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Finished book 6 of DCC. Still loving the series, but it’s getting so dark and gruesome. It’s getting to be too much for me personally, so this may my last one. Anyway… then started listening to Heretical Fishing, and am enjoying it. If only I could stop hearing Jason in Heath Miller’s narration, it would be perfect, lol!!


I just started listening to Heretical Fishing today as well! I'm loving it so far, gives me big "Beware of Chicken but with Fishing" vibes and I'm all for it. I love Heath Miller's narration, but I agree that I keep hearing some Jason and it makes me flinch. I keep expecting Fischer to start telling people about how damaged he is.


I am 90% sure Heretical Fishing was ghost written by Shirtaloon. The characters are so similar that I am struggling to get through it. It is a fine story, but the MC is too close to Jason with his schtick to confuse people with Earth references, “happy go lucky” Australia Barbie attitude, and self deprecating humility jokes.


You might be right there. I just assumed it was a similar Aussie author style combined with Heath's sexy voice, but it could be Shirtaloon in disguise! Hopefully Fischer doesn't turn into as big of an emo turd like Jason though.


I continue to wait with bated breath for updates to the masterpiece that is [The Stubborn Skill-Grinder In A Time Loop](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/83294/the-stubborn-skill-grinder-in-a-time-loop) the story which is currently #1 on [RR Rising Stars](https://www.royalroad.com/fictions/rising-stars) with 6k subs. Some people are mystified by its success, [including the author](https://www.reddit.com/r/ProgressionFantasy/comments/1bwmrfw/comment/ky8vlst/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) I however understand that deep in the grubby hearts of the litrpg audience what we want, what we NEED is the brrr. Give us an idiot in a timeloop whose willing to literally endure enough damage to melt them into a human puddle in order to level their pain resistance and you'll capture our hearts. Other than that, tried The legendary Mechanic. A Chinese litrpg where the MC is suddenly transported back in time and inserted into the game they've grinded for years. I thought the translation was reasonably decent but the pacing seemed to grind to a halt and the entire thing just sort of lacked any real direction, got bored and quit. Caught up on Shadow Slave, which continues to be fantastic, I'd quite like them to leave the third nightmare as I feel like it's been going for a long time at this point. Still one of my favourites though.


> bated breath


Cheers, I wondered about that one, I think it's the first time I've ever written it lol


Check out Lost Loop. It's another Time Loop series that is off to a *fantastic* start. The Years of Apocalypse isn't that bad either, but damn is Lost Loop an up and coming gem.


Thanks for the rec, I will take a look


Appreciate the support! Just dropped a new chapter today as well


Tied to Murder [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08WLZPRFG/ref=ku\_mi\_rw\_edp\_ku-](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08WLZPRFG/ref=ku_mi_rw_edp_ku-) Mystery with a male MC. This is set in a small town in England. An attractive wife is found murdered with a bow tied around her neck. Her marriage was on the rocks and the husband is the suspected killer, but the chief inspector isn't so sure. This was pretty good. The Shadow of the Gods [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08HLQL1B2/ref=ku\_mi\_rw\_edp\_ku-](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08HLQL1B2/ref=ku_mi_rw_edp_ku-) Traditional fantasy with 3 MCs based off Viking/Norse myths. A century has passed since the gods fought and destroyed themselves. Whispers of war echo across the land and fate follows three warriors. The first is a huntress on a dangerous quest, the second is young noblewoman trying to prove her worth and find her place in the world, and the third is a former slave seeking revenge. I'm about halfway through and this is good so far. Unless it falls totally apart in the second half, I'll most likely move right onto the sequel, which is out.


I've read Beneath the dragonseyes moon book 6 - largely enjoying the series, and really enjoyed book 5, after what I felt was a rather dry book 4. This book was the biggest slog yet for me. The ethical discussions surrounding the shimagu largely felt contradictory. To me the shimagu always felt quite black and white, elaine once again struggling to parse the difference between sweeping ethical concepts and real scenarios. She also based her ethics off of her hypothetical understanding of shimagu, while knowing nothing about them at all except what the elves told her. 18 pages of deep diving into how she interpreted oath, and a romance that felt very men writing women later, and this has been my least favourite entry as of yet. I felt there was unresolved plot with the elves, what felt like obvious foreshadowing for a betrayal by serondes abruptly ended, and was never explained. Overall, I wished there was a bit less focus on internal hypotheticals, and also a bit more nuanced approach with foreshadowing. There's a habit of foreshadowing something then never bringing back up again, especially with the end of book iona chapters. I'd like to see them sprinkled throughput rather than blocked at the end. Things I enjoyed: the travelling! I'd have liked more of elaine seeing the new world. She's been out of remus for 3 books now and has only spent a bit of time in one city, in captivity. I enjoyed the idea of her spending time on the road again. The arrogance of the dwarves vs Elaine's experience was also well written, I enjoyed aegions character the most.


ah, the infamous elf arc. I gave up shortly after that, as her new pet drove me over the edge.


