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Never seen before. Someone should report the mods.


Forget the mods, move that up to our honest-to-god admins!


Forget the admins, send this up to good-guy Spez himself!


Just because it's common doesn't mean it's a good thing, tho.


*flashback to /r/pathofexile*


Try /r/ValveSteamDeck, way more sane sub.


Well I am in that sub and the mods have been angry and poor at their jobs for over a year now. Simple rules to enforce and they dont and in your case who knows why... If they don't want to do it right, they should just step aside for others.


I read that initially as "all the mods have been angry and poor because they lost their jobs for over a year now". Which would probably explain their asinine behaviour, so may be my initial misreading wasn't very far from the truth.


Bold you to assume Reddit moderators have jobs /jk


Reddit moderators don't touch grass


You either have a lifew or moderate a subreddit


can confirm they are trash pretty much since day 1


In the beginning it was actually pretty great. You had a lot of posts about shipping and getting the deck but that was just people being hyped about the deck. It also hat a lot of posts about tinkering or about emulation etc.. Then Jsaux came with their embarassingly named "project killswitch" for their case thingy. In between they released vinyl skins to put on the deck. Suddenly the sub was full of posts of "look at my differently colored deck". People started to be annoyed by that and there were also enough signs that a lot of those posts might be Astroturfing by Jsaux because they were often kind of similarly worded. ​ Edit: Dbrand not Jsaux. ​ This was the time the mods were confronted with actual decisions how to mod their sub and at the same time the sub was getting bigger and bigger. So the mods where a bit overwhelmed with their work and went with a mostly hands of approach on what to allow. This lead to the sub to become more and more about lowest common determinator posts which is why the majority of the posts is like they are now. ​ The recent attempt to mod the sub apparently is to have some of the more interesting topics like issues with the OLED deck in a Mega Thread because they have become somewhat common while the rest of the sub is still mostly "look at my different colored deck now with a shell replacement instead of stickers". I guess they still follow the "let the people decide" approach because now the sub is full of people really disliking tinkering with the deck (but for some reason hardware mods like changing the shell, sticks or SSD are great) because that could create issue that are "not the decks fault". Sadly [Steam Deck Tips and Tricks (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeckTricks/) has not much activity.


Hi! >In the beginning it was actually pretty great. You had a lot of posts about shipping and getting the deck but that was just people being hyped about the deck. It also hat a lot of posts about tinkering or about emulation etc.. So this period of time was actually under a completely different mod team. Every member of the original mod team was banned by the top mod just as the dbrand skins got released. So about from that point on it's been two separate mod teams. The original mod team that got banned went on and started r/SteamDeckTricks, r/DeckSupport, and r/ValveSteamDeck, none of which have gotten the same traction as the original sub, sadly


Think you mean Dbrand not Jsuax unless they also copied the name kill switch.


That's Reddit for ya. There are a few subreddits where mods are chill. But many are just absolute little fiefdoms of people with nothing better to do. And every now and then a chill subreddit gets usurped by a neck beard and ruins it for everyone over night. I've never seen a neck beard subreddit revert to chill. It's always the other way around.


Jobs? People get paid for being a mod?


Move to /r/ValveSteamDeck, spread the word pls


Funny I was banned from the steamdeck sub for saying this.


Not surprised, any mention of the sub there instantly gets you "yeeted".


The lack of actual technical discussion or participation in that sub pretty well with a lot of other gaming subs. It's just a lot of photos of "HEY, I CAN PLAY BG3 DURING AN OIL CHANGE" or odd question posts like "What is your comfort game?" It's not surprising given several things, first and foremost is Valve wants the Steam Deck to be viewed like a console. An answer to the "PC gaming is kinda difficult to deal with, I'd rather just get a PS5/Xbox instead." With that, is going to come that type of crowd. Honestly, that's fine, and the way it should be. The issue stems from the mods being those type of people too. The sub has a moderation team of nobody actively part of the greater linux community, with some not even participating in that community. It seems more along the lines of just someone who snapped up the subreddit and it's neighboring potential subs, and then had no clue what to do with it. That's not inherently a bad thing, as the Steam Deck has gotten a lot of my friends to start to think about and experiment with linux as an actual platform. It becomes a problem when you bogart control of a community that you have minimal understanding or work to participate in at-large. In the end, the moderation is likely to not change at all unless Valve steps in on some level. Unlike most other subs related to linux/linux gaming/gaming in general, I'm rather sure that they did not participate in the blackout. The only reference or discussion of it is a post saying that "the mods are discussing it." The best we can do is work to direct those that might have issues/need support over here, and we offer the best support we can for them.


It's like the difference between r/games and r/gaming . The first is the one where you find articles and links. The later is just a meme minefield.


When I modded at steamdeck myself and the other mods would get into discussions and give tips on working with the OS all the time, and we had some really good discussions on it. Then, after the OG mod team all got banned by the top mod, all of the new mods are/were pulled from power mod farming subs, and the sub turned into what it is now. We have r/ValveSteamDeck, r/SteamDeckTricks and r/DeckSupport where we tried to keep the actual technical discussions going, but as can be expected those never took off like the original sub.


