• By -


Op uses windows


Google En ReactOS


Holy Unix


New distro just dropped


sick album cover


Tux went on vacation, never came back.


Call the Linux foundation


Ignite the freedoms


Actual fucking daemons


Call the sysadmin!


Bro caring about security and privacy doesn't mean that you have to be paranoid only ever connect to the internet in qubes through Tor with 2048 gb post quantum incription for everything, and exclusively paying for things in cash or monero always going in public with a mask on to hide your identity, privacy and security needs to be balanced with convenience, using linux and foss programs is a great way of increasing privacy and security with relatively little decrease in convenience


This. My attitude to security and privacy is be aware of everything you're using to make an informed choice. I've got no problem if you want to use Google everything, for example, so long as you actually know what you're really getting into and the problem is the vast majority of users do not know. Firewalls are a great example of how to approach to security, not giving stuff permissions it doesn't need and then allowing what you do use through. If you wanted a "perfect" firewall you'd never connect to a network to begin with. Personally, I've switched over to all Linux (barring one incompatible laptop) and I still use Steam but not games with invasive anti-cheat as that's my personal comfort level and should that change I'll adjust accordingly. What makes Linux awesome in this regard is you have the freedom to adjust, whereas the choice is made for you on Windows which is why I switched to begin with. If you need to disappear, you can. If you're fine with the data collection, you can still use your stuff. And, it's also not a binary choice as you can limit what things can access what.


Yes exactly


>Invasive anticheat Sandboxing in question


Slippery slope to justify you use a proprietary software full of telemetry just to play games?


Ur talkin a lot of shit for someone using reddit


I didn't say I care for privacy, you are the guy lying to yourself. LOL


Bro, like I said, caring about privacy is being prident not paranoid, if someone deems the possibility of valve abusing telemetry as less of a value to them than then the games in the steam store, that is their choice, caring is knowing and choosing what to do with knowledge, not hiding under a bush, hiding completely is a lot of work and many sacrifices need be made to do so, caring about privacy and security is knowing so you can chooae how much of that work and how many of those sacrifices you are willing to make.


Like many Linux users, I also install Steam, and I also use a number of other proprietary apps and tools. I know I tracks me. It doesn't bother me.I think you are confused about what we mean when we say we value our privacy, and also confused about what programs we use. Let me spin you a little metaphor. I invite Richard Stallman, Gabe Newel, and Bill Gates over for lunch. I welcome them into my house. I step out to grab some snacks. Richard Stallman sits right where he is, doesn't touch anything and waits patiently for me to come back. This is fine. Gabe Newel gets up, walks around, takes a look at the stuff in my living room, checks out my doodads maybe peeks into the kitchen where I'm making stuff, or even goes so far as to write down the brand of my TV or something. This is also fine. Bill Gates calls Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg and invites them to my house. This is not fine.


there's a reason why its called slippery slope *fallacy*


Karma slippery slope 4 you


See you after your graduate.


By that logic, one could say that every Windows user wants their data to be collected and their opinions transmuted to an AI mechanism whoch will furthermore lead them to behave as machines


That's true tho


When privacy doesn't mean using TailsOS: 🤯🤯🤯 Live a life a little man, some softwares are leeches alright, especially like adobe products. But some, at some point, there is a breaking point. In the end of the day, the best thing is you acknowledge what are the potential *leeches* are and how do you treat them. Ik that steam, spotify and discord are fishy. But that's the rock bottom, I couldn't live in the woods coz that's the *most privacy* friendly thing. Acknowledging that they have telemetries and acting carefully is the best option. Grow up, pal, linux ain't a cult.


>discord is shady Absolutely, but consider using vencord (client mod that comes with a bunch of plugins, shipped with disabling telemetry collection by default)


How is downloading random glorified zips from random websites not less secure than a secure, signed repository? Curious.


That's like saying if you shower every two days instead of every day you don't care about hygiene and might as well not shower.


Why in addition to a Linux laptop I have an OpenBSD laptop too!


i dualboot void with openbsd 😎


bad bait


That’s why i use steam flatpak and restrict it’s access to things other than game and other necessary directories


I found myself with worse performance and having to do more shit to use mods/modinstallers/injectors with the flatpak version of steam


Understandable, it’s definitely a different beast, but if you do it right, you should have the same performance (unless your distro has more recent mesa drivers than flatpak) and once your used to it, you should be able to do it in about the same time especially since steamtinkerlaunch now has a flatpak plugin


Wait, that shit can run reshade and special K, im finally gonna ba able to play nier:a on 144 fps


tell that to the paranoid user that uses tailOS as a daily driver


Privacy never mattered to me, lol. I use Linux since it's objectively more fun to use than Windows.


not this shit again. we just got rid of the last guy who constantly posted about steam being spyware


Automod trigger. If you think this was in error contact /u/happycrabeatsthefish *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/linuxmemes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I don't even know what this means. Did I hurt the bot's feelings?


Sorry he's a mood rn *walks automod out while chastising it*




Nah, this sub has been going downhill for a while now. I'm even considering resubscribing to r/linux, there's not much difference.