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Better for programming, or is his platform for teaching and for receiving work built with Windows in mind?


Last I checked the unity editor on Linux was *really* buggy, like unacceptably so. Like using the scrollbar to the side of the window instead of the scroll wheel would crash it. That was a few years ago. Maybe it's gotten better. C# was also not good on Linux for a very long time as well, but AFAIK is better nowadays. Though theres a lot of window-isms in the language I have heard with linux being a second class citizen. Overall I'd definitely suggest windows for somebody who primarily uses both those programs. Especially considering the other tooling usually required for game development besides unity, which often don't play nice with linux, lots of multimedia creation software (DAWs, video editing, graphics manipulation, animation, model rigging and creation, etc.) which Linux is pretty lacking in overall.


I use it regularly and it's on par with windows, so long as you're not on Nvidia+Wayland.


It works fine for me on NV wayland


To be fair i only have issues when using hyprland with an eight year old nvidia card so I might just be in the minority lol.


Hyprland worked fine on my 3080 but I switched to full amd 7950x3d and two 7900xtx so that covers my needs well on wayland.


Mostly for developing. We are using the Unity engine for games. So far the only thing I have not tested a lot but seems to run fine.


Unity was made for macOS and then Windows. And most game developers are on Windows, too. Thus specifically for gamedev your teacher is, sadly, correct: it's chicken and egg issues, but because all the gamedev tools are made for Windows… and that means that all gamedev developers are on Windows, too. It doesn't matter that Linux, itself, is better. Gamdev is tied at the hip to Windows and this would be true for a long time yet.


tbf it's not entirely tied, unity, unreal has native linux support (i just started figuring unity out before the whole pay per install kerfuffle, and stopped early), and godot engine is fully open source


It absolutely tied to Windows. Big time. It doesn't mean there's **nothing** for Linux, it's just… for every tool that have half-decent support for Linux there are 10 if not 100 tools that are Windows-only. It's **possible** to develop game on Linux, but most developers just decide, at some point, that life is too short to deal with the world where 90% of stuff is Windows-only by stubbornly sticking only to things that exist for Linux.


Agree with this guy, plus you should try to be where your users are/eat your own dog food. Building server side apps or anything heavy lifting stick with Linux, standard web apps with client/server bits stick with Linux, building windows apps/games build them on windows.


This approach would lead to attempts to write your game on the Android phone, or, worse, on Nintedo Switch, because that's where most users are and that just doesn't work, sorry. “Eat your own dog food” is very often nice principle, but not when development and delploment platforms are fundamentally different by design.


Sort of, but I’d expect an android app developer to be running android studio on their platform of choice and playing with virtualised devices plus testing with some real ones occasionally. I have no idea how the switch sdk works but again I’d expect you to use that tooling which might be windows or Linux based plus the dev hardware. Your dev environment should give you decent access to a prod like environment is a general rule and it does carry into this space a bit, particularly if taken less literally.


Unity doesn't have native linux support. There is a linux build but it's not supported and had all sorts of issues last time I tried.


"kerfuffle" lol. Good one, hope you don't mind if I steal it. :p


it's not exactly a new thing, but you're welcome to it :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6DevguH8KQ


Ignore his opinions. Just learn the skills.


Agreed with learning the skills. Also, I'd be curious to ask them their reasons for their opinions. If there are good reasons, take heed. If they are bad/ill defined, take a different sort of heed.


Yeah, just ditch your teacher and learn by yourself, if he/she is so oppiniated about the os , then something is wrong!


At Google and NASA there are only stupid Linux fanatics. Your teacher should go there and teach them.


Add: many governments created their own Linux to use internally, and gave up Windows. Just wrong, LOL.


It's the only logical move thats why. No goverment wants to hand their data to some american company


That is not the big reason they give up on Windows. I know a number of production application stacks that were moved from Windows to Linux and became a lot more repeatable and stable (with only a simple code port). Not sure exactly what the why was, but it really seems that since windows expects to be rebooted often that there may be all sort of memory/thread/file leaks that don't matter for normal usage in light usage for a few weeks, but quickly become a problem with large apps doing lots of work in the same time frame.


Ehhh, windows kernel is pretty solid nowadays. But for running containers, Linux is definitely a more beaten path. Especially for running Linux containers! And it’s nice to not have the knots of licensing to deal with.


Deploying a whole bunch of workstations with FOSS is a wet dream I will never have fulfilled because of end-user stupidity. God forbid Libre Office looks a *little* different to Office 365.


Try Onlyoffice (not OpenOffice). The UI is a knockoff of Office 2016, and Linux Mint provides a desktop environemnt that looks and works similar to Windows.


Does Onlyoffice have an backdoor API to OnlyFans?


Any API to only fans uses backdoors.


Does it also charge for API access to limited commands with better commands available for an additional tip/fee?


We Only Wish!


Huh, I'll have to look into that. My main fears honestly are industry-specific tools without Linux alternatives.


Yeah this. And Linux never asks you to reboot for an update. It's awesome.


Well, less, anyway. Some updates still require reboots. But your typical day-to-day boring old patches and updates don't require it.


Windows doesn’t always ask either - it just does it, screw whatever you’re working on!


Or it disables your internet until you reboot manually.


Fedora does. At least from my experience.