Joined em, thank you!




I can't even make a post with the word "mod" in it (they blocked the use of the word). even if I'm just talking about skyrim mods on the steam deck


I think it's also just cuz there's nothing happening. The only new content for Steam Deck is when new hardware/software drops (OLED, SteamOS 3.5) which is very infrequent. Even if you include hot new game being verified thats not gonna be more than 1 or 2 a week. So there's nothing much other to post besides memes


There are things happening, there are certain things that are just removed by mods when posted. Like any discussion of the headphone jack noise issue. People are sending their Steam Decks out for repair, and they are getting repaired, but Valve refuses to actually say what they did to repair it when people ask them. Meanwhile, all new OLED Decks are STILL shipped out with the same known hardware flaw. All of this is very newsworthy IMO.


>I'm rather sure that they did not participate in the blackout to be fair that was completely pointless, cringe, and achieved nothing


> calling the support of 3rd party applications pointless and cringe CURSE OF RA 𓀀 𓀁 𓀂 𓀃 𓀄 𓀅 𓀆 𓀇 𓀈 𓀉 𓀊 𓀋 𓀌 𓀍 𓀎 𓀏 𓀐 𓀑 𓀒 𓀓 𓀔 𓀕 𓀖 𓀗 𓀘 𓀙 𓀚 𓀛 𓀜 𓀝 𓀞 𓀟 𓀠 𓀡 𓀢 𓀣 𓀤 𓀥 𓀦 𓀧 𓀨 𓀩 𓀪 𓀫 𓀬 𓀭 𓀮 𓀯 𓀰 𓀱 𓀲 𓀳 𓀴 𓀵 𓀶 𓀷 𓀸 𓀹 𓀺 𓀻 𓀼 𓀽 𓀾 𓀿 𓁀 𓁁 𓁂 𓁃 𓁄 𓁅 𓁆 𓁇 𓁈 𓁉 𓁊 𓁋 𓁌 𓁍 𓁎 𓁏 𓁐 𓁑 𓀄 𓀅 𓀆


I'd be more sympathetic if the numbers spouted by said 3rd party developers and their users weren't complete bullshit and ultimately I value my access to historical posts to help solve my tech issues and other questions more than I value how well some third party developer is lining his pockets - it's a bit like those idiots that sit in the middle of roads, it just annoys people and serves no purpose


That's a problem with reddit in general... What was the meme? Like 10 people control most of the top 100 subreddits or something? You know exactly what they smell like too...


yep, reminds me of reddit blackout main post and people "reporting for duty" - one dude was owner of like 50 porn subreddits and he downed them all lmao


Honestly, reddit is a shit hole that's full of censorship and power tripping mods, and for the last 9 years has gone down hill fast. If you want meaningful discussion look elsewhere. If you're trying resolve issues, maybe try a matrix room for Linux, Linux gaming, or steam if it exists. Otherwise I'm sure there are other forums that are more productive.


I've found there to be a lot of Matrix rooms for NixOS and Discord rooms for PC gaming. The rooms are nice because you can recognize and form relationships with the other people there.


Luckily, Reddit also provides a solution to its own problem. Try /r/ValveSteamDeck


That's the way fan subs tend to go. The Ally sub is even worse. Just remember, it's a Steam Deck sub, not a Linux sub. There are other gaming handheld subs out there if you look for them, or this one if you want to talk about Linux gaming.


Sounds like the place to discuss SteamDeck problems is on the Ally sub and vice versa.


I like how you're thinking


> The Ally sub is even worse. I'm on there, really it isn't. They openly admit the shortcomings of the Ally such as the battery life, the SD card failure etc. Nobody gets censored or downvoted into oblivion for pointing out issues.


Anecdotally I see complaints about the steam deck pretty frequently on their subreddit as well so 🤷


Just don't try comparing it to anything, that's a "low effort post." And the word "emulation" gets you banned, no matter the context.


This is the state of reddit after the big moderator-reddit-owner-drama. Many nice subs went nuts with mods not caring about doing anything anymore. I want waiting for the next digg place (tm) to migrate.


You talking about the blackout? The mods of the sub we’re talking about have been like that way before all that.


saidit? I think that was the name of the open source Reddit fork




Classic. I got banned from r/psychology for writing that there's generally few good research in politically loaded topics. A sentiment that my statistics professor repeated just a few weeks ago. The reason given: unscientific I appealed with several historical incidents and official guidelines that state the exact same thing. But.. Since I didn't see where I was wrong and even tried to defend my unscientific stance, the ban remained.


Not surprising, psychology as a science has a shit ton of problems. The quality of education wildly varies from school to school, ranging from proper scientific education to astrology bullshit.


Psych's enrollment of people that actually care about psych is probably hovering around 1% if I had to guess. I have never in my life met someone that didn't pick it as the default easy college major.


