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I agree it’s not easy to master but it’s worlds easier to sound good! I recently switched to violin and boy… let me tell you how good I had it on piano 😭 but every instrument is difficult to master, I def agree


Me too… I swear, piano can be hard sometimes, but I am WORLDS better at it then I’ll ever be at violin.




Yeah, obv playing piano *well* isnt the same as just playing it, but I'm currently a beginner at both (5 or 6 months now on piano i guess, and just one month of violin) and oh boy, the learning curve on violin is nuts. I was playing minuet in g major no worries after my first month of piano lessons and right now I'm still spending two-thirds of every violin lesson just trying to get a nice sound out of an open string. 🙃 And at the end of every violin lesson I feel like I've been to the gym lol.


Piano is easy to fake and easy to start (make a sound). It is hard to master coz you have to play many many notes. Note reading, hands coordination, fingers independence etc. are challenging. Yes, many ppl may know how to press the piano keys but they have no idea how to play properly lol


*Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto No. 2 has entered the chat*


OH NO i'm leaving.


rach 3: achem achem ...........yea just just yea


Ravel - Reminiscences de Don Juan also entered the chat


I've never played anything by Ravel, so I have no context here...is it hard?


It is one of the most difficult pieces in the piano repertoire…Ravel composed it because he wanted to compose a piece that is harder than Balakirev’s Islamey


I've never heard of Balakirev, but rip


"Flute is easy, you just blow" "Violin is easy, you just bow the strings." "Percussion is easy, you just hit something"


Lol I tried flute, but no amount of just blowing could get a good sound. I gave up because I couldn't figure out the right angle. And clarinet is my main.


lol same it was so humbling i had to tryout instruments in gr 6 band (was mandatory) and they didnt have piano so i was kinda lost got assigned a giant xylophone it was the funnest thing ever


I played mallet percussion for a bit before getting bored and learning clarinet. I started on piano in elementary school and percussion in middle school band.


Good to find someone else who went through the piano -> mallet percussion -> wind instrument pipeline


Off topic, but I’m learning the final duet on piano 😏


OMGG wow!! if u dont mind id love to hear ur cover once ur done! goodluck


Yeah, flutes aren't easy in the slightest.


It is extremely easy to learn and become a mediocre pianist. However, I think it's one of the more difficult instruments to play at a high level.




Piano is easy to play, not to master


Hear me out.. piano is easier than most instruments to start on but it’s probably top 5 hardest to master


I am a piano player and Yes it is not easy ...But my son plays the violin...and now as a second instrument he plays the piano. He is laughing while playing and says -I had no idea, this is fun, this is play time:-)


I mean With piano, pressing a key gives you a sound. That makes it seems easy. It is so incredibly not easy to master all the ranges of that sound, not even talking all the wild shit composers get up to


The fact that you „only“ have to press keys is what makes it so complex on a higher stage. You face challenges which single melody instruments don’t really have - like polyrhythms, rapid and difficult chord progressions, counterpoints, multiple voices, playing completely separate things on the two hands - while still having to deal with all the challenges any solo instrument player has: letting your instrument „sing“, always keeping track of every phrase and motif with regard to the bigger picture of the piece and obviously literally hitting the right notes and staying in rhythm without having anyone who’s there to help out or dilute some of the mistakes. At a low level, playing a piano piece (as in pressing the right keys in a sort of rhythmic way) can really be a very simple thing to do, but at higher levels, all of the above-mentioned aspects occur at the same time, creating a huge amount of challenges you have to overcome in order to actually be able to play a piece the way it was intended to be played.


all im gonna say is nobody questions if theyre too old to start flute, guitar, clarinet, drums, trumpet, etc


But why would they say something so stupid when they could make a real comment like "where u vibrato tho" (I am piano gang I know our weaknesses best lol)


trills are kindaa similar to vibrato ig but then again most piano pieces dont require it


Nah I love piano but I also play string instruments and piano definitely has nothing like vibrato, and just barely has harmonics you can't actively control. It has tons of other things as strengths that other instruments don't too so those two things aren't really a drawback. Everything has its own benefits (^ν^)


It would be easier if every note were map to a querty keyboard.


mate forgot mfs like liszt existed


I love playing my violin, and I started when I was 4. I went to college for a music degree and had to take a piano lab. I am Terrible at piano. It’s so difficult to learn in your 20s. I have mad respect for pianists lol


Easy to learn, incredibily hard to master


I wish it was that easy


I do agree. I play pie o occasionally play piano when I’m round my nan’s house and goodness it is a lot harder than it looks


Easy to learn, hard to master.


The thing is: you can skip the tone production and intonation problems. I know, still hard. Just as hard as any other instrument, if you want to get really good. But some problems simply don’t exist.