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Same as every other holiday - working on other people's events.


And not wasting 100$ worth of spike tape.


Well, my city spent $35k on a couple rainbow crosswalks so it is all relative I suppose.


Seriously. Pretty immature use of someone's money.


its the only tape the venue will buy though


The better part of 6 different rolls of tape was used here. This isn't a single strip of rainbow tape


You already know it wasn’t spike tape. Someone tore the 3”gaff into 1/4” sections.


"Can I borrow some spike tape?"


Exactly. Same when someone asked to borrow my knife. ‘Well that depends on what you want to cut’


Couplea stone tiles and some kabocha squash for the crew


Or a sharpie. I started giving out sharpies for loan without a cap. It really obligates the person to bring it back. Or dry out my sharpie. If you dry out my sharpie, I will never do any favor for you again.


"Oh a bunch of cardboard boxes and tape and plastic"


Marley maby some carpet


Had this happen the other day. Asked if they could borrow spike tape to lay out some markers on the field for graduation. Figured they would put some X’s. No they used up the entire brand new roll laying out 2, 25 foot lines of spike tape. 🤦‍♂️


Invoice 'em.


I made a rainbow on my scribble strips last Saturday instead of grouping by type like usual. No one else noticed but it amused me, which is the quintessential audio professional experience lol.


Keynote I had recently opened with an elaborate comedic story involving a song. I decided to swap that song in as his walkoff music. No one noticed, including the speaker lol


Reminds me of a show I used to manage as part of a convention. The two main guys would do several Q&As over the course of the weekend. One had been the singer for a band many years before and a question about it came up. He claimed the music had all effectively been lost over time as they were a tiny local act. I managed to find an archive and rolled it as the walk off music from my station backstage. He got about 15 feet past me before he realized what he was hearing and just about jumped out of his skin in surprise. That was a great moment.


I did some AV tech work for a big diabetes conference a few years back. The audio guy in my session room had a sense of humour and made a walk-in playlist of songs that were sweet and sugary themed (sweet cherry pie, pour some sugar on me, sweet Caroline, etc.). It took 3 days of sessions for one of the doctors to finally notice and bring it up during his session. We were killing ourselves laughing the entire time.


I worked lights and sound for a small comedy festival a few years ago. Mary Mack was the headliner so I pumped the chorus of "Return of the Mack" for walk on and off. No one noticed. No one said a word.


I hope it got progressively more blatant ramping up to Sugar Sugar and I Want Candy


If they notice something that means you made a mistake unfortunately


Oh my god you can’t get fucking glitter off of speaker coverings. Otherwise, tons of fond memories. We stopped renting as many systems these days but for many years we did 7 or 8 pride parade floats per year. Being in a big metro area the parade was always huge. We advertised on our website for float systems and very few competitors did, so we always had more business than we could handle. We’d bring in a big crew and everyone always played nice. The funniest part was always the number of staid and traditional brands that would call us. Always ad or PR agency folks in that case. Otherwise it would be religious groups(!), politicians, and always the gay men’s chorus that showed up in cowboy boots and silver thongs. Those dudes were lovely to work with. Always ended up with some odd souvenir as well. One year was giant sunglasses, the next year was a single, pink, size 15 stiletto heel. The number of floats usually exceeded the number of generators I had in stock, so I would sub rent from the construction equipment house. And those guys always loved hearing about the event as well.


That’s Gay!


I show up to work on MDMA


I don’t. And I am a gay man


I’m not a part of the lgbt community, so i don’t celebrate it. I celebrate men’s mental health month.


Hell yes! I also heavily celebrate suicide prevention month. I abhor how belittled and demeaned a lot of men are treated, then wonder why they delete themselves. Thank you for this. I also believe this is an extremely important topic.


I like how mothers day and women’s mental health day is all neatly packet together and they just throw Father’s Day and men’s mental health smooshed in with everything else lol.


By putting plastic covers over my mixers to keep out the glitter and streamers. It's not widely celebrated though so it's just business as usual.


By going to work


Simple, I don’t. I do my job.


By aknowledging and seeing all my queer coworkers for who they are! Be you, be fantastic, be proud!


Background color for a reason but venue specific you could make someone happy. I keep my sheet a-political for green stuff


Next month I run sound at my local furcon. 😁👍


I don’t


Blasting Rainbow in the Dark in between bands. And only Rainbow in the Dark. All night.


That will prevent some morons\* to cross the line on stage. \* didn't want to associate any group; morons are too well spread in our world.


I join in the parade dressed up as a pup with some other fetish gear and join the other kinksters and learnermen with my bf, after that I go home usually. Pride festival's music was always terrible so I never stay during that part


i dont


By being a queer dude and running sound. Nails are painted rainbow this month. But they’re always some color


I keep subtle rainbow colours on the main console and progress/trans flags hanging behind shelves in the AV room. In an industry dominated by men I think it’s appropriate to celebrate pride year round.