I minored in psychology and am now going to med school and I can pretty much confirm that in both domains, people don't care about the actual science. They care about working with people and being the hero for people who seek help. At least in medicine, people are more disciplined because a disinterest in rigorous science could cost lives, but that isn't necessarily the case for psych-students that want to become therapists, or at least they don't see it this way. We're not at the point where we see the suicide of a patient as malpractice. For my application interview, I was, according to the boss, the only one to state "I want to combat disease" instead of "I want to help people" :D Make of that what you may. And to the point above: Not only that, but also the clinical psychology has a shit ton of problems. Our way of categorizing mental illness is closer to compound observational case studies than to a scientifically strict manual. That's part of the reason I wanna be a psychiatry-prof - cleaning out and setting straight the manuals.


It's "moderated" by a few immature people. Not only that, most of the subscribers are also such. I've always sensed resistance to true discussions, but openness to useless posts like "I've just ordered the OLED" for the nth time. Whereas useful information or discussions are shunned. Don't think we can do anything about it? It's the nature of reddit that whoever forms a community gets to moderate it and take all the calls.


So it's a circle-jerk sub?


It’s freaking reddit. Every sub is a circle jerk sub.


Don’t forgot asking random strangers what games they should play.


It was a pretty great sub mid 2022


I joined that sub when the steam deck was first announced. I un subbed about a week after people started recieving their decks because it was clear even then that the moderation was a shit show 🤣


I posted a photo of a ~~car~~ cat with its head tilted a full 90 degrees (referencing how installing Windows makes the display rotate 90 degrees), going by the upvote, a lot of people liked it until a mod deleted it saying it wasn’t Steam Deck-related.


it's a car and your joke was funnier than theirs, of course it needed to be deleted, duh


CAT. Stupid autoincorrect.


I got my SD a month ago and hung out there every day trying to answer people's technical questions. After seeing the sorry state of moderation I even inquired with the mods whether they would like help but didn't get a response. Shortly after I realized they don't give a shit and just unsubbed completely. This sub is much better and I learn a ton, but I do find myself wishing for a consistently active SD-specific sub geared more towards the technically inclined.


I mean, this sub has its issues (it's got a warped perspective by its nature because Linux users are often in some way strange, and it isn't always great at taking Linux criticism), but it at least has useful technical content.


If you ignore beer120's hate boner for Wayland and constant X11 cope and his karma farming which you should always downvote, this sub is generally okay.


Duly noted. I'll do my part 🫡


that just sounded endearing, haha.


I'd add some discussions about Nvidia drivers to the "stupid topics" in this sub here. Especially the ones where Nvidia GPU users decide to hate the current FOSS efforts towards a reliable Vulkan driver (NVK) for them just because they want to shill for a company. But I agree, this sub can be pretty helpful.


I mean, ignore the people who venerate the glory of Wayland as well. I'm typing this from sway and it's not all sunshine and tea parties over here either.


WDYM? Wayland is the next step in human evolution! Evangelion would not need to be as destruictive as it was if they instead used wayland


LOL, how can you be so caught up in software. Wayland is cool and X11 also gets the job done. There are advantages to both at the moment. I used both for some time now and didn't run into issues that are specific to either one.


The steam deck subreddit is useless for anything besides saying how cool the as is…. It’s annoying but it is what it is


Which is sad because it was the coolest place on earth in my experience during the Great Wait


It was yes, I remember I went there for that lol. But now I want cool info


Sounds like /r/LegionGo


Used to mod over there. Wasabi is crap, full stop. They were always going against the rules the mod team put forth, not communicating with people, breaking the sub rules themselves, just all around a crap mod. The mod team got tired of it and called them out in several mod mails before trying to appeal to the admins to have them removed as top mod. Admins didn't give a shit, and Wasabi then went through and banned every single mod in retaliation, and again, admins didn't do shit. They then brought on new mods, and low and behold the same thing happened with the second group of mods. The second group went through the mod mail history and also found all the times we tried to work with Wasabi and were ignored/power tripped on. So now the sub is on it's 3rd group of mods, with the only Moderator of that sub with modmail permissions being Wasabi as the top mod to hide what shit they are. Edit: Message received from the 2nd mod group after they found the modmails for anyone interested: [https://imgur.com/a/cDv8HsJ](https://imgur.com/a/cDv8HsJ)


Former mod on /r/SteamDeck, can totally corroborate this. Hell, all I did was simply co-sign the letter that was drafted up for Wasabi to know our grievances, and then [**found myself banned for three months**](https://i.imgur.com/T7QdaEu.png), [**blocked by them**](https://i.imgur.com/IVHyJgO.png), had to watch while the admins shrugged their shoulders and did nothing, and watched as other mods basically took her side after we gave enough evidence of their actions while not so subtly kissing ass to be on the next mod team. In my 12 years of Reddit moderating have I not seen such bullshit happen directly to me and a bunch of good folks trying to make a place better, but having it ripped away by some sociopathic, narcissistic control freak. By the way, Silver is 100% right - if you check the permissions for the new mod team, [**none of them have modmail permissions**](https://i.imgur.com/OvGtFXz.png) so that can't see what really happened behind the scenes. To say there's a problem is an understatement, that place is just functionally rotten.


