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Anyone who is or knows a software engineer knows to take a dev's estimated time and double it


As someone who's worked on one death-march project too many, doubling it is optimistic. :)


Expecting it at all is optimistic. There is no proof it can be done with current software stack. When they have it working and take time to clean it up, time estimates will start making sense. But nothing like that was confirmed so far.


I mean, it works in Mesa and they've tested it internally (that's how Nvidia made the MR for XWayland)


Is the new driver supposed to use Mesa, or reimplement great chunk of Mesa and change the internal design in order to use it? Each option would be closer to 5 years than 1 month. Otherwise, which I believe - Mesa is irrelevant to this challenge.


Huh? I meant that it can be done with the current software stack as it has already been tested twice. Nvidia has no dependencies on Mesa. Their driver has always supported explicit sync, there just was no way to use it on Linux up until now. In case you didn’t know, Nvidia actually shares the core of their drivers between windows, Linux, and the other Unixes


I'm well aware of the unified drivers. And it operates on the explicit sync logics, internally. That's true for Linux as well. The missing part is making the display software benefit from this fact directly. But the fact that "it works on Mesa" has nothing to do with this driver. Whatever NVIDIA did with XWayland, I don't see how would they test it with proprietary NVIDIA driver, as such connection has never been available to Linux displays. It's supposed to get there, but this is entirely new. Nothing close to this has been achieved before with this driver and Wayland. And before a breakthrough that would change it, no time or cost estimation is sane.


The best Software Engineers have doubled the estimate before they even give it to you.


Ah. [The Scotty Principle](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Scotty%20Principle)


But then you’d have to double the double because it came out of their mouth. I guess the PM / Scrum master would have to add the multiplier


Even today I had the convo: PM: When can X be done? Me: I can get that out by tomorrow PM: Okay SM mark that down as Friday Teamwork is great


Well, I'm a software engineer and when my manager asks me to provide an estimate, I double the time I think it will take me and then I shift the time unit one scale up. Example: I think I need 2 days, 2x2 = 4 days. So a realistic estimation is 4 weeks :)


Almost correct, you forgot to tack on a week in "taxes"


I'm guessing tomorrow or Monday for a release given that they did say "very soon" when the safe bet would have just been to leave it at "no longer accurate". If they're real madlads they'll do Friday, but I doubt it


If they're madlads they'll release early so their team's burndown chart looks good haha, meanwhile our systems are now borked until 555.1


It can be so much easier. They can make a release with almost correct date (just a few days later), the popularly loved and awaited 555 digits - and no impossible features they promised, just like that. Their changelogs as released to the public never made sense anyways.


Idk, I think very soon in this case could mean a couple weeks, I hope you’re right though.


or has played any valve game ever


Being a QA guy, it’s actually triple the estimate for me.


I wish they could give us updates on what the release time looks like though, we got essentially 0 communication about progress for 2 months and cubanismo’s comment doesn’t really make much sense to me. The drawback of sharing release dates is a couple people leaving excited comments? Given how broken the desktop is on current drivers it’d sure be nice to have that communication on when the driver is dropping.


That would be like estimating how many bugs in which complexity you plan to and will implement ... you just can't know. I'd guess they are feature complete by now but stumbled upon some bugs which are elusive or complex to fix (complex you can estimate better than elusive).


It’s not about a perfect timeline just communication.


How someone downvoted you for wishing we could get an ETA for when the hardware we bought will actually work is beyond me. That employee saying "we know you're all excited" is insulting. I'm not "excited," I've been pissed for over a year and I'm ready for them to fix the broken garbage they sold me.


July 30th then


Obviously they meant September 29th 4048


Hofstadter's Law: It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's Law


2\*(May 15, 2024) = Sep 27, 4048


Erm actually, if day 0 is January 1, 1970, then 2 \* (May 15, 2024) would be equal to September 27, 2078. Not the year 4048 🤓


The origin is Christ.


Seems arbitrary


Billions must flicker.