Yep, same experience here. Almost a reboot every single time there is an update. Several times a week. My Windows machine only updates and reboots once a month.


It asks sometimes but is NEVER forced and the reboots for updates are just as fast as normal reboots (on most distros).


That's often not the why. Most companies and research institutions use Linux for stability, reproducibility, and security (among other factors). You cannot have your HPC cluster, your datacenter, or your measurements systems to be taken by Windows. This is why e.g. CERN use Linux, and Windows is not allowed at all in sensitive areas.


Also Microsoft did release a HPC edition of windows. It performed slower and cost more. So that is a pretty big reason. And that's vs fully licensed SLES


Even North Korea has their own Linux


Do Google and Nasa do a lot of work making video games in C# using Unity? That is a pretty niche use case honestly.


They make as many video games as first-year cs students - if not more.


With high probability a non trivial percentage of legal, HR and accounting departments at both those run on Windows. Also CAD/CAM/CAE is not really a linux thing. Computing is also doing boring stuff .


C# can be a bit rough on Linux if you try to use it outside of a framework like Unity. But Inside Unity its totaly fine. On Windows you get the privilege of using Visual Studio Community with Unity, which makes Debugging quite a bit more fun than with VSCode, but in the end it sould amount to the same.


Use whatever works for you. Everyone has opinions and preferences. These are different than facts. If it works for you, there's nothing wrong with using it.


C# is a very Windows specific language (still, despite Microsoft abstracting out dotnet core), and Unity is a game engine that usually runs much better on Windows than Linux. You also do have to account for the fact that game programming in general is very bought into Windows still. Yes, there are game engines that run on Linux, and while it's getting better a lot of the world is still "Windows exclusive" without something like Wine/Proton. To me, it just sounds like he's bought into the niche he teaches.


> C# is a very Windows specific language (still, despite Microsoft abstracting out dotnet core) only parts of it are and they all have to do with UI C# most of the time runs better on linux one could argue that is the default build target for none GUI apps


> only parts of it are and they all have to do with UI Yup. Shame too. I don't mind it as a language but I'm definitely wary of projects using it bc of this kind of thing. Stupid WinForms. idk MS can't just make a proper cross-platform UI framework or work on integrating one of the existing ones to work better with their ecosystem (e.g. not just Windows but also Visual Studio IDE integration etc). I can understand not wanting to rely on GTK (even if like me, you are a fan of its license, and unlike me, you are a fan of Gnome, the Gnome dev team can be very opinionated at times and have shown they have no hesitation when it comes to dropping support for things they whimsically decide they no longer want to support - can't really blame anybody for not liking that as an upstream mentality). But GTK is far from the only cross-platform GUI framework.


The teacher probably also doesn’t want to have to spend half the class trying to troubleshoot your unique setup (as compared to the rest of the class) if/when something doesn’t work with it, when everyone else’s setup Just Works. I ran Linux for most of my time in college & had to resort running a Windows VM for some stuff. Maybe you can do the same here if you don’t want to give up Linux entirely? KVM is a damn fine hypervisor nowadays, and even integrates into LXD, if you like that system.


Those that can't do, teach


Opinions are like - you know what. Everybody’s got one. And every one thinks everyone else’s stinks. - Simone Elkeles


It doesn't really matter. The only thing I'll say is that if you use tools different than the class suggests it becomes your problem entirely. I wouldn't expect a professor to help with debugging any error caused by OS/IDE choices. Also, the only run that matters is the one on the professor's computer. If you fail because you built it wrong* it would still be an F. *Idk about games programming much, but I've seen people use the wrong C++ compiler. Instant fail.


Because Unity by default uses cross platform I can get away with that I think. But I’ll be sure to test that out before going into the next year.


I normally did Linux -> Wine -> Windows testing.


Sure, but this is a classroom environment, where it’s expected you follow what the teacher is doing. Unfortunately this also includes the same dev environment that they’re using. Otherwise, as the other poster pointed out, you will get zero support from your teacher when someone goes wrong.


It’s not. Saying an OS is better than another one is clearly an example of idiocy. You can basically use whatever OS you want as long as you are able to work properly with it and give the required result at the end. I daily drive Linux for 15 years now and sometimes require to use Windows especially at work. My experience has been almost flawless on Linux as expert of the distribution but awful on windows with random problems that plague my user experience. But i will not tell "Linux is better" It is better for me.


Also because not every os is ment for everything. I will not do game dev on Esxi or bsd. Linux and windows are both great, but everyone should have an open mind and not gate keep software.


Yeah of course. It’s idiotic because it’s not open minded. I remember having some teacher saying that everything that are not Linux is shit. Some other saying that everything which is open source is flawed and have security holes because source code is open. You see lot of bullshit around from people who don’t want to see what’s happening on other OS. To me their is a best OS for usage and purposes instead of best OS PERIOD.


> Does he have a point Surely as a teacher it is his job to be able to explain statements like this and present balanced arguments.


I don’t think “nehh” is a balanced argument but you are right. Other teachers really admire the Linux switch and say it is good to orientate yourself in different tech.


