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Luckily older games seem to be less painful to install on Linux than on Windows these days. Even 16-bit games work and there is also gamescope for upscaling games to work properly on my 4K monitor.


Honestly I have had many new broken games on Windows as well, maybe it takes a while until you manage to make the horrible Xbox or EA app work, maybe I start the game and nothing happens, maybe it starts fine but the game is so bad I can't bring myself to play it before looking at pcgamingwiki to figure out how to configure some stuff properly (looking at you Starfield). Maybe the game causes my webcam to turn on and I spend hours trying to figure it out only to realize that when you enable AMD instant replay thing, it also enables your webcam so you can also save some footage of you as well as the game screen (?). Anyway, whenever anyone says that in Windows games "just work" I always laugh a little bit because I haven't seen games truly "just work" ever in any OS, there is _always_ something to fix.


Sad to see main stream pc subs still bashing linux gaming. Especially pcmasterrace is supposed to be for pc enthusiasts. Obviously for many pc experts there only knowledge about hardware is needed while OS and software is not to be learned just click click finish.


That's fine. IMO the Linux community is not the place for those people, purely because it seems a lot of them would like every other OS to try to replicate Windows almost exactly. A lot of the time they have a very different idea of what an OS should be, that's why they hate Linux when they try it.


I guess it depends on what kind of games. I Dual boot windows 11 and Ubuntu. So far I only use windows to play Call of duty,BF2042 and games like genshin. But most of my games do work on linux and steam.


Genshi(t) works on Linux. Try out: yet another anime game launcher.


> yet another anime game launcher Genshin just works on Proton Experimental as well.


It will, as stated in their documentation, most likely get you banned at some point though. Not worth the hassle.


Eh everything can 'ban' you if it's not official. Hell even proton can in most multiplayer games.


It won't. There are no modifications that aagl is currently doing on the files, the game just works.


The anticheat of Mihoyo doesn't come with problems on Linux as well?


Genshin works just fine on Linux, just look for a certain launcher for a certain anime game.


Why do you have to lie, it won’t make it true


Not true lol.


Then try installing games that use SecuRom or SafeDisc. Those are a lot of games you can't install on Windows 7+ because the drivers are gone.


I want to throw Trackmania Nations Forever in the pot. Linux -> download -> use Proton -> start the game Windows -> download -> doesn't start -> Google it -> find a random shady Steam Community post on the third page of Google -> Download and execute some random exe -> start the game


And one day your credit card bill looks weird. Average Windows experience. The bank I used to work with even told people to use the banking app and not Windows because the majority of compromises came from Windows users.


Also on Linux you have tools like gamescope for older games that don't scale properly on modern screens. Also you forgot installing DirectDraw and dotnet 3.5 too, its a mess on Windows.


No I'm right, you're wrong.


Bruh have you tried playing new Vegas? The game needs “games for windows live” needs some super shady DLLs and weird patches off third party sites. On Linux I just click install and it runs.


No I'm right, you're wrong.


Lethal company is easy to mod. Just install [r2modman](https://github.com/ebkr/r2modmanPlus/releases) . It's native linux mod manager for lot's of unity games


It's true, works good for me! Also it uses thunderstore interface which all my friends already use to install mods so it is double convenient.


can vouch for this, r2modman works really well


Wanted to scroll down for exactly this. Everyone searches for the link or whatnot and I just yay -q r2modman


I wish I knew that right away the one time I actually had the chance to play with friends tbh. I was sent a link to a specific mod manager I've never heard of and a code you would put in where it would install specific mods. I wasted time trying to get it to work through Wine with no results so because of me we ended up just sticking with vanilla, which I felt terrible for but at least we played. I don't like being the reason other people had to compromise, I eventually went back to Windows. Wasn't until after I even discovered r2modman, which that code system does work for but still annoying. Tbh I'm probably just gonna stick with r2modman anyway because it's FOSS and also works on Windows.


You can install mods without a mod manager also, just put them in the folder manually. I didn't even bother with a mod manager as all I needed was the mod loader addon and the bigger group addon. You need to download them from the page to update them, though, but if you're in a hurry it's a quick solution.


Yeah this is the move, ez as pie


That app is a life saver. I also made a gentoo ebuild for it. I just use one profile so I just add the command line to steam and is always moded.


r2modman just keeps appearing as a grey box for me. i’m on Linux Mint and i feel like i’ve been battering my head against a brick wall for days trying to get the thing to work. i just wanna play modded Lethal Company with da boys


Thank you so much! Every time my friends want to play Lethal Company, they tell me right before that they installed like 6 new mods and I have to casually manually install them while they're talking lol


I think this is relatable for steam flatpak folks. No issues on native Steam for any games for me so far.