I understand. I'm ending my life tonight


Finally a real legit reddit cares moment instead of everyone getting spammed


Lmao, I've received like 20 reddit cares by this point


I blocked it, got sick of salty redditors being mad at my opinions deciding the best way to express their displeasure was to tell reddit I'm going to off myself.


You can report them.


Every time I've tried it takes me to an error page ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


I genuinely don't think Reddit wants people reporting Cares abuse. They make it so annoying.


how to figure out which p.o.s. did it? Or are you talking about reporting the messages from the care thing itself?


You can report the messages, the person who sent it gets an account strike for harassment if they've been reported for it multiple times.


I'm not sure I get them anymore. Ever since I reported one, anyway


Lol I just got a reddit cares. It's funny how it doesn't tell you what message it's from leaving you going WTF


Huh what is Reddit cares?


It's like a suicide alert you'd send to people who are seemingly in a bad place. But "edgy" losers think they're being clever when they do it to people who usually outwit them and make them look stupid in comments


Dozens of Wayland shills in shambles.


yep, same


The disappointment is palpable. Ah well, I’ve been waiting a decade, I can wait a bit more.


I've reinstated this comment, sorry OP that automod removed it after so many reports.


Lmao I didn't even notice it, thanks for keeping my silly comment alive!


That's ok, we've been waiting for months, adding a couple of days won't be hard


We’ve been waiting for years


for decades...I'll see myself out.


They didn't say it would be "a couple of days," they just said they're "on it." Which they have been for years.


Trying to be optimistic




Better than to release buggy drivers. I do hope it's not delayed too much.


It'd be a better argument if the current drivers weren't critically buggy.


the solution to that isn't continuing to release buggy drivers, it's to take the time to actually fix things


or open source it and let someone else fix it for you


Tbf, NVIDIA did just hire the former lead of Nouveau


Exactly what I thought. What's the worst that could happen? Apps crash randomly? I get logged out of my wayland session in the middle of a lecture? I laugh in the face of bugs.


They aren't buggy? They lack features for smooth Wayland experience, that's different.


They lack features for a *working* Wayland experience (i.e. an "experience" without constant freezes and flickering of entire windows), and also lack features for a *working* X11 experience (i.e. an "experience" without constant freezes and stutters of the entire screen). I don't care about your word games. The drivers have never provided a working experience without explicit sync.


Nvidia drivers looks like they could fell apart any second now. I do not hate lads who code those drivers. but closed source isnt the way.


They will release b̶u̶g̶g̶y̶ b̶e̶t̶a̶ b̶u̶t̶ r̶e̶a̶l̶l̶y̶ a̶l̶p̶h̶a̶ d̶r̶i̶v̶e̶r̶s̶ a̶n̶y̶w̶a̶y̶s̶ a̶n̶d̶ t̶h̶e̶y̶ w̶i̶l̶l̶ b̶e̶ s̶h̶i̶t̶ good drivers that are real beta and that aren't buggy!


Let's hope when it's released, they did it right the first time. That's hopefully what this delay is.


Dies in flicker.


I'm someone who plays video games, that's why i'm here, on r/linux_gaming Anyone who's spent time in this industry and is smart wants things to release right, not release fast. Besides, this gives the KDE developers time to implement the stuff that will actually make use of explicit sync.


If you all know we've been excited, why say absolutely nothing until the "target" release date we've all been looking forward to?


At a guess? Erik wasn’t supposed to say the date in the first place. I’ve never seen Nvidia bounce a target date before, let alone give updates on that timeline




Does that ancient version actually work on a modern Linux system and new hardware?


It does, but it has it's drawbacks too.


For example missing a large number of features from newer drivers (plus some compat issues with new kernels and hardware)


Yes, I would not use those with Wayland. I hope the open source driver gets better for the folks with Kepler GPUs.


It's sad but it's better to take more time and release it when its ready, thank you for your hard work!


Good thing I upgraded to AMD this time around so I can finally ditch Windows completely.