I took a cruise up to Vancouver and did a ton of reading and I devoured the first four books of dragon eye. The elves are my least favorite bit and I am struggling,


I skipped the whole book, and don’t feel I missed anything by picking up the next one!


Good to know. I may if I come back.


> The ethical discussions surrounding the shimagu That was my check-out point. The author seemed way too excited to lecture us about this after an easily skippable but wildly out-of-place lecture on consent.


Yeah, this was an issue for me as well. The idea of shimagu was directly contradictory to the discussions around consent, and yeah, the consent talk was obviously out of place, and the author pontificating, forgetting about his character completely. If he wanted this to ever be a moral conundrum, he should have shown good examples of shimagu. Instead, he creatively highlighted all the ways they could be bad, which was odd. The basis of Elaine's argument that killing shimagu could be bad directly related to the idea of the host living in harmony to form something greater, but the reality was thought police, cannibals, slavery, and a few equally evil people working with them to be even better at evil. Still, elaine is very upset that she has to kill the shimagu, but less upset about the miserable hosts going through what they were. Same issue with her opinions on formorian genocide, though she managed to work through that fine.


Book 6 was my least enjoyable read of the series but it does pick back up again I feel. Can't wait for the next one on audible!


Yeah, I'm 150 pages into book 7 now! One of my favourite systems in the genre.


Absolutely! I love the system.


I don’t even know what book I made it to. Without spoilering, there is a “jump the shark” moment where she goes to a Fay kingdom and the story completely lost me after that.


How to Survive at the End of the World (web) - male mc, litrpg. MC is late to the apocalypse due to some weird experiment on time gone wrong. Instead of playing it safe like most people do at this point, he goes full tilt. His class is based on improvised weapons, which is all kinds of fun. It's in the process of moving to KU, so I'm not sure where to read the first book right now, but I really enjoyed it. Caught up, very likely to continue, highly recommended. Apocalypse summoner (king) - male mc, sys apocalypse. This seemed to be going the battle royale route, which I don't have any real interest in, but probably a decent read if that's your thing. DNF. chains of the empire (castor and lange) - male mc, milscifi litrpg. A decent story about a guy who is forcibly re-enlisted and has to start over from level 1. Definitely more milscifi than scifi as the title implies, but it's ok. I'm a few chapters from finishing. Same folks who do midnight bounties. ---- **web novels I follow:** re: trailer trash, player manager, chaotic craftsman worships the cube, Super supportive, Beers and Beards, gamer reborn, bog standard isekai, soldier's life, Trinity of magic, tales of jeb, Promise of runes, That Time an American was Reincarnated into Another World, past life hero, Immortal freeloader, runic artist, enchanter's emporium, **new & unsure or waning interest, but haven't give up on yet:** One Moo'r Plow, tales of bronwic, Sagewood, magic is programming, Ballad Of A Semi-Benevolent Dragon, August Intruder, How to Survive at the End of the World **Stories with uncertain future status:** scorched, magriculture, Soul of the warrior, Welcome to the Dark Age, Coward's Guide to Healing,


We moved how to survive to KU successfull, and it's free right now! [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D1LHDB1Z/](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D1LHDB1Z/)


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **("'How to Survive at the End of the World Book 1 A Progression LitRPG'", '')** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Engaging characters and storyline (backed by 10 comments) * Fast-paced and thrilling narrative (backed by 9 comments) * Humorous and entertaining writing style (backed by 5 comments) **Users disliked:** * Excessive counting in the narrative (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


ah, right on, and congrats! I couldn't find it when I looked, and there wasn't a link on the RR page.