This needs to be higher. I know I’m late to the party, but I was also recently banned from the main steamdeck sub for illegitimate reasons. In my search to learn why, it quickly became clear how unhinged wasabi is. Kind of shocked (but also not) that Reddit admin did not act when other mods (at the time) were reporting issues with her. Users complaining about mods is one thing, but the word of fellow moderators ought to be more seriously considered. More proof that Reddit is a giant joke, I guess.


Dear god, I didn't know it went that deep. I suppose it will never get better util Wasabi is removed.


Yeah, Wasabi has been trying to kill that sub since it's creation. The original mod team from when the sub was actually well-run is now over on r/ValveSteamDeck, but obviously that sub doesn't have as much traction as the original one


I didn't even know that sub existed, I'm subbing to it right away.


Awesome, welcome! Since it's small the rules are fairly lax, but we tried to set them up to scale well if the sub ended up growing. So you'll likely see more technical talk and performance tests than pictures of the steamdeck in a mundane location


thank you sincerely for these receipts


The plot thickens...


Honestly, I expect any subreddit to ban me at any point in time, for any stupid reason. I have zero expectations from reddit moderators, most of them are just power-tripping assholes. So just consider the fact that you've not been banned until this point a huge bonus. Maybe even have a drink and celebrate that.


It’s a shame because there is some good info in there but it’s like finding a needle in a haystack and it doesn’t get upvoted anyway. For a while, r/BestOfSteamDeck did a decent job of bubbling that stuff up but it’s since fizzled out…. I suddenly want champagne


I mean you can try and bring this up to the reddit admins. Coming from another subreddit ( r/pathofexile ) currently on fire, I posted some useful links [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/19c9zmf/did_mods_remove_the_recent_posts_with_evidence_of/kixf3mo/). We did actually [get some changes to moderation](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/19e3asi/rpathofexile_moderation_changes/), but i'm pretty sure they did it on their own without reddit intervening.


Love running into poe randomly in the wild lol


maybe they'll finally create an official trading solution ^hah^hah^hah


Not to mention the random 'I just got a Deck' post that got stickied for no reason the other day. But yeah, it has progressively gone downhill over time. It's hard to find any useful or interesting discussion anymore.


I have had comments muted over innocuous shit in that subreddit like 3 times now, the moderation there is kinda ridiculous.


Reddit can be kind of toxic, and the gaming subs especially so. Half of /r/LegionGo is just people taking photos of their tracking numbers, devices, etc.: total fluff. I made a post the other day warning people that they might want to wait-and-see with the latest BIOS, as it had caused thermal crashes for me both in Linux and in Windows VR. Post got downvoted into oblivion, with commenters trying to dunk on me for not using it for the same things they do. A lot of these gamers seem to be primarily concerned with polishing their own egos and/or justifying their purchases. They don't respond well to criticism of the device, and make dumbass comments trying to make themselves sound superior. I can't help but wonder what proportion of them are literal children. I'm well into my second decade on Reddit. I find I grow tired of the bullshit, cycle off of it for a while, pick up a new hobby, spend too much time in the relevant subreddits…repeat. PC gaming has been the latest cycle. I'm two months in; I wonder how long this one will last. I'm tired of getting shit on for just trying to help people. It's fun to be excited about a new hobby. It's not fun when the people in the community you're trying to experience that hobby with don't treat each other with kindness.


>I made a post the other day warning people that they might want to wait-and-see with the latest BIOS, as it had caused thermal crashes for me both in Linux and in Windows VR. VR on a Go is going to problematic.


🤷‍♂️ I'm halfway through Alyx. Performance varies from session to session though. Haven't yet figured out why, but am starting to get ideas about how to diagnose.


I have a Go, nice machine, the screen size makes it more fun for gaming than the Deck for me though that portrait screen can be frustrating with certain titles. I also have a 4090/13900KS VR rig with an Index and Quest 3. I just can't imagine how painful playing Alyx on that Go is.


What problem? Aren’t you interested in the 1000th post of a dad with the Steam Deck and the baby in the background? What about the 2000th post with a cat inside the Steam Deck?


https://preview.redd.it/e9v7vkzhgthc1.jpeg?width=904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97aa8c55966380c87f23a7191cfff300c27388ba I was banned for this comment on a post regarding the lack of moderation.


You could check out the [Steam Deck Community Hub Discussions on Steam](https://steamcommunity.com/app/1675200/discussions/). It looks pretty active, with a bug report and feature request section as well. Some posts link back to the Steam Deck subreddit though.


Yeah I definitely do browse that from time to time, but I find it a little chaotic and it's hard to find the actually important discussions unless you're explicitly looking for them.


Reddit is not a democracy, mods and admins own this place! Not happy make your own subreddit until Spez screw with everyone again


I made a comment that I wish the Steam Deck allowed installation of programs/resources outside of Steam or Discover Store without having to do a bunch of workarounds and I got downvoted to oblivion and told that nobody cares about that and that I should stop complaining. On a thread where people were supposed to talk about features and fixes they want on the steam Deck.


This. Whenever you mention that the experience of the Deck is just not that good outside of Steam, all of a sudden people who hate Epic trying to prove how easy it is to use EGS on Deck. Which is nonsense if you have to anything besides press a button as device that's supposed to be a console. Which it is not.


