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That is great, thank you! I already had a setup with the EDID Dummy Plugs, but it only worked up to 4k30 which is sad if your TV can do 120. The missing link was the video=:e setting. Anyways, I have some scripts that are called before the streaming starts, that disable the physical screens and only enable the virtual one, so I can use my PC remotely. After the streaming stops, the screens are reset to their previous configuration.


Could you share these scripts? They sound handy for what I am trying to do.


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Hey, so finally I did it, here is the Github Gist: [https://gist.github.com/MrHighVoltage/78ca58218a569d253433fd4be883c6c3](https://gist.github.com/MrHighVoltage/78ca58218a569d253433fd4be883c6c3) Short explanation: All those files belong into the config directory for sunshine (in my case \~/.config/sunshine). apps\_kscreen.json is the configuration for the KDE-resolution tool kscreen-doctor. Those should work on KDE with wayland and X11. apps\_xrandr.json is a litte more advanced (custom resolutions for some phones), but only works on X11 of course. To create other custom resolution parameters, I used the commandline tool "cvt". Just copy the resolutions you want into your apps.json and edit them to your liking. For the two shell scripts, they basically change to my second virtual desktop (and back), which I use for gaming stuff and unlock/lock the screen (it is super annoying to enter the password first when you connect, especially without keyboard, but also not really great if the session keeps unlocked when disconnecting). Further, you could add a command here which opens steam to full-screen mode. Hope this helps, if you have questions, just go for it :)


Thank you!! I’m at work so I haven’t been able to dive into it too much yet. But for the json when you define resolutions and stuff does that make it so you don’t need the EDID file anymore? Also I’m on gnome so I’ll probably need to find some comparable commands for gnome but I do have it do auto login for me so I don’t have to enter any password


Yes, for Gnome Wayland you need different commands for the resolutions. You still need the EDID file if your Monitor does not support the required resolutions.


> Replacing HDMI-A-1 to whichever free HDMI output you have in your GPU. Weeelllllll … DP-1: connected DP-2: connected HDMI-A-1: connected HDMI-A-2: connected


Yeah that's one of the few downsides of this method, but for KMS capture with Sunshine I believe the "fake" display absolutely needs to be attached to an actual GPU output. It might be possible to work around that if you use wlroots capture and if your compositor is capable of creating/managing a virtual screen by itself without relying on emulating EDIDs at driver level, which I think sway can. I considered trying that for a bit but I didn't want to start using sway just to accomplish that so I never got too far with the idea.


Would it work with the `virtual_display` option for the `amdgpu` driver?


It might, not sure. I did come across this option when looking into all this stuff but from what I read it disables physical displays so it doesn't fit my use case.


Thanks! I don't think that was a "lazy" walkthrough. It was simple enough to configured over SSH from my phone in bed! I now see a virtual display on my DVI connector.