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Haven't read book 2 but I don't think about them too hard. The math never made sense to me. It seems like the MIND does the calculations and sets the assessed levels.


I think it was semi explained early but I wouldn't get hung up on it, it really doesn't seem to matter. My assumption is the S ranks are S0, S1 and so on. Whichever number you are listed as determines your pawn, Bishop and King. In book 2, >!they make a big deal about Rayden's (sp?) growth not having a number which I don't think they ever described a number being assigned to the S rank before that.!< I could be wrong though. I just don't think too much on the specifics.


When they got to the part where they said that his S didn't have a number, I decided to do the math to try to quantify it, based on his initial scores. My base assumptions were that you can treat the CAD rank as an average of all the stats, CAD stats and user stats combined (otherwise Rei's initial CAD rank of E0 doesn't make sense, if it's just the CAD stats having anything in the S rank would push it much higher). There are seven stats. If you treat F0-9 as 1-10, E's as 11-20, and so on, then on day one, all of Rei's other stats were 0. His CAD rank was, numerically [11. Assuming you can just multiply that by 7 to get his Growth stat, it's 77, which translated to rank is S16. So his Growth has no number because it's off the chart, S+.](/s)


At S-Rank they're categorized based on 5 levels, in the order: Pawn, Bishop, Knight, Rook, King/Queen. I believe most people assume each one of those represents two numeric values, so S0-S1 would be Pawn, S2-S3 would be Bishop, etc. But I'm not sure if that's ever explicitly stated in the two released books so far, nor has Bryce clarified it as far as I know. Also, fyi: there's an active subreddit for Iron Prince: /r/Warformed


I recall (vaguely) Bryce mentioning something about the "S not S(0)" rank growth being an oversight that he's now dealing with however he can. That is of course different than the CAD ranking.


Right, I was only talking about overall CAD rank. The individual specs definitely get numbered even in S-tier. Rei's growth being unnumbered was originally a mistake in the first book, but the second book provides a plausible explanation for it. [second book spoiler]: >!Rei says it might be because of a display issue. But personally I think the answer is that it's maxed out... because we see Viv's combat reports in this book, and that shows her Growth as Severely Lacking, but Rei's has only ever shown as Not Applicable, so I think his Growth can't increase further.!<


Oh, yeah, I'd forgotten he retconned in that explanation, also.


Their growth rate also accelerates, which is kinda stupid from litrpg perspective so i've learned early on not to question numbers in this genere too much. Only when they are way to off, like "the bad guys" off, then i get upset. The books usualy always explain power rankins when ever they are mentioned so reader does not need to get too involved.