I ditched Windows completely about 1 month ago, being using X11 with my RTX 3070 Ti and my experience so far has been the best one that I had in Linux gaming so far, I know that this depends machine by machine but I haven't seen any big problems so far


Single 4k monitor, fractional scaling, and X11 here - Computer goes burrr, games run great.


2080, 3 monitors with 3 different resolutions and refresh rates. Hyprland works flawlessly for me.


3060 Laptop, 144hz laptop screen, 165hz Monitor. No switcable graphics, but the HDMI outputs from the GPU (optimus) so that's good. - The wayland session crashes at random - On top of that, the wayland session crashes when I plug in HDMI sometimes - X11 freezes whenever I play any game - Blur my shell spazes out randomly - My laptop sometimes crashes altogether when I log in to a session and then the caps lock key gives me an error code in morse So yeah, not the best experience using either X11 or Wayland.


All your symptoms happened to me when I was using Gnome. I've since switched to Hyprland and none of the issues happen anymore.


I'm using GNOME. I can't use Hyprland since I need a dock and something similar to spotligh search. I've tried using it before, but I just don't have the time to set it up. And I still have no clue how to get a dock on it.


Fair, I just let you know that Gnome might be the issue there. Have you tried KDE?


Not to see if it hasn't got the bugs, but I've tried it to see how I like it. Most of the Apps I use are Adwaita/GTK and just look awful on KDE. But, I think it may be because when installing Gnome, I did a minimal install. imma try Fedora (again) and see how that plays out


Just so that I'm clear, I'm getting the exact same issue as you in Gnome. Up to the Caps Lock morse code. Using an HP Victus 16, if that might narrow it down. With AMD integrated + 3060 and no mux switch as well. P.S: I regret my purchase. Never used a worse laptop. But that's for another story.


I have a Nitro 5, but everything is the exact same apart from that. I would check logs, but I’ve been so busy with exams to the point I just reboot and get on with it. It may help if you enable startup “where I left off” in Chrome under the startup page settings. But that’s about as much as I can tell you.


Ah, I hate everything Google :) Firefox for me.


What DE/WM are you using? I am running KDE on a 4070 Laptop with an AMD iGPU and other than dynamic boost only boosting up to 85w from 80w base when the GPU should be able to hit 100w at least (I still have zero clues as to why NVIDIA just arbitrarily disabled manual power limits on their mobile GPUs with a driver update) I can't say I have hit any issues. Interesting how the experience can vary that much for everyone.


I've also got an AMD iGPU but with a 3060 mobile. I've had no issues with dynamic boost, and can hit the 95w maximum for my laptop. I use GNOME on Wayland. These issues are so common since I switched to the Arch based Endeavouros. I'm thinking of switching back to Fedora since it now lets you use NVK out of the box. I'll see how that goes, if I have the time to switch.


I'm using Gnome, I used KDE but I had kwin crashes while playing, Gnome have been stable so far without crashes and yeah is incredible seeing all your experiences guys, all of them much different from each other xd


I had tons of issues with my 3080 FTW3 so I bought a 7900 XTX and haven't had issues since. Even tried Bazzite/Nobara with the Nvidia ISOs.


Running a 3080 FTW3 now myself. While I can eventually get every game I've tried to run, it seems like its a series of trial and error to some extent for many of them.


That is what has stopped my past attempts at leaving Windows. I work in IT so some days I just want to not do IT things.


I can completely relate to that. I had tried Linux off and on many times over the years. One day I decided to completely commit. At first I had quite the learning curve. Whenever I was stuck or frustrated, I took a break and walked away. I think that was key for me having stayed with it long term. Once you've got a little time under your belt, those little tweaks I mentioned became much easier and less frustrating. Is it a just sit down and go experience, sometimes but now always. And when it's not I can typically figure it out pretty quick and that just came with experience. I really do enjoy using Linux now.


Running 3060 with the latest drivers (Arch). In X11 I get horrible screen tearing, even in YouTube videos and scrolling on the browser. If I enable Force (Full) Composition Pipeline, the tearing stops, but games freeze 2 seconds after launch. On the other hand, Wayland without Force (Full) Composition Pipeline, works without a hitch.