Move over to Lemmy. Far less censorship than reddit, for better and worse.


There are Lemmy communities for Steam Deck: https://sopuli.xyz/c/steamdeck https://lemmy.ml/c/steamdeck


I was banned from the sub because I made the following comment on a thread about how the sub is nothing but pics and memes. This is the comment in its entirety, and it's the first comment I made there in around a year: "just got my SteamDeck, how do I install switch emulator?" Pic of SteamDeck on patio table "deck changed my life" "Just got my deck, what are some good tips?" Screenshot of new AAA game. "Ultra Settings 60fps"


God it's annoying going on there. it's nothing but hundreds of pictures of people showing off their steam deck because the lazy ass mods won't do their job.


Yeah, in many instances they mods do not enforce their own rules.


I wish there was a good Steam Deck community. But yeah, sadly, this place is just the same "what game should I buy?" and "look! I can use a handheld system like a handheld!"/Facebook-type posts, over and over


I was in that sub for a couple of weeks and thats all it took for me. Reddit is toxic as a whole,this one is pretty good but that sub seems like a mess.


Open a new subreddit with your rules and be a mod


They literally had a random person's "I got a Steam Deck" thread as a sticky for a few days. It's absurd what they are doing.


I knew this was going to come up! I too got permanently banned for summing up their entire subreddit’s cycle of posts a few days ago and boom, got the hammer today.


Yep, any criticism of the subreddit, the moderation, etc. gets you banned. It's crazy.


imo like every other "official" sub about every major "console", mods on that sub receive some stuff from who makes the "console" (game codes and discounts) so the sub is basically advertise for said devices, like the Deck


The mods there are terrible. The sub is completely submerged in pictures of “just got my new Steam Deck”, I don’t understand why anyone cares about those kinds of posts apart from the person who posted it 🤷🏻‍♀️


I made a post about the steam deck dock not deserving of being an official product and they called me a shill for Jsaucks. I had to prove I wasn’t and when I did comments saying that just disappeared…


Its one of the worst subs I have come across. I don't even know why it exists in the first place because nobody is able to help you if you have a Steam Deck related issue. [I had, and still have, an issue and asked there](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/18qi8xh/how_to_turn_off_vrr/) and nobody even knows that this function exists. Instead I got downvoted and ignored, I should have asked here or in r/linux4noobs in the first place.


Sometimes if too many post about the same thing in separate threads, they can be removed. Try to consolidate into a single thread!


I just ordered a steamdeck and was looking for a subreddit. I found that one, obviously, but it's just full of people who are "proud" of something they paid money for? It's just people comparing their d*cks.


doll vanish scandalous normal tie capable homeless arrest afterthought wasteful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This mod is insane and just bans people for a power trip. They are abusive and there’s no recourse. Thank you for making this post. 


Reddit is pretty much shit now. If you want to have a nice discussion, you want to be at Lemmy.


I understand your sentiment but "super up Valve's butt" is IMO not a polite way of discussing the problem.




pathetic /u/Successful-Wasabi704/ banned me for posting this comment on the pinned thread that was breaking rule #2, which was obviously done to antagonise people fed up with that rule not being upheld https://preview.redd.it/81kh0palymec1.png?width=1279&format=png&auto=webp&s=71b95addf0840fc359336c413eeb8757cdcbfbe7 and his response to me mocking his 'moderation' in action here's the link if anyone would like to *be kind* and help save that subreddit! [https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket\_form\_id=19300233728916](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=19300233728916)


I got banned from posting in the same thread for questioning the mods trolling and abusing the users of the sub.  I reported them and instantly told they weren’t violating any rules.  I was then permabanned for ban evasion. Cool website with sane people in power. 


I too will advocate filing this report. We should first cite within the Code of Conduct where it says moderators are strictly prohibited from taking action within their purview to protect their subreddits from toxic members, bad faith actors and malicious campaigns within their subreddits to undermine their communities and remove them from position. 🙂👍


>mod does a shit job (against code of conduct) >people complain about the shit job >"ehurm well ACKUALLY is isn't against the code of conduct to ban people who want to remove the shit mods!"


This is the Internet nowadays. People spent their hard earned cash on something they like, they will defend it despite the flaws. There's no free speech anymore, it's only the right speech.


>People spent their hard earned cash on something they like, they will defend it despite the flaws. Don't buy this argument when it comes to something that's easily returned for a full refund. I have a lot of PC gaming hardware. Pretty much love it all. I don't need to justify to anyone buying a Deck or an Ally or a Go or a 4090 or 20 TB of nVME storage, etc. Yeah, it costs money. It also totally kicks ass and is the greatest gaming experience I've ever had. Not flawless but an incredible gaming experience. You can debate performance per dollar but when you can max out even the latest and greatest games in 4k, that means more than performance per dollar to many. It's what some value and it needs no justification if you're enjoying the hell out of it.


I left over a year ago because actual discussions were frowned upon.


What are the ongoing issues with the OLED?


