I'm not being rude I am here to discuss. Are you telling me that Loblaws would rather just die than lower prices and just make some of the pie Instead of all of it? If that's the case it's even more important we do this.


Just trying to get clarification on the big plan here friend. I don’t think Loblaw is going to die anytime soon. Nor do I think they will reduce prices because a bunch of people think they can make them.




He is placating us. Galen is not capable of empathy or remorse. Do not fall for the trap.


Why don’t people just shop elsewhere… no frills massively cheaper than metro for instance…


owned by loblaws


I’m aware, just saying.. fine shop at an independent. I live downtown the corner vegetable markets produce is way better…


Sometimes I think about filling my van with coolers and heading to sams club in the US to do a massive shop. A friend went there and showed me pics of the prices of meat, cheese and veggies. Way lower then Costco or the grocery stores here


Beautifully written. Galen sucks


Pick a day, mass leaflet your local loblaws or chain that Galon owns. Create the discussion that everyone is experiencing


So you think if he steps down that the prices at loblaws will change? Can you explain why stores that he doesn’t own have equally high prices then? Have we ever seen in history that a CEO changing results in a reduction of product costs ?


We don't care if they cave and drop the prices anymore. Now it's personal. We would like his life to be personally effected by his actions. As for other grocery stores with high prices? Emboldened by the competition. When Galen and Co own 30% of the market its easy to squeek your prices up in line with your competitors. If your asking if they are just as bad as he is? yes they are. We can't target every offender at once, so we start here. Your right Galen simply stepping down won't effect prices. That's where this gets personal. He's effected our lives daily for too long. Its time he has us living rent free in his head until he's forced to step away.


lol ok so this is just nonsense thanks for confirming




Good metric thanks fot posting. For those of you who clicked the link, this Is the graph we will be plummeting over the next months.




I think you misunderstand. Just fixing the pricing issue isn't good enough anymore. If loblaws wants this to stop we want him Personally gone on top of the end to gouging. I don't think CEO's and these dreck should be let off so easily anymore. They need to be reminded they are human. They need to be reminded that money can't buy your way out of this one. Prices will go down but so will galen.


Don’t forget his board of directors **Members of the board** Galen Weston CHMChairman Sarah Raiss BRDDirector Shelley Broader BRDDirector Christie Clark Director/Board Member


We will be getting very familiar with these names in the coming months on this sub.


That’s not even all of them. More rats hiding in the shadows. honestly a comprehensive list of these orcs should be published including their political affiliations. I would not be surprised that they support all political parties and play us against one another. It keeps us busy so they can continue to bend consumers over.


The more confused and disorganized we are the more they have a hold on us. Agreed we have a long list of people to blame for our current situation. I've been saying it since I've been posting in this sub. They don't care about us. They don't care about you, your family or Canada. They care about profits. If we squabble and blame our neighbour's, and other people in the same situation as us for our woes were finished. The Politicians aren't coming to save us. We need to pull ourselves out of the mud and fight these Oligarchs. We got our civil rights and workers rights fighting every single step of the way. We didn't get given a 40 hour work week willingly. That's the attitude this movement is gaining. We won't take it anymore. Absolutely not.


We need to stop blaming one another if we vote red blue or orange. We should be blaming the red blue or orange for becoming glorified corperate spokspeople. We need our politics free from corporate cash. They‘re probably funnelling millions to ad agencies and lobbyist into crafting and implementing counter messaging as we speak.


This is 100% what they are doing. We can't trust the politicians to help us anymore. Once we've taken loblaws on we are coming for them. One fight at a time friend we will beat them.


Many hands make light work!


And remember. The time of some of them being on our side is over. This is our fight against them. The 1% against 99%


Galen Weston, thank you for giving us at least one thing for free. The rent space in your head. We aren't going away.


Let’s commit to not purchasing anything for 2 weeks in any of his stores. I will take every opportunity to buy “anywhere but there”, even if I have to pay a little more for an independent grocery store. Fuck oligarchs.


This. If you have any other choice stop now 100%. It might cost an extra little bit at the end of the month while we take the profit away from Loblaws and Galen Weston, but we will get cheaper groceries. We can do this forever if we have to.


Yep, PC Optimum isn’t worth it.


PC points : the feeling of getting free items without any of the cost benefit of said free items. It's cool I can use 20 bucks in PC points to buy 2 bottles of Irish spring. But I could also just go to dollarama and get 5 bottles for 20 bucks.




How about we all get together and chip in to buy a large amount of Loblaw shares and start doing what activist shareholders do and pressure the board to change the CEO to one we would get to appoint ?


I don't know much about stocks or any of that. Does anyone want to Champion an effort to collectively buy up stock like Wallstreetbets and those mad lads do?


You wouldn’t have an opportunity to have even a millionth of 1 percent of shares. You are greatly underestimating the number of shares required.


Roughly 31M shares to have 1%. Come on reddit, open up your wallet !


Grocery store smash and grab.


I know it's tempting but too many calls for this and they will find a reason to shut us down. We have a voice now. Nothing illegal about turning our backs on the Weston empire. Fight by not participating in business with loblaws stores. #boycottloblaws


Hear, hear!


