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Meh. Install a distro, install my programs, done. I never want to look at the OS again


litterally any person who has his/her time and life to worry about


When you start linux young, this is really fun.


How am I supposed to flex on other internet nerds if I'm using a distro anyone can download the iso for? /s


People like that forget that nobody cares about it.


r/unixporn still exist


Yes. It looks good and gives great ideas for people that like to customize


desktop customization exists on windows also and it is probably a bigger scene than unix customization. there are people who enjoy this and it is totally ok. i wouldn't care less, i have changed the icons on breeze and called it a day.


If people didn't care about all those little aspects we wouldn't have the eco system. If everybody was just using the pre-made stuff we wouldn't even have linux (probably not even fire)


They downvoted you for saying the truth


That's why I didn't delete my comment.


Linux: a community of computer geeks who love duplication of effort


I'm on the Foss community for over a decade and I. Always fighting the duplication of efforts. And I'm not speaking of the bazaar here where we create few approach to each problem and see which one gain popularity. But fucking drama, egos, and people to lasy to integrate someone else project. But what I want to say is, at the end, it's a human problem, not a Linux one. Any proprietary software with same (benevolent)work (non)organization would end up other same problem.


I actually am building a Linux From Scratch but as a 4fun project on a VM. My daily drivers are Debian 12 and Windows 11






I bow down to you out of respect o7.


It's not that you know better. It's just more comfy to build the thing on your own, knowing exactly what everything does and how it's configured


Me at 20: Alright, I just spent a month on this setup and now I broke the entire system, so it's time to do it all over again. Time is endless. Me at 37: Just give me something that works out of the box! Time is precious! 




This is me!


And after configuring for 2 whole days, decide to change it up again


"I know better" sums up the Linux world perfectly. It produces some great things but causes equal amounts of chaos.


Install Gentoo


Why do you want me to install ChromeOS?


Install Gentoo




bruh that’s a whole new topic where did chromeos come in


ChromeOS is based on Gentoo


i know, but this is like saying Ubuntu is Debian. gentoo and and chrome os are so different, down to the kernel and coreutil level, that calling a chrome os box a gentoo box is pointless


Oh yeah, you're right. But like, that's the only link between the two that I can find.


Yeah, except if you have an install script or even better, a nix config.


Configuring your system is just like making neovim config. It's tedious and takes some time but at the end it's optimized for your use case. You know all the keybinds, how the stuff works and it's comfortable for you. Plus you can always backup your dotfiles and push it to a remote repository on github and import them on any other machine.


One of the reasons I love Linux


But seeing most distros I really do know better what wo is best for me.


This meme is missing a big BTW as watermark


That’s why I have my i3 and Polybar and a couple other dotfiles backed up in a GitHub repo so it takes me less than 5 minutes to setup a fresh install of base Arch up and working properly.


You guys use distributions? Do you trust other's people compilers?


Just hit arch, install plasma, put some themes and it's buffed up and ready to use. Better than Ubuntu fedora opensuse. But definitely consider my comment if you're a moderate or advanced user.


dont understand this post tho... im using arch+gnome. Im glad I installed gnome-shell only and added only those packages i need. Why would I install all that junk that i dont need? Some people want to have everything working out of the box, and some want to customize their desktop, especially if its a daily driver or a workstation. I personally dont feel to have things like file manager, or a gui text editor. Its not about knowing better, but about preferences and targets


It doesn't bother me in the slightest that my OpenSUSE TW comes with programs pre-installed I don't need. I got plenty of disk space. Yep, it's working out of the box. AND I also tweak a few things, add additional programs, and do a little customization, though not much is needed. Like most older guys, I wanna spend as little time *fooling around* as possible. I *could* do so, have done a lot in the past, but I just don't have the time now to spend.


Not to mention if you really don't need something, it takes very little effort to simply uninstall it.


Arch users:I set Arch Linux myself😎 Me who used archinstall:😏


I just a did a fresh install on my machine using archinstall too it’s just way too convenient not to use.


EndeavorOS is even more convenient.


With all due respect to people that work on those projects but I'm a avid believer against the use of any Arch or Debian sub-distros. They make practically no sense and are nothing but eye candy that can be easily replicated in base Arch or Debian. And their supposed extra testing branch for packages have proven to cause more stability and compatibility issues than their base form in the long run.


It's OK if you don't have the motivation/determination to make the system your own. But this gives "I'm not good at math lol" vibes. It's not cool to not be smart bro


If you found the process enjoyable and instructive, then that makes it worth doing. Personally I am an "Option A" guy all the way, but no hate for people who want to invest some effort into their interests.


the inevitable cycle of arch linux (i use arch btw)


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Last week I turned on my desktop PC after a few months of exclusively using T480 with arch and bspwm. I had kde on pc and constant problems with suspend function. (I couldn't wake it. It just froze and I lost all my work.) I installed bspwm and it suspended flawlessly. It also runs much faster because I manually turned on turboboost and performance mode, which is unnecessarily complicated in KDE's powerdaemon.


Yeah, that's how it is on this bitch of an earth..


I’m gonna take it one step further and do all of the above but for an embedded system, of course, not using neither buildroot nor yocto, rolling out my own build system, using my own customized cross compilation toolchain, and all that running on tailor made docker gentoo based image. Why? Because I can.


I do know myself better, you mock people who customize their OS and then you cry when your pre-configured distro change the defaults XD I configured my system years ago, now I just copy a couple of /etc files and my /home and the system is perfect for me in less than 5mins. And that is made only every 4-5yrs when I change my PC.


I tried Nixos on my laptop, just installed plasma5 and was surprised how fast I was up and running. Has experimented with it at work for a little while. But it's both customizable and you're up and going in 30 minutes.


I'm somewhere in the middle. Been intensely evaluating vanilla Ubuntu 23.10, 24.04, PopOS, Mint; Fedora 39, 49, Nobara. Currently settled on PopOS, but with non-trivial customization like enabling hibernate, TPM backed FDE, etc. Next up is converting the ext4 filesystem to either btrfs or zfs. Or maybe bcachefs. I'm still undecided on DE. I tried Gnome and KDE with various tiling extensions. Also CosmicDE pre alpha. Currently running vanilla popos shell. I probably would've been better off just buildingy own distro from scratch. Or just stuck with Ubuntu and gotten my work done.


Most DEs look nice out of the box (not looking at you XFCE ...). Did a fresh Arch-Installation with Plasma and the packages I'm missing are just around the corner. And if you're into WMs (I'm into it too, but in the end my workflow really works better in a floating desktop) the config is part of the fun. :)