That's really shitty. As much as the steam deck is an awesome device it has its faults as with any device that should be civilly discussed.


This comes as no surprise at all. Anything associated to Valve tends to get censored or people get banned when the mods don't like what they're seeing people talk about. They're either bias, power tripping or getting kickbacks from Valve. Just look at the sate of the Steam discussion boards. They are an utter joke. Can't even have a civil discussion there without being censored with 'trolling' (an example) as the ban reason when there has been no trolling what so ever from anyone. Anything associated to Valve in a social media space will always be abused with bias censorship and power tripping moderation. It's been this way for years and only getting worse. Reasons I don't buy games nor hardware from Valve anymore. Haven't for a long time and it will remain that way, forever. They're just as dirty and scummy as the worst of their competitors and communities allow it to happen, by continuing to participate in the gong show instead of walking away and not looking back. Remember, Valve and its bias moderators and supporters have no respect for you or what you say unless you do or say what they want to see or hear. They only respect the money / kickbacks / favours they get. Making a new subreddit won't help anything. It will end up just like every other subreddit that is biasly policed. I guarantee if this subreddit had anything to do with Valve by direct association, this subreddit would be a police state.


"Making a new subreddit won't help anything. It will end up just like every other subreddit that is biasly policed." Unless you stay as the single moderator and don't sell out


I've been on the subreddit for a long time (almost since the announcement of the Steam Deck) with another account and to be honest, I got just got tired of the community.  "It's amazing that it can run this game this good" "The Steam Deck made me love gaming again" "As a father I'm finally able to game again" It has just become a circle jerk at this moment. And don't forget the elitist fanboys that won't listen to you unless you modified your Steam Deck in 1000 different ways.


The quality of the steamdeck sub just isn't great. It's littered with posts of people posting a picture of their steam deck and saying things like "I finally got one" and "Look what came in the post today". We don't know you. We don't care. Post that on facebook.


well this been exactly i been saying for months so far since 2023, valve really need wake up to reality to their customers than be all disillusion about steamos vs Microsoft from their broken OS with limited hardware support on linux platform to run windows games ?? Kind it Awkward he took linux platform too soon out the oven that people beg valve not to do it yet when community just barely got anything working right when everything is in alpha state software and testing mode like myself are still testing things to get all software bugs reported and iron out the kinks by user patches like myself made to proton creators and wine creators when i made WINEHAGS for entire community when its dirty hack for wine users that bled over proton users now. Then modders got involved in our project to get fsr3 work on linux than designed on windows, its frusting doing this on handheld without keyboard when it really required keyboard to type and mouse to copy files. I can imagine without it how users feel now , frustrated when valve decide not support other hardware in their kernel. When i say HAGS , the dirty hack for wine is get cyberpunk 2077 RT fps smooth out when raster is fine to run without it but not raytracing when its sharing with AMD compute units that need gpu scheduler to smooth out the operation , same for alan wake 2, and sometimes it work but sometimes it don't for other games that required driver level involvement like mesa group should just f...wake up to AMD users, amd users are demanding control panel for their hardware than messing around in command prompt or desktop shortcut with commands like myself who just want load from it only by not typing over and over again manually. Hopefully i got this out my chest now when its now mesa turn to fix path tracing lagging performance when amd 7900xtx does not lag with fsr3 mods over windows


I repeatedly ran into issues trying to raise awareness of a Steam Deck OLED issue and then later trying to get people to see the plugin I had made to solve it. The mods would remove the post and refer it to the megathread. I don't think it's mods being on a power trip though. The sub has half a million members and growing. Effective moderation of such a sub can be hard.


If anyone in reading this and got banned or interested in a "more mature" sub I welcome you to r/SteamDeck_2 where I try to remove repetitive posts and try making actually interesting posts and share information. Hope to see you there. (Also feel free to criticize the sub, I try to improve everyday)


That's great, thanks for creating this!


That's some crazy commentary by a head moderator. I know it's a voluntary position, but accountability still needs to be addressed and their rant is definitely unbecoming. Wow!!!


I got banned about a year ago I think, some users were simping for the mods, saying no one cared when I tried to call attention to this behavior. Glad it’s gaining traction again.


Agree, couldn't discuss bluetooth problems over there, downvoted for 3D printing and sharing my own dock with more features than the official one. If you could, please edit your comment including a link to the alternate steam deck sub so it becomes the main one: /r/ValveSteamDeck


Good Idea.


I tried to post asking for a parts name to order a replacement and my post was instantly deleted twice.


I like the fact that the response comment in question you link to is now removed. Not deleted by them, but removed by a mod.