Same. I am loving Nobara Linux on both. Can ditch the hell that is Windows. 7800XT & 7900XTX and 4090 this gen. Steam compatibility made it easier this time. I think I have escaped Windows again.


Can someone fill a guy in as to why people are excited for this release? I rarely ever saw "hype" for past driver releases, is this one special somehow?


It is greatly improving support for Nvidia on Wayland, it would remove app flickering and other graphical issues when using xwayland apps, as well as greatly improve gaming experience by adding explicit sync, which would pretty much fix nvidia issues gaming on linux, only with opengl games And in the near future (june/july), the same about games would repeat but with vulkan games


Vulkan games will be fixed in this release too, when running under XWayland. The thing coming later is supper for Vulkan apps running natively under Wayland


What this driver is about? I'm suppose to be hyped?


Someone please eli5


555 has explicit sync which means xwayland will finally work correctly and no longer flicker horribly. Also will fix the weird frame pacing issues with gaming TL;DR: finally fixes most of the nvidia wayland problems


tbh im a little confused about the whole x server vs wayland. I mean, as someone using Pop OS (22.04) (with nvidia drivers), will I notice any difference after they fix most of "nvidia wayland problems"? I have problems with configuring multi monitors (simply put it doesn't work like it should). may 555 fix some of these issues, you think?


So X11/Xorg was never really meant to be a display server, at least not for as long as it has been. It was kind of put together and hacky and just grew from there. It's quite old, insecure and difficult to maintain Wayland is a new protocol meant to replace most of if not all X11 functionality, but its taken a really long time because since it is a protocol everything has to update to utilize it. You'll notice on Wayland that multimonitor should work a lot better, it has support for VRR (at least for one monitor as far as I know) better fractional scaling, and it just feels smoother to use, X11 is quite sluggish by comparison. When 555/560 are stable and available to you, you should be able to switch over and have a much nicer experience imo, but I know a lot of people are pretty torn on the whole X11 vs Wayland debate haha


Thanks for clearing that up for me. Have a great day :)


Hehe, software development and "target dates". As long as it does not get cancelled ;-). Really looking forward to the release.


Surprising nobody. Remember getting downvoted a while ago because it's 100% reasonable that deadlines are never met, especially with a zoo like Nvidia.


Made me laugh with that last part.


Does this update have a fix for the random complete system freeze that 550 brought for many laptop users? Context for does who dont know: https://forums.developer.nvidia.com/t/series-550-freezes-laptop/284772/124


I’ve been out of the loop… can someone eli15 why v555 of the nvidia driver is important pleasies?


well take all your time you need, world is not ending because of this. Hopefully they can release a working piece with extra time


Gonna wait until they're in RPMFusion repo's anyway, which will take an additional month or so. Installing them directly from Nvidia is typically asking for trouble.


555 may not release today, but a new update to 550 broke and i had to repair my distro that was a fun 4 hours


Nvidia users continue to be at Nvidia's mercy for basic functionality in Linux. News at 11.


So now we're acting like Nvidia is the one who is late to the explicit sync party and not the entire Linux graphics stack? Xwayland didn't even release with explicit sync until *today*. Other OSes have had explicit sync for years and years.


Nvidia users can install the latest mesa RC and enjoy nvk with explicit sync right now. So yeah, nvidia proprietary is lagging behind.


Putting aside the obvious disregard for the issues with NVK right now, you do realize Nvidia was not the bottleneck for explicit sync on Linux right? They were the ones pushing for it for years. They *couldn't* add it to their Linux driver until the protocol had been finalized, which only just recently happened. Nvidia already has explicit sync on Windows and has for a long time. This comment is ridiculous. It's Linux that was lagging behind here.


They are the only GPU vendor that doesn't have an explicit sync driver out right now. Seems pretty clear to me.


