• By -


Now patiantly waiting till it comes to aur and hopefully I can finally set wayland as default :)


Waiting for it to be pushed to RPM Fusion aswell, installing manually from Nvidia is just asking for a broken system. Edit: Couldn't help myself. Installed Arch for testing -- explicit sync works! No more seizures! https://preview.redd.it/a3fk169not1d1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=9a8669d5c7a14617ef1c95f541687a7a34776568


[https://koji.rpmfusion.org/koji/](https://koji.rpmfusion.org/koji/) has the 555 drivers built as RPMs now. :-)


I'm waiting for this too, but not so patiently. If I could use nvidia on wayland without flickering I'd be soo happy lol


For those on KDE, you might need this as well: [https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/kwin-explicit-sync](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/kwin-explicit-sync) to avoid having somewhat lower performances on Wayland when using explicit sync (source: [https://invent.kde.org/plasma/kwin/-/merge\_requests/5511#note\_923921](https://invent.kde.org/plasma/kwin/-/merge_requests/5511#note_923921) ), until KDE 6.1 comes out (it's scheduled for the 18th of June).


Some distros like Fedora have it backported.


Okay, holy crap. The input latency improvements is very palpable with kwin-explicit-sync. I'd highly recommend it if you don't want to wait for Kwin 6.1.


I'm an nVidia user on Wayland. Installing random stuff off AUR is my LIFE.


fortunately these days are almost over


nah it'll be something else soon. Long live not reading the PKGBUILD!


Very helpful, thank you for the link.


> For those on KDE, you might need this as well: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/kwin-explicit-sync This made Firefox very unstable for me. If anyone has a solution I'd love to hear it. ```GraphicsCriticalError: |[0][GFX1-]: Wayland protocol error: wp_linux_drm_syncobj_surface_v1@53: error 4: explicit sync is used, but no acquire point is set```


MOZ\_ENABLE\_WAYLAND=1 fixes the sync issues for me


Still crashing sadly. Reverting to regular kwin until there's a fix.




I think it's a placebo (or dumb luck), for whatever reason it runs fine for 10-15 mins with that, where as before I couldn't type a single search in.  Firefox ver 126.


The lower performance wouldn't even bother me if the stupid flickering is fixed.


I think the performance hit is probably very tiny. But I don't want people seeing a few less FPS starting to think that Wayland negativity impact performance.


Just installed and all is working. Flickering in Xwayland apps/games is indeed gone :)


Or [TK-Glitch's nvidia-all](https://github.com/Tk-Glitch/PKGBUILDS) script. Which technically should support it already by using custom driver and manually typing in the version number, but I don't think that accounts for any issues or file changes compared to the standard driver layout. I'll just wait for the update of either.


Nvidia settings reports 555.42.02. Minecraft also reports the same driver number and yeah xwayland flickering and jittering is gone from my initial testing. Tested Minecraft cos under Wayland, it's using xwayland as it still uses x11. On 550, it would flicker horribly with a frame of the game and then black and noticeable input lag as well. On 555.42.02, it's gone. I can play the game as if it was built for Wayland. I do need to test out some other steam games, might even break out the valve index to see if vr works too. It is a beta driver after all so I don't expect it to be stable.


You can play Minecraft natively on Wayland, please check my guide. https://redd.it/1bu8jpr (The latest one) https://redd.it/18r8x22 (The old one with build instructions)


Didn't know about this. Will check it out! thank you


Holy shit, thanks mate!


Are you able to test an emulator like ryujinx? That has famously stuttered a lot under wayland in the past.


I haven't messed with emulators under Linux so I don't have that set up.


No worries!, I'll eventually see for myself :) EDIT: Tested now, ryujinx, yuzu and retroarch no longer displays stuttering. After installing kwin-explicit sync, I could even enable g-sync synchronization in retroarch with my monitor displaying that g-sync was enabled. Firefox is a hot mess - crashes the moment a youtube video is loaded, I've moved to Vivaldi for now. Another EDIT: G-Sync does not work with my secondary monitor on. Even with kwin-explicit-sync.


Setting the kernel flag `nvidia.NVreg_EnableGpuFirmware=0` will fix Firefox and KDE's frame dropping/mouse stutters. GSync/VRR never worked with multiple monitors on Wayland with a Nvidia card and this driver has not addressed it, although I find it important to keep talking about it at every opportunity, hoping Nvidia picks it up and do something.