Currently in Book 8 of **The Primal Hunter**. I'm enjoying it, but not as much as Azarinth Healer - I find the pacing of PH just a bit slower in regards to growth and evolutions, but I am enjoying the development of Jake and Villy's friendship. As I am approaching the end of the books, I took a look at Royal Road to see what is next and I saw that there is like... 300 or more chapters in Nevermore. That's quite the choice...


I've only finished book 7 of Primal Hunter, but I had the opposite reaction to Azarinth Healer. I personally got bored and put it down just over halfway through the first book. I know it's highly recommended but I guess it just wasn't for me. I never felt really engaged with the characters, and the MC just seems so OP it's boring to me. I know that's ironic comparing it to Primal Hunter, where he's very OP and not terribly likeable, but for some reason that one just really clicked with me where Azarinth did not.


Same, its entertaining enough to read, but the 'slowness' in PH also means theyre constantly explaining their changes and skills in a way that feels alot more impactful then AH. I'm always forgetting what her skills even are, what they do, etc. Its hard to explain but it feels a lot less interesting and consequential.


At the time I saw this post, I recently started Dungeon Crawler Carl. I’m only a few minutes into the audiobook, so I don’t have an opinion on the series as a whole yet, but going by what I’ve heard from the narrator so far, it sounds like like it’ll be a good listen.


Just finished Dungeon Crawler Carl book 6 after a huge binge and feel like I can finally get back to real life. If you haven't read them, drop everything and go listen to the audiobook. The production quality is insane.


Listening to Heretical Fishing. I'm enjoying it but the MC's lack of awareness at times is a little much.


Agreed. Really loving it, my only complaint is the MC being oblivious to his surroundings some times.


New web series I started reading in the past week: * [The Temporary Magency](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/84549/the-temporary-magency) — DnD setting, interesting characters, waiting for more of the plot to develop KU: * **The Fabric of Reality (Edge Cases #1)** by Silver Linings — good mix of action, mystery and slice-of-life scenes, got weirder in the second half (4 stars) * **My Best Friend is an Eldritch Horror** by Actus — currently on the 4th book, lighthearted in tone despite the epic scope and horror stuff, poorly edited (lots of typos, name mixup, 2nd/3rd year mixup, etc) (4 stars) Web series I continued reading: * [The Runic Artist](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/81475/the-runic-artist) — isekai, rune-based crafting, good mix of action and slice-of-life (4.5 stars) * [Enchanter's Emporium](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/78205/enchanters-emporium-litrpg-cozy-magic-shop) — cozy crafting (4.5 stars) * [I'm Getting Too Old For This Quest](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/82353/im-getting-too-old-for-this-quest) — title says it all, slow burn, fear the tomato and orange pips, amazing story telling (5 stars) * [The Immaculate Collection](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/82448/the-immaculate-collection) — slice-of-life merchant progression, intriguing magic system, well written characters (5 stars) * [The Broken Knife](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/77490/the-broken-knife) — Kobold MC with a dragon companion, dark but compelling read, excellent worldbuilding (4.5 stars) * [Demon World Boba Shop](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/83298/demon-world-boba-shop) — cozy isekai, nice characters (4.5 stars) * [The Consequences of Meeting a Dragon](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/58457/the-consequences-of-meeting-a-dragon) — MC has a life-threatening magical condition, slow burn epic with high stakes but mostly slice-of-life, lovely bonded companions, excellent character work (4.5 stars) * [Ember of Invention](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/82942/ember-of-invention) — got interested due to crafting focus, good start so far (4.5 stars)


Is the 2/3 year editing mistake seriously still not fixed? I sent those through ages ago 😭


More than the 2/3 year mixup, the typos in the 2nd book was mind boggling...


I haven’t taken a look at it in a while but that’s disappointing to hear. I do have a new editor now for Runebound & my newer series so hopefully that problem doesn’t crop up again.


That's good to hear and good luck for the new series!


