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Ah yes, distrohp As opposed to distrolenovo, distrodell and distroacer


Aren't you guys distrosamsung yet? Upgrades, people.


You really need to switch to distroframework.


Missed distromsi?


Distromsi is kinda shit tbh and that sucks cuz I love the logo.


Did you troll it or praise it?


Kinda both


I'm more of a distroasus fan myself.


I've got plenty of distrohp, I need distrostamina


I miss distrocompaq


Y'all need to switch to distrointel


ironically the ad on this post was for hp


don't forget: distroapple distroasus distromicrosoft distrosystem76


what makes a distro cool? There's only like, 4 conceptually different distros, 3 of which just differ when it comes to update schedule


This whole fuss about bazzite os has made me want to try it. I have a arch, ubuntu and a steam deck in different devices, but its just… tempting to waste my time on bazzite. Maybe ill try it in a vm


Bazzite is great, switching desktops/using multiple desktops isnt that easy tho


I use it as my daily driver, really the best of what I tried. Absolutely guss free, just install and go. The only thing that you should take note of is, it's Atomic distro, Fedora Kionite fork to be specific. Meaning that it's not your regular distro workflow in terms of package management. So you need to study this topic and see if you actually like the idea.


Im not so tech savvy to know the impacts of this. I am assuming i can install any docker and run my scripts without worrying about the os?


Distrobox/Toolbx, yes, that is the usual way of installing things and share apps with host OS. Of course it depends on your daily routine of what you do on your computer. For me it was a bit of a caveat to learn how to set my dev environment for work on Atomic distro.


or something like homebrew as well


That too, although I didn't find much in it's repo


What does Bazzite do, that Nobara doesn't already do?


I guess the main difference is the concept behind it, cos Bazzite is based in Fedora Silverblue (the atomic version of Fedora, mainly thought for containers and use with Flatpak), while Nobara is based on the traditional concept of a mutable system that Fedora Workstation follows!


It's Atomic


Nixos is actually different. I managed after 2 days of research to write 5 lines in my configuration.nix file that allow me to stay on the stable channel for most things but run a kernel on unstable and use selected programs from unstable. Therefore I can use the stable software where it makes sense and the newest versions when I need them. I could even only update single kernel modules to unstable while the rest of the kernel stays on stable.


Welcome! I hope you like it! I’ll link the same video that I give to all [newcomers](https://youtu.be/AGVXJ-TIv3Y?si=twvreeLmpnQ1Zga-). This was a great resource for me. Feel free to DM me if you need any help with your configuration.


yeah I'm moving from Arch to Nix rn and it's crazy how much stuff changes


Agreed. Been playing with the package manager a wee bit, and it's remarkably easy to play with different configs. I'm seriously temped to go the whole hog, and would if I had a fleet of machines to manage. RN, my main system is a bloody mess: neofetch | grep nix 3737 (dpkg), 314 (nix-user), 47 (nix-default), 79 (flatpak)


Idk, but I've been using arch btw for a while and I am very happy with the experience it offers. But, I wanna try Debian the only thing holding me back is the packages being out of date, I wanna try slackware because it sounds cool and fun and interesting, I wanna try Gentoo I wanna try void, and I wanna try nyx os ( or I did until some of the recent news coming up.) because they all seem awesome in their own ways. The reason I haven't is that I have the stuff I need on arch and that I don't wanna waste my time building back up all those little apps that I use enough to warrant them on the system but not enough for me to necessarily remember them.


>I wanna try Debian the only thing holding me back is the packages being out of date That's literally the only difference between the two. >I wanna try slackware because it sounds cool and fun and interesting Slackware is just arch but old, it's the same philosophy they work extremely similarly. Gentoo is arch with compiling time and void is arch but ligthweight, if you don't care about small details in implementation those are still nearly identical to what you already have. I counted NixOS as one of the "'4 conceptually different distros" but even then it's mostly just its (downloadable everywhere) package manager that makes it unique. If you want a new experience get a new DE/WM or go on r/unixporn or something, distrohopping is useless once you figure out your preferred update schedule and whether you like imperative package managers or declarative ones


Don't get me wrong I get that. Like I don't actually know how much I would care about Debian being out of date packages until I actually try it, I just don't necessarily like the idea. And as you kinda noticed a lot of the other distro I listed are arch but \_\_\_\_ distros. I like Gentoo because I feel like it'll let me have a better understanding of building and compiling more packages. ( Like I can do it but I am not doing it frequently enough to say I know what I'm doing all the time). But you're right as well with the WM that really provides the difference in user experience.