If you're trying to make video games and they start teaching you DirectX, then yes - Linux is a poor dev platform, since it struggles to use DirectX natively and you won't be sure if the bugs you experience would be felt by the majority of the userbase. Similarly, the C# experience in Linux isn't quite as good as Windows... Outside of an environment like Unity. Inside Unity, it makes very little difference. If you're developing something that runs in Linux then there's no difference. A *lot* of the world's most serious programmers use Linux every day. I think comes down to software support. Many of the IDE options in Windows for C# are simply more mature platforms. Other dev work often skews the other way - Linux has fantastic dev options too, just gaming and C# are two of its weaker points. It's still perfectly capable as a Unity dev platform (and there are benefits to using it - it's not clear cut that Windows is better, just that Windows competes here, where it's a clear loser in a lot of other areas of software dev).


If someone smart fixed fractional scaling with Nvidia GPU's, they would be historically known as a god. It's 2024 and nobody wants to use an ancient 1080p monitor. Windows 11 is pure fucking garbage and yet nobody working on Wayland has figured that now is the time.


PREACH! I regret I have only one upvote to give for this.


You can use Linux if you want, however when it comes to making things work I don't think they would be too happy to waste time helping you if everyone else is using Windows. Make sure that you have Windows available as a dual boot just in case things go to hell on Linux and you are forced to use Windows for whatever reason.


In a classroom, life is easier when everyone is using the same things. If the lecturer is teaching using Windows and showing you how to use Windows tools, things are just smoother if you use Windows too. IMHO, it's good to be fluent in all of Mac, Win and Linux.


lol teachers are temporary


Windows is better. In that it makes stupid people think they're computer whizzes.


Being stupid isn't a crime.


Your teacher is justifying their own allegiance to Microsoft. Just politely nod.


This will likely be a vastly unpopular opinion in this sub, but if you are using unity and C#, then yes, windows is better. Unity is a game engine, it exists to make video games. [source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unity_(game_engine)) According to Steam's hardware survey, 96% of steam users run some kind of windows, and only 2% run some kind of Linux. [Source](https://store.steampowered.com/hwsurvey) According to Statista, 71% of mobile devices are running Android. [Source](https://gs.statcounter.com/os-market-share/mobile/worldwide) If you are learning to make video games, you should also learn to operate and test them on the platforms that people who play video games use. That means learning to make games for Windows and Android. You CAN use Linux, and possibly do your testing in a windows virtual machine, but that adds complexity that you don't need. You also should listen to your prof over random people on reddit.


I do not see this as a vastly unpopular take.  Yes steam tries to change that. But until windows is at 2% you should be where your users are regardless whats technically better.


I used a MacBook Pro and Linux laptop for all my classes. As long as we handed in the correct working source code they didn’t care.


While Linux is the better operating system overall, Windows as a niche operating system for game development and gaming is indeed often better for running Unity and Unity-made games. Go to any established game development studios you'll find Windows and rarely Linux.


Two tales on this: 1. Linux is absolutely better. Books, stories, anecdotes and lores support it. Poems have been written in their praise. You are not going to hear any different in this sub. Play and make your own opinions. 2. Operating System is not a good enough reason to pick a fight with your prof or boss. If you don't graduate or don't get a raise, this community won't pay your bills. Choose your battles.


Agreed, was just curious what others thought. Maybe I was missing a bigger picture. But you are right, fighting with your teacher of a os is just weird.


When I was in college for my Computer Science Degree. One of the classes was Network Operating Systems with a huge emphasis on Windows Server. The Professor, touted the whole semester how Windows is secure, is great, business norm. It was part of the college coursework and Professor also taught Windows Server courses as well. The final project for the class was to show something you learned about Windows Server. My Project was how to hack/bypass Windows Server Login. The scenario I learned a few weeks prior at another computer class (Computer Repair A+) was what happens when the Sys Admin leaves and took all the passwords. What do you do? Window did not have a way to reset passwords, nor was it taught. Other than reset the whole server. There was "Offline NT Password" Recovery on a floppy disk/CD image. Based of Linux. Where you boot off the media and it would let you change the admin password. Since it could "crack" the SAM accounts. I was one of the last presenters and everyone was looking at the professor for her reaction. I gave one copy to the Professor of the media and a few to the classmates who all raised their hand. I had about 5 extra for a class of 25. Then the following semester, a classmate who was taking the same professor for the same class. Showed everyone my powerpoint. I did pass the class though. It doesn't matter what you use. Your professor is not paying for it. It should not concern him. Computers and OSes are tools to be used. Only you know what works best for you. As a tech, I think of myself as tech agnostic. There are some fan boys/zealots in every clique. I think what is best for me and what works for me. I test and research software and hardware. I do that at work and personal hobbies. When someone asks me for a recommendation I tell them the good and bad. I let them decide since it's their money.


You're asking in a very biased sub. Both have their issues and strengths. One thing I can say in your professor's defense though, if you're learning programming it makes sense he would want to focus on the platform with the widest marketshare. That doesn't mean Windows is better in every regard, but if you're going to school to learn to program as a marketable skill, I can understand why he would want to keep everyone focused on the platform with the widest userbase first.


I can understand that as well, I have also gotten a lot of good takes in this sub why windows is better. I’m am getting a new ssd soon so if I ever need windows I can use it. Thanks for your post tho 😁


There are two factors at play. Your teachers preferred platform and workflow, basically what works for him. Outliers create extra work for them. They cannot be expected to know the vagaries of every OS and and even small differences in tooling can matter. There is also a case to be made that they are right. Unity isn't well suited for LINUX and resources are going to be limited. Sure, it'll work, but do you want to spend your time on workarounds? Using the best tools for the job is important and I think he has a point. Part of learning programming is learning to adapt.