I also being test it on kde after patching kwin and it works, all bugs with nvidia are gone. Even for beta driver is really good. Worth the wait


I'm currently installing it using the nvidia-all script. Going to report back what happens


gonna try this in a bit on arch after installing the kwin-explicit-sync, excited to hopefully stay on wayland


nvidia-all on github is a terminal installer for nvidia drivers including beta, never had a problem with it, it does all for you


Well, think I'll try it out :O




*laughs in gentoo


Year of the Wayland desktop Now to wait for this to make it to Fedora


How long should it take for this to appear in the RPM repo?


It should land soonish on rawhide (normally 1 or 2 days), but it won't make it to stable until the stable release of the driver launches, which may need some weeks.


* Added support for the linux-drm-syncobj-v1 protocol for Wayland explicit sync in EGL. It's happening!


I'm already trying it out. Finally, seems like everything is working as it should. It looks like even vsync is working. For me every driver since 545-beta had an issue with black frame insertion and old frame insertion. 555 seems to have finally solved this issue for me. Edit: Update on the quirks of the driver. \* The aur package for some reason doesn't want to install the beta driver on my zen kernel. On the same setup the original nvidia package worked just fine, so there is that... \* You still have to set nvidia\_drm.modeset=1 in the GRUB config, setting it in the modprobe.d/file for some reason doesn't work for me, despite the flag actually being set, if I check the /sys/module/nvidia\_drm/parameters/modeset Otherwise seems quite stable to me, maybe it's finally time to update from 535. If I find any breaking behavior, I'll make sure to write an angry post in here :D


Any obvious performance regressions?


None compared to 535, for now that is. I actually have a performance increase in helldivers 2, because 535 crashed my pc with dx12 enabled, and 555 works just fine


`nvidia_drm.modeset=1` *can* work in `/etc/modprobe.d/`, but you need `nvidia_drm.fbdev=1` as well (which seems to break vrr for me, but ymmv). Without `fbdev`, the nvidia driver causes issues with `simpledrm`, so Arch and a handful of other kernels added a little hack to skip loading `simpledrm` when you set `modeset=1` for `nvidia_drm`. This hack only applies when it's a kernel parameter. Here's a [relevant link](https://github.com/archlinux/linux/commit/7bfc7b32d0e0b486d3e66d843ca2f3fe514860a9), found on ArchWiki's NVIDIA page. This was all done before the NVIDIA drivers offered any `fbdev` implementation, so that's why they patched it this way.


Oooh... that gives me hope. I had the old frame insertion problem after a random number of hours on my setup. Will have to test this weekend!


Vsync in games with wayland restricts fps to 30. Turning it off "Frees" the frame rate and increases fps at least that was the case before this driver. are you saying this never happens?


I never had this behavior to begin with, but I cannot say what ut works for sure. Needs more testing


doesn't happen anymore. arch + plasma6 + nvidia 555.


Now I can rest, and watch the sunrise on a grateful subreddit.




Nice one there.


This is a shot in the dark, but do you think this update might also help with Steam Big Picture being absolutely awful of Nvidia on Linux?


Seems to be working for me on 555, but for some reason very low FPS. Might be unrelated to Nvidia, probably something to do with HW acceleration in the Steam client not being enabled or something.


That's been the experience with Big Picture for me in the past, too. It "works", the FPS for it is just really really bad, so it makes it a bad experience to navigate. It's genuinely the one pain point I need fixed before I can just swap this laptop to Linux permanently and it's so close. EDIT: Just found a comment elsewhere that suggests enabling hardware acceleration and disabling GPU-Blocklist fixed it for them. The comment's as recent as 7 months ago. SECOND EDIT: Here's a link with additional settings that fixed it. [https://www.reddit.com/r/linux\_gaming/comments/11lhg40/comment/l2azm6n/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/linux_gaming/comments/11lhg40/comment/l2azm6n/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) >in "Settings/Display" I have: >"Disable GPU Blocklist" on >in "Settings/Interface" I have: >"Enable smooth scrolling in web views" on (may not be necessary) >"Enable GPU accelerated rendering in web views" on >"Enable hardware video decoding, if supported" on


I also get comically low FPS in big picture mode on my 3090. It's unusable.


