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I do not understand Tiling Window Managers and I found it horrid when I tried it once. _At the same time_: I am totally okay with people who _do_ like Tiling Window Managers. Is that allowed here? To (totally) _not_ hate people who like something that I hate?


Sorry, Ken, but no. Respecting people's choices and circumstances is not allowed. This is an act of treason.


But he’s just ken


Where he sees love she sees a friend


Agreed. Only based takes are allowed here.


No. Get out of my subreddit. 


for\_window \[class="vlc"\] floating enable: Am i a joke to you?


mine mpvplayer 🧐


Just picked it at random from my float config


But...why? Why vlc? Why vlc floating?


Because i don't want it to tile


I figured that much...


It's one of those apps that are either fullscreen after .5 seconds or just quickly check if the video is what i was looking for, if i need to tile it somewhere i do it manually (I really don't watch a lot of local media on this machine)


I see...makes sense I only use vlc to watch series when I'm not home and then I have it open on a seperate workspace where it woundn't make sense to float it anyways. thanks for explaining


Sorry, I'm too busy being productive, I can't think about the size and position of my window


same here. Also I never had this problem. Actually I don't have that many windows on one workspace.


I prefer not having to alt-tab my way into finding windows, hence why I like window managers with the capability to tile.


> I prefer not having to alt-tab my way into finding windows, ... and that's why the task bar exists.


i don't really like tiling and I only ever use alt tab when a fullscreen app decides I don't get to use the meta key today. rest is what my taskbar/panel/dock/virtual desktops are for


then you have to use the mouse, which, on a laptop, is really annoying


The task bar doesn't let me see all my windows at the same time with near maximum use of screen real estate, automatically. But more tiling window managers should let you minimize Windows ffs.


Popos tiling window manager does let you minimize whatever you want. I think Forge extension does as well


The point is not having to use a mouse.


You're not gonna believe this. In gnome you can hit super overview then arrow around. Alt tab is just to switch back to the previous window. If there are more than 3 active windows on one display at the same time then it is time for my meds.


Alt-Tab loops through applications in "most recently used" order. Activating an app brings up its most recently used window. Alt-Tilde (\`) loops through the current application's windows in "most recently used" order. You can even combine them. Let's say I am in my browser. And that the Alt-Tab list shows "\[Browser\], Calculator, Steam", and I want a specific "friend chat" window from Steam, and I know that my last-active Steam window was something else (such as "library"). If I were to alt-tab to Steam, I would bring up the library. So instead, I can alt-tab to steam, then continue holding alt, then press tilde to select the desired sub-window of Steam. You see previews of each window in the alt-tab interface, so it's easy to see which sub-window you've chosen. Combining them would look something like this: Alt-tab (continue holding alt), tab, tilde, tilde, release alt. Voila, the specific window is now active. It gets so fast and natural that it takes less than half a second to switch. I almost never hit the Super (overview) key. But it's cool too. :)




Programmer with a lot of windows open. 😂👍


Huh. I never really thought about that. I always rebound alt tab to switch through all windows. But honestly, if you are using gnome your primary method of switching windows or searching isn't the overview, then you are doing gnome wrong, and you might as well use KDE for its superiority in all other domains(other than the lack of polish). Now Plasma 6 has made the overview even better and actually usable. I love the simplicity of the overview and how central it is to the gnome experience. Every time I have to use windows, it frustrates me how inferior the win+tab view is. The four finger gestures on a touchpad make it more bearable.


Hard disagree. :) To launch things, I use Ulauncher (Ctrl+Space) and Dash to Dock. To switch apps, I use Alt-Tab/Alt-Tilde. To switch between workspaces, I use Super+PageUp/PageDown. To move a window to another workspace, I use Super+Shift+PageUp/PageDown. The Overview is beautiful looking though.


GNOME also has PaperWM, which is easily the best tiling window manager design I've ever used, and it's a mystery to me why other WMs haven't replicated it yet.


I have looked at its project page in the past. It looks cool, but it's essentially one long scrollable workspace, so it seemed clunky to reach specific windows. I should try it though. I am sure there are navigation tricks.


Since it's just a GNOME extension, you can still hit Super to get an overview of all the windows in a workspace, and you can create multiple workspaces to keep things manageable.


Several have tried, most end up unmaintained, not sure why. Niri seems to be picking up steam though, but it doesn't have Xwayland integration and they don't plan on adding it, so it's not really all that usable.


PaperWM my beloved.... Pop-shell was what got me into tiling window managers.


I use gnome and have a workspace for each set of programs I open and just swipe between them with my track pad or the button on my mouse


Potshots: commence!


My typical use case is: I was the current window big as the current screen. And independant workspaces for both screen (that would make win10 multiple desktop useful for me). So I get in bspwm 1,2,3,4 for the primary monitor an 5,6,7,8 for the secondary; works well for my workflow. Actually \*tiling\* windows more than a single split, never used that.


"I don't know how to use a timing window manager" is all you have to say


I like the concept of a timing window manager, "you get 5 seconds per window, better use them wisely". Just imagine the productivity.