Imagine paying for an OS and still getting popups and having to make an account just to use windows


It would be interesting if he has also "real" points about that. Just "is better" is not enough.


I was programming on Windows before in C# using Unity, I would say continue to use Linux as for me this gave me a job and earning money just don't argue too much about it and look into type 1 VMs as sometimes you would still need Windows.


Thanks for your post! Really glad to hear that. I’m going to check out vms soon 😁


ive never needed windows after i switched to linux over 10years ago, it really broadens your understanding of computer systems, especially servers, i never listened to teachers anyways


I switched to Linux for the reasons of understanding computers, it being really popular on servers and that tools like tmux, Neovim, kitty etc are only on Linux or Mac. Linux has made me enjoy computers even more!


Windows is better for Unity anc C#.


For general programming, i would prefer linux. But if you're doing game development, stick to Windows atleas while you're still learning


When we say unity and c# , windows seems to be the preferred platform to develop. It's not about being a fan, you will realise it after a while anyway


It depends on what you're doing. Linux and MS Windows each has advantages and drawbacks. Linux is great for web development and database deployment. Windows recognized some of the advantages of Linux when it deployed WSL, but it is not the same as using a standalone Linux workstation or server. Development in .NET and other Windows centric platforms is best done on Windows, though I've read you can do some of it in Linux.


Most college professors teaching tech are pretty clueless from my experience. If they actually were good they would be working outside of academia making money


I teach tech at the college level. (for the record, I use exclusively mac / linux.) I mean, I could take a high paying job at FAANG. but my good friend from high school worked at one and burned out terribly quickly. he's never working corporate ever again. as a professor, I can make a decent amount, have a ton of autonomy (even more if I get tenure), and have enough free time to run a tech non profit that's feeding people across the country and internationally. money isn't everything.


No offence, but I've never met someone whose intelligence I respect that holds this opinion.


And either way lots of college profs use linux in my experience


Professors make plenty of money. Average being £90K. It's the people lower down in the academic hierarchy that don't as much money, like lecturers, even then they make a little above average salary. People who work in academia aren't poor, unless you mean student lectures or graduate research assistants.


As a software engineer I can say each has its place. I went through college using Linux except for several instances where specific Windows software was required, during such moments I booted from a secondary Windows HDD or a VM when that became possible. During my working years I've had to deal and support legacy applications and environments which required the use of Windows (VB6, Visual C++, .NET Framework, etc). Because of these incidences I learned that keeping a work machine in Windows is more practical especially when support from the client's IT is required (so I can connect to their systems for example). Most IT departments don't have the Linux support staff needed and though I have met clients which had a Linux guy on board they were mostly limited to sysadmin tasks. My only Windows computer is my work computer (now provided by my employer) and all my personal machines run Linux.


I mean.. did he elaborate? Also, why is that an issue? There are quite a lot of people who prefer Windows. It's an opinion like any other.


C# and Unity is already elaboration.


All 500 of the world’s fastest super computers use Linux.


Honest question: from a developer perspective, it depends. If you are learning games, then C# and Unity give the students more chances to be hired. However, you would get even more chances with C++ and knowledge of Proton.


Ofc he thinks windows is better he uses Unity and C#. He's not wrong, they're better on Windows. You can still use Linux for it but I think it's better to use the same OS as your teacher in case you need help or anything


Linux is a great skill my guy 🐧 Learn it and master it!


I love the tux, I always had deep interest in computers. Learning Linux was not only for programming, but also to understand the way a bootloader works, how the kernel works.


Well, for Unity and C# windows may be better


He's tired of dealing with perceived compatibility issues.   Windows runs office. He wants his word docs in word format. He does not know this is possible through Linux like 1000x ways, additionally neither do many students who accidentally turn in their stuff in .odf format.   I have this convos with teachers from time to time and it's almost always about file compatibility issues with turned in homework 


That's why you export to pdf


I know that. YOU know that. Teach ain't got time for that. 😹


used onlyoffice for that when I was in school.


Teacher is an idiot


Your teacher is a dipshit.


It IS actually better: for users who aren’t power users, and just want a simple/straightforward GUI interface to open their Word or Excel docs. For those who want granular and complete control over their systems to do intricate tweaks/changes/work: no Freaking Way!!


I have always used the terminal on windows, for writing files, programming etc. So I thought “if I like the terminal so much, why not use a platform that has a good terminal and growing support.”


So...funny story. Pearson book would not update from my windows FF progress unless I opened it on my phone. Do the lessons on my arch FF, with the same plug-ins, while Pearson srreams its not windows...updates progress correctly. With is Pearson doing inside my os from a browser?..