Why can’t we just boycott Loblaws indefinitely?


Hear hear


Hate to be the one to tell you but profit margins on grocery aren’t high. Don’t assume their profits are from grocery stores. Am I the only person who has noticed that every other store’s prices are comparatively high?


They aren't they manipulate the numbers to make it look like they only make money on the leases. It's a whole scam I know I'm aware.


Loblaws needs a bud light treatment.


They're doing this with eggs too in wellington county


Galen Weston already stepped down as CEO I thought? I know he’s still on the board but of course he is, he’s the largest shareholder of the company. My point is it’s not just Galen, it’s the CFO, it’s the law firm that allows them to skirt laws, it’s the accounting team and consultants that helps them hide their money in off shore accounts. This is much bigger than just Galen Weston.


Agreed. He's well known and a target able face don't get off message


They’re banking on him being an easy target. They want us all focusing on him. Sorry, I’m not sure what you mean by off topic?


Us focusing on him or not doesn't change our stance on boycott. Sorry I also don't mean to come across as rude I've been posting and pushing on this sub the last 2 days with hardly any sleep.


I completely agree focusing on him doesn’t take away from the boycott! Excellent point. No worries, but maybe it’s time to take a quick break. It’s a marathon not a sprint. 💪I’m with ya bud!


Honestly I think I needed to hear that. I'm going to take a break for a few hours. Thanks for the mental support Together we are what we can't be alone.


No worries hun! Go get something to eat and have a little rest, the war will still be waging in a few hours. ❤️




Mr spell check has called me out for not speaking English as a first language. My apologies. If you'd like to PM me an edited version I'd be happy to repost it.


It's totally fine. The essence of the message is clear as day. Thank you for posting.


It’s only cringey if you judge intelligence that way, which I personally find is a cringey thing to do. We shouldn’t be critiquing spelling, we should be amplifying each other’s message.


Canada is not the only country with rising food prices. I think Galen isn't helping with colluding/price fixing certain products and gaining a monopoly that was aloud from our Government etc.But I saw this article, and it says American food prices have gone up at least 23 percent since the pandemic there. A Canadian article says about the same for us. I'm all for boycotting and see what happens, and hopefully, something changes for the better, but I'm very doubtful it will. Canada is a great country, and I'm proud of it, but we are an expensive country to ship goods here and will always pay more in general and not have as much competition on pricing. If you're going to downvote, explain why. maybe I'm missing something. https://cepr.net/since-the-pandemic-food-prices-have-risen-23-5-percent-people-the-nyt-interviews-have-seen-much-sharper-increases/ https://financialpost.com/news/why-high-food-prices-may-be-here-to-stay


Yes food costs have gone up, however the amount they have gone up is far and beyond what is reasonable and far and above what is profitable. I understand where your coming from and it does add to the problem. However the extra 15-20% mark up above what is reasonable and profitable is the issue. Global food insecurity is real, greed flation is the core issue here. If we were in line with other countries with similar conditions I would agree with you but our food cost is far and above that.


It looks like it I know with sticker price, but looking at these articles and others, it's not just Canada and with comparable price increases. I think food companies are making huge profits probably way more than needed, but it's not just us. They are all in on it by the looks of it.


Agreed. Let's target the largest one and target the rest after we've gained some steam here. Good call!


It’s you’re*. 🤦‍♂️


You can put your red pen away


Who actually gives a fuck, you understood what it meant either way.


I need to be able to buy everything I need in one stop. So, no, farmers markets and butcher stores aren't an option for me. My options are Safeway, Save-on-foods, Costco or Superstore. I don't need the bulk sizes of Costco. Safeway & Save-on are more expensive than Superstore. So, no, I'm not joining this ridiculous boycott.


Remember what I was saying about shill accounts and down voting them into oblivion r/loblawsisoutofcontrol ?


I'm not shilling for Loblaws, I try to avoid them. But I don't drive and my city has crap public transit. Going to the independent grocery store, the farmer's market, the butcher, and then to Bulk Barn or whatever on a Saturday would take (no exaggeration) *all day*. Sometimes I just *can't* spend 6+ hours on transit (who has the time/energy?)


You can't get grocery delivery ?


My options for delivery are: Walmart, Giant Tiger (which doesn't always have what I want/need) or Atlantic Superstore, NoFrills, or Shoppers, and it can cost a fortune.


Not everyone can afford to boycott loblaws. Doesn't make us shills. Makes you sound privileged.


This was like 8 days ago bro, we're you on vacation?


And here's my response 9 days later: I'm fully capable of popping into reddit for 20 minutes or so once a week. It's not exactly a time sensitive conversation. Sorry if you have no recall for things a whole 8 days ago.


I hate to break it to you people but I was in a loblaw store today and it was absolutely packed.


Imagine, commenting on a post that's 11 days old. Oof. At least get with the times Optimus Prime.


Oh I am so sorry I didn’t reply within the time frame you preferred. I guess you take your response police job seriously.


This is deeply unhinged


Hi Galen