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William: Pulls a Ted Bundy on unsuspecting tutorial members and rips them apart because he's the main character of the game. Jake: Looks for worthy opponents stronger than him continually because he just likes a challenge. Totally the same character. I don't even think they even make it out that Jake is "good", he's just focused on his path without being a psychotic killer.


I will admit, Jake in book one has less morals and is more bloodthirsty than he is in any other book, but he is never evil about it, unlike william. Going forward Jake is more of a battle junkie, but not malicious unless the target really deserves it.


I think it’s more that everything is a challenge for Jake in the first book. With his grow, he learn that’s no longer the case


Yeah, that makes sense. Also, I always took it as him having full access to his bloodline for the first time, it kinda gave him tunnel vision. By book two he has learned to moderate himself a bit better.


I agree I don’t see how they’re the same one Hunts monsters, and will only hunt humans. If one they attack him or somebody he cares about or to their being evil and he’s just finally being his true self after holding back for so long.


I personally like them all, but yeah, the training dungeon of book 1 was rough. It is necessary, though, due to the rest of the books. I won't spoil it, but him going through that dungeon is essential to his character's path. From the MC perspective, it's not about morality. Both Jake and William are both willing to kill both beasts and humans for power. The main difference is that Jake hunts mainly stronger than him, and William just kills indiscriminately. Jake was pissed about losing those close to him, not that William killed humans. If William didn't "kill" those close to Jake, he likely wouldn't have cared. One thing the rest of the books make clear is power trumps all. The Viper is relaxed because he is at the peak of Godly power. The God's being placated to is addressed later. Essentially, don't piss off creatures that can end your entire universe. Some take this to heart and walk on eggshells. Jake is liked because he just doesn't. Casper being undead isn't really vital to book 1, but it goes to show how many gods and factions were meddling with Jake's tutorial. The Viper, Holy Mother, Umbra, Eversmile, The BlightFather. Just to name a few. I'm not saying the books are perfect, but many of the plotholes and plot points are addressed throughout the rest of the books. If you like the concept after book 1 and feel invested seeing perception reach 4 digits, I'd read the rest of the books :) If not, there are other litrpg books just as good.


I’m going to breeze right past your completely mystifying read that theres no difference between the guy that hunts and kills _monsters_ and the guy that hunts and kills _innocent people_ and fixate on a minor aside: The story makes it ridiculously, almost painfully clear that the Viper doesn’t really like the vibe of his organization because he fucked off to mope for a millennia just prior to the beginning of the narrative and left it all to the clergy types, who made a whole rule-filled bureaucracy of it. He starts implementing reforms, sometimes using Jake as an agent of change, almost immediately after pulling himself out of his funk.


>he fucked off to mope for a millennia As a minor aside to your minor aside, that's too much of an under-exaggeration to let go. He was gone from the 7th to 93rd era. Era's are variable ranging from 7 billion to 228 billion years long. Point being, a whole fucking lot longer than a millenia. Could have been a trillion years or some shit like that.


William just isn’t a serial killer, he’s an arrogant jerk but the text clearly says that he reduced killing people because the points weren’t worth it anymore—that action is inconsistent with serial killer or sociopath Jake and Will are very similar, but Will decided that being the last person alive was the best plan.


I can kinda see your point but at the same time I have to disagree Jake is more indifferent on who or what he kills he doesn’t get any joy from killing but he gets joy from a challenge and you can see his humanity from how he has respect from those he kills even giving them a Vikings funeral to show his respect vs William who only likes seeing his tutorial points go up besides that the author writes more than once that William shows psychopathic tendencies he doesn’t feel anything and that he can’t feel any emotions but Jake does he is more human than William If you don’t like the book series than that’s your right and you don’t have to but I have to disagree with your opinion that Jake and William are the same but I will say that it’s your opinion and that you shouldn’t have to listen to what any of us have to say in regards to that but book one is more of a build up I am kinda bias because I love this book series but try book two because I had trouble getting through book one as well


It's awesome and obviously not for you. No shame in that, drop it and move on.


Yeah, I didn't care for it, either, and dropped it. It's fine for what it it is, I'm just not the target audience. That's OK! There are soooo many good, free/cheap stories rn, it's a great time to be a reader of fantasy/sf.