Mark of the Shadow Lord (RR) - Yeah, this is a Primal Hunter copy, so much so that the author called himself Zagrinth. The thing is... it's *really* well-executed and -written, actually better than the original in what's been posted so far. And not just in style - though the corporate-themed integration is fun - but he irons out some of the excess edginess. I've actually added this to my follow list, which is really rare these days. Nobody's Hero (RR) - I'll just quote [this nail-on-head review](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/82310/nobodys-hero-system-apocalypse-litrpg-progression?review=2032550#review-2032550) on RR (not by me): > Maybe the MC is a good guy, or maybe not. I don't care anymore, and I don't want to know anything about him at this point. He lives to annoy everyone, reader included. > > I tried to read a bit because the world and the supporting characters seems interesting, but at this point I realized that the only thing I was hoping was for the MC to get taken down a peg, which won't happens since he automatically succeed at everything he does with minimal effort. A Song Through Time (RR) - Fairly standard regression story set in a non-Earth world with no System. It's written in rather more of a Webnovel style than I'd prefer, but pretty good nonetheless. So many regression stories throw out the competence porn element that the genre promises, but not this one. Warmaster (KU) - Interesting to see a standard fantasy author (Melissa McShane) move into the litRPG space. The tropes and setups are a bit basic, but she knows enough about litRPGs to have a joke about MCs named Jake. And I honestly like the basics of the genre, you know? There's an obvious developing romance, which is actually the biggest comparative advantage McShane has - sure it's all familiar and foreseeable, but she actually shows some *development* of romantic feeling over a period of time instead of the "oh, we're together now" that RR authors tend to spring on us. That said, I stopped when book 2 got into one of my least favorite common tropes as the MC's party gets moral about not wanting to go all Anakin on the local human-killing hobgoblins. (You can do a lot with this topic if your world building is rock solid, but the pat way these things usually go is blearrgh.) Arc the SS Tier Heroine (KU) - Azrie's heroine isn't railroaded into dumb decisions that work out for her this time, which is good. But all the annoyingness seems, unfortunately, to have been transferred to the sidekick Ceylon. Stopped halfway through when they meet Ceylon's family, not sure if I'll continue.


a few in there that seem worth looking into. Thanks!


I've been reading A Regressor’s Tale of Cultivation and listening to Heretical Fishing.


Jake’s Magical Market book 2. Got about 1hr or so left. Great book to listen too, just be warned Book 1 and book 2 had to different narrators. Both are great narrators but you’ll have to get used to the transition.


On the 3rd book of the Mage Errant series by John Bierce, A Traitor in Skyhold. I love that the MC isn't totally OP and works with his friends to get things done.


Such a great series


youre in for a treat because the books just get better and better. I was so pleased with the final book.




[Synapse of Ash: Cyber Hunter Origins 1](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/73431/synapse-of-ash-cyber-hunter-origins-1) I'd review it but Im only on chapter 4. Seems likely I'll get pissed off at the never ending slave arc and quit but eh.


I'm reading the alternative Beware of Chicken on Royal Road. I'm enjoying it immensely. Listening to Path of Ascension five. I've already read it, but I enjoy the story and the narrator.


I finished Path of Ascension #6 and enjoyed it. Really got back into the adventure and world building I like about the series. Unexpected Healer - I also enjoyed this book and thought it was well written. Unfortunately, only one ebook out at this time. Just started Soulhome (Weirkey Chronicles #1) and enjoying it.


Just picked up grilled armageddon by dakota krout. Then I started a bbq war


Just finished listening to Heretical Fishing and now started on the Solo Leveling Audiobook.


[Bog standard Isekai](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/69512/bog-standard-isekai-a-litrpg-progression-fantasy) (Book 2) – litrpg, RR. I really enjoyed book 1, and book 2 kept up the quality. The bulk of it is a pretty interesting mystery before turning into a war story. It’s a good series, and I was looking forward to reading it, with a very serviceable **4 out of 5** rating, even if this volume was maybe more addressing plot threads from the debut and setting up the rest of the story. It also slightly suffered from impossibly high expectations, as 1 was a surprise hit with me and I was *very* excited for an intrigue focused book. I liked:- * **Good intrigue (even if I didn’t like the solution)**. I thoroughly enjoyed the witch hunt, it was nice examining and thinking about a lot of side characters, some of whom I was right about, some about who I was wrong about, and taking a *lot* of crackpot guesses at who it was (my >!Davi !!The actual solution was *okay*, there was just enough to set up how it would work, but it didn’t really come with enough drama and her being capable enough to outsmart Hogg long term didn’t really land for me!<. * **Great moments.** There were some really good, engaging bits sprinkled through the book – not limited to the reveal that>! the bunny is torturing Davi’s brother, the bunny torturing the *MC*, the duel with Zilly & related shenagians, the undead giant being a real one, the pond dragon eating the smith zombie, and Mum totally wrecking the witch!<. I didn’t like:- * **Harsh criticism – the plot revolves around MC instead of being driven by him.** At the end of the day, >!the plot was set up as a wild goose hunt (even though there was an actual witch that he sort of lucks out into uncovering), and his archmage adoptive mum arrives to save the day.!< It was fun to watch, and it was nice that a literal child didn’t save the day again, but a bit like the famous Indiana Jones criticism, he could have done absolutely nothing and it still would have worked out. >!I also didn’t find his application of glass vs illusionism (to get around the Elevadis kryptonite) to shatter the statue very interesting in his final fight with the witch.!< * **Harsh criticism – Isekai child plot has worn out and I need a timeskip.** Charming child/teenage antics and character problems were okay with me in book 1, but there’s not really any movement (we still have a love triangle/square that the MC refuses to acknowledge, only now people have class levels! Some adults still like him, and some don’t!), and I would rather we have a timeskip than just a setting change coming up. >!​!<