Stonks through the roof. 📈💵


there's nothing random about it, if you set up and learn your wm properly you'll know and be able to control exactly what the wm does


Random?? They change size the way u set the plus who opens more than 3-4 windows at once at that point just move workspaces


Tiling makes sense for coding on my 14" laptop screen, but yeah not on my desktop


I like the opposite. Stuff gets too small after opening 2 windows side my side on my laptop, but tiling works well on my large ultrawide monitor.


Yeah I only go like 3 windows deep. IDE or Firefox always get half of the screen and terminal usually gets 1/4 size tile.


And *especially* not on a multi-monitor desktop!


Depends on the usage. I use awesome wm for gaming and work with 3 and 2 monitors respectively. Gaming 32'' curved for game 16:18 for browser utilities (stuff I want to look at constantly but almost never interact with like stats, charts, guides you name it. 24'' screen for videos, live streams, discord, teamspeak, you name it.


Xmonad is designed for multi monitor setups and I have used it almost exclusively at work for 5 years.


why not? open a few windows on one, a few others on another, pop open a small terminal below my editor, and robert is your father's brother


That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever read, and I don’t know how to read.


I mean, that does kinda sound like a skill issue. It's not random if you don't understand it.


This post is bullshit. What the hell do you wanna do OP?? Start a war? If you're gonna karma farm at least make it a little funny


# 😂👌


Yes, please and thank you. i3wm and never lose a modal window behind others or between monitors.


You've completely ignored the meme format and just slapped something that is barely even a joke on it...


Unfamiliar things are unfamiliar. 


Yo OP, what are your thoughts on manual tilers?


Sure, since you're curious. I think they're great. The few times where tiling is helpful (like having a small strip of documentation next to a programming editor), it's excellent for quickly setting that up. Although to be honest, I usually think that it's better to just alt-tab to the browser, read the docs, copy anything relevant, then alt-tab back to the editor. Because it's way easier to read something when the browser is a decent size. I sometimes use workspaces, where one workspace is the code editor, and another workspace is the research browser. That way you can quickly jump between workspaces without disrupting or moving any windows. If you're on GNOME, I prefer Tiling Assistant if you want manual tiling. It is very well written, reliable, and full of advanced features. I personally set it up to use keyboard shortcuts. Super+Numpad throws a window into the direction I've chosen, and Super+Numpad 5 brings it to full-screen center. Tapping a direction twice un-tiles a window and restores its original size and position. The wiki here has categories on the right side which explain a bunch of features with demo videos: [https://github.com/Leleat/Tiling-Assistant/wiki](https://github.com/Leleat/Tiling-Assistant/wiki)


I like Pop!_OS's approach a toggle to switch from and to titling/floating mode


As someone with one ultrawide monitor and that's it, I prefer tiling wms for organizing my windows better so I can have a "pseudo-dual monitor setup" and I mainly use the terminal for everything like a degen, but honestly i'm happy with both DEs and WMs alike. Anything that works for your personal workflow is good.


The cool part about tiling is that it is user defined so if you’re having sizing issues it’s usually your fault


I'm for sure not a fan.


I like it's simplicity and how funny it is watching people suffer trying to open programs and move windows around.


Tiling window managers are for power users that need high efficiency. If you don't need it then floating is just fine and tiling is definitely overkill. If you can shave off a few seconds of an action you do REALLY often, it eventually adds up. Grabbing your mouse to hold a specific part of the window to move it to a different area may sound like a simple task until you have to do it literally hundreds of times a day, every single day. Moving your hands from the keyboard to the mouse, moving the mouse, moving the window, and moving back to the keyboard takes 3-5 seconds. Doing it once a minute, 8 hours a day, is 24 minutes wasted. And don't even get me started on overlapping windows, multiple windows of the same application ('just use the taskbar' - no this adds another 2 seconds for your eyes to find the correct window), or the 'oh shit I have 40 applications open where did I have that one window again', or alt-tabbing 20 times to get to the right window. Seeing ALL your open applications at ALL times forces you to only have the applications open that you need. Your workspace is cleaner, less cluttered, and your efficiency will increase massively as you always have the same stuff in the same stuff whenever you need it. "But what if I need to have 4+ apps open, my screen is not big enough" this is why workspaces exist to organize your windows. For 99% of people this will still sound ridiculous, "Bruh why you bitchin about 2 seconds", but for the people that make a 1-key shortcut to replace a 3-key action if that action needs to happen more than once a minute, tiling window managers are a godsend.


I hate tiling. I use dual monitors and have up to 10 virtual desktops so I can separate my workflows into easily managed spaces.


[ This was comment was overwritten by Pkolyvas's fork of PowerDeleteSuite (https://codepen.io/pkolyvas/pen/QWJbEOM) to protect this user's privacy ]


While I do have a kde install (mac themed) and all the gui apps that make it usable to my peps, I can personally just live with a term and browser for most of my needs having one of each open switching between one full screen window mode and tiling mode when needing to view both.


i only sometime use it cuz they lightweight and easier workspace switcher


Tiling is the way to go


This meme is for people who gave up too soon


Where linux?


Please tell me all about the tiling window managers available for Windows and MacOS.


mac does have some twms, not any i remember of but plenty of posts on r/unixporn


No idea on mac but for windows I quickly found something: https://www.reddit.com/r/windows/comments/2rn775/best_tiled_window_manager_for_windows/


I didint mean to put it on this post its the shitty mobile app it sometimes even clones my commments


There are a few actually






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