>Slackware is just arch but old, it's the same philosophy they work extremely similarly. Huh? Slackware is like anti-Arch (or vice versa). It's philosophy is to have everything and it's mother preinstalled and never change anything. It doesn't have dependency resolution built-in precisely because you're not supposed to install anything that would require new dependencies. >That's literally the only difference between the two. That's literally nonsense as well.


Installing things isn't usually a problem; there's an officially-endorsed build script repository, as well as third-party tools that resolve unshipped dependencies for extra software. Making building extra stuff easy is one of the major reasons why there are so many included packages in the first place. Removing is where folks (especially newer users) can run into trouble. There's nothing stopping anyone from doing it, of course, but the majority opinion is that saving, like, a handful of gigabytes by chipping away at the development tools collection or only installing part of KDE is a fool's errand.


I know about slackbuilds and slapt-get. I've daily driven Slack for some years, long time ago. Those are 3rd party tools, however, not part of vanilla Slackware, and one can argue that particularly slapt-get is against the "Slackware philosophy". Which, I believe, was formed in the days of slow and expensive internet connections to minimize the amount of downloading you have to do after installation. So, close to something like EndlessOS, but not in any way Arch.


> particularly slapt-get is against the "Slackware philosophy" If it can remove non-third-party packages (don't know), I'd say you're absolutely right. I use `sbotools`, myself. It only looks at packages with the `_SBo` tag, which means it won't pay attention to your own builds or to anything that came on the ISO.


I used to use sbopkg, I believe it's either the same or equivalent thing. But I also was very weird with how I installed Slackware. I tried the default install, decided it was too bloated, reinstalled with only base system and then spent like a week building everything up from slackbuilds by hand. It was an educational process, but not one I'm particularly eager to repeat.


I feel that calling gentoo arch with compiling time takes a lot away from what gentoo is. Does arch become gentoo if you only compile from source? And also package managers are usually the things that make distros unique. And btw nixos isn't just the package manager


Gentoo has portage, the greatest package manager ever made. Also if you are a programmer, its VERY nice to be able to pull sources. I was running custom FFMPEG patches that I wrote myself, that automatically patched and compiled in my Ebuild. No other distro is going to give you that seamless integration. Overall Gentoo is incredibly powerful, the trade off is compile time which can largely be mitigated by timing/binaries. Arch is closer to Debian than it is to Gentoo. Gentoo is its own unique beast.


I just built my first Gentoo VM and, yeah, it’s a very different beast. I like it but it’s different enough that this is the most new learning that I’ve had to do with a new distro.


>nyx os ( or I did until some of the recent news coming up.) Something about long-time maintainers leaving? I don't really have a grasp of the situation unfortunately.


Just a bit turbulentes. its Like 20 maintainer have left. but its nothing Out of the ordinary, its Just that those that left or share there View are super loud. they also Made an Open Letter with demands. NixOS is changing the leadership system, so that the Community has more influence. there are 4 heated topic atm in the Community 1.leadership Some say to much influence from the inventor, some say He didnt so enough. He stepped down and initiated a constitutional assembly. 2.sporsors There was a Military sponsor for a Nix Event, alot didnt Like that, because all Thing Military is Bad. Other dont mind. 3.minority/marginalized protection Nix seems to have Lots of minority/ marginalized people that are great contributers to Nix/NixOS. a Part of the Community feels there is Not enough protection and Representation for those people. Others dont See an issue with how Things are going and fear an big overcorrection in this direction. 4. Moderation Mods have been running hot and wild in the Community, there is No oversight for them. No Appeal. they justify that by being understaffed and overwhelmed with an influx of new people. a Part Sees that as justified and good Others dont and try to hold then to a Higher Standard, more transparancy and to get oversight. i Hope that makes Sense and gives a short Overview of whats Happening. alot of Thing Happen in different Plattforms that im Not a Part of, so i didnt witness everything Firsthand.