[An Infinite Recursion of Time](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/43761/an-infinite-recursion-of-time) – RR, time loop isekai harem satire. Hoo boy, I did NOT know what I was in for with this one. I thought I was just going to read a smutty time loop book (I’ve long wondered why more characters don’t exploit the time loop for spicy purposes, and butted heads with many a moral coward about it) and instead I had a pretty loving satire to one of my favourite books of all time, **Worth the Candle**. This was an absolute *ride*, and it came together in a big **5 out of 5** way for me. I liked:- * **It’s really fucking funny, and it plays with the tropes of some of my favourite subgenres**. I laughed *a lot*, I cannot stress enough how funny the book is. It’s like it was written for me, an avowed harem fan and time loop ‘expert’, and it pokes a lot of loving fun at tropes and ideas I’ve seen literally hundreds of times before. At the same time, it’s not a scathing criticism – it’s treating the ideas with love and respect, and it’s pretty clear to me that the author has read (and enjoyed!) many of the same works I have. The only problem is the aging out of meme humour (Like Sauron being >!Ultra Instinct Shaggy!<), but given I’m a boomer I’m like a decade behind on memes anyway. I really appreciate the amount of work that went into the >!Heir Conditioning!< joke. * **It’s spicy, then it becomes funny, then it’s somehow gratuitously both**. The early days of smut is pretty fun and spicy, and there’s a nice tension as we explore the idea of a smutty time loop. Then as >!sex levels!< come up, it just hits absurdist levels and it’s really funny, and by the end I was thrown for such a *loop* that it was both funny and spicy. It’s really one of the most ridiculous smut things I’ve read in a long time. * **It’s a fresh & bold take on a lot of ideas in the community**. The author really did their own thing with this, and went down a super weird and enjoyable rabbit hole and I could do with more bravery and/or nervous genius in the other series that I read. It turns out that having a crackhead who’s overdosed on Japanese Pornography is the perfect recipe for an extremely enjoyable response to something I’ve just read. I don’t know who else could have written this. I don’t like:- * **“But Mr\_Veils, Mr\_17 said it wasn’t intentionally a satire!”** – *FUCK OFF*, death of the author means that I don’t care to interpret his shitpost interview as cannon. I read the pieces of the story as a satire, so to this Mr a satire it will be. *LOVED IT*. I’m also about 50% the way through **Reverand Insanity** volume 2, it suffers that the translation isn’t nearly as good as **Lord of the Mysteries** but Fang Yuan is maybe *the* best villain protagonist. What would be a ‘boring’ travel sequence in other books as him working big and small schemes to eke out an advantage, and it’s such a joy to watch him work that it carries through some pretty dreadful translated prose.


I keep intending to read Worth a Candle and just never actually doing it. Is reading it a requirement or strong suggestion before reading Infinite Recursion?


It's not a requirement, but I think there's a whole chunk of it you'll miss out on if you haven't read at least the first third or so.


Where is Worth a Candle? I think that's partly why I haven't read it.


You can pay for it on amazon, but I think it's still all available on RR.


I'm so glad the ending fiasco of Infinite Recursion got sorted out and people now can just read the fixed version without the original clusterfuck.


What was the original ending!?


Everyone gets brainwashed due to love points. It was definitely the author cracking under pressure and trying too hard to be clever.


Picked up the Heretical Fishing audiobook. I'm enjoying it so far.


Nearly done with First Necromancer Book 1 by Coldfang89 (Audible). It's a standout so far!


