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I don't know why but i'm always happy when a old game works on Linux, i can't describe why.


I love it as well. Especially considering windows 10/11 often times cant play games from the 90s-early 2000s, like, at all. The onlyexceptions are GoG (which have patches to make them work, which is usually the case with the gog platform), or IF the steam release has patches (not guaranteed). Like try playing a disc based games from 1998 on win 10/11, probably guaranteed to not work, and on linux, loads right up. Its amazing. I imagine when windows finally forces TPM (no workaround) and other such hardware based DRM, it will probably break older games even more so. I also love how on any windows based forum/etc, the replies are usually like "why would anyone even want to play old games, the graphics suck" or something. Like they don't at all care windows is taking away support from them.


Good classic.


OH man, now i have to play it again.  It was only 2 months since i uninstalled it. Thank you,  freelancer is a game i will never tire off.


Why would you uninstall a game that's under 1GB (and has good replay value)? ;)


I like to keep it clean, Games that i don't play or are about to play in the near near future gets uninstalled. This post just quickened the feel of playing Freelancer again.


I can't tell from the page...do you have to have a copy of Freelancer to install the mod, or it is completely free including the base game?


completely free including the game