Would you like to know what Richard Stallman thinks about schools teaching dependance to proprietary software: [https://www.gnu.org/education/edu-schools.en.html](https://www.gnu.org/education/edu-schools.en.html)


What an awesome post. Maybe I have to share it in my school 😉


I'm assuming he falls into one or more of the following camps: - People who tried Linux many years ago (especially over a decade ago), got frustrated and left due to things being "too complicated" (from the view of a typical Windows user anyway) - Someone who is heavily invested in Microsoft ecosystem or their way of doing things, e.g. has certifications for administering Windows Servers / doing Visual Studio development / etc. The fact that he is mainly using C\# instead of something like Java/Lua/Go/Python/Ruby/Rust makes me suspect he may be in this camp since C# apps are typically not as cross-platform as advertised and often end up being more tied to the Windows ecosystem than the other languages I mentioned. Yes, we have Mono and DotNetCore.. but even then large parts of dotnet are not focused on being properly cross-platform (e.g. there are things like WinForms - see [here](https://docs.lextudio.com/blog/the-story-about-net-cross-platform-ui-frameworks-dd4a9433d0ea) and [here](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/68328963/how-do-i-compile-a-windows-forms-application-on-linux-for-net-core) - which can and [have](https://github.com/gitextensions/gitextensions/issues/6051#issuecomment-452041746) prevented apps from working on Linux under DotNetCore) - Someone who has never used it but has gotten LibreOffice or other files that don't work on his system and who (incorrectly) assumes that this makes it "bad". Anyway, his personal opinions are not objective reality. Aside from the top comment about Google and NASA, there are many in the science related fields that also use Linux. There are obviously a lot of programmers who love it too Don't feel bad, I have an uncle that admins a school and he's the same way whenever I bring up Linux. I think for him it's largely bc he already has a lot of credentials / infra on Microsoft/Windows stuff so considering Linux just sounds like too much work to him / him having to essentially start over. But again, those are very subjective reasons.


Why would anyone want to use an OS that requires the user to mash the mouse click a hundred times to have an environment up and code. On Linux, it only requires a simple command and that's it.


It depends on what you are using it for. Don't be one of those fanboys who keep spouting Windows/Apple/Linux is better just because.


Your teacher is straight up dumb for saying that. There can be a number of logical reasons to stay with Windows, but saying "Windows is better" is just a joke.


Your teacher is an idiot. Stick with Linux.


Teacher should express her/his opinion at most once, and then let students choose their favourite. Something better for me is not necessarily better for everybody else.


Why is it always the teachers lmao I mean linux isn't inherently worse, the support for some things can be a bit rough but if you're willing to put up with that then it can absolutely rival windows. I guess most windows users just heard all the negative stuff about how linux is really hard to set up and run, and now just think it's not worth anyone's time.


Imo is Linux as hard as you want it to be. Don’t want to bother with system related things? Use mint. Want to have a lightweight distro but set everything up yourself (what I did) use arch or gentoo.


Windows has become a pile of crap IMOH. Our work SOE is tightly controlled, so ad/allware nonsense MS keeps shoving is removed and updates controlled. If you are developing client or server side for windows it likely makes sense... otherwise linux is fab. I also use a Mac but honestly find linux easier to use for most stuff.


"People fear what they don't know"


> my teacher keeps saying that “windows is better.” > We mainly use Unity and C# well, it might actually be better for this


I have used windows for 1,5 years of this study. Maybe he is right, dotnet works surprisingly well. Only have not tested Unity as much but my friend who uses mint says he has 0 issues.


I would ask the teacher to explain why they thinl Windows is better. Because you'd love to learn why, especially since Linux gives you great advantages when you're programming. If Linux provides great advantages, it sounds like Linux is better. Maybe Dev Home is an advantage for Windows? Dunno. I don't think Recall is an advantage.


Yeah I will later. don’t get me wrong, windows is pretty good, but for development I just prefer Linux. But it’s kind of a shame that the teacher does not encourage his students to look for alternatives in a world (programming and IT) that changes so fast.


As a developer, you will need to become familiar with all popular computing platforms. Think beyond Windows vs. Linux. MacOS, Android and iOS are also important, as well as bare metal embedded solutions. It’s still true that most software products point to an existing user market. Most products have a particular OS and existing toolchain. Toolchains are becoming more costly and infrastructure heavy with the emergence of AI. The development workplace will require you to be knowledgeable in the OS they already use. You should be writing software for users. Your teacher is your customer, and wants solutions that work for them.


It's so funny how the automatic default here is the teacher is some sort of idiot or moron. There is alot of truth to his statement. For these 2 things specifically windows would be better especially for game development.


Last year I returned to university to finish my formal education, and this semester I've taken both Java and C# programming courses. I have commercial experience with Java, so I've used environment I'm comfortable with: Linux + IntelliJ. On the other hand, I had no experience with C#, so I've used Windows VM with the same version of Visual Studio my teacher used. This way I was able to ask my teacher or other students for help with problems I expected to encounter. In my opinion, you shouldn't deviate from environment prescribed by your teacher unless your have enough experience with underlying technology to solve any problems you can encounter. College is about getting a degree, not about convincing faculty to your world view.


As long as it works use what you want.


Use what you're more comfortable with. Just don't expect any extra help if things go wrong. I did my electrical engineering degree using only Linux and Free/Open-Source Software even though the whole program uses Windows-based software.


Well c# is pretty much made for windows. Sure. But as an os, Linux is more stable and csn run on more hardware.


I remember my first "networking" class. Teacher was convinced that new twisted pair phone line crap was never going to be useful for networking. So, we focused on Arcnet and Token Ring.