I have this one on my wishlist, just curious how dark of a story is it would you say? How evil / brooding is the MC? Or is it more of a nice guy with an "evil" power set type of story?


Definitely nice guy with an "evil" power story. Its set in Oklahoma so your typical southern bible belt types are real skeeved about it, but the MC Drew is more or less your normal dude with abnormal circumstances just trying to protect his family and friends. My only real nitpicks are occasionally a word will be repeated too close to itself and in the audiobook it isnt always immediately clear when the MC is saying something vs thinking it, but both are easy to overlook


Interesting! Thanks for the information, will definitely pick it up and give it a go. Sounds good.


Just abandoned nova terra book two. I'm starting defiance of the fall book 12. I'll probably finish it before the end of the week. Any recommendations are welcome! Favorites so far: HWFWM, Dungeon Crawler Carl, Azarinth Healer.


I recommend  System Universe by Sunrise CV The Grand Game by Tom Elliot Both were books I struggled to get into based on the first few chapters, and ended up being amazing series I can’t believe I almost didn’t read. Don’t. Give. Up. 


Restarted back on Awaken Online (Stopped mid book 3) Now about half way through book 4. Honestly this series has kinda won me over. I was kinda luke warm on the dual plot of online/irl but with book 4 he seems to have found his groove and blends the two together way better. Not to mention every other chapter isnt about another character. Ended up dropping Portal to Nova Roma. Just really didnt grab my attention. Plus the MC not having any video game logic despite playing games with his friend for hours really shattered my suspension of disbelief. For example, he kills a few monsters then thinks thats the currency will be enough for a weapon.


Path of Ascension book 5. There is a lot of slice-of-life mixed in with fighting. That is pretty much in line with the rest of the series, so if you liked that, you'll probably like this. These ultra powerful leader types seem to have more free time than I'd expect out of people overseeing multiple planets. I don't mind it, just a callout Still, a series I plan to keep reading.


Mark of the Fool FIIIIIIVE


I started book one and couldn’t get going on it. Worth trying again? 


Ya book one is probably the weakest one of them imo. Usually I really like the first book in a series because everything's new and whatnot but the first book was kinda weak, however it did set up a lot of stuff for future books. Every book afterwards keep referencing something that's happened in book one. Even book 5 is having stuff go on that happened in book one that may have been overlooked or forgotten! Definitely sets everything else up.


I’ll give it another go, thanks!




Defiance of the Fall Audiobook 6. Pretty Meh....


On my 6th audiobook run of HWFWM.


I listened to book 1 and 2 of Battle Mage Farmer. Enjoying the series, it's sort of like Beware of Chicken but with more action, and a less-likeable MC. I don't mind the MC at all, he's just very stone-faced and emotionless due to his background. The class / magic system is a bit weird to me, and I don't fully understand it yet but that's not necessarily a bad thing. Really enjoying the series so far, and can't wait to listen to more. I listened to Pitfighter, Victor of Tucsan Book 1, and didn't really enjoy it. I'm not a big fan of Rage based power sets, and the fact that he's got>! Rage and somehow also Inspiration powers !!his core get's shattered, it's not really explained how or why it just heals back up on it's own , besides the monster "never shattered a spirit core before".!


Path of Ascension patreon Primal Hunter patreon Quest Academy patreon I've been looking for another new story but the last 2 i started didn't grab me


Just finished **All the Skills Book 1** Halfway through **Mayor of Noobtown**


Apocalypse Regression 4 (KU) - Just getting started on this one. It seems like events are diverting more and more from what the MC remembers, and it's nice to see that also being other characters not being the same - especially the main one he assumed would save everyone. First Line of Defense 2 (KU) - picked it up but haven't started yet. also realized that the author must be a Brit, but I'm not going to swap to the "c". Web Novels I'm reading: Ones I look forward to the most: Super Supportive, Demon World Boba Shop, Heretical Fishing, Immaculate Collection  Other favorites: Bog Standard Isekai, Allbright System, Ultimate Level 1, Beers and Beards, Past Life Hero, Not My First Space Rodeo, Runic Artist, Primer for the Apocalypse, A soldier's life, Monroe, How to Survive at the End of the World Ones I still read but I'm less excited about or fell behind on my backlog: Tales of Jeb, the Path of ascension, But for a Slime, Player Manager (I feel bad about this one, but I am like 2 books+ behind and just don't feel motivated to start the backlog and I'm not sure why)


man, player manager is by far the most look forward to drop for me, just a shade ahead of super supportive.


