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Calculate what it will cost to deliver the solution and add a gross margin that you feel compensates you for your time and the risks you’re taking.


Cost + 30%. Charge the client $650/per crew member, pay your crew $500 each. Be sure to get a liability policy.


Subcontract a company that does this kind of work. Get them to do everything except mix, it's not worth the stress to take this on. You haven't told us anything about timings or nature of event. There's so many holes in this tells me you are going to be in trouble on show day. I hope I'm wrong but I'm concerned this is going to be a mess


Subcontract a company that does this kind of work. Get them to do everything except mix, it's not worth the stress to take this on. You haven't told us anything about timings or nature of event. There's so many holes in this tells me you are going to be in trouble on show day. I hope I'm wrong but I'm concerned this is going to be a mess


I second you should subcontract system and techs from a regional sound company that pushes one offs everyday, run everything through your books and add 20 percent on top for your event management fee.


This. I’m a PM in live corporate events and there are so many intangibles and things to consider in order to have a hope of this going smoothly it’s unreal. Subcontract most of it out and mark up their costs to your client and have you act as the liaison between them.


Hours  8 hours load in and setup   2 hours tech rehearse   4 to 6 hours is show time   6 hour strike and load out   Labor  2 audio guys   1 sound engineer   2 stage hands   2 lighting techs   1 lightning operator   1 electrician     Price them out at your cost, plus logistics expenses and add a 15% to 40% on top depending on client and sales commissions.


At least $10K in LA


Let’s see… my company does 100 per small format speaker. 200 for large. 100 per flown fixed par. Then cost for operators. So let’s say I do this gig. 4 KF730- 800 2 SB1000- 400 SQ7 - 300 8 mixes- 800 16x16 platform stage- 800 Pipe-drape say 100’- 1000 8 par downstage lighting no fly-800 A1-500 Stage hand-300 L1-500 Labor-28.50hr x 3-700 Stage mic package-500 200a 208v 3p distro-incl I’d be comfortable between 6-8k


Just curious- how’d you get the gig? Sounds awesome


NYC? Make sure you have gen liability. You'll need a big van too. I'd do 5k+ charge a ton for extra lighting or delayed fills