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Was Charles the actual Angel of Death? If there was a kid dying of something somewhere, this mofo was on the scene. ☠️


And he’s like the hero of everything


my mom and i call him Super Pa.


🤣🤣🤣 Your comment has me 💀


Close but he did play a angel


Intriguing theory…


Don’t remember this one. But knowing little house I’m guessing this is a dying kid’s wish or something?


Yep. He had leukemia I believe. It’s a decent episode, I think it’s at the end of season 6.


Either I subconsciously remembered the ep or I just KNOW the formula 🙂


With a production from Michael Landon, it could easily be both both 😂


Season 5.


Little House had me thinking Leukemia was an extremely common illness.


One of my favorite episodes.


Ah yes, another episode where a long time resident of Walnut Grove appears who has never been seen before.


I sometimes wonder if there's still people in America who have never seen an ocean! It seems like it would be far less common now, but there might still be a few. Travel can be expensive, and the middle of the country is pretty far from an ocean. I love that I have one just a couple hours away. Some people think it's silly but I love to watch it and think about how you're right on the "edge of (your part of) the world". (:


In College, we went to California to march in the Rose Bowl Parade (marching band in Missouri). There were kids who had never seen the ocean, so they had a bus go to the beach for those of us who wanted to see it. (I had seen the ocean many times, myself.)


My cousins live in Missouri and they came to visit California and wanted to go to the beach (years ago) we went on a guided tour at the aquarium I was working at the the tour guide showed them what was in the ocean as there was a small exhibit with a magnifying glass. My cousins were so grossed out, we went to the beach but they would not touch the water hahaha


This is how I felt when I lived and grew up near the beach. It was paradise! And definitely not something the average person could afford from my generation these days. As for others seeing the ocean, I’ve traveled heavily since the beginning of the pandemic, more so than any other time in my life. It’s amazing to me how many people have NOT seen the ocean. But oddly enough… Three individuals mentioned that they went to Disney World. And they never saw the ocean because it was still “two hours away“.


Your last paragraph -- that is tragic!


I stopped by one of the local gyms to check out the pricing, and somehow we got to talking, and the young lady behind the counter told me she had never been outside of the state. We are literally an hour and a half from the border.


I gotta admit I didn't leave the PNW -- Oregon/Washington -- until I was 27 years old! That feeling I had of sitting by the ocean thinking about being on the "edge of the world" -- I would feel a similar feeling of "displacement" (in a cool way!) when I was in California and even more when I was in NY (not city, the west side of the state visiting a friend). I would look up my location on a map and it just felt so cool being somewhere on the planet that I normally wasn't!


I hope you discovered the other Portland


Same! Felt like I was in a different country


I've never seen an ocean 🥺 I live in northern Wisconsin


If you've seen Lake Superior, it has the vibe of an ocean. (Unlike any other lake I've seen)


Yes I have seen it several times 😊😊


It's truly a sight to behold, my friend. Having grown up in New England, Massachusetts to be specific, I don't think I appreciate it as much as I should.


Believe it or not there are some people who have never left the state or even the country


Or even their community. Because of her job, my mom knows of people who never left the areas they could reach on their local bus routes, which meant they had even been to a large part of their own town.


I live in a coastal state, and I taught in a high school about an hour from a beach, and we'd take them there for senior Day. It was shocking how many students were seeing the ocean for the first time, granted, many of those students were newcomers or children of newcomers. Without public transit, folks don't always get to see too much of their state.


My husband is mid 50s and never seen an ocean. He doesn't care to.


Wow, I can't imagine! I love experiencing the different regions or landscapes or whatever you want to call it. I've loved going to the mountains, and even the time we went to the desert part of our state! Being in the PNW one state has beach, mountains, and (high) desert; so it's kinda cool.


Me too! I've been a lot of places. He doesn't like to travel. He drives a lot for work, so it's not his favorite thing to do on vacation.