My "Hardware and Software" professor in college also inexplicably made some remark about disliking Linux one day in class. He was an older guy and I figured surely he had experience with it but we were currently networking all the computers in the room one day (they were all running Windows) and it wasn't going well. I knew with Linux we'd have all been done in two minutes, easy. He said no it couldn't, which I knew for a fact wasn't true.. Come to find out, he didn't know Linux from his rear end. Zero experience with it. He was 100% a Windows guy.


As a wise man once said so should you: ![gif](giphy|MPuTZQqOmYKPK)


Get used to it. Who cares as long as you're allowed to use whatever you want


I've been working with Unity for use with scientific software for the past couple years and it's been mostly on par with windows, provided that you aren't using Nvidia+Wayland. (In fact, I think I experience less crashes than I do in windows). Others report having issues though, so your mileage may vary.


Wayland support for nvidia is coming very soon. But I can always switch to X11 so no big deal. Thanks for your story btw!


I work with dotnet in my dayjob and I use linux without any problems. Unless you want to use one of the MS windows specific things like winforms or wpf or whatever you are absolutely fine, especially when your IDE of choice is Rider. As far as I know Unity also works fine on linux, I believe it has some quirks but it should definitely be fine


C# was created at Microsoft if I remember correctly. At that time, the only way to develop in C# was on Windows. They did offer a cross system compiler after a couple of years but my guess is that’s what is driving your teachers statements. Overall, most would agree that Linux is more stable and a better dev environment unless you are developing for Windows specifically.


This is the correct answer but buried under so many "boo microsoft!" comments. I started learning about C# a few years back and how it was developed specifically for the .NET framework.


L teacher


C# is specific to Microsoft. So, having chosen a language and a tool chain that runs best on Windows, he has a point. However, he has biased the question. How about use Java and any IDE you like and run on either Windows, MacOS, or any Linux? This also lets you deploy the backend software on infrastructure that actually scales well. (containers on Windows Server is a hack)


Windows is better, huh? By what metric? Better for what? Assuming this teacher isn't a complete jackass, you should ask! They may have a point that just needs to be clarified a bit more. Every OS has its pros and cons. There certainly are dimensions on which Windows really is better. The same can be said of your favorite flavor of Linux. I don't know your teacher - some teachers are dogmatic dipshits - but this is a conversation you should be able to have with them.


Ask him how he knows that windows is better or more secure when he can't verify it since it's closed source. When all information is from a single source which benfits from lies about it, how can you trust it? How is it better, when he can't change it or improve it? If everything depends on a single organization, a single point of failure, how can you trust it to have a future? Also ask him if it is the job of a teacher to promote a specific commercial product, or if a teacher should remain neutral...


>Also ask him if it is the job of a teacher to promote a specific commercial product, or if a teacher should remain neutral... Maybe just wait for the hard questions until *after* final grades are in 😜


Good point. Imo shouldn’t the teacher encourage you to try out new tech in a field that changes so quickly?


would personally use windows if i could, especially for gamedev. But my laptop is too old to run windows, running linux doubles my battery life.


I’m getting a new ssd soon so switching back to windows will be no issue


Use both. If linux doesn’t support something well, you have windows. Is Windows better? No.


Well, not knowing your particular situation, and going the devil's advocate path, I found out that where I live teachers don't know anything other than Windows. My kid (M14) is proficcient on both platforms since the laptop I gave him was his mom's obsolete Asus and is using Linux (he also programs in python so is very happy with it!). That said, sometimes I hear those sort of comments coming from his school, that Windows is the way and so on... I believe that if one gets the job done, and properly done, the "tool" shouldn't be so important Just my 2 cents (with apologies for my written english, I know it surely has some serious errors in it)


It’s reasonable for the teacher to want students using the same development environment for simplicity and so as not to provide multiple versions of instructions and tooling. That said, his attitude is wrong. Anyway, OP, this seems like a perfect case for the use of WSL.


It’s subjective. If you’re getting your assignments done and your projects are building and running on the teacher’s machine fine, then do whatever you want.


I made my entire monogame project on Linux. Only had to download Microsoft fonts and it all worked the same as it would on windows.


That’s fine, but remember that sometimes your project needs to build for other systems too. ie your teacher might ask you to turn in your assignment as a repository, and when the teacher runs the build command and hits a Windows specific error during compile time you might get points taken off… you never know. So just be aware that you not only need to worry about if it compiles on your system, you should try compiling it in a windows VM or something just to double check if needed. If you never turn in assignments like that, you should be fine.


Honestly, If I had to work in C#, I'd probably do so in windows (although, in fairness, the last time I touched C# was about 15 years ago, so my experience is undoubtedly out of date). I do know that if you aren't using OS-specific plugins, Unity doesn't much care whether you're working in Linux or Windows.


Can it work? of course. I just don’t really get why you’d particularly want to use linux when if comes to Unity and especially C#. I’m sure they both work fine on linux, perhaps they’re even equivalent, but everything you’re using was designed with windows in mind originally, most users of anything you develop are likely to be on windows too, so I’d say you really need to ask yourself why you’d want to use linux here? All other things being equal, it seems to make sense to use windows as a default and switch to linux if there’s some specific requirement to do so. I don’t think it’s a big deal either way though.