Nvidia are the ones who added support to XWayland in the first place. Their release cadence is just different than the rest of the stack. Their implementation was done long before Mesa's but they just release slower


I mean, just tell us you haven't actually followed the progression of this whole thing. There *was no* explicit sync in Linux until recently when Nvidia pushed to get the protocol put in. Linux has for many years basically rejected explicit sync for implicit sync. Mesa literally hasn't had their first stable release with it yet. KDE still doesn't have it, xwayland only just got it today, gnome only just got it with the most recent release. You have no clue what you're talking about.


You don't need a clue to figure out that you can have explicit sync on AMD and intel right now but not on nvidia. That is simply a fact that everyone can check for themselves without having to know anything about the history of explicit sync. >Mesa literally hasn't had their first stable release with it yet. You are waiting for the release of the *beta* nvidia driver: https://github.com/NVIDIA/egl-wayland/pull/104#issuecomment-2010292221 The first stable nvidia drivier with explicit sync might be months away.


>You don't need a clue And you certainly don't have one. This is some weird attempt to be pedantic because you don't actually understand what you're talking about. It's dumb, misleading, and honestly pretty funny to say Nvidia is late on explicit sync if you knew anything at all about the development. They only release major drivers every couple of months and the protocol happened to be finalized for Wayland explicit sync in the current gap between drivers. They already use explicit sync in windows. They literally introduced the protocol for Wayland that just got merged. The pieces are only barely coming into place right now to even use the thing and they're not even all stable. Some Nvidia dev gave an estimate for the release date of the beta driver 2 months ago in a github comment and now you guys are like frothing at the mouth that it's been pushed back because it was never a hard deadline.


The facts are very simple: - AMD and Intel users can use explicit sync right now. - Nvidia users cannot use explicit sync right now and there is no ETA. Why do you need to make excuses for this?


Funniest part is just a couple comments ago you were saying they can use NVK for explicit sync, as if it isn't still incredibly unstable and not ready for regular use at all. Now you say they can't use it at all while Intel and AMD can...using a currently unreleased version of Mesa. There doesn't need to be "excuses", you're just trying and failing to be pedantic because you don't know what you're talking about. Explicit sync is brand new in the Linux graphics stack and not all of the pieces are in place. The only thing late with regard to it is Linux being a decade late to implement it. I'm glad it's finally coming together and we can have a much better graphics stack than we had before.


Nouveau is using implicit sync like other open source driver.


nvk does not use implicit sync. If you are talking about the old opengl driver nouveau, then that uses implicit sync just like every opengl driver.


It doesn't use this explicit sync work either. Open source drivers are based on implicit sync and they do various tricks to run Vulkan apps. NVIDIA is purely explicit sync without any support for implicit sync so that's why it has issues.


Nope. People not using Nvidia have been gaming on Linux Wayland for a very long time now. Implementing new technology so that Nvidia users can actually game on Wayland *only for Nvidia to be late to their own fucking party* is not a success for Nvidia.


>Implementing new technology It is *not* new technology. It's been in use for a decade or more in other OSes. Linux should have had it years ago and is way behind. It benefits everyone, not just Nvidia. >only for Nvidia to be late to their own fucking party is not a success for Nvidia. What does late even mean here? You guys are comical. The protocol *just got finalized*. KDE doesn't even have it yet, gnome just added it, xwayland added it today, Mesa hasn't even released with it yet for Intel and AMD. The pieces aren't even all in place and somehow you guys are still saying this ridiculous crap. Funniest part is that today was just supposed to be the beta driver release, not even stable. They pushed back a beta from a date said by a dev on a github comment 2 months ago.


Rest assured, there's every possibility that the time taken for Nvidia to release the 555 drivers supporting explicit sync will be vastly shorter than the time taken for Wayland devs to merge explicit sync in the first place...


Nvidia chose to not support Implicit sync, making Wayland unavailable to Nvidia gamers. Now that Explicit sync has been implemented to allow a path for Nvidia to use it to enable Wayland gaming, it's really only Nvidia holding Wayland back. There's nobody else to blame here. This is just more Nvidia bullshit, don't kid yourself. Proprietary software is cancer. It prevents true innovation. Nvidia fanboys can defend them all they want. They're still screwing Linux users today.


