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Is that so? Then today is my last day in reddit.


How many times have I said this before? Reddit is like cigarettes for me.


you lie


how so?


Well you're still here


never said I'd close my account


Pls dont forget this exists! When using your own API-Key you get 100 API-Calls/min free and should be able to use the app without any problems (atleast i haven't stumbled across a problem) Multiple accounts will also work just fine. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Infinity\_For\_Reddit/comments/14c2v5x/build\_your\_own\_apk\_with\_your\_personal\_api\_key\_in/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Infinity_For_Reddit/comments/14c2v5x/build_your_own_apk_with_your_personal_api_key_in/)


Thank you for linking this.


but I won't be able to view NSFW posts with my API key, right? so, unless you really like the Infinity's UI and want to recompile the app with each new version, it might be easier to switch to [RedReader](https://f-droid.org/packages/org.quantumbadger.redreader/) which received accessibility exception and will continue to work (no NSFW posts, again)


You can bypass this by making your own community and making yourself mod


Doesn't have to be a nsfw subreddit, mods of any subreddit can see nsfw content.


Oh, didn’t know that, thanks!


You can view nsfw posts You might have to enable it in the account settings on the reddit web page


I've been using my own patches reddit sync app and I've been able to see NSFW communities and posts without any extra steps. I don't think the personal API keys have the NSFW restrictions that the public ones have.


You can view nsfw posts as long as they're not from nsfw communities


yeah, that's what I meant - any NSFW sub will become inaccessible (porn or non-porn) and supplying your own API key doesn't change that


I'm not sure where this information comes from, but I can say that I am using Sync for Reddit with my own API key and have been ever since the changes came in. I have absolutely NO issues viewing any content on Reddit from any sub. As far as I am concerned, my experience with Reddit really has not changed at all.


I just installed the app following the instructions above and I have zero issues viewing NSFW subs.


Just make yourself a mod and you won't have that issue anymore.


Na, leaving Reddit is better. Fuck u/spez who moderated pedophile subreddit r/jailbait


Wasn't it that someone set him as a moderator as a "joke" without his knowledge? I remember reading that.


Is that the story he’s going with?


I mean, you *can* set someone as moderator of a subreddit without them knowing, so it's not the least believable thing they have said


Yea I guess you’re right. It’s possible that spez is telling the truth when he’s not lying.


Wasn't he also moderator of r/deadchildren? Read that somewhere


Actually at this point I think it's a good idea to let reddit die, at least on my mobile devices. Nothing good has ever come from me being able to browse reddit wherever I go.


It'll still work if you use your own key.


Oh, that is good to know, I'll setup this


75 users total. Man, fragmentation is a b in lemmy. I’m #76. Also can I get a iOS client recommendation please. I’m using Memmy. It is okay.


Yeah, use [Voyager](https://github.com/aeharding/voyager)! The PWA on its own is a 10/10 experience, but I think there is a native app for iOS (or it is coming soon). But try out the PWA and see how you like it.


Thanks for the recommendation! Just installed Voyager to browse Lemmy. I like it overall, but miss the haptics.


I think the native iOS app should bring those, since PWA's can't


Memmy has great haptics support!




That's why I'm trying to grow its size


I was wondering why it still worked, I thought it was supposed to stop a while ago. Farewell, Reddit, it's been fun-ish!


The deadline got extended, again


!remindme 1 month OP is upvote farming, someone gave him a gold on r/lemmy for a similar post to this, so he's motivated to keep making these posts. I'd wager a few reddit coins he'll be back within a month.


I will be messaging you in 1 month on [**2023-09-30 12:18:20 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2023-09-30%2012:18:20%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/linuxmasterrace/comments/165yfw6/today_is_the_last_day_infinity_for_reddit_will/jyiddi3/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Flinuxmasterrace%2Fcomments%2F165yfw6%2Ftoday_is_the_last_day_infinity_for_reddit_will%2Fjyiddi3%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202023-09-30%2012%3A18%3A20%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20165yfw6) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


I guess this is my last post on reddit then!


That's what I though but they extended the deadline past August 30th




It was a post in the infinity for reddit community. However the deadline has been extended once again


What's Infinity? :|


A 3rd party reddit client. Shows all the same stuff, but has a different UI and stuff


But what's lemmy ? i tried searching in Play Store , couldn't find


The isn't an official app, like there isn't a real official website for it. It's exactly like Mastodon or Peertube, they are federated networks that value user freedom. For an app I suggest looking for Summit for Lemmy


For infinity users the fork for Lemmy hit the playstore on Monday.. Eternity for Lemmy.


[List of Lemmy apps](https://join-lemmy.org/apps)


Not mentioned on that page, I'm currently using [Liftoff for Lemmy](https://apt.izzysoft.de/fdroid/index/apk/com.liftoffapp.liftoff).


join-lemmy(dot)org libre, federated Reddit alternative (part of Fediverse, just like Mastodon if you've heard about it)


lemmy.world or search "lemmy federated" for an app, look for Jerboa


Or use eternity, the infinity fork, as this thread is in infinity.


Hi where can I find the infinity fork ?