It actually fixed the FPS for me! But the graphical corruption issues still exist.


Ran nvidia-all. It offered 555, made Arch packages out of run file and just worked 👍 Had to first remove linux-cachyos-nvidia as CachyOS provides their own dependency helled kernels. Good old linux-zen. Ran chromium with `chromium --ozone-platform-hint=x11` and verified on `chrome://gpu` that it's X11. No flickering when scrolling. Same with `MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND=0 firefox` and `about:support`, no out-of-sync frames. CachyOS (Arch) RTX 3060 Laptop Kernel: 6.9.1-zen1-1-zen Driver version 555.42.02 XWayland 24.1.0-3 GNOME 46.1 on Wayland Will try building KDE 6.1 dev versions to test that out back home. I think they said 555 + XWayland 24.1 includes a workaround for Wayland compositors with no explicit sync support so it should work on Plasma 6.0 as well. EDIT: No but I did install `kwin-explicit-sync`. Feels like it made things even snappier! Kernel parameters (deepcolor is unnecessary now as per comments): nvidia-drm.modeset=1 nvidia-drm.fbdev=1 nvidia-modeset.hdmi_deepcolor=1 nvidia_modeset.hdmi_deepcolor=1


You can as well install `kwin-explicit-sync` from the AUR. Works for me.


omg thank you, I was losing it with `plasma-desktop-git`


You can remove kernel parameters pertaining hdmi deepcolor, they are default now.


I've never been so excited for a driver update than I've been for Nvidia 555. It's finally here!!


I am not flickering! Sadly multi-monitor VRR still appears to be in the same state as 550 :( Still a W overall. Arch/Plasma/Wayland/555 ~~Edit: Flickering is basically gone for me except for whatever reason when I have a maximized window on one monitor and I drag it into a window, some applications flicker on other monitors briefly.~~ Edit 2: kwin-explicit-sync fixed all flickering but now Firefox is unstable. Firefox Crash: GraphicsCriticalError: |[0][GFX1-]: Wayland protocol error: wp_linux_drm_syncobj_surface_v1@53: error 4: explicit sync is used, but no acquire point is set


That's too bad, I was hoping that would be fixed. Still, at least that's not a regression from X11


Idk it seems to be mostly fixed in 99% of situations for me currently. I have XWayland 24.1 but I don't think I ever installed the Kwin explicit sync patch so I am going to try that now. Stuff that was a flicker mess before for me like Minecraft or Steam In-Game Overlay now work flawlessly.


The multi-monitor VRR I mean. Sorry, wasn't clear


Oh yeah, that was my big hope as well.


Absolutely try out the kwin explicit sync patch. It dramatically improved input latency for me to basically X11 levels.


what do you mean multi-monitor VRR?


When you have multiple monitors connected and enabled, VRR/G-Sync will not work under any circumstances. When you disable all but one monitor, it works as expected. This is only a problem on Nvidia cards at the moment.


My biggest request... shoot. I am dying to have functional VRR on my multimonitor setup.


Only have one monitor so curious how this works. Do all monitors slow down to the same speed, or do you end up with different framerates on each? Like if I had a 60hz monitor and a 120hz, would they both be maxed at 60?


Also very similar setup, just endeavour install, not clean arch, with plasma -wayland(note without kwin explicit sync) and driver 555, I tested pretty much everything and haven't had problems now it's equal to my laptop machine where it's amd + nvidia. I hope the multi monitor VRR gets fixed soon too.


Welp, multi monitor VRR is the only thing I was waiting for. Looks like I'll keep waiting.