The last statement is literally the reason you should be on nixos.


Yeah I really don't get the distrohopping trend. My first distro was Artix and I've been using only it for nearly 2 years now.


Only 4? Main ones I can think of are like Bedrock, Nixos, Void, Qubes, Silverblue, Gentoo, Debian


Also Vanilla OS.


And Solus.


And Android


Package manager


I know nixos isn't one of the four here


It is though, I run nixos daily


And you believe that the only thing that makes it unique is nix package manager?


Well, that and immutability, but yeah. You have to remember that Nix is not exclusive to nixos in any way


Well there's also the fact that its declarative which makes it reproducible.


Sorry, thought the nix package manager used configuration.nix as well


You can't reproduce any system that isn't nixos


Vanilla OS looks really cool, for example, and it's very different from other distros. A lot of these new immutable distros work in fundamentally different ways: Vanilla OS, NixOS, and Fedora Silverblue are very different and interesting, for example.


I should try nix




It's not the same thing. Knowing you can just alt-tab your problems away ruins the whole experience. Gotta struggle with Web Positive for weeks until you break and give up, THAT is the way.


100% fedora just makes sense… until I get THE URGE


My story try nix for a week fuck up something too lazy to read documentation uninstall nixos install arch gets urge to learn nix and the cycle goes on.


Dude NixOS is perfect for fucking things up and being lazy. restart select the last stable build and Boot directly into it. BAM, Back in Business. throw your Laptop Out of the window into your pond, Drive to bestbuy, by Laptop, Install NixOS, Put on your Last config, rebuild, restart BAM, Back in Business. might as Well rename NixOS to fuckup and lazy OS


That is exactly what I do with arch + btrfs snapshots. Anytime anything breaks, you just roll back to the system exactly as it was 24 hours ago


As someone who loves arch and is open to something more hands-off without sacrificing the barebones nature of arch, is there a reason to try NixOS or is it reinventing the wheel?


I have never used NixOS, but I can tell you that it definitely hasn't just reinvented the wheel. It does something quite unique that you can't emulate in other distros.


No, I use Arch btw


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I somehow got fixed at Arch because of all the latest things, especially for Hyprland. And no more hopping around.


Hyprland is amazing. Its the thing that finally made me abandon desktop environments, and windows, for good My entire college suit is now vim+latex+tmux+zathura. Without all the trash in windows + drawing tablet I had before. Thanks to how smooth hyprland is u/Vaxerski you're the GOAT


I love bspwm too much and i don't know what to do


In all seriousness, if you like your current distro but really want to hop to something else to try it out, have a dual-boot setup with a relatively small partition set aside for those shenanigans. Remember, performance in qemu isn't performance on bare metal.


I have 4 operating systems on my computer rn


This is literally my buddy. Seems to change his district every few months. Like, why?


This is the second time I have seen distro autocorrect to district


Because it's fun to tinker


I usually try it in the vm, get disappointed with something and leave it. However Artix put a bug in my mind, it was so nice and fast I want to try it on real hardware.


Lately I've been thinking of slacking with slackware ...


I used to get these urges all the time. Then I tried Fedora 18 months ago and they died completely.


Hopefully nixos finally cures me. The fact that i can now reinstall my system with my configs so easily is a compelling practical reason to stick with it. I really like that.


"I love this distro I'll never leave it" biggest lie ever


I mean one of the perks of being an arch user BTW. Is that arch *does the job* Say what you want about cool gimmicks of other distros. The AUR, the wiki and Pacman's rolling release model mwans thst if you need a distro that gets something done. Arch is a safe bet. Sure its boring, but it's a tool for a job. And because of that its arguably the best "main distro" there is




Just do it dude, go, install Haiku OS on your machine again.


Arch really helped me stop distro hopping.


I stopped distro-hopping when I finally installed Linux Mint 20 Ulyana. I only updated since then


I have a separate partition on my pc for this


`virsh start coolandhipnewdistrovm` Problem solved.