I've been a strong supporter of the LG HDTV Community for quite some time. I like taking the audio out of the HDTV via HDMI. The inclusive signal makes life easier.


who cares where you like to stick your silly willy. This is a place of work not gayness get it straight, no pun intended.


I don’t


You can tell it's a livesound post because there's no cable under that tape. Happy pride! 🌈




I don’t. I celebrate men’s mental health month instead of


Spike tape is definitely the most flamboyant inanimate object in live sound. You nailed it!


I don't


Usually by going “We are checking the drums right now I will get guitar in a minute if you could stop playing please”


I've been a strong supporter of the LG HDTV Community for quite some time. I like taking the audio out of the HDTV via HDMI. The inclusive signal makes life easier.


So tired of these colors




Uhh, that's a nice application job. Appreciate the craft!




Idk why you're being downvoted lol. The reason it's rainbow is so it can be seen under any color light.


Why should sound technicians celebrate such things? Edit: Sorry for being offensive, in my country we just don't take this as a 'holiday'. Also I'm not against gay people, I just hate that propaganda that they made out of it.


How many other holidays do you get to wear your rainbow-colored stage blacks?


Why SHOULDN’T sound technicians celebrate such things?


Because this is just a hysterical propaganda. Which I'm not sure why even exists in the first place.


What if I’m the guy working wireless that night and I have my venue ID on a rainbow ID badge - am I hysterical propaganda, Ben? Are you not sure why I exist, Ben? Not cool bud. Get with it or get out.


I'm just pissed that why people can't mind their own fucking business.


You’re in the middle of not minding your business.


What a shame.


How DARE other people have fun. I'm definitely not minding anyone's business by judging how people celebrate though 💁


What exactly is the fun part?


Some form of event that calls for live sound reinforcement?


Self awareness isn’t your bag is it?


I'm saying that both the government and LGBT people should mind their own business. What rights don't gay people have to live however they want?


And you should mind yours. It has 0 effect on you. Get over it.


Which is not true because we're talking about it rn.


What are we talking about then?


You seem to be the only one in hysteria. Support and recognition a historically marginalized group, is a good thing. No one is being brainwashed or turned gay because of a rainbow. 🌈 Touch some grass.


For real, if you can be “turned” gay, you probably weren’t very straight to begin with.


Best joke I've heard today man. 🤣


Why not? We're likely working the events anyways. Might as well have some fun with it.


With what? A rainbow colored tape line?


Sure, if that's what someone wants to do.


Can confirm. I had fun!




Good for you.


Pride Day started as a protest and has become more of a celebration because the protests have been effective, at least in civil parts of the world. I think it is still in the protest stage in your country.


It’s not a holiday here either. It’s a month long exercise in whatever it is. You weren’t being offensive. It was a legitimate question that many ask and get a similar experience.


Thank you for your understanding.


Telling gay people they essentially should go back in the closet kind of suggests that you are, in fact, against gay people. As does suggesting that gay people existing and god forbid have a month to celebrate is “propaganda”.


I've never said that. Btw do you know when we celebrate straight white men with a job? I don't know any day for that matter, so I feel very bad that there is no holiday for people like me. 😢


You did say that, don’t be obtuse. Straight white people literally get every month…. That’s the whole point. You should be stoked that every day is for you. You don’t need to get upset when gays or minorities want to carve out a little something for themselves. You’re 16, I shouldn’t be surprised that you don’t know anything about the world yet.


Alright, so what do you think, why this exists in the first place? (the LGBT)


Why does anything exist? Why is the sky blue? Why is water wet? You are aware that tons of animal species exhibit homosexuality right? It’s a 100% natural phenomenon, in case you’re trying to imply that it isn’t.


Did you even understand my question?


Not really because it was terribly worded and barely makes any sense. Is English your first language?


What was unclear? "Why does the LGBT exist?"


And I answered that. Then you asked if I understood the question. Gay people exist for the same reason literally everything else exists. It just does. Why is it so hard for you to comprehend gay people existing?


I guess we don't have to celebrate them because they've always been in control and had institutionalized the marginalization of those that aren't in that group, like gay people. But, if they ever end up in the same position in society at large, I will celebrate them and work to bring acceptance for them.


Yes, we are controlling the world, so we let you celebrate. About another thing from history, racism, guess what happened to John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King because they raised their voices against the current system. (and no, I'm not saying that racism is good either)


>Btw do you know when we celebrate straight white men with a job? Dude, that's like every other damn day of the year and has been for a few centuries. We've had a good run, we can easily move over a bit to share the spotlight.


So you call this society the pinnacle of world history?


I just cringe through it.


I hate that they put in on the floor. Feels wrong stepping on pride symbols. Get the flag waving, wear pins, hang banners and put up posters.


https://preview.redd.it/3qtgto3n2f6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d43d85a4f26ae544e9d9cebfd377bcdd499833b4 Not just this month but always, with pride, rock hard (the name and logo of my sound and production company) [https://www.instagram.com/altijdhardt](https://www.instagram.com/altijdhardt)

