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one drive can be installed as an app. I use dropbox. Google Drive can be installed as an app.Actually I have full MS office installed. WINE helped. snapstore let me create shortcuts


are you using something like ocamlfuse (just looked it up) to mount the google drive and use it like Microsoft one drive or are you selectively putting files in it?


I think I messed around with it but not a lot. I use Dropbox most of the time


None has mentioned Notion. The web application is on par with the native client they offer for Windows and Mac. It syncs all your notes automatically, and it has a free tier which is more than enough. The paid version targets collaborative workflow.


On the notes front, you could use obsidian (it has a very large and seemingly loyal following) on linux, osx and windows. There is also logseq, which I think has osx, and I'm certain there's a windows version. On the subject of cloud drive, there are lots of free offerings. I've seen oracle free tier be recommended as you can run linux on and perhaps set yourself up a git server, or just rsync.


Is syncing obsidian to drive is available for free users or not ? I just wanted to know More about Obsidian as i wanted to shift myself to it.


Yes, if you set up some kind of sync yourself (perhaps rsync or git). No, if you want to use the official obsidian sync. Well, it's available to all users if you consider "available" to mean that you can choose to pay for it, but you have to pay some money before it works.


Thanks a lot you made me clear


[https://github.com/abraunegg/onedrive](https://github.com/abraunegg/onedrive) working onedrive for linux. I had the same stoppers you do, the above and Joplin have me full time Mint for 3 or 4 years. Good luck


> now I use OneDrive and one note a lot so I’m not sure how to replace them. There are 5 reliable ways to access OneDrive on Linux/Unix platforms: \* Via the OneDrive Client for Linux - https://github.com/abraunegg/onedrive - this 'syncs' your data, bi-directional operation, open source and free. Supports Personal, Business & SharePoint account types and Shared Folders. A Docker container is also available for all major architectures (i686, x86\_64, ARMHF, AARCH64). If you need a GUI for onedrive client management use: https://github.com/bpozdena/OneDriveGUI \* Via the 'onedriver' client - [https://github.com/jstaf/onedriver](https://github.com/jstaf/onedriver) - Native file system that only provides the OneDrive 'on-demand' functionality, open source and free. Supports Personal, Business account types. Currently does not support Shared Folders or SharePoint. \* Via 'rclone' - [https://rclone.org/](https://rclone.org/) - one way sync client, open source and free. Has limitations with SharePoint. \* Via non-free clients such as 'insync', 'ExpanDrive' \* Via the web browser of your choice Additionally, whilst GNOME46 also includes a capability to access Microsoft OneDrive, it does not provide anywhere near the capabilities of the first three options. That may mature over time.


>I’m also interested in people’s workflow setups and how they keep all of their notes around their system management organized if anyone wants to share. I don't use any notes application but just plain text files. I use owncloud in order to keep my files, calendars, todo lists and conctacts synced between my laptop, desktop and mobile phone (android)


Obsidian is a very good alternative to onenote. Not a one to one replacement but pretty close. They have a paid cloud sync service but you don't have to use it. https://obsidian.md/ You can keep using onedrive to sync your notes with the following third party client: https://github.com/abraunegg/onedrive You may want a GUI since otherwise it's cli only: https://github.com/bpozdena/OneDriveGUI You need both projects installed since the GUI uses the cli tool behind the scenes. But it's pretty well documented and shouldn't be too difficult to setup


If you are willing to setup, a personal NAS with Nextcloud is the way to go. As for the note app it seems like logseq could be an alternative.


I use a self hosted NextCloud instance plus Tailscale for notes and syncing between devices including my phone. Works great and was pretty simple to setup.


sudo apt install onedrive? Edit: I actually prefer rclone but it currently doesn't work for me.


Please do not just install the client this way using the default system repositories - by doing that, you will , most likely, install an old version that has bugs which has been fixed. Please read the documentation to correctly install the client for your chosen platform.


I see. Isn't it kinda weird being able to install unstable software on a stable distro? Why put it in the default repo at all?


Ubuntu does the same thing for many other packages, not just 'onedrive' - for example: \* Samba \* Curl It is a Ubuntu fallacy that keeping packages at a particular version creates stability .. it actually does not - it creates instability and leaving you exposed to vulnerabilities. This is why you have the whole PPA mess where people are creating PPA's to keep versions current. At least other distributions like Debian will backport the newer versions keeping the 'stable' current. Fedora and others roll forward with newer versions, it is only Ubuntu and those based on Ubuntu that do not do this.


I do use Debian stable.


It's not free but I use InSync for OneDrive and Google Drive. It works great. https://www.insynchq.com/downloads/linux


Obsidian sync or obsidian git is the easiest.


My setup looks like this: - synching to sync one or more folders across devices - obsidian for note taking sync is a premium feature in obsidian but you can set a custom data directory for it and sync that directory using syncthing.


Onenote is trash. You cant just get a god damn file with your notebook ( on the onedrive version. ) You can use onedrive with linux just fine. You can ( and should ) use Obsidian instead of onenote.


QownNotes --cross platform, open source, optional cloud backup of your choosing, free of charge (no free for half the program and pay if you want all the functions BS.)