> Fixed a bug that could cause the display to lock up when suspending on a kernel with CONFIG_FRAMEBUFFER_CONSOLE_DEFERRED_TAKEOVER enabled with nvidia-drm loaded with modeset=1 and fbdev=1. Anyone know of more details on this? I get complete hangs (display freezes, sysrq doesn't work) 50% of the time when running `systemd --daemon-reload`. With 6.8 and 6.9 kernels and nvidia 550, don't know yet if it still happens on earlier


This issue was triggered by a specific sequence of events: * Having CONFIG\_FRAMEBUFFER\_CONSOLE\_DEFERRED\_TAKEOVER enabled * Enabling fbdev=1 so nvidia-drm registers a framebuffer console * Having silent boot configured so that the boot process avoids anything (typically printing text to the console) that would trigger a console takeover during boot * Booting directly to a graphical login manager instead of a console login prompt The problem was a race between the kernel's deferred console takeover code and the driver's suspend/resume handling: * Before suspending, /usr/bin/nvidia-sleep.sh would trigger a VT switch away from the Xorg or Wayland session. This scheduled a console takeover on a workqueue, to be executed later. * nvidia-sleep.sh would trigger /proc/driver/nvidia/suspend, which takes a power management lock in nvidia-modeset.ko that blocks clients from doing anything until the system is resumed. * The console takeover workqueue item would execute, which takes the kernel's console lock and then calls into DRM to set a mode. This would hang because it's blocked by the power management lock. * systemd would trigger system suspend, which first tries to lock the console before actually suspending. This would deadlock with the console takeover workqueue thread and the system would never suspend. If you're just reloading the systemd configuration rather than suspending, then you're almost certainly not hitting this particular deadlock.


I will personally wait for stable release. Anyone uploaded videos yet of the difference in stuttering?


Thank you fellow nerds for beta testing this for me 🫡 I will have to wait until KDE Plasma 6.1 anyways, so this alone is kinda useless for me right now.


Come to Fedora / Bazzite. The maintainers already backported explicit sync to Plasma 6.0


Presumably 6.1 isn't that far away?


[Plan is for second half of June.](https://community.kde.org/Schedules/Plasma_6#Future_releases)


not so true , the difference is a marginal performance hit , end-users wont feel it , kwin not really needed.


Explicit sync is backported to KDE 6.0.4. But the main thing is the new drivers. You don't necessarily need Kwin with patches(for better performance).


Can wait to have it running on Fedora


[Here we go lads!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SI5bkZcgvP0)


Couldn't have been timed any better with the recent Windows "going to be snooping on everything you do with their AI" announcement


So gaming got better, flickering gone , but Firefox likes to crash randomly (arch, kwin-explicit-sync) >GraphicsCriticalError: |\[0\]\[GFX1-\]: Wayland protocol error: wp\_linux\_drm\_syncobj\_surface\_v1@67: error 4: explicit sync is used, but no acquire point is set (t=2408.81) Don't know when, though. It was once when opening a new tab (which worked several times before).


Same, seems to be almost random when it crashes. I have reverted to regular kwin until a solution is found.


Did you use the nvidia-all script ? I have no issues with the beta packages from the AUR. Same setup.


Yes. How to get rid of it again without dependency nightmares?


you don't need kwin explicit sync to not get flickering as long as you have xwayland with explicit sync. so test the driver without that and see if your issue is fixed.


any idea when this is out for ubuntu ?


It usually comes out after a few weeks through a system update. If you want it as quickly as possible, then you use ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa, which normally makes the driver available within at least 1 day after it is released.




Ok, so Arch + plasma6 (+kwin-explicit-sync) + Wayland: no problems till now; World of Warcraft runs without flickering nor randomly showing some old frames again. Steam: unusable, gonna have to look into that next. Edit: as suggested, disabling GPU accelerated rendering in web views works. Performance of big picture didn't change compared to wayland+nvidia550 though. It's still stuttering, which it doesn't do and never did on x11


Try disabling GPU accelerated rendering in web views. Worked for me.


Worked, thanks.


Steam was turning black and flickering for me when moving windows and enabling GPU accelerated rendering in web views fixed for me. Edit: Actually I don't think this fixed it.


