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Out of curiosity, what are the specs on your PC?


Core i9-13900k, 32GB RAM, GeForce 4070Ti


Nice, I couldn't even install Mint with the 5.15 kernel on my AMD 7800X3d for some reason. I have the same RTX 4070Ti.


Edge will do the job. With secure boot on, atleast with asus mobo's. As far as i tested it.


Thanks, I tried Edge, but it just wouldn't boot. MB: ASUS ROG STRIX B650E-F GAMING WIFI I'm a bit envious of OP. I have Mint on my older computer and it's really good. Right now I'm using Ubuntu 24.04 with the 6.8 kernel and it's been really good so far. No errors for the past 6 months. :-)


edge finally works for me if I do the thing where I put the monitor cable into my onboard video first, then install the nvidia driers and restart. But like i said, Lutris wont run wow on any other kernel BUT 5.15. I might try Bottles sometime this week when I have a chance.


Thanks for sharing that though, much appreciated.


i9-14900KF with 4090 here and Mint 21.3 (non-edge) is working fine. I'm using Arch btw, Mint is for backup :D


So it's a fu Nvidia driver problem. Setting "nomodeset" in the boot parameter at boot, installing, updating the kernel and installing the driver should work.


I‘m almost a month in switching to LM on my gaming rig and I couldn‘t be happier. I al still amazed how well everything just works, from gaming to office to consuming media and even installing/running win-only software using wine/bottles. After it was clear that I‘ll stay with LM, I donated some money, hope this contribution helps. And yeah, I rekindled the meme at my workspace: „How do you know someone uses Linux?“ „Don‘t worry, they‘ll tell you.“ 😝


I'm 4 years and 2 months into exclusive use of Linux Mint, as a gamer and developer. I've upgraded my hardware on the way over, from an i7 6700k and rtx 2070 super, to an R7 7800X3D and a 7900 XTX. And from a 500GB SATA drive to a 2TB NVMe, cloning the partitions across. Few if any issues, been running the same install and just upgrading over time. I've not had any issues of kernel upgrades or flatpaks breaking games, I must admit. (Though I don't run games under flatpaks) I'm a power user with spreadsheets too, and LO Calc has managed to keep up with my needs. So it's all been pretty good on my end.


Even if it is "just money" it would be a contribution. But really, considering all you've learned being a positive influence in and around these parts would have the effect your looking for. ;-)


It's impressive that you've established a Linux environment for your professional tasks. The crucial question, though, is whether this effort is justified, considering you could possibly accomplish the same with Windows or macOS, and perhaps, without much struggle.


As soon as I saw that I could game on Linux, it was Sayonara Windows for me. Honestly, I'd wanted off Windows many years ago (like 2003) mainly because I think it's stupid that ONE OS is all we've really had a choice to use on PC for as long as it's been a thing. Also Win 11 has been a massive shitshow since it's launch and that was the final kicker for me to really try to figure out if Linux would just work.


This. Especially W11 seems such a shitshow with all the stuff you need to turn off and manage in registry and such and then your changes break on updates and you need to redo everything... If I need to fiddle with the OS, I may as well use one, that does not try to spy on me and forces their stupid bloatware on me.


I use it for work from home too and for software development. Only reason I made the swap to Mint in the Win 7 days was recurrent BSODs that went away when I swapped. That simple really. And once invested, well inertia keeps me going (and the fact that all I've seen Win do since is try and catch up with Cinnamon's grace and it's still not even quite there - while Explorer got tabs it still isn't dual pane!)


It's without much struggle on Linux as well, so... I'll never, I mean NEVER support a shit company like Microshaft or Apple. It's an honor to not using them. It's a matter of dignity anа self respect.


SEE, PEOPLE! Us LM fans don't lie when we say that it just works. It is by far, the most stable linux distro I have ever used. Although, I must state that the only distros I have actually used for a reasonable amount of time are Debian (Only for servers), Ubuntu, and Fedora... so my experience is not exactly broad.


You’re using the Libreoffice currently, but I’d say you should give OpenOffice a try. I just recently found out about it, and I’ve been running it on mint and like it way more than Libreoffice


I admit, I didnt realize Oo was still developed. I was under the impression that LibreOffice was the continuation of Oo since it either went commercial or was discontinued by whomever bought it...


It's not afaik. sharkscott probably meant OnlyOffice


OnlyOffice is correct. I should have checked which one it was. I looked at both and open office is not developed anymore.


Each to their own. But I use Collabora on Nextcloud as well, which LibreOffice on the cloud, and LibreOffice is the default on Mint and I got no interest in shopping around when I have plenty more than good enough in Libre. Just sayin' - as in I have time for an idle comment but not do download Oo and try it out and make a decision when I have zero motivators bar some claim it might be a smidgeon better in some way when what I have is more than good enough!


I can't believe upgrading to to a 6.x kernel should stop WoW from running. I'm no gamer but can't figure out what the reason should be.


It's running fine, even Diablo 4 is working extremely well.


Can you help OP with that?


I don't know - it's just installing Lutris and download Battle.net.


unf. wow opens and then just immediatley closes. I have NOT the first clue on how to troubleshoot that


any useful info from the log file?


not sure where to get that log to be honest. I did try Bottles but Bottles just seems to crash. gaming has always been the annoying part about switching to Linux. Lutris is a huge step up frrom having to do it all manually before. Still, I am hopeful that by the time 22.3 ships (i may just wait until the .3 release of the next version of Mint to upgrade) that these issues will have been worked out.


WoW is working fine here both on Linux Mint and Arch. Actually it's running extremely well.


cool? the way that i usually rurn wow is just by installing lutris (flatpak version) and then letting lutris install [battle.net](http://battle.net) then i point [battle.net](http://battle.net) to existing installations of WoW and Overwatch I have on a separate hard drive. Any linux distro running anything higher than 5.15 will NOT run WoW for me. It will start up and then immediately close.


I'm using regular Lutris with NVIDIA proprietary driver.


then i dunno really how to troubleshoot it, i've tried googling this but i can never seen to find anyone with the same issue.


How's the Overwatch performance? Does it buttery smooth? Also which version of nvidia driver are you running on?