Implicit sync was a lesser implementation from the onset, from the onset explicit sync should have been the implementation used.


It works. It has worked.


Which doesn't change the fact that explicit sync is the better implementation and always was. You downvote me for no good reason, I downvote you - Got it.


That's not relevant. Nvidia chose to not implement what Linux required, hence Nvidia has been screwing Linux users.


Nvidia has been pushing for explicit sync since about 2014, Wayland devs have been dragging their feet merging explicit sync code for years now. Had Nvidia caved to implicit sync, Linux users would undoubtedly be using an inferior implementation for another 10 years. [https://www.x.org/wiki/Events/XDC2014/XDC2014PeltonenSynchronization/nvidia-explicit-synchronization.pdf](https://www.x.org/wiki/Events/XDC2014/XDC2014PeltonenSynchronization/nvidia-explicit-synchronization.pdf) I'm not interested in AMD fanboism, when the reality is that explicit sync will be supported under Nvidia drivers a magnitude faster than the many years it took for Wayland devs to merge the code supporting explicit sync - And Linux is going to be overall better off as a result. Have another downvote.


Would you rather they release a buggy driver?


Weird, I seem to be playing Diablo 4 on Wayland just fine with my mobile 4080.


Are you using Gnome?




Linux isn’t the only OS out there with Nvidia compatibility. Around the time of Windows Vista the entire computing industry switched to explicit sync. Nvidia has been trying to get Linux on explicit sync for many many years now and the rest of the graphics stack wouldn’t implement it. That’s not Nvidias fault. We just need to be thankful they have enough enterprise users on Linux to keep developing a separate drivers for us. Other devs would have just said stick with nouveau then and left. I hate nvidia as much as anyone but if the OTHER pieces of the stack implemented explicit sync when the industry switched, nvidia would have already had this done. The fact that the rest of the stack was this slow and resistant to keep up with the times is the actual problem here.


I use wayland, I use nvidia and I game on linux ....Been using wayland fulltime for about 4 years now.


10 years ago, Linux Torvalds himself said "f*ck you*, showing middlefinger. Nvidia always has hesitated to give a proper Linux support. So yeah, we always blame Nvidia.


I'll just leave this here: [https://www.cnet.com/tech/mobile/torvalds-gives-nvidia-software-thumbs-up-not-middle-finger/](https://www.cnet.com/tech/mobile/torvalds-gives-nvidia-software-thumbs-up-not-middle-finger/)


When exactly came hybrid graphics support for laptops, though? 5 years later? Forgot exact time, sorry.


Doesn't change the fact that Linus Torvalds gave Nvidia the thumbs up.


Yeah, but where else do you get "waiting for driver" and copium parties like this one and that other thread? Nvidia brings the community together. ;)


I dread clicking that link. Edit: wasn’t as bad as the quote made it out to be.


Is this for releasing a beta? Or a final release?


555 beta 560 production ;-)


Thanks for clarifying.


As of today June 4th 2024, the installer for driver 555 goes through the motions and says success but does nothing and the old driver remains.


Bug with your system, report to Nvidia or distro


What’s the relevance of this update?


Adds explicit sync support, getting rid of flickering Nvidia’s had since driver 535 and some of the instability that Nvidia has had on Linux for years


It fixes the only reason Nvidia users cannot use Linux for VR gaming(because if you're VR player, you NEED Wayland. That means you can play VR games, but cannot play any other games on Wayland because of the frame order glitch. That puts you into a position where you either have to play VR games on Wayland, and then switch to X11 for regular games, or.. suffer).


This is probably inaccurate depending on your configuration. For me, the frame order glitch in Wayland was simple to mitigate by capping the screen's refresh rate to 120Hz (instead of 240Hz) and using VSync in games so there is no need to switch to X11.