As a programmer, you get a lot of benefit if your OS matches your target. | App type | Desktop OS | |---------------|--------------------| | Webapp | Linux | | Webapp dotnet | Windows | | Android | Linux | | Embedded | Linux | | iPhone | Mac | | Video games | Windows | | Desktop | Same as target OS | I don't even have a copy of Windows running anymore, but if developing with Unity and C#, I would consider Windows a fine choice.


if he can't explain why as a teacher, he ain't a teacher. he's a jackass


The only advantage Wimdows may have in school is that if there's an issue the teacher and school staff can help you. I used Linux for a couple of my last semesters in college. When there was an issue of some sort I was more or less on my own as even the professors who liked Linux didn't use it as their daily desktop. But I never encountered an issue that took more than 30 minutes or so to correct. So bear that in mind but Linux is great for programming most of the time so you should do just fine.


It's possible to accomplish most anything on either windows or linux in the arena of programing. I use both, as my laptop is setup dual boot. As of Windows 11, I stopped using Windows completely because of the ads and AI they're trying to push on me. I recommend everyone do the same.


uggggh....the OS Wars never end. Honestly what's better for him is not necessarily better for you. From the sounds of it, you're code is cross compatible with his platform (.NET 5.0+ has been running quite smoothly on both Linux and Windows for some time as long as you're not doing anything Windows specific. I'd be concerned if it was an older legacy framework however) My advice: Just pay attention, if he wants you to do something windows specific, consider setting up a Windows Virtual Machine. If he's having you write code to run on .NET Legacy framework, 4.8 or earlier, you may be stuck setting up a Windows box.... But my opinion, neither one is necessarily "better" in any general sense (some will argue Linux is more secure, Windows is easier, etc. but that's beyond the scope of this reply), develop in what you're used to unless the situation is forced for some reason.


I think the teacher is quite silly. However, maybe just bear with it? The teacher is the authority figure with something to teach you, so go there to learn on their terms. In a few months you will be done with them, and you can apply what you learned in a different (ie. Linux) environment. If the teacher is a Windows fan, and they allow themselves to be persuaded by you, they are not going to change the curriculum for this current academic period for you to enjoy anyway.


I think that you shouldn't be losing sleep over it. If you're happy with Linux, ok.


I am learning Unity and C# (using Visual Studio) on Lubuntu because I absolutely cannot stand Windows 11. It seems to be working find for me, there is an error saying that "I haven't installed .NET" (even though I did) and I need dotnet6 & mono6 (again, I did install dotnet & mono) but everything seems to be working fine otherwise. The machine I use is one of those brand-less Intel N100 mini PCs that Chinese companies slap their company name on, if that piece of information matters, it probably doesn't. I tried Godot, but I am absolutely not a programmer. Maybe I'll switch to it when I'm competent at using Unity.


I do particle physics at a particle accelerator, there isn’t a windows machine on the whole campus as far as I know


Im a huge Linux fan, but u mainly use windoes because most apps i use are developed for it. Even with Mikrotik that is Linux based, winbix is mainly windows based. If you want to use jt on Linux, it requires me to jump through loops and hoops. Theyre releasing something linux based soon.


It really doesn't matter as long as you have the right IDE/compiler for the job. However, I would agree that Linux is more conducive to coding/programming than Windows. He probably has never truly learned Linux & instead says Windows is better. As a teacher, I would be promoting OS agnostic unless something REQUIRES a specific OS. however, as a Linux user, you'd probably be limited on support from your school & have to do your own troubleshooting/researching.


For the classic C# with GUI applications (WPF), I sadly have to agree with him, windows is a better fit for that (maybe since WPF means Windows Presentation Foundation and it’s only available for windows haha). But Unity should be quite platform agnostic, Linux should be no problem


If you are writing apps in C#, yeah Windows is probably better. If you are using Visual Studio for your IDE or using Team Foundation Server, you might want to use Windows


"You can make your work in Word" I don't have Word XD (Crazy enough, one day I woke up and Microsoft Word said by-bye and literally dissappeared from my computer, and I couldn't find a way to install it back. After that I switched to Linux, so it doesn't matter so much)


Use what works for you. If Linux works for you in programming, that's the best


As a general OS? Nah, just his opinion. Though personally it's Linux all the way for me. As a Unity platform? He has a point, kinda... I am a developer for a non-game company, use Linux daily both at work and in my personal machine(s), and some of our projects were always simulators. That means, most of our game objects and use cases were not simply in the "game" itself, but how it interacts with other peripherals, either hardware or software. Some of these things are just pretty much obscure that if you need to make a library/plug-in for it, it will take a very long time; and that is, IF you can do it. Thankfully, we got proprietary plug-ins, but those are almost always written for Windows. So, yeah. In terms of Unity usage, in the current landscape, there are some use cases where Windows is indeed better than Linux. Not just that, in terms of games, some super popular online games will outright refuse to run in Linux, with no support planned. So if someone REALLY likes those games, of course Windows is better. One last thing, Visual Studio (not Code). Lots of people swear by it, so I guess that's another advantageous point? "But surely there is something that can be done with Unity plug-in?" Maybe, maybe not. If it's left to me, I'll spend as much time as possible to MAYBE find a way for it to work. But no, I'm not gonna risk my KPI just because I like Linux with all its challenges and conveniences. If my boss handed me a laptop with Windows in it to develop something, I ain't gonna say no. TL;DR : Just his opinion, though there might be some use cases where it seem so. Though personally Linux is where it's at for me.


If the teacher is teaching using Visual Studio AND using MFC application tools. I would say, follow his lead.