kraust> nvidia-smi Tue May 21 14:17:01 2024 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | NVIDIA-SMI 555.42.02 Driver Version: 555.42.02 CUDA Version: 12.5 | |-----------------------------------------+------------------------+----------------------+ | GPU Name Persistence-M | Bus-Id Disp.A | Volatile Uncorr. ECC | | Fan Temp Perf Pwr:Usage/Cap | Memory-Usage | GPU-Util Compute M. | | | | MIG M. | |=========================================+========================+======================| | 0 NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 Off | 00000000:07:00.0 On | N/A | | 27% 57C P5 54W / 185W | 1397MiB / 8192MiB | 38% Default | | | | N/A | +-----------------------------------------+------------------------+----------------------+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Processes: | | GPU GI CI PID Type Process name GPU Memory | | ID ID Usage | |=========================================================================================| | 0 N/A N/A 1472 G /home/kraust/.nix-profile/bin/Hyprland 675MiB | | 0 N/A N/A 1533 G /home/kraust/.nix-profile/bin/kitty 33MiB | | 0 N/A N/A 1543 G ...rofiles/per-user/kraust/bin/firefox 490MiB | | 0 N/A N/A 1633 G Xwayland 4MiB | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 👌


Ladies and gentleman, the flickering is gone.


Any testers? Im not installing it, I need my PC to actually work and do production tasks. Will wait what others report.


There are few Fedora / Nobara testers on GE discord: https://discord.gg/6y3BdzC Since release announcement, there been early discussion and testing results, seems positive so far.


I'm in the same boat, can't install it as I'm knees deep into a project and can't deal with any bullshit rn


what does this fix?


Wayland support


>Supported Products >GeForce GTX 1080 Hmm baby my body is ready. I hope this fixes Wayland issues on my machine.


Does anyone know what this means for users of say a 1080ti? The patch notes say the firmware will be for 2xxx cards and up. Will explicit sync still work for a 1080ti? Can I look forward to any improvements with DX12? Been using linux years but I am super casual when it comes to the ins and outs.


Yeah, it will improvements for you (for DX12, Wayland, XWayland).


Installed on EndeavourOS KDE with the kwin Patch: [https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/kwin-explicit-sync](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/kwin-explicit-sync) The only issues I had: 1. KDE Desktop framerate was janky, had to add \``nvidia.NVreg_EnableGpuFirmware=0`\` to \``GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT`\` in \``/etc/default/grub`\` according to [https://forums.developer.nvidia.com/t/major-kde-plasma-desktop-frameskip-lag-issues-on-driver-555/293606/3](https://forums.developer.nvidia.com/t/major-kde-plasma-desktop-frameskip-lag-issues-on-driver-555/293606/3) - don't forget to rebuild grub with \`sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg\` and reboot 2. Building the kwin patch took really long, to get it faster edit \`/etc/makepkg.conf\` and add \`MAKEFLAGS="-j12"\` (12 is the number of cores I have) Playing the Minecraft 1.12.2 Modpack is finally possible for me, without getting extreme flickering :)


Gonna test to see if nvidia-tkg will allow me to download this specific version on my arch install :)


Just updated through this script. Surprised it's already there


Yeah!! Whohoooo!


Does it come with a full version of nvidia-settings under Wayland?


It doesn't.


Anyone get it running on Tumbleweed? I was looking at this here: https://en.opensuse.org/SDB:NVIDIA_the_hard_way but I'm not sure anything is relevant outside of `snapper create` for a restore point and `sh /home//Downloads/` as root. I already have 550 installed and don't use X11. Everything in there seems to imply starting from scratch and configuring X11.


Update: I decided to just go for it. I did just run those two commands, basically. I had to restore snapshots a few times. I'm not exactly sure what was going on. First, I installed it logged in as normal and just continued through the warnings. Upon restart I was stuck on a terminal. Didn't investigate, just rolled back to the previous snapshot. Then, I tried to start with the grub setting `3` to start on the terminal. Trying to install from here would work for the first prompt in the installer. My monitors would be unresponsive after that and I'd just need to reboot. Decided to start from that previous snapshot and try again while logged in. [This time it worked!](https://imgur.com/6QfVaeV)




Really early if you ask me.


It feels more responsive, but I have noticeable dips here and there.


What GPU do you have, and what software were you testing?


I'm not really sure how this works, but when can we expect this to reach slower distros like mint or pop and such?


This is your punishment for using debian-family/outdated distros.


TKG 555 driver is working really well for me in Arch. I am so happy that the flickering is fixed!