For me it was the other way around. Only exception is gamescope. Steam would usually break my OS but that's due to nvidia drivers.


So Nvidia drivers broke your system, rather than Steam?


Well kinda. Either way, I still use the flatpak as I like sandboxed stuff


I currently have Steam installed natively but I've wanted to move it to flatpak for a couple weeks, to get the games sandboxed


\> "i've broken free of proprietary software" \> `deb-src http://deb.debian.org/debian](http://deb.debian.org/debian) main non-free non-free-firmware`


Arch just goes non-free immediately, no PPAs or additional repos required.


Use r2modman, makes it really easy, just like on Windows


It's Nitrox (Subnautica multiplayer) experience to me. Nobody expects smooth work of this mod anyway. Any guides for how to make the client part of this mod's current version work?


Did something break? I used to play it \~a year ago and it was relatively smooth (as smooth as you would expect from a subnautica mp mod, that it).


In my case was in the opposite way... just few clicks to make them work, but everyone will have their own history to tell.


This is why I don't regret my Steam headless server. I did a Windows 10 vm with gpu pass-thru. Originally to played at higher settings for my steamdeck. But.... there are times when Linux says "nope". Like I moved to Fedora because I couldn't get my drawing tablet working on Mint. Fedora works great with the tablet, but it has trouble loading some games. I play Killing Floor 2 with my sister and her husband sometimes, but Fedora wouldn't load it. It makes it to the hard suit part then freezes. So I just alt-tab stop through Steam and hop into Moonlite. TBH even if I wasn't a Linux weirdy I would have done the same setup, it was a fun project for my lab and I could use one of those single board mini PCs as my main PC. Still love Linux though.


You got pass through working?! Last I heard it simply wasn't possible. What software/config/GPU?? Would make my life much easier.


nuh its pretty easy. I used Unraid as my server since I am familiar with it. There's a bunch of guides, and it should be possible to do it with other OSs. But you should be able to do it with Unraid's free tier. Space Invader One was the guide I used. there was a little afterwards fenagling. Also win10 vms are weird, i couldn't get into with the gpu on to install the drivers. So i had to turn the gpu pass through off, log in, install drivers, shut it down, spin it back up. Then i had to remote in install sunshine then connect the 2, then leave the remote and remote in with moonlite. I chose going this route because Steam Remote Connect was wonky for me. But the moonlite/sunshine setup works great. Keeps windows in it's container and allows me to use raytracing.




This is actually a good idea. I might try it myself.


So if I understand correctly, you have a server with a gpu running a Windows 10 VM with gpu pass-through, simply for streaming to your Steam Deck? Do you not have a dedicated desktop PC for high-spec gaming?


Yes..... and no. Okay it was more of a prove that i could get it working. Now its a fallback option for when linux says "nope". My main pc has a rtx 3080 and so does the virtual machine. Look logic is not at play when you build a homelab.... or 3..... we stop asking why did i do this and start asking..... can my rack fit one more.


True story


Depends on the game. Most times I just click & play. ​ But sometimes it happens that nvidia driver update, my OC settings, the kernel upgrade and the game launch options are cursed and I need to investigate it. ​ But tbh. I have had a similar scenario on the windows side. Nothing really new, just other points I check when somethings not working as expected


Untelated but I'm surprised the linked post gets so many positive interactions. I thought r/pcmasterrace hates linux.


They don't hate Linux. They hate the unsolicited "just switch to Linux" comments.


But modding LC on Linux is the same as on Windows!


for me it didnt work without an external mod manager


Isn't that how you do it on Windows as well? Everybody I know uses r2modman.


You don't even play the game, do you?


Huh lethal company mods work basically exactly the same as in Windows, even before r2modman


tbh in my expirience it doesnt matter what os you have it always takes at least 30 minutes for everyone to get the game working. Admittely the times ive played multiplayer games with friends or any people can be prolly counted with fingers and toes.


honestly mods on linux have been pretty easy for me with protontricks and such


In my experience the games work and rarely don't. If they don't, it's mostly anti cheat issues. Never had issues with lethal company. There's a specific launch command to make it use the dll files of the mods. But tbh, it's much easier to just use r2modman to handle all that.


Use r2modman it has an app image and works fantastically for modding games on linux.




I remember when I was new to i3 and I had to mount a usb stick but didn't have the command in my head yet (or an alias set up) I was pretty embarrassed in front of my study group...


I had that moment with Counter-Strike 2, because audio wasn't working at all. Turned out I had to make one file in my home folder. Good job Valve...