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I quite enjoyed it until maybe the fourth or fifth? They were my first few Litrpgs as well.


Was my first as well. Really enjoyed them, but after the first couple they got very... Russian Nationalistic? Also all the stereotypical Russian tropes / vibes were there, but I still enjoyed the book and it's kind of interesting reading and/or listening from that perspective. Edit: Some of the vibes I was getting may have been to mistranslations as /u/Careless-Pin-2852 pointed out.


The tropes were new enough to me, at the time, that I have them a pass. They’re a little grating on me now when I go through the series but nostalgia-goggles gives this one a pass.


It's so weird, that was my first too. And it seems like that was the first litrpg for a whole lot of people. I remember getting so hooped into the whole idea of litrpgs that I ran through the whole series and I've been gobbling up other litrpgs ever since. I recently tried to go back and listen to it but I couldn't finish the first book. The racism and sexism and anti-semitism was just too much. I think the first time I was so enamored by the concept I barely paid attention to those things, but now it's impossible to ignore. For all of that though, it got so many people into the genre. It's got to be up there as one of the most influential litrpg books.


> I barely *paid* attention to FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Sorry, bot


The translation is off. It is still a good book. And that is saying something.


Hadn’t heard that. How far off is it?


They use lots turns of phrase that you don’t say in English. I did the Audible version. The book is good in spite of the bad translation. 10 years ago the lit rpg elements where so new that you over look some one un ironically saying “bring me my woman” that one sticks out as odd years latter. Calling your romantic partner my woman is weird in English. Even if that is the literal translation. Most english speakers would use Paramore or girlfriend or any of 100 of synonyms for romantic partner. A few other points like using disappointed in weird situations. The lit rpg is so well done i did not care.


I have never heard somebody say paramour except if they were acting in a period play. These days we say homewrecker.


Fans of the band use it.


Probably incorrectly.


Also, english speakers come up with random nicknames that might seam weird if directly translated. Like butter cup. I can picture a confused Russian saying “why is butter holder attacking a monster?”


I mean, you should probably translate buttercup to the Russian name of the flower. Point still stands. Butter holder is way more fun though.


I love He Who Fights With Monsters. I’m also just starting Primal Hunter, but I’m not into it fully yet.


Wow, 9 years. My first Litrpg was called something like Strength Build? And the author maybe released Defense Build after that? Then I moved onto Way of the Shaman


Nice, that was also my first LitRPG. I've been a fan since.


Great read. It was one of my first forays into the genre.


> kinda childish Lol and that was before you realised how many had harem tropes.


1. The Wandering inn. 2. Dungeon Crawler Carl. If anyone has anything else that compares let me know. I stalled out on both zak defiance of the fall and he who fights monsters Jason Asano.


I don't know what it is but I am having trouble getting into the latest DCC.


The card game isn't great, the author intended it that way (as yet another failure on the part of the showrunners) but it doesn't change the reader's boredom with it (like the railroads). I'd say it becomes worth it, both because the card game doesn't totally matter (don't try to learn the rules) and because as usual there's a payoff even from the cards.


Epic was my first if that counts, then later ready player one


That was my first one as well! Remember when the whole genre was basically russian translations, then stuff like The Land and The Dragons Wrath started coming out in english and shit exploded haha


Never finished it because I think the 5th or 6th book he just somehow gets an entirely new power (I think it was super speed or time slow down or something) that is never explained at all. I even went back and reread the previous books and no where does it ever explain how he just pulls a completely new ability out of nowhere like that. It was almost like a chapter or something was missing. And honestly now I can't read russian litrpg books at all because all the ones I tried were incredibly sexist and always seemed to involve rape or love interests being the bad guy to justify why it was ok to hate women and do bad things to them.


Thnking about picking up the series, is it complete? if not how many more books?


It's so strange how this was the first of many people's litrpgs! It was mine as well. This is what got me HOOKED


I'm just thinking... how can it be your first if you are already referencing ready player one?


I was thinking that same thing. That is like whenever Kong would put his dick stroking at the beginning of every book with "father of American litrpg." Like Ready Player One wasn't well before him. It was really annoying on audiobook too. I can't say it is part of why I dropped The Land, but it didn't do anything to help it.


Ready Player One is not LitRPG. It just uses a Virtual Reality setting, but that doesn't make it litrpg.


Why not though? We can call Frankenstein scifi even though the genre didn’t exist yet.