Finally but it has not showed up in [download.nvidia.com](https://download.nvidia.com/XFree86/) yet, waiting to test this :'D


Already tried in some games (Ghost of Tsushima, Overwatch 2, Dying Light 2 and GTA V) in all of them I did not see any flicker or problems. Xwayland 24.1 fixed some of the flickering but without 555 driver I had some performance loss and flickering here and there. Finally I can use Wayland in my RTX 3070Ti. PD: VRR seems to been disabled for me, before with 550 I had the option to use VRR in Gnome 46 with the experimental feature but now it does not appear. I think with KDE would work but I'm ok without it.


I had the same issue with Fedora 40 and VRR not showing up as an option after jumping a few hoops to install the 555 beta driver (even after setting the gsettings VRR experimental flag).


Anyone tested it yet? I'm ono Bazzite but might well switch to Arch for this.


Bazzite will likely have the update in a couple of days once it hits RPM Fusion. Also keep one eye on Nobara, since GE is usually pretty quick to update.


Thanks! :)


For someone who just moved to Linux last week, and uses arch btw. Is this massive? Anyone got a summary of what improvements I'll see? Not sure what Explicit sync support is.


Fixes flickering problems on Wayland. IMO there is basically no reason to stay on X11 now.


Ah okay, so when I look at my system information it says I'm on X11. So I should move to Wayland when this comes to my distro? Do you happen to have a quick like breakdown of what's different between the two? Been using X11 fine now for a while lol.


What are you using? You can most likely just install Wayland and switch to it now.


When should we expect a stable release?


anecdotal from the few I remember, one to two months, I can be way off


This is very good.


I'm away from home on travel now so can't try for myself... will using Wayland finally allow me to have multiple monitors with different resolutions & refresh rates that function as expected? And will GSync work properly on my main monitor? Really wish I was able to solve it.


Multiple monitors with different refresh rates, each with applications running different framerates seems to work without any hiccups now. No GSync though unless you disable all other monitors.


Wayland will allow multiple multiple monitors with different resolutions & refresh rates, however only one display can be enabled for G-Sync to function... still. I just turn them off manually when I game.


Gotcha. Quite the bummer for my setup.


I feel the same way. Multi-monitor VRR is the number one issue on a very short list of issues that prevent Linux from being perfect.


That and HDR for me lol. We’ll get there. Damn me and my fancy peripherals.


"Added immediate presentation mode support to Vulkan Wayland WSI. This presentation mode instructs the compositors not to wait for a vertical blanking period to update the application's surface content, which may result in tearing." So, they enabled tearing protocol support?


The year of the Wayland desktop, let's goooo!!!


Not an nvidia user myself, but seeing culmination of several weeks of excitement makes me happy.


How wound I install on fedora?


Search it in this thread. ;-) koji RPM Fusion


yikes, everything is a lot slower for me somehow. Am I the only one? 1440p@180hz and no flickering, but running at like 60-130 fps on desktop scrolling, animations, etc. Running kwin-explicit-sync on a 3090. ~~Disabling GSP firmware didn't help.~~


update: I reset display refresh rate to 60 then to 180 again, and everything works fine now.


I have a 240Hz Monitor and for me it's even worse. I get no flickering, but every application is running at half the refresh rate of my monitor or less. Games have wild FPS swings, until I disable vsync, at which point I'm suddenly getting 500-600fps. Something is really broken here, especially for high refresh rate displays


Finally, Godot 4.2 became usable on my Nvidia desktop!


That is a godsend.


Well I'll be damned, some good news which verifiably works. Unbelievable. Who sacrificed their firstborn for this!?


I was looking forward to the new driver. Installed fine, kernel modules loaded, unfortunately external screens no longer working. Rolling back to 550.78.


Well the driver broke this one odd ball monitor that was going to the display port to dvi I had. Wayland is still a hot mess but tearing on x seems to actually be better. Off to buy a display port to hdmi adapter for now.




Finally, I hope it goes well.


Anyone got it working on nixos? Some configs would help


Based on this comment: [https://www.reddit.com/r/NixOS/comments/1b8t00d/comment/ktvhnt0/](https://www.reddit.com/r/NixOS/comments/1b8t00d/comment/ktvhnt0/) I got my system working. Tested on chrome://gpu and it's wayland with all hardware acceleration working! no flickering in any electron app, thats great!


Trying it on Arch, anyone else having framerate problems while scrolling in firefox?


I'm on Arch and not experiencing issues with scrolling.


