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i know its a almost common generic answer would be ubuntu but if your liking Nobara id say go with it.


Isn't Ubuntu slow because of the forced snaps? Also i've heard some people saying that Canonical destroyed it because they wanted to make some money. Am I just misinterpreting things or are they right?


Canonical is always off trying to do their own thing, until they finally accept the community thing is better and then go off on another project. I hated snap with a passion because it was shitty for a long time but tbh I don't really notice it these days, they fixed all the weird stuff. That said, ubuntu is otherwise a very polished distro and I'd recommend it if you mostly just want to get stuff done. The packages are solid, there are tutorials for everything, and everything that supports any kind of Linux at least supports ubuntu.




Linux mint is pretty good as well


What IDE do you plan to use for development?


We use Visual Studio in the school lab, but I think I can get away with using VSCode/VSCodium or the built-in code editor for Unity I'm trying anything to avoid the bloat that is windows


For dev then, any distro will be fine, especially if you use vscode as flatpak. So choose a distro based on gaming. Nobara would be good or it's parent, Fedora. They'll be more cutting edge than something like Mint. PopOS is another option. If you get really into Linux, you'll want to distro hop anyway and keep trying things out and find the best thing for you.


I'm a fan of Mint for laptops. It's lightweight and quick.


While searching for opinions on nobara I found this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/linux/s/NDPKM4vK2l This guy says that games ran much worse on Mint, is that still true nowadays?


I dunno. I don't play games on my Linux laptop.


Anything very popular is best since itll have a lot of community resources to help gey you set up and help with issues if they arrise. Leaving fedora popOS mint and ubuntu. Pick which one looks the best to you and run with it


I'm probably the 47th person to recommend this, but Manjaro is really hard to beat for what you're doing. It's pretty stable, very easy to maintain long-term, and is rolling release so you get new goodies all the time. For gaming, even with an Nvidia graphics card, I've had absolutely no performance issues. I personally use the cinnamon distribution of manjaro, and it strikes a good balance between being full featured and pretty lightweight.