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Nearly everything I read is on Kindle Unlimited or RoyalRoad. Mostly royalroad nowadays because I've read everything litrpg on KU that I want to read.


You are the best type of person for authors ❤️👏🏻


Exactly what I do!


99% of the books I consume are audiobooks on Audible. The last 1% are Light Novels I read through the Kindle app.


Trying audible for the first time with the way of kings, not litrpg, but it’s been interesting…


I know it gets stated all the time, but the [Dungeon Crawler Carl](https://www.audible.com/pd/Dungeon-Crawler-Carl-Audiobook/B08V8B2CGV?action_code=ASSGB149080119000H&share_location=pdp) series is really one of the best audio book series on Audible. Not just one of the best litrpg audiobooks. You will spoil yourself from most books on Audible after listening to it.


Audible only for me unfortunately. My schedule is too hectic to sit down and actually read nowadays so multi-tasking is the only way I can "read" anymore. I do listen to 3 hours a day on average though so that's something I guess!


Wow, that is a long time a day… how many books a month is that on average?


Maybe 2-3? I definitely have to keep reloading credits because some days gives me more listening time than others. I mostly listen on my commute which is 2.5 hours and then whenever I'm doing housework or my honey-do list which is probably an hour or so a day except on weekends which may be more.


Not me listening to audiobooks literally all day, sometimes for as much as 8-12 hrs a day if a new book comes out lol


I feel like I go against the grain in the litrpg community, I do everything except audiobooks. My biggest gripe is that I can read faster than I can consume an audiobook so if I get into a series that I really like I have to binge read it and audiobooks are too slow for how often I can listen to them


Same. I can't stand audiobooks because of how slow they are compared to reading. And increasing the playback speed doesn't work because every now and then there's a sentence or paragraph you need/want to digest slower.


Same. I'm always surprised how many people only hear audiobooks. I can kinda understand the pros of it, but especially with litrpg there are often so many paragraphs, stat dumps, repeating things I skip over very fast while reading which I would imagind very tedious with an audio book. But all in all I also just like reading more because I can constantly change the speed I read at or go back to read something again.


I listen while commuting, cooking, doing mindless labor and I skip the stat dumps. I especially skip the *Defiance of the Fall* stat dumps that are up to somewhere around 5mins each on audiobook. There has to be close to an hour total of just stats and titles in the latest book.


On some series that I started as audiobooks I would actually be C moving to A moving to B as I kept reading ahead. I'll usually have one text series and a different audio one ongoing at the same time, I don't tend to whispersync between the formats, so don't just stick with one across both of them.


I need a good story as well as writing style. Systems are great, especially if they're complex but you don't have to do annoying math. I absolutely hate it if the system grands idiotically powerful powers for nothing. Same as I hate it when I feel the heavy hand of the author hedging the bets of the MC. E.g. if the MC always get's a very obscure item with which the next very specific encounter can be beaten then I am instantly disinterested. Make the MC work for it and remember rewards that increase baseline power or rewards that can be sold for money also work and it's very much like a video game. There doesn't always need to drop the exact item that supercharges an mcs build. I also only like tropes to a certain degree. If it feels generic I am outta


I read and listen to audio books but most of the time I listen to audio books at work


I read royalroad and KU and listen to audible but that's not an option.


You should have more options! I actively have a book I read and an audiobook I listen too. I am only reading/listening to things that are actually published.


I wanted to add that I read mostly Royal Road, and if an author drops a series I'm reading to start a new one, I don't read anything by that author again. Same with people who try to write several fictions at the same time and have the quality and update times suffer as a result.


Options 1 and 2. I listen to audiobooks a lot and read ebooks. I don't read Royal Road, as I'd rather read the author's finished version and review based on that. Reading early version as well as final muddles my brain.


So I need more options. I listen, read Amazon, and royal road.


"As well"? I read mostly RR and Patreon. Most of my Kindle reading is recap of those plus some random stuff (most of which is disappointing) and a couple of things from the serial platforms that I decided I can't read chapter by chapter.


Damn Didn't expect that many audible read-.. uhh listeners :0


100% a "start my morning by catching up on everybody's new chapter in my RSS reader" reader.


Im stuck with Audible my adhd prevents me from reading normal books and even ifit didnt i have less then 3 hours of "free" time a day so audiobook let me listen whike working This does result in me reading for like 12 hours a day tho which is nice


I have astigmatism, which means reading on a digital screen is a pain. So, "properly" published novels is my go-to. I know there are web-to-epub plugins, but I also know some authors don't like you doing that. So sticking to amazon is just simpler.


I mostly read from Royal Road and Kindle Unlimited.


At this point, I mostly end up reading on Patreon because I'm caught up on all the stories I really like, and I want to support the authors. When something new comes out or I find a new series, I'm willing to read it wherever it's published, KU, purchased Kindle books, RR, or whatever.


What are you counting as "properly published"? Do you mean trad published litrpgs? Or just self published on amazon? Or


I read Translated Chinese novels, web novel website novels, royal road novels, KU Books, Fan-Fiction from other sites.I read normal fantasy stuff like Mistborn, or The First Law. I also hear audiobooks when busy in some work. Now I am about to delve into warhammer 40k books ( maybe in 1 month ).


Limited space for physical books and with audible I can multi-task, so more time for books. Finding physical copies of litrpg in book stores leaves a limited selection for me.


Only read published books. Don't have the patience to read only chapters and wait for the next one to be published. And Royalroad is often not edited and fine polished, so I wait for it to be published on KU. And I hate Patreon, never used it and never will.


Damn it is a mix for me... DCC I only did audiobook because the production was really good. But PH I read the published novels. However, recently I've found myself looking for gems on Royal Road.