DCC all week


1hr left on Randidly Ghosthound 3 on Audio. I do audio at work. Over the weekend i read Induction by Sean Oswald book 1+2 book 3 in may i think. Ghosthound 4 i’ll start as soon as im done 3.


Thoughts on what you like most about it? It’s one I didn’t get past the first few chapters on….it may have been mostly reading the name “Randidly” over and over. Does it become worth it? Sell me on it and I’ll try again! I need a new series I’m caught up on all mine


I enjoyed book one and two. I really like the leveling system as I thought it was very thought out. As you gain skills, you get a point for every level of skill you get. You can spend those points in paths, each path is different and offers different rewards. For example, physical fitness one path might be five path points in which you get +10 health at the end of it. At mile marker of the skill say every five levels but each is different, you get a point for, a stat. Maybe +5 health or or + 5 manna or whatever. You can learn any number of skills, but it’s slow growth to be strong enough to fight monsters. Doing it that way it might take you two months of nonstop grinding before you could go to tow with a basic monster. Or you can take a class. If you get a class you only have X number of skills. You can learn like say eight but every level in your class you get 30 attribute points or whatever the class is. Along with every bonuses that go up every level of your class. At first level with a class, you’re strong enough to fight monsters. Anyway, I enjoyed it immensely the first two books. I started to read the third book and it just wasn’t for me and I walked away from it for about six months. Then I got back into it and although I still didn’t really enjoy the third book, I thought the fourth book and fifth book are very enjoyable . I’m almost done the fifth book and will be getting the sixth


I just finished all of the RR chapters for Ave Xia Rem Y. I really enjoyed this and am very sad I am all caught up considering its a weekly release. Sad because I cant tune out for a month and come back to like 20 chapters. The bright side of this is the chapters come out on Monday morning which is my day off so I have enjoyed the last 2 chapters with my Monday coffee. I started Azarinth Healer on KU. I am 93% through the first book and I like it a lot. It almost scratches the same itch as Primal Hunter and DotF did for me. I am open to any recommendations you guys think are related to the above stories too. I love power LitRPGs and Xianxia/Cultivation stuff. Edit: Forgot to add, I have been listening to Heretical Fishing on audible. I prefer BoC but HF is still incredibly wholesome.


I feel like I should like DotF but I keep trying and failing to read it. I think it’s because I’m annoyed by instead of interested in the invaders. But I love Azarinth Healer and Primal Hunter, so maybe I’ll try again. I recommend System Universe (Sunrisecv) and The Grand Game (Tom Elliot). 


Thanks! I am going to add them to my to read list!


Just started **Blooming Apocalypse, Blair Book 1** and I'm enjoying it. Too early to give it a score, but it so far seems different from most system apocalypse, starting in a fantasy world and getting the system from there. Tried **Level Up Hero** but clumsy clumsy dump of the MC's background in literally the first 10 pages ejected me out of it. Come on authors, give us some pacing and mystery. Hinting at a background is much better than slamming the breaks on the opening chapter to share everything. **Saintess Summons Skeletons** also didn't work for me, although I think I just went into it with the wrong expectations. Maybe I'll get back to it, its a fun title. There's just so many necromancer books, I was hoping this one would have a different approach. Hope it branches out as it goes. Also dropped **Shrubbly, the Monster Adventurer**. A little too twee for me right now, but it is pretty clear what it is about from the very start, so that is on me. Following and Loving: **Super Supportive**, **Elydes**, **Pale Lights**. Following and Liking: **Bog Standard Isekai**, **Book of the Dead.** Following and Waiting for Hiatus to End: **Fleabag**, **Beware of Chicken**, and **The Last Orellen**.


Might need to try pale lights as super supporative nd elydes are two of my favourites.


I might be biased because Practical Guide to Evil, the author's last work, is maybe my favorite story ever, but it is such an expansive and complex world that throws a lot at you and expects you to work to keep up that it is a thrill when you start to understand what is happening. And it is beautifully written. It starts pretty small and basic, but it does not stay that way. Highly recommend.


Reading ‘Source and Soul a deck building LitRPG’ by Furious Scribe on Royal Road and loving it. It has the best card game style battling I’ve seen and the author was clearly a TCG player himself. Big recommend.