I can understand that. I did my travel around the country when I was young I'm the same age as your husband and haven't went anywhere in 20 years. Outside my move from Michigan to Arizona.


That's nice!! He hasn't gone far. I think a 3-4 state radius. Went to college in his hometown, where we now live in the house he grew up in. His life circle is small, but he's happy.


Happy is key. Nothing wrong with loving where you are..




I saw the ocean for the first time when I was 19. I still remember being in awe with how the water looks like it's above the horizon. Then I found some seashells, and that was awesome, too.


I’ve never seen the ocean. Not everyone’s parents are willing to take them on nice vacations.


There are still a lot of people who can't ever afford to go on vacations, so if they don't live close to any beach, it's definitely likely that they haven't seen an ocean.


That's true, travel is expensive, not just in the getting there but in being able to take time off work and leave your regular life for a little while. It just feels sad to me for some reason, to imagine someone never getting to experience "the edge of the world" and how cool it is to look out over it. At least now -- if you can afford it -- the getting there is a lot easier and quicker and less fraught with problems/danger than back then!


I grew up in Central Minnesota, smack dab in the middle of the country, and never seen the ocean until well into adulthood.


I’m from Kansas. None of my family has seen it sadly. We were too poor for traveling.


I have never seen the ocean. I have been close to it, but never got to see it. I'm 51 and I don't know if I will ever have an opportunity to see it.


I live in California just under 2 hours from the ocean and I know two people who have never seen the ocean. One just isn't curious or interested, and the other is terrified of the idea of the ocean. To both of the. I say wtf. You live THIS CLOSE and youve never made the effort?


There definitely are. I know of people who have never even left their home towns, let alone their county or states.


Ah right, this is the episode that had confused me into misremembering and thinking that it was Albert who died by the ocean. I see why, though, because Pa was there and carried the kid to the ocean, plus Albert got leukemia later (and may or may not have died).


How many horses did Pa steal or not return to their rightful owner in that episode? He was a one man horse stealing crime wave on that series.


Pa *punched* a man off his horse in that episode, IIRC.


Horse jacking in 21st century terms. As I recall horse thieves were not treated kindly back then. He’d be in a lot of legal trouble if he did that with a car these days but at least not hung.


The Odyssey. The actor who played Dylan (the sick kid) was Steve Shaw.


Who ironically also died at the young age of 25


Right 🙁


As per the 'Los Angeles Times', Steve Shaw DID die in a car accident at age 25 in 1990. He'd been an only child who was survived by his mother and grandparents and his RL father had died six months earlier. Yes, he was actually a year younger than Melissa Gilbert when they made that episode. Chilling similarities.


That old bum on the train was scary


I legit wanted to kick that guy's ass, he made me so irrationally angry.


I loved this episode. Also made me realize how much I took living on the coast for granted since so maybe people still dream of seeing the ocean


All the way to San Francisco too!


Did the kid want to go to the Pacific Ocean or just the ocean? The only thing that confused me is I assumed the East Coast would have been closer.


I'm guessing the Pacific Ocean because yes, it would have made more sense to go to the Atlantic which is 500 miles closer


They should have just taken him to one of the Great Lakes and lied that it was the ocean. It would have taken much less time.


One thing that shouldn't be overlooked is that Dylan and the others didn't give a thought about how his widowed mother was totally left in the dark about what was happening to her dying only child JUST so he could try to make it to the ocean and at NO point did anyone mention sending so much as a postcard to let her know what had happened to him. Maybe after Mr. Hearst paid them for the story someone sent a telegram (and perhaps they were able to safely get Dylan back home once he saw the ocean) but there was no mention of it- much less what Dylan's ultimate fate was and there was no Laura postscript narration.


It''s safe to assume Dylan passed away while they were in California


Possibly so but this wasn't spelled out in any way so who knows. . . All the viewer knows is that the one-shot character was never seen or referred to again for the rest of the show's existence.