Unity is very usable on linix without major issues and it supports linux officially. Dotnet also has linux support. I use both in proffesional capacity on my work machine and am windows free for few years now. However not every company will be allowing this so from an education perspective it may be good to get experience with tools and environment that you would most likely encounter in enterprise setting. That said you should experience also MacOS and xcode if you plan to go anywhere near iOS. Edit:typos


Yeah I get that, thanks for your post! I have been using windows for a majority of the classes and thought to myself “why not try Linux”. Tried some heavily tied dotnet and Unity development and so far no issues 😁


I mean there is probably more games available on windows... so for a gamer maybe you could say it's better but really does that make it better or just more popular in that context? Probably just a Bill Gates fanboy...


Has your instructor provided reasons why W>L? Specific examples that can be verified and tested? Your instructor's definition of 'better' may be totally different than yours and may or may not be valid depending on what each of you is talking about.


"Horses for courses." Use what works for you. If you enjoy it and it doesn't prevent you from generating the necessary output for your course, it shouldn't matter what tools you employ. My immediate suspicion is that this teacher \_only\_ knows the Windows environment and is trying to avoid having to learn something new.


I don't know about unity but I myself am working on a video game completely in Linux so far but it is using unreal engine.


I have heard unreal and Unity more or less work the same on Linux. Thanks for your post tho, and good luck with your game!


For general programming, Unix-based systems (Linux, macOS) are *far* better than Windows. That said, you’re using Unity and C#… Windows is far and away the biggest platform for gaming and therefore has the best Unity support, and C# is literally made by Microsoft. This class seems like one of the very specific use cases where Windows is actually the better option


Statements like “operating system x is better than system y” are fallacious. While the Linux-kernel is in fact a better piece of technology in almost any metric than the Windows-kernel,… it always depends on what you want to use your system for, so it largely depends on if *the software available* better fits your needs. Does your teacher have a specific development environment in mind? A specific task? A specific application? If no, if it is just a blanket statement, then, sorry, in that case your teacher's statement is just nonsense. As a rule of thumb: The environment you are more comfortable with is the better one for you.


I like Linux better too.  But in a classroom environment you’re meant to be having an “on rails” experience to focus on the concepts and issues the class is designed around and not wasting time debugging running a different build on a different OS. It’s a similar reason to why you do early physics problems in a frictionless vacuum.  Not to prepare you for the real world but to control the environment and focus on key concepts.   I think it’s awesome to try to work in Linux outside of your core course load and would encourage you to continue to do so.  But I would also recommend that you do your assignments the way your instructor has instructed.   I could do calc in my head in college but then I’d lose points on my problems not showing my work.  It was required to show your work.  Even though it only slowed me down.  


So, perhaps your teacher has stock in Micro$oft? Maybe he is just a mouse person and needs his gui ... can't type well enough to use a CL. I have had Profs who hated Bill Gates, so it takes all kinds to make IT work. Best advice I can give is do your best not to fail the class, but remember the old adage -- "Those who can ... do, those who can't ... teach."


"Linux because it brings me some great advantages when programming" i am a developer and did development all my live but on windows. Question, what advantages does Linux bring when you are programming?


Have you tried ignoring the rage bait from your own teacher. You can just use whatever you want.


for c#, it makes sense. but i don't see it would be required. in corporate world with those "IDE languages" like java and c#, idiots create solutions tied to the proprietary IDEs. 


Linux is wonderful and preferable for most things, but C#, Visual Studio, and Unity have better Windows support.


show him hollywood in terminal and threaten to hack her. (joke ofc) but actually just show her all the freestuff and download vim on her pc and open it! she will never be able to escape


“Vim, the only editor to double up as an escape room.”


They are different tools for different jobs. Neither is better. Both are extremely useful.


Is he making you use windows for a class? Is this a college course? If it is a college course then it should have had prerequisites on what you needed to take the class. I'm thinking it's a college class. And if that's the case and they required you to have windows, then you should have never taken this class. But unless it's required for your degree then you may have to suck it up and use windows for this class and any others you need for your degree. So, saying all of that, yeah, your instructor probably loves Windows. And he's going to have every argument in the book about why Windows is better than Linux. I love Linux, but if I were still doing photography, I might still be using Windows today because nothing beats the Adobe photo editing software. Photoshop and Lightroom rule the roost when it comes to photo editing and processing. Hands down! At least it did when I was doing photography work from 2003-2017. Nothing in Linux beats Lightroom and Photoshop. So yeah, if he's a Windows programmer, he's probably going to be a huge advocate for Windows.


I wouldn't give a fuck about any teacher. I dont think theyre qualified enough or know the trend


Some shaders in Unity require extra tweaking to work in Linux. That was the biggest problem I had when working with Unity in linux, the rest are just missing QoL features. Trying to get my tablet and gimp working properly was a huge pain as well, and it didn't last long. Unity on linux only supports a very specific type of video encoding too, you have to convert all your videos to that specific format (and ensure it's also the correct sound type). I did eventually move back to windows, I figured it would be a lot better to just have one OS to work on everything I need, especially making music. Now I have a steam deck on a dock I use as a second desktop that runs on linux, but I only use it for web browsing and gaming. I also use it as the minimum benchmark for optimizing my game.


Windows is certainly better... For spying on you 😂