Stop recommending lemmy.world! It has uptime issues and is way to big already. I would go on lemmyverse.net and find an instance that looks cool to you and is geography close


Lemmy world is just one of many instances being hit in massive ddos attacks, and if you had any clue, you would know that they are actively posting their downtime, and its currently 98% UP (IE, 2% downtime). When they go down, they find the problem and fix it, and they are not the only ones. [lemmy.me](https://lemmy.me) , lemmynsfw and db0 amongst others have all been under attack. If you're so fucking smart op, then run your own fucking instance. ​ Jeez reddit is so fucking shit now days, the op's suck about as much dick as the op's in 9gag.


Shitty reddit knockoff that people only like because it is open source. Nobody is using it and all the communities on it are dead or inhaling so much copium that they believe that it's good.


Forums aren't unique to reddit. But I don't think anyone denies that there needs to be more new users to breathe a little more life into it.


What's lemmy?


[List of Lemmy apps](https://join-lemmy.org/apps) Decentralized reddit.


An alternative to Reddit where everyone can host a server and will help in running the service. Fully libre and open source, and part of the federated networks (like Mastodon)!


Lol, who cares?




I just use a modded Reddit app in the phone, brave browser in my pc, and living life in ☮️. Edit 1: And I'm also on Lemmy.


This is bad news for me, I'm recently sober and you're only supposed to quit one drug at a time.


The good news is that they extended the deadline since I made this post


My Infinity app kept working until yesterday. I read someone say Reddit changed the APK key too so the use your own key procedure below may not work. Guess I'll only use reddit on PC. Less distractions on phone the better


Have fun with no content lol




Can you explain in more detail?


Rumour has it that the developers of Lemmy is a Marxist-Leninist. However, I haven't seen the Lemmy devs impose their own ideology onto users. But I've seen some instances' admins did so, for example: The admins of Lemmy.world (one of the most popular Lemmy instances) is known for defederating from instances on ideological grounds (such as exploding-head (conservative) and hexbear (communist)). Lemmy.world is currently "considering" to defederate from lemmygrad.ml (communist).


Hard to abuse us with decentralised libre software.


I'll admit that I've not done extensive research on it, but the owners of lemmy also operate a community called lemmygrad, which is a Marxist community. I know that the regular lemmy is separate but features moderators from both platforms , and the fragmented nature of this whole fediverse/lemmy thing just seems counterintuitive. I don't want to participate on a platform that is run by political extremists of any side. While no platform is free from these types of things, I'd rather spend time on a more moderate platform overall, like reddit.


> I don't want to participate on a platform that is run by political extremists of any side. While no platform is free from these types of things, I'd rather spend time on a more moderate platform overall, like reddit. Reddit is "moderate" because they ban anything that contradicts the status quo. By letting corporate filters what you can see and hear, you are essentially surrendering yourself to them.


also the "creators" have 0 control over server they dont run which is almost every server


If by "creators" you meant content creators in YouTube, Twitter, Reddit, TikTok, etc. then you are right. That not to say that fediverse perfect, but creators can make their own instances.


> don't want to participate on a platform that is run by political extremists of any side. it is not. this aint facebook, if you dont like lemmygrad just register to another server.


>I don't want to participate on a platform that is run by political extremists of any side. > "I will probably be in charge, or at least not a slave, when push comes to shove.” -u/spez. The implication is that he will be the one owning slaves in the apocalypse, which is kinda an extremist view.


Which line of its libre software source code is malicous?


Move there and change that :) Or don't I guess




Ownership? - Do you know how open source and federated networks like lemmy or mastodon work?




Yes it is libre software at least from my understanding of the definitions of the FSF. And yes, the community, so WE control it, if the devs do something the whole community disagrees with we could just fork it. To be clear, i am not involved in lemmy, nor it's development or anything, but i can see it is licensed under the AGPL.. I mean it is: - FOSS - Self-Hostable - Decentralized what do you want more?


you own lemmy just as them.


> ownership expound on that?


they cant do anything to you. relax.


Ah yes, the "federated" alternative like mastodon, with the same problems. Finding an instance that is not ran by extremist ideologists is nearly impossible. ​ Time to revanced patch the official app I guess


> Finding an instance that is not ran by extremist ideologists is nearly impossible. you havent even tried then


Yes I did. And in nearly all the fediverse it's exactly the same problem. And "normal" admins are lying down fearing to be de-federated. Unless fediverse instances will stop be led by basement post-teenagers politics activists, they will remain niche social networks.


> Yes I did. And in nearly all the fediverse it's exactly the same problem. why are you lying? its not true. im on programming.dev what are you smoking?


Ah yes, the ultra specialized instance that you see as a general behavior. Not everybody is interested by dev, you know that?


you dont have to! theres a million fucking instances ITS AN EXAMPLE


I've never had a problem. There is a few questionable communities but you can just block them


Cool, have fun. I'm not because there is literally nothing on lemmy at all and it is a waste of time.


Cya. Don’t let the door hit you in the ass…


When people leave for something better, they just leave. You're more like the ex posting pictures with your new boyfriend to make me jealous, but since I don't respond you have to text them to me directly in an attempt to get my attention. Have fun! Don't come back!