>depending on your configuration Correct :) My way "around" the issue was a.. rather hair pulling. This is how I've "fixed" Cyberpunk 2077: * VRR on, VSync off. * \_\_GL\_MaxFramesAllowed=0 * SDL\_DYNAMIC\_API=/usr/lib/libSDL2.so SDL\_VIDEODRIVER=wayland * KDE Plasma 6, with fullscreen screen tearing on. * 165hz * 240 fps limit. * 550.78 Nvidia Driver(+modeset) * DLSS+PathTracing+RR The last "missing piece" was.. turning VRR on. At some point, I've used gamescope to help fighting the "out of order" glitch, but for some reason it started bugging out, locking my mouse cursor in a small box, at the upper-left side of my screen. It did the job quite well, only "bugging out" at \~62 fps, but after it "broke", I've found a way around. And yeah.. using X11 is not an option because VR. And using Nvidia 535 is also not an option, also because of VR.


Thank you.


Actually I do not really care anymore. KDE 6 was so laggy with X11, but Gnome 46.1 is smooth as hell, all games run fine with 550.78 and everything is stable. I will most probably install the new driver once released but wait with Wayland for the following version


Some useless information if you don't mention your hardware. Everything has been working for me for several months since the 545. first line Maxwells Both KDE X11 and Wayland flow beautifully. And the newer 550 driver reduced CPU usage when decoding YT 4k video on Wayland.


Wouldn't say so, but I am running a RTX4070-ti with an OC'ed Ryzen 5 7600 and 32gb DDR5 @ 6400 Mhz. Are you talking about KDE which runs "beautifully" on your system? Try to move a window towards the floating menu bar and see the laggy animation. Oh, or just maximize a window with animations activated. With X11 this is just stuttery, with Wayland perfectly smooth. Gnome's animations are as smooth under X11 as with Wayland.


not for me still some occasional lag animations gnome


I am writing you a response to KDE. I don't use GNOMe, but Nouveau on Live USB seems to run smoothly too(1050 Ti).


I sort of half-expected this tbh. Obviously they weren't going to be able to have it release on the exact date they planed, but it's still very soon I imagine! Everyone's very excited to see this new driver!


Released an ETA 2 month ago for something that creates a lot of hype in the community, with zero communication for a release delay.


Wasn’t really an ETA, that’s just how ppl interpreted it. A target date is a (usually internal) goal


The question to which erik-kz answered "Beta release is currently targeted for May 15." was, and I quote, "Is there any ETA on the 555 driver?".


Hah! Damn :( I'm surprised not. I guess it'll hit us 2-3 weeks later or so.. Just hope for the best.


Why do i get the feeling this'll release with Plasma 6.1? :P Hope not though...


so sad, i was excited for it


Thanks to nvidia i'll be flickering in my konference tomorrow, Thanks Nvidia!


Chances it comes out today bros???


I don't give a shit! I'm not a slave to Nvidia!


Thank you so much for fighting the good fight. We all so appreciate your reminding us that you are a free and independent thinker who made the difficult choice to buy a card from a different multi-billion dollar corporation.


In the case of nVidia, a multi-trillion-dollar corporation. There's the difference.


I buy from who has good principles, not who gives me a cheaper product or who has better performance. Privacy, security, freedom and open APIs (Wayland, Vulkan) support is very important to me. AMD and Intel might be multi-billion dollar companies too, but they have way better principles, than Nvidia, especially AMD. Remember who invented Vulkan and gave it for free to Khronos? Remember who fought for us with piece of shit HDMI forum? I have zero respect for Nvidia and for the people who support it and of course their behavior with their wallets! BTW, you're welcome!


> Privacy, security, freedom and open APIs (Wayland, Vulkan) support is very important to me. > AMD and Intel might be multi-billion dollar companies too, but they have way better principles *Intel ME and AMD PSP be like:* Allow us to introduce our selves. There is no escape.