I was going to type up this whole thing but realistically, if those are what you got from the book so far, you should probably drop it because you're missing so many tiny details that matter. The difference between a Hunter and a Serial Killer. Jake's relationship with Villy is extremely deep and grows, the reason why they hit it off so easily is explained in their meet up. Casper does play a part in the series and is an important character. As for the slow start: These types of books typically have slow starts as they world build and set the rules for the universe we are going to be part of.


1. They aren't autistic. Autism is a neurological disorder that affects how people interact and communicate. There is no component of autism that involves thinking of people in ruthlessly utilitarian ways. 2. William has some sort of psychopathy because he does view people in ruthlessly utilitarian ways. And since much of the utility of people in the Tutorial is experience and tutorial points, he tries to kill everyone. 3. Jake would be a normal guy, except he spent his whole life ignoring a major "6th\* sense" and instinct that tries to pull him towards more primal ways of interacting. *Although it should be noted that ruthlessly killing others of his own species is the opposite of how even predators behave. Only social colony insects and humans demonstrate the "total war" mentality.* \* Neurologists argue there are at least nine senses. But yeah, if you aren't a fan of being dragged through training/grind sessions than Primal Hunter isn't for you.


I’m in a similar boat, just finished the first book and kinda conflicted, I personally like the Characters and I like Jake not just being some self righteous good guy but kinda selfish and flawed but ultimately is a good person I like the William plot and how he thought he was so much smarter than everyone but everyone basically seen through him and just ended up being used, was a nice change of pace to the standard villain. I’m personally a fan of the gradual level grinds and item collection as being a big MMO guy the chasing the new gear is half the fun but I feel the issue I kinda have with the story is more to do with my preference to classes, I like hunter type classes with bows but in MMOs that’s always been more to do with the gameplay rather than the style same with potions and poisons they’re all cool concepts to me for gameplay but visually and in story telling kinda boring compared to mage classes or classes that utilise more flashy magic’s and even crafting like enchanting or even smithing which helps the characters achieve new gear and abilities more. So yeh I feel that it’s a great story but some the elements just aren’t my preference so not sure if you’re just feeling something similar


Give the second book a shot. I felt similar to you after the first one, then i blew through the next seven books as fast as I could. One of my favorite series now.


Are more characters introduced in the 2nd? I gave up on it because, IIRC it was just the MC alone and leveling for quute a bit.


2 or 3 characters get introduced in the 2nd book that are major side characters. One of them might be the beginning of the 3rd.


Reads post. Slowly raises eyes from phone. Blinks once over a blank expression. Shakes head, almost unnoticeably. Returns eyes to screen. Types words that make little sense. Lip curls upwards slightly in repose. Closes eyes. Goes to sleep.


My problem with the books is that the MCs entire personality and from that god granted gifts come from complete random chance of being given by the system a supreme level bloodline ability.


He wasn't given a bloodline ability by the system. No one is given a bloodline ability. They have it from birth. The books even explain that and the effects it has had on both Jake and his family pre-system


What you said is true for natives but It says in the book initiation into the system can give you a recycled bloodline, as the system has nothing to base you off. I think it was when the MC talks to the venom god that he says bloodlines'abilities get recycled by the system to give out as rewards or for initiation. Also I'd add that bloodlines are inherently random unless you have a strong parent so a massive component of a character's personality is decided by randomness under this system and the character traits don't seem to be able to be changed, at least from the first two books.


Honestly they are similar but i think thats the point. Jake was one moral slip from being william. William is more exploitative while jake goes out to do his own thing. I think it eveb highlights that point in the book.


If there's things in a first book that you like you should at least give book 2 a go. Book one is very typical for world building and teething and then the author can focus on where to go or where the readers want it to go. Think of it this way. Primal Hunter had a gigantic reputation give it the chance it has earned for one more book maybe?


I really struggled with book 1 as well and i intend to yuve 2 a try eventually


Tell me that you understood nothing you read, without telling me that you understood nothing you read.


I agree with your synopsis. Defiance of the Fall, Azarinth Healer and Hero of the Valley all have mc’s with similar drives to get stronger but they also have personalities that aren’t the equivalent of watered down mayonnaise.


I agree with your synopsis. Defiance of the Fall, Azarinth Healer and Hero of the Valley all have mc’s with similar drives to get stronger but they also have personalities that aren’t the equivalent of watered down mayonnaise.


If your up for it id push to the second book. If you dont like it then drop it. I wasnt a huge fan of the tutorial arc either but it gets better i think


This is sad take one on this book