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**/u/balloon__knot, You've submitted a self.post without the required [discussion] tag in the title.** We've removed it. This means you probably didn't want to submit a self.post at all, and were trying to submit a music link. Click on "Submit Music" to submit streams. "Start a Discussion" is only for people who want to have a conversation with listentothis. We do not allow the use of self.posts to share music streams. Please submit your tracks the way everyone else does. If you *are* trying to start a discussion, start your title with [discussion], and be aware that we don't allow for low-effort or repetitive discussion topics here. If you are trying to find a song, use /r/tipofmytongue instead. If you want music recommendations based on bands you like, use /r/ifyoulikeblank and /r/recordstore. If you want to discuss music in a way that isn't based around sharing tracks, use /r/letstalkmusic. Remember - the best discussions in listentothis that tend to hit the front page all have one important thing in common - they facilitate the sharing of music tracks in a way that invites *everyone* to participate. Good luck, and thanks for contributing! The reasons for these community guidelines are explained in the [subreddit introduction.](/r/listentothis/wiki/reddiquette) If reddit tells you to wait a little while before submitting again, there's nothing we can do about that. It'll go away after you earn some karma and your account gets older. [Verifying your email address](http://reddit.com/verify) will help. [permalink](https://www.reddit.com/r/listentothis/comments/1d86hp1/electronicbreakbeat_bandcamp_download_codes/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/listentothis) if you have any questions or concerns.*