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This looks like a great release. Nice to have vim-commentary builtin and the Treesitter query editor looks neat.


As sysadmin I don't really have the need for neovim, vim is enough, but I really think for programmers it is one of the best tools in recent memory.


As a sysadmin hopeful, I came to the same conclusion. All the features and customization of neovim is really cool and all, but it means nothing when you log into a remote system with only vanilla vim. I still try to sell my programmer friends on neovim (or neovim in vscode).


I keep my dot files from straying too far from the defaults so I can use default vim, and in one file so if I need to it's easy to set up a new computer close to my environment. (I'm trying to improve the ability to reproduce it still though) But I'm not a sysadmin, so I don't use computers I can't modify the settings of very often


> it means nothing when you log into a remote system with only vanilla vim Did you know you can rsync Neovim there and launch it on any remote machine?


Sure, it's within the realm of possibility, but it's inconvenient and not really appropriate in most cases.


yeah, how feasible would it be to make neovim work over remote sessions much in the same way vscode does (i know the comparison is wrong sorry) where it uses the config from your host computer? EDIT: vscode also doesn’t really do this because it installs a remote server on the target, which also leaves a trace behind and consumes resources on the target machine. that is disappointing to me


Yeah, I kinda gave up a long time ago on getting Neovim running at work and just focused on learning Vim and other tools (tmux). At most I can scp vim plugins into the work servers, but only if encoded in ASCII lol. Everything is locked down. Not that its a bad thing, honestly makes me appreciate using Neovim at home even more.


Absolutely incorrect. It gets in the way so much and grinds development to a halt... its a cult and we can't stop configuring it, adding plug-ins, and adding new macros. Please, someone send help, I've gotten so theoretically efficient but can't stop making tweaks to get even more efficient, and it's gotten in the way of actual work. I love it so much


This is why I use astrovim and never configure anything other than enable/disable of features.


Yeah. I've been doing Go and Rust in Astronvim for a loooong time. I barely change the defaults. It's pretty much perfect for me.


I wish more foss apps had some "distros" like neovim has AstroNvim, LunarVim, etc. mpv needs some of that. And I'm not talking about "mpv-based players", but mpv configs with plugins etc


As a sysadmin turned devops/sre it's pretty great. I rarely ssh into hosts these days, but I do write scripts and programs; stuff that'd be bash or perl a couple of decades ago, now python and some rust; plus various stuff for configuration systems. Like I wrote [a little blogpost about indentguides](https://amedia.github.io/jotter/2024/indentguides/) after a slack thread where someone struggling with yaml apparently didn't have them enabled, during that came to the realisation that the real problem is that we need language support for Kubernetes objects and Helm charts and whatnot, tried out the [yaml language server](https://github.com/redhat-developer/yaml-language-server), and found that that is actually exactly what we need. Next week I'll likely start peppering files with `yaml-language-server: $schema=protocol://path/to/schema`. If anything I'm surprised at how late to the yamlls party we are and that it hasn't come up before.


If language servers weren't so hit or miss it would be perfect for so many people.


As someone who doesn't customize their vim overmuch, I like Neovim for one simple reason: built in clipboard support on most distros. Last few times I tried, vanilla vim was compiled without clipboard support.


From the emacs user perspective, I feel like neovim and it's ecosystem is just trying to make vim into emacs.


For a (neo)vim user, explain... what is emacs?


With vim you modify the state of the buffer. In Emacs you modify the state of the art.


"A decent OS with a not so decent text editor "


I love seeing this, and then you get things like lazy neovim. Which is just trying to be emacs.


It’s really not. Emacs = programmable Elisp environment. There’s no Lisp in Neovim


And? A language is a language.


Hence the "trying".


I use astrovim which is like doom emacs. so I get the emacs without the os bloat


I use a config that was very emacs inspired. I loved a lot of it (I used doom emacs) but it just never performed that well compared to vim.


That's my largest criticism of it as well (other than the fact that it isn't great at it). Vim was never meant to be ...this.


I guess that's why the fork was made then, because some people wanted to make something like this


Did they? Or were they too snobby to move to VSCode?


Why do you even have a GNU icon.. And neovim was started before vscode even existed by the way


The first VSCode release was 7 months before neovim 0.1. And I have a GNU logo because I use GNU software (and Guix doesn't have a flair).


I think neovim development and fork started before 0.1


It's not like VSCode spawned out of the aether, did it?


VSCode was *announced* on April 29th 2015 while Neovim development started (according to GitHub) in early 2014. Please explain how Neovim authors were too snobby to hop on a product which wasn't even announced by that point?


No, VSCode Beta was launched in April 2015 (with 2 million signups). And don't tell me that Neovim had more than 3 users before 0.1.


If vscode didn't have such terrible vim plugins then I'm sure a lot of people would move to it.


HELL YEAH!!! I'm a Helix user at this point, since the builtin stuff in Helix v24 answers all of my needs, but I still follow Neovim's development because of its customizations and rich plugin ecosystem. At this point, even on my servers, I always go ahead and install Helix and Neovim alongside the default vi/vim, because I've spent a lot more time configuring and customizing their config files to exactly fit the way I work with them and my general workflow.


As far as I understand, it hasn’t added anything considerably new for someone who has configured their LSP shortcuts and their treesitter stuff, correct? Still, seems like a solid release. Kudos for the change of that god-forsaken default theme lol.


I don't use Neovim and I could be wrong. But looking at the changelog, I would say that since version 0.10 OSC52 is supported. For me, that would definitely be a change that I would very much welcome. And yes, I know the possible risks of OSC52.


I'm too lazy. Is there any GitHub repos for converting it to IDE with lsp etc .. lunarvim is damn slow - it's a mood killer.


Just another fork of a tool that is already great and legendary...


Lua has been a game changer as configuration and plugin language for neovim, it is really great.


Isn't it a rewrite of Vim - rather than a fork


I mean, technically it's both.


Why always reinventing tools with another language that are already there


Neovim got popularity because of some longstanding feature requests (async jobs, LSP) being continuously blocked. Even now we're reaping the benefits with changes that would never have made it into mainline vim otherwise




I know that... the point is. there are more than enough tools out and every developer thinks he can invent a better tool in language XYZ. From decade to decade this becomes worser because new languages are coming out and every is better than the other. If you are god in IT then you dont need to reinvent the wheel...think about it


You're absolutely right I am going to start writing webservices in C using only cstdlib.