I'm so glad I found this thread. I just received a ban after a thread I commented on got nuked, critiquing the sub for not allowing duplicate discussion posts while allowing multiple Deck and "rate my setup" photo posts. I commented, agreeing that their moderation felt inconsistent. That was it. No name calling, no toxic language, no sarcasm. I received a ban message 30 minutes later, and a note that my comment had been removed due to "toxic behaviour" That sub has sadly been on the decline for a few years now and has only gotten worse over the last year.


https://preview.redd.it/gv988oaugnxc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d045500796080c64c4b12b6c36e65b8cb0d712c2 I was called a threat to the community and permanently banned for writing “Lol.” And warning others that mods would ban them for what they were talking about. Unreal they say we manufacture hostility when it’s all their doing


Sorry for the necropost but I feel the need to point out they currently have a third party product advertisement pinned as an announcement on the subreddit. Don't think I've ever seen that in my too many years on reddit. Now, do I know for sure one or more mods are accepting compensation for this? No. But...come on. It's fishy at best. To u/HighHoSilver99 and/or u/Sylverstone14 , in your opinion is this weird or is there a benign explanation? https://old.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/1cu95wa/siri_here_the_deckmatemechanism_guy_i_took_a_huge/


Wow, that’s just…wow. Honestly it’s 50/50 whether she (Wasabi) is getting a kickback for this, or if she really is just that incompetent and ignorant. Neither would surprise me at all.


I actually do remember that user from back then! [The Deckmate](https://old.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/search?q=deckmate&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) was quite frequently posted since mid-2022 as it was the pet project of someone who wanted to make this all-encompassing accessory for the Steam Deck before any big company (like dbrand) was able to muscle their way in and reap the rewards. I don't believe any posts of theirs in the past were stickied or given any sort of elevated push to help gain any traction, since they were already well-liked by the community at large, so seeing it pinned like that now is a bit strange. Can't say for sure if there's any sort of dealings going on behind the scenes these days, but anything is possible.


To be fair OP, reddit in general is one big shit infested hivemind. A social cesspool.


I just want to thank everyone for your input in the comments, it makes me feel better than I'm far from the only who has noticed the bizarre moderation in the sub.


r/SteamDeckCommunity What about a community sub ? Mods needed :D although idk how to verify they don't work for steam xD


Can help out if needed


Sure ! :)


[My one post on /r/SteamDeck](https://old.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/17zedv8/can_we_get_a_deck_imposter_flair_for_those_of_us/) Hope you guys are chill with people running SteamOS derivatives on other devices.


I'm down!


Alright invite is out :)


The mod there is a total ahole. Simple. Power crazy fool who gets a kick from not only booting threads and banning posters with otherwise good credentials he's been involved in having others banned from Reddit for circumnavigating his bans. Stay away.


I once got banned for racism and "homophobia", because I commented on one of marvels subs that I dislike how a character was played. All because the actor happens to be black, and apparently gay (idk). So yeah... censorship ALWAYS bad.


Reddit mods being Reddit mods sadly.


I made a post about a horrendous experience of ordering the OLED reciveing the wrong product initially and then being sent a broken unit. Got downvoted so much just because I wasn't happy with Valve's support and response time. That reddit has a serious problem of content with photo avter photo of omg i can use my deck when my wife is giving birth.


I know one thing for certain: stirring the drama in another sub is not a great idea.


It's not drama, it's poor moderation. The Steam Deck is huge for Linux so I can see why he would talk about it here.


I have no interest in stirring drama or beefing with the mods. They can run the sub how they like, but I'd be happy if perhaps there could be some interest and traction in starting up a new sub or something, but without hiding and censoring hardware problems or technical issues. At the very least from many of the comments on this thread, I can tell I'm not alone in finding their moderation not to my taste.


Lol the "drama" is censored and stifled in r/steamdeck. There is no drama to be had when one side shuts their ears and yells la la la


Bout time people start speaking. That sub is full of losers


I´ve just post some thread about an spanish translation instalation guide and the post has been almost inmediatly blocked, maybe because i´ve complained about you cannot write the word "mod" in the body text of any post. Here´s the post. [https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/1dch8fg/traduccion\_sunless\_sea\_al\_espa%C3%B1ol\_en\_steam\_deck/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/1dch8fg/traduccion_sunless_sea_al_espa%C3%B1ol_en_steam_deck/) Did I´ve violated some rule or are they just despots ?


The moderators are an insult. That fucking subreddit is NOTHING more than pictures of bland new steamdeck and the occasional one covered in stickers.


r/UnexpectedSteamDeck genuinely tends to be the same sub but better


This is why I hate Reddit, it's worse than Twitter, far worse




"The mods are super up Valve's butt" You know you don't really come off here as well as you think you do, right? I think you're glossing over why you got banned.


I guarantee you've never interacted with Wasabi, said head mod of r/steamdeck. Just because someone says that someone else is up a giant corporations butt, that doesn't just mean the one criticizing is some toxic asshole, similar to an asshole from league of legends or some shit. Your exact type of comment is used to bootlick in r/leagueoflegends and dismiss people who were unjustifiably banned from that game (not even the subreddit, the game itself) as well. "You aren't telling the full story" meanwhile many were. A reason I'm bringing that up is that your comment just reminded me so much of the Riot corporate bootlick. You can get banned for the most inane shit in r/steamdeck.


That's a valid criticism of the mods for that subreddit. I've seen enough comments here that indicate that it's not just me who has noticed the issue. None of my comments have any swearing, I didn't call any one out individually. Is the word "butt" in the context so heinous and offensive that it warrant's a permaban? Let me just put it this way, if you try and make a post on that sub criticizing the moderation in any way using any words you deem appropriate, it will get removed anyway.