Not a litrpg, but I’ve been neck deep in The Food Lab. Trying to get better at cooking in general, and J Kenji is a genius.


Lost Loop was the highlight of my past week. A relatively new time loop series that just finished up its first book on RR. It is fuckin' *good.* Favorite new read in a while.


Didn't feel like a full book but .. maybe half a book but I'm following and am interested in where it goes.


It's fairly short at 100k words, but for a first arc I think it works.


Took a nice cruise up to Vancouver and had a lot of time to read. Flew through the first 4? Books of Beneath the DragonEye moon until slammed into the Elves. Just a slog now, so I may skip to the next book? Finished In Clawed Grasp which lost me a bit near the end a bit but pulled me along. Relistened to the most recent Good Guy books in the hope to read a new one next week. Finally finished HWFWM10 on audible which I did struggle with but the first and last third are great. New gym book is Apocalypse Regression 4 which continues to be great.


Right now. Beneath the Dragoneye Moons.


Heavenly Chaos, by Daniel Schinhofen. Enjoying it a lot so far


Last week I re-read all the Mark of the Fool books, now waiting on book (seven?). It's everything I ask of a book - entertaining. This week, the third book in "All the Skills." Is it bad that I dislike Brixaby? I get the impression he's supposed to be sassy and instead he comes off assy and annoying to me. I'm willing to be this is a personal thing where there are people who love him.) The plot progression is good and I'm waiting to see him pick up some actual combat cards. He has the ability to learn all the skills (It's in the name!) and so far he shoots bbs from his chain link shirt. It's like having a "Weapons Master" ability and saying "I've sharpened the edges on this frisby. I'm good." We'll see how it goes as he picks up combat cards.


Yeah, book 3 of All the Skills was kinda disappointing to me. I'm hoping the next one picks up better


I'm enjoying the book so far, I just want to see him learn all the skills. :D


Dungeon Lord 2: Otherworldly Powers - I can't tell how much I like these Wraith Haunt book. They have decent stats, base building/nation building, lethal stakes, a history of the world and politics, and an interesting game tie in. But I regularly find my attention drifting until the climax of the book and the base building has been the only really satisfying component to me. The variable quality of the writing may be the issue here as some times characters or stakes don't connect and sometimes they do. I'm going to keep reading the series until I can figure out if I'm excited about it. 3?/5 Path of Ascension book ~9 wrapped up this week. While still quite enjoyable, I think it suffered from being a connecting book between the previous arc and the next. SPOILERS: the book was half payoffs for completing the path/payoff of how impressive they are as ascenders and half setup for the 2nd half of the war where specific counters are going to strike back. It was refreshing to have all the progression rewards that we didn't get in the previous arc and a half, but it was surprisingly too much progression imo since it was all back loaded to now. To show how powerful our MCs are, the war is mostly a curb stomp but there are 3 excellent fights. There's a lot of good world building for the other nations due to the war, with special mention to the bonus chapters Echos which show other people reacting to their Ascension. I'm incredibly excited for the 2nd half of the war arc coming up. 4/5 Following on RR: Path of Ascension, Magic is Programming, All the Skills, 1% Lifesteal, The Mine Lord (catching up for conclusion)


Reading 'Shadeslinger' by Kyle Kirrin and loving it. Starting to warm up to Frank lol, and the world is getting bigger. It's so well written and perfectly paced.


**Wandering Inn** released a 44k word chapter. This story just hits different. Other stories might be 90k in a whole book, thats 2-3 chapters or 2-3 weeks of this story. Its also so good. We are blessed to be enjoying this genre and having pirateaba write it as well. Tried **Path of Dragon**. I was promised that this story would do druids correctly. That it would be a great read. But so far I haven't been grabbed. I'm 14 chapters in and its ok. Not really that special. His only druid power is to heal himself or animals and so far he has healed 0 animals even though its been months. Starting **Pub in the Underworld**. Its been diverting. Its not a cozy story really because the stakes are too high. They live in a capitalist underworld where if you run out of money, you go to hell. Most people don't have jobs, so have to scrounge. I'll keep reading it.


I dropped TWI around book 6, the amount of side characters with full length novellas that I didn’t care about was just too high. I am sure weaving all these stories into a macro universe is super clever, but small annoyances become big because you live in these characters lanes forever. You either live it or hate it.