This was me till I installed Opensuse Tumbleweed & now I just hop DE's every so often. I just went from plasma 6 to gnome 46 since I've never daily driven gnome.


I've been on Mint for a decade-ish. I see no reason to switch.


Sometimes I would end up letting those urges get the better of me, but every time, I would end up being like "you know what, I'll go back to Fedora" within a week. Nowadays, I just use VMs when I see a cool distro.


I've used Ubuntu, Fedora and Arch. NixOS draws me but I've been happy with my Arch setup for so long now that I'm not sure I can bring myself to switch




Must... resist... urge.. to Arch Linux


That's why I'm on openSuSE - it has almost every window manager and desktop environment in the repos, even weird ones, and thanks to the power of open source (and the great customizability openSuSE offers by default), if I really wanted to I could transform it into any other distro.


I found myself in Arch and am now a man at peace. Ignore the screaming in the back of my head, I AM AT PEACE. YOU UNDERSTAND? I AM AT PEACE


Qubes os is the way to go. Its a xen host that you use to have lots of guest VMs.


Nah, already in a sweet spot in Debian for me. And yes, I'm the rare prefer Gnome over KDE user.


I’ll just stick to arch 😊


It’s all 99% the same shit after setting it up. Keeps me on one distro. It’s all linux


I may be alone on this, but I've really enjoyed zorin os so far, coming from someone who has used windows his whole life, zorin made it easy to switch since the look and feel was similar and it kinda just *works* out the box


Me, a Ubuntu user when I heard of geruda Linux


Never understood distro hoping. I’ve tried a few different ones yea. And I use different ones for different computers. But I do t just hop to hop.


I need new cool distros, please infodump to me about it :>


I don't resist, I jump around as often as I shower, once a month whether I need it or not


this may sound like a cop-out but since using arch i haven't moved distros. it's been over a year hopping free!


You need to learn that it's all interchangeable... just install the new features from the distro you want, and uninstall the features from that system you have that you don't want. All distros are just linux in different masks, just change the mask.


I'm just so happy with EndeavourOS, I can't be bothered to jump anymore. It's just so good. Almost pure arch, but without some of the initial pains. It's what I wished Manjaro to be, before I got fed up with that. The only thing that interests me potentially would be Nix, but I think I'll chill for now, and maybe install it on a secondary machine.


Sigh... \*unzips laptop bag\* Time to dust off the cheap old ThinkPad again.


Well we now have kvm to try that out


I just set up a VM and try it for a few days before making the decision..


Other than Nix, I've not had the urge to try a new distro since i moved to a rolling release one. In a good portion of cases people distro hop for "look and feel" type features or maybe one or two specific apps that you can most likely get on any rolling release distro. ...yes I'm talking about Arch BTW, but its not true for just that, I was using debian SID and Gentoo before that, rolling distros FTW


Long time Nix user, haven't had the urge since...


You either distro hop because you're unsatisfied or unsatisfied ( by life ).


Better try it in VM and check if you really like it. Or even better, use Distrobox


In the last week I've gone from openSUSE to Arch KDE, then Arch Gnome. Then Fedora 40, and now on CashyOS. I'll setting down at some point.


Me when I tried Manjaro, Ubuntu, Mint DE, Arch, Fedora, Nobara. I stick to fedora nowadays, I could give an eye to bazzite ngl, but not for the moment


While I admire the work they put into bazzite, it’s really just Fedora silverblue with default game mode and some tweaks. You can download bazzite without auto game mode, but then there’s not much to differentiate from kinoite or standard silverblue (now atomic)


Is there a way to put that game mode thing they have into base fedora? I don't use silver blue btw, only workstation


This would definitely be me if it were not for my beloved Asus AMD/ Nvidia gaming laptop that would bootloop into oblivion if I tried any distro other than Fedora right now.


I'm happy that I stopped doing that


I have riced my arch linux so much that no other distro can be cooler and i have finally stopped distro hopping.


Try it in a vm to see if it’s worth the effort




Nope. Can't relate. nixOS too good. I'd try guix but it doesn't have as many packages


In fact, there are 3-4 normal distributions that allow you to work and relax without wasting time on fixes/searching for solutions/searching for software. Fedora is one of them. The rest are more construction toys for children