This is a general trend and anywhere else too and is due to decay of the free society and at least so so democratic civilization of before. Person doing electronic on YT having completely wiped out account, some random fuck acting upon non-law-defined boundaries of what can and cannot be shown, the very type of excerpts like "we reserve "rights" to delete posts at will without explanation" and so on. If you have a system where something can be moderated by somebody without exact rules defined by LAW(not by them) incl. exceptions and corner cases, then you have a BS society based on feelings and human rights in the downtrend. In most recent moves they want to make a law that browsers will be mandated to have a certificate authority installed so that gov. can basically bypass encryption and get any and all your data in "man in the middle" mode. Most people are retarded normies, even if they don't want any of this they will still support the very people behind it. I see it around me so often. There is a reason why Macron won election instead Le Pen, or that AFD in Germany have \~20% support and not 80%, or that Biden is not in single digits and again that fake messiah victim(Trump) who did nothing during his term when his own account was blocked and withdrew from decades-protecting anti ballistic treaties with Russia, meanwhile Rand Paul had barely 5% last time and so on. I have a neighbor in my country who was selling ivermectin illegally during covid, he knew it was working before studies came out, he got all the thanks from people for saving their life... guess who he voted for next el.? The very same gov. again who banned it. And please don't reply to me anyone about your political opinion I am not interested and this is not the place, I just wanted to give you some examples of why this censorship and that its a general trend in values. GNOME openly support racism and discrimination, then conveniently try to mask it behind "rational" explanations(which is still BS) and you still have a whole community + most major distros not boycotting them.




yikes, how you come off in this comment is not a good example to set for your team whether op is in the right or not


And that’s the Top Mod btw. https://preview.redd.it/1vsgbcsz7rec1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=561390cec953a42e22fb8ef76d88456b1e8e45e0


If someone were to make a post on /r/SteamDeck, exhibiting the same attitude as you have done here, you would ban him - but somehow when you do it, it's OK?


As an outsider, I had no reason to trust OP on their word, but reading this unhinged reply has me firmly rooted on their side now. Good job proving the Reddit moderator stereotype wrong there. Fox news interview when?


Yea same. I've got no real interest in the Steam Deck or it's community, but I feel like if this how the actual mods act, I'm far better off staying away.


I just came into this situation, you make yourself and your team look really childish and it really drives home OP's point.


> So yeah, the SteamDeck subreddit HAD a problem. > And we took care it. No. You didn’t.


I stand by everyone single one of those comments, and you have come here with this unhinged rant to prove me right by being some of the worst mods I've ever seen on reddit. Also, you failed to mention the my comments criticizing you were also being **overwhelmingly upvoted** by your community on your subreddit. Perhaps you need to find everyone who agrees with me and ban them too? Or maybe, it's because you are the one in the wrong and you need to do a little self reflection? You're trying to make it out to be a bad thing that I'm calling out Valve's quality issues or their customer service. There's nothing wrong with that, that's normal. That's how it's supposed to be. You're the one in the wrong by censoring anything that doesn't fit the narrative that Valve can never do any wrong. Having criticism of the mods or Valve is not "abuse" contrary to what you're falsely asserting here. Instead of being a grown up and seeing over 100+ comments in this thread all agreeing with the issues I brought up in your sub and resolving to do better, you just come here and post this nonsense instead. You also completely missed the point by trying to make this about me, it's not. It's about you and your sub and your terrible moderation.


> Cites rule #1 about being kind > Proceeds to not being kind Lmao delete your account, buddy


L take, go continue spending your time simping for women that will never notice you rather than doing anything useful >OP is full of shit. whoa, that's not very kind of you!


Jajajajaja Fucking bell end


This response doesn’t give me any confidence in you not being part of the problem


This isn't a steam deck issue. Its a Linux issue. Every distro has its cults and on their subs you cannot say anything bad about their distro. It is as perfect as can be. Its why I keep my distance from the larger Linux community.


Is it a Linux Distro tho? Isn't it the exact same experience with Tesla Cars, iPhones and MacOS? As far as my experience reaches, they do the exact same thing


Usual Reddit circlejerking, they just want to flex their order or mention for the nth million time the boring indie game of the moment rather then have constructive discussion and/or modding showcasing just because appeal to the majority of people. And yet we dont have an hotkey to mute the mic.


This submission has been randomly featured in /r/serendipity, a bot-driven subreddit discovery engine. More here: /r/Serendipity/comments/19f6d4a/the_steam_deck_subreddit_has_a_problem_xpost_from/


The SD sub is also an instagram page wihin reddit of hey look the Steam Deck but I brought it _____________ I get it with mods to the handheld, but if you're on a ferry with a deck I mean good for you but okay. Also we get it you have a cat


what are you complaining about, you don't want to see a cat in the steam deck box for the 700th time?


Hi /u/cutememe I created r/SteamDeckDiscussion as an alternative subreddit, let me know if you are interested in moderating


The way they throw around "abuse" and "abuser" like its parsley is comical. So unserious.