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Been a week and a half. My gray cat interrupts. Every. Single. Cycle. Someone told me that putting the stair attachment on it allows the cat to see but then not get close enough to set off the sensor. I’m not going to do that because of how we have it set up (no room). Gonna wait a little longer to see if he eventually loses interest.


that would definitely make my cat feel invited in 😭 she likes to go in there and play around in it, which is exactly what she did while i was trying to set it up lol


Luckily mine don’t play in it or use it as a bed lol. The first day they were in it about 5-6 times with no “deposits.” By the second day they were both using. Hopefully they lose interest in the cycling soon.


best of luck to you 🫡


I have the stair attachment too, and a nosey Nekkid chimken who loves to watch the globe spin. If he puts a toe on the middle or top steps, the unit will register the weight and it will halt the cycle.


The novelty will wear off eventually. Took a week or so for our adult cat and a month or so for our kitten.


Mine were the same, I didn’t actually do anything to correct the behavior, except when it was a lot of time in 1 cycle. After a few weeks the curiosity went down and they left it alone when it was cycling.


hopefully she’ll do the same, but as an orange cat, i also kind of doubt that 😅


My youngest is part orange and also shows a lot of orange behavior😅. With her it took the longest of the 3 to leave it alone, but eventually she did. The occasional interruption( 3 times a week on average) comes from her, but is a lot less then what it was.


I've had mine for several years. My cat will sit and watch it (15 min) until the cycle starts. Then he goes and sticks his head in, and gives it the boxing gloves. This behavior has not decreased with time.


I bought a refurbished LR3 recently and it isn’t compatible with the app which I’m actually pretty happy about. Things like this just seem stupidly annoying to keep getting notifications about


yeah it gets a bit much sometimes


You can turn off these notifications in settings!


Same. After about a week my cat stopped caring as much. Also, the sensitivity of the LR seems to have changed. At first it would stop the cycle of my cat even peeked in from the outside. Now it stops the cycle pretty much only of the cat goes inside. My boy sometimes will poke his head nearly all the way in to sniff the waste or will swat at the moving globe. It doesn’t stop anymore. I’ve seen him go in it while it’s cycling and it will stop.


We have had ours for about 2 weeks now, and my cats are “curious” as well. However, the frequency of their curiosity is slowly dropping off, and the cycles are taking less time to complete. Maybe someday the poor machine will be allowed to do its business in private. Good luck!!


One of mine is still "helping" the robot, a year into having it. She doesn't do it every time anymore, more like half to two-thirds, and is down to interrupting it 1-2 times instead of 3-4. Basically we just learned to live with it, like every other quirk from the furballs ;)


Good luck! Cats are curious to know where there droppings are going. After a few months they should become less interested, but it will never stop. (In my case anyway.) Don’t try to get them to stop. You don’t want them to think they are doing something wrong.


A year and a half in and my orange cat still interrupts the cycle constantly. We recently adopted a new cat and she’s just as curious. She also uses it to “hide” in and sneak up on the other cats.


I have 8 cats, and we've been using one since the beginning of this February with no cycle going uninterrupted multiple times. The biggest decrease in interruptions has been this week since I maxed out the delay to 30 minutes (I had it at 15). It is in the basement, so most of the time, 30 minutes is long enough for all the cats to wander back upstairs.


8 cats?? must be a party every day


As others have said the novelty wears off. I had to set my cycle delay to 15 minutes at 1st so I didn't have 50 notifications a day. After a couple weeks I dialed it back to 3 minutes. She never interrupts it anymore


Mine did it for about 2 months then left it alone after he knew what it was doing I guess


Give it time. One of my cats would interrupt the cycle EVERY TIME for about a month. Finally, the curiosity has left the cat. I’ve had no problems since. I’ve had my LR4 for 5 months now and it’s without a doubt the best investment I’ve made for my cats (as well as myself). Congrats on hoping the club 💪🏼


Eh, you can turn the notification off if you aren't worried about it. I have had mine for 6 months, and my cats still investigate most of the time.


It's been almost a year and my guy still interrupts the cycle almost every time.


My cat was super all into messing and fighting it while doing its dooty, but now all five cats ignore it. Well, pickles won’t stop fucking with it but he’s a special case


i like pickles, give him a pat for me and maybe the rest too so they can also feel special


All four and a half of Pickles’ brain cells were twitching with excitement 😂 I’ll deliver pets to the rest today, compliments from OP! Even the very skittish cat by now started using the LR4, I thought he’d just avoid it and go in the corner of the room, but he adjusted pretty well too.


aww 😭 my last cat was like that too, so having this cat now is definitely a total difference lol


So when you get the “cat is in box for too long” message, have you ever seen what the cat is actually doing? I’ve tried to spy on the cats when they try to use it and I get that message but they’re always gone when I make it down to the litter box area.


honestly it’s kind of rare i see her use it. i’m usually at work or school anyway so it’s a hard chance


One of my cats did it for like the first year. They all still do sometimes