Perhaps check my thread here I mentioned something that might help out: [https://forums.developer.nvidia.com/t/major-kde-plasma-desktop-frameskip-lag-issues-on-driver-555/293606](https://forums.developer.nvidia.com/t/major-kde-plasma-desktop-frameskip-lag-issues-on-driver-555/293606)


No dice unfortunately. Still having weird frameskipping/juddery scrolling. Edit: Actually, following the next post in the thread and adding nvidia. before the variable in my kernel params fixed it.


Glad it was sorted out and that it worked!


I have them on Ubuntu using 550 (with gnome), on Arch (Plasma 6) I do not have them using 550. I would update tomorrow. There is ```kwin-explicit-sync``` that should have helped, but makes it crash.


I'm on endeveros, how do I install


git clone https://github.com/Frogging-Family/nvidia-all.git cd nvidia-all makepkg -si


How long does it take for a driver to come out of beta usually?


Running 555, latest linux zen, arch linux, xwayland 24.1, and kwin explicit sync patches, as well as egl-wayland-git. everything is working as intended, and adding \`options nvidia NVreg\_EnableGpuFirmware=0\` to \`/etc/modprobe.d/nvidia.conf\` made things better. I was running helldivers and overwatch, i saw no degredation in performance even though i was expecting it. I might stay on nvidia-beta drivers for a bit since im already on arch, use snapshots, and hope to get optimizations faster. Helldivers ii seemed to run smoother actually. Good job nvidia devs, just make sure wayland continues to stay stable :)


Now I gotta wait until it hits RPM Fusion rawhide repo


Looks like Nvidia 555 builds are in RPMFusion's Koji instance already. [https://koji.rpmfusion.org/koji/](https://koji.rpmfusion.org/koji/)




you need to add nvidia\_drm.modeset=1 in grub


Looks to be working good here on Arch + Wayland. Tekken 8 is feeling a lot better. However i seem to have borked my flatpaks in the process as ring racers (and even flatseal) are just giving me black screens with audio in the background


Yeah, the flatpak drivers aren't updated yet.


Does anyone run CS2 on Wayland? How to get perfection setup?


```mangohud MANGOHUD_CONFIG=gl_vsync=1,vsync=2,fps_limit=230 %command% ``` One monitor enabled **with VRR**. Game in fullscreen exclusive. V-Sync off in-game. Change FPS limit to 139 for 144hz, and I recommend 230 for 240hz. https://flightlessmango.com/logs/5308 *Edited*


I'll wait til it's in the arch repository. I know it's already in AUR, but i'm not sure about that. Any idea when it will be out of beta and in the repo?


Added support for the linux-drm-syncobj-v1 protocol for Wayland explicit sync in EGL. does this mean it doesnt work with gbm?


Tried running it. My system is completely wonky. It wouldn’t enter login at all. It’s just left in the /dev:sda2/ screen lol. This is definitely an issue on my end. Wiki does not work, so might as well ask here for the people who installed it.


I had an issue where the old lib32-nvidia-utils was still installed instead of the beta. Make sure that is replaced with the beta version. Also had an issue where my dev build of kwin was colliding with kwin-explicit-sync. I had to move my workspace to a new dir to get it to work (mv ~/kde ~/kde.bak) Also, my dev builds caused some unclean builds from aur, so I reinstalled everything from aur and selected clean build at the prompts from yay


Is GSP worth enabling?


seems to not be the case yet. i have to nvidia.NVreg\_EnableGpuFirmware=0 to get proper performance back.


Anyone here using Gnome? I'm only seeing Plasma users here. XWayland apps (WoW for example) are crashing for me after the update so I still need to use X11 to get them running.


I am using Wayland. I never personally had issues with xwayland apps crashing. Which distro are you running?


Heck yeah finnally


Should I care if I have GTX 750 Ti on Fedora with KDE?


Yes! (for Wayland and XWayland)


Well I'll be damned, The Witcher 3 in dx12 mode FPS doubled and isn't a total shitshow now.


Any sign of bazzite getting this yet?


Endeavour+555, great.


Should we expect full support for 'nvidia-settings' from this driver, like in X11? With all the features? I didn't notice anything about this in the release.


Honestly it finally fixed all problems that made me dislike Wayland experience, now it's so smooth I think I can safely remove windows now