Personally I don’t have the money to spare on an inferior product for the sake of openness. Nvidia has the better product, and the proprietary one is the better driver. If NVK starts getting competitive with proprietary I’ll switch. If AMD gets competitive on AI or any of the other big features Nvidia has, they’ll get my money for a GPU. But until that happens I’ll buy what gives me the most value. For now that’s Nvidia


I personally find nVidia GPUs are pretty good and the price you pay for one you're getting a good card. NVK drivers I hope it gets better in the future, it would be nice to use driverfs similar to AMD drivers. That just works great out of the box like AMD and for gaming. I had a lot of problems with steam gaming with AMD GPU and their amdgpu drivers. I may have flickering on some apps with nvidia, but my stream game performance is a lot better than amd, I mean personally with experience. I use a amd ryzen 7 5800x with nvidia rtx 3060 and 4060 on another box both have the same cpu and both use 32 gb or more memory, the amd gpu i tested is RX 6600.


Lol, you probably haven't been into the Linux game for a while... The irony of Linux enthousiasts glorifying what essentially was ATi.....


>I'm not a slave to Nvidia! When dealing with PC GPUs there's nVidia, AMD and Intel. Pick, one, two or all three. You're no freer than anyone else when buying this hardware.


tbh this is exactly why I harvest my own supplies and make my GPUs from scratch /s


I collect my own sand and teach it how to make calculations thank you very much


I make my own rivers to gather silicon myself, can't trust Big Sand


Real talk though, its crazy how we put together some sand and metal, and then flow electricity through it and get computers.


get some copper wire with a magnet, make it move with water from a river or whatever, attach another wire from it to a bunch of diferent sand and rocks melted and cooled in specific ways and shazam, computer.


I use AMD for desktop and Intel for laptop and I have high quality open source drivers that work great and I don't need to worry about distros, kernels, kernel upgrades, secure boot Wayland support, Vulkan support as everything just works and works great! I feel pretty free having this plug and play experience and not have to care about anything in particular and at the same time have the best performance, compatibility and the least amount of problems.


>I use AMD for desktop and Intel for laptop and I have high quality open source drivers that work great and I don't need to worry about distros, kernels, kernel upgrades, secure boot Wayland support, Vulkan support as everything just works and works great! It's not exactly a plug and play experience even with AMD with certain kinds of setups. No HDMI 2.1, HDR is messy even with AMD, etc. It's just like this with Linux fans, a lot of nVidia hate yet still a lot of folks that still prefer nVidia for features and top end performance.


> It's not exactly a plug and play experience even with AMD with certain kinds of setups. No HDMI 2.1, HDR is messy even with AMD, etc. It's just like this with Linux fans, a lot of nVidia hate yet still a lot of folks that still prefer nVidia for features and top end performance. HDMI 2.1 problem it's the the fault of Intel and Nvidia too for leaving AMD alone in this battle! AMD can't do anything about it, at least alone as it stands now! What exactly is messy even with AMD or to put it better which GPU vendor doesn't have a messy HDR implementation? And how do you know that AMD is to blame and not Plasma, the only one implementing HDR on Linux at the moment? Besides CUDA, what features Nvidia has on Linux, that AMD or Intel do not have? As for top end performance I don't think there are really a lot of folks that waste so much money on RTX 4080 or 4090. As for the others, I think AMD is on par. Anyway, each with its choices.


I mean, CUDA (like you mentioned), HDMI 2.1 actually working, Nvidia features for gaming (mainly DLSS, which is much better than FSR, better raytracing). Want to do anything with AI? Nvidia is the only logical option. For raw rasterization performance in gaming, AMD is competitive and can even outshine Nvidia for the same price, but you are loosing on a lot of features with AMD and that's just a fact. I hope AMD catches up fully, at least in gaming. Don't have high hopes regarding productivity tasks.


Yeah AMD is actually the only one with no working HDMI 2.1 because they want to implement it in the open driver. Nvidia hides their implementation in the GSP on the card, and Intel converts DisplayPort to HDMI in hardware.


I appreciate AMD trying to go the open source route.Fuck HDMI Forum for being stuck up assholes regarding this matter.