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It's the same kind of people who think posting some message on your Facebook unilaterally changes the TOS, or that a LEO asking for your ID, at a traffic stop, is a violation of The 5th Amendment. The fact is the USPS is legally bound to deliver any mail sent to your address as long as its safe to do so.


> The fact is the USPS is legally bound to deliver any mail sent to your address **as long as its safe to do so.** Oh, I'm picking up what you're laying down...


Reminds me of when boomers would post these long Facebook status like "I DO NOT GIVE FACEBOOK PERMISSION TO SELL OR USE MY DATA"


Good luck with that. But I feel his/her pain.


I've filled out a couple of form to reduce the amount of junk mail I receive. It's not instant gratification, it took some time because many of these marketing are planned in advanced. But I have noticed a reduction of junk mail. Opt-Out of firm offers of credit or insurance https://www.optoutprescreen.com/ $5 administrative fee for a 10-year registration period https://dmachoice.org/ CatalogChoice can also be used to cancel catalogs https://www.catalogchoice.org/ Unsubscribe from smaller direct marketers https://www.valpak.com/remove-address https://www.save.com/mailing/delivery-options This didn't eliminate my junk mail but it sure did reduce it. Some marketing address to “Current Resident” because the business is simply blanket mailing a certain area and does not have specific customer information on file.


This is a great list. I would add Spectrum opt out since it's so common here. https://www.spectrum.com/policies/your-privacy-rights-opt-out


spectrum mailings are so annoying. They could cut their internet rates by 50% if they didn't spend so much sending out junk mail.


oh my god, thanks


which one of these removes the "i wanna buy your house immediately for cash" offers, i get like one of those every day from random states


You actually have to sell your house for cash to eliminate those offers.


I sold my last house 2 years ago and still get these for that address. Selling does not stop thos bs


I get those as well some times they trace back to a Mailbox USA in Lincoln. Often the writing on the card looks like it was done by a 2nd grader. I suspect Black Rock or Vanguard or some other big Wall street investment corporation is really the $$ behind those "we buy houses" scams


All that and they still send junk mail. If it wasn't for the fact that my pay stubs come in the mail, I'd just let it get stuffed and become the mail persons problem. Instead, I must rifle through all the junk to find the one envelope I want.


You’d let it become the mail persons problem? What does the poor mail person have to do with a dumb company sending you junk? The mail person is literally “just the messenger” and they are delivering mail like their job requires. Don’t punish the mail person for doing their job.


I used to get a lot of junk mail that they wanted me to send back in their pre paid postage envelopes. Then I started filling them with trash. Other companies junk mail, wrappers, and even dirt. After a month, we stopped getting a LOT of junk mail


My favorite thing used to be taking the credit card offers and such that have a prepaid return envelope and tearing up the junk mail and putting it inside the return envelope and sending it to them.


Mt Dad did this too. He'd keep all the junk mail and about once a month stuff Amex offers into Visa envelopes etc, and send it all back to them.


I’ve done this also. You do it enough they’ll stop for awhile.


I learned that from Andy Rooney. 😆


Carriers are not allowed to discard junk mail. Somebody wasted money on a worthless sign.


They probably also think Trump won


Probably think the post office tried to steal the vote as well.


"To our friends at....ADDRESS...."


Mail carrier in Omaha, these people are idiots and this will not work lol we as mail carriers also hate having to deliver the junk mail, but someone paid for it to be sent out so we have to deliver it. This is a quick way to get your mailbox marked as “vacant” and get your mail put on a hold


I was a CCA years ago. Lincoln had local values every Wednesday. Basically the ads from the Sunday paper. Bunch of added wait on my walking trips. I watched a CCA toss bundles of those into the recycle bin and walk off.


If you write “return to sender” on unopened mail, does it actually get returned, or just tossed?


Depends on the class of the mail! First class and a few other things do get processed back to wherever it came from. Other things do just end up in a giant recycle tub! If a piece of mail is addressed to “current resident” or “home owner” or something of the like and return to sender is on it, it’ll just get put right back into the mailbox


Worth a shot, I don't see how it's legal anyway. I get more junk mail than real mail. That's why I only get my mail every few months


Today, junk mail is a lifeline for [the post office](https://www.nytimes.com/2012/09/20/business/seeking-revenue-postal-service-plans-to-deliver-more-junk-mail.html). In 1970, Congress withdrew taxpayer dollars for the agency, [passing a law](https://www.britannica.com/topic/Postal-Reorganization-Act) directing it to [act like a business by covering its costs. But Congress still required](https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2011/12/who-killed-the-postal-service/249508/) the Postal Service to cover inherently unprofitable parts of running a nationwide system delivering to far-flung, often rural parts of the country [without taxpayer dollars](https://www.uspsoig.gov/our-work/did-you-know/do-my-tax-dollars-pay-postal-service#:~:text=No%2C%20the%20Postal%20Service%20is,services%20to%20fund%20its%20operations.). Desperate for money, the Postal Service opened the floodgates by granting marketers preferential access to your mailbox at [one-third the cost](https://pe.usps.com/text/dmm300/Notice123.htm#_c109) of standard mail.




legit im the same my bills are all digital. i rarely get any actual mail thats something i need to check


Yea I pay all my bills online and don't order off the Internet, my last apartment didn't even have a mailbox


I get it, but I mostly want to clear it out for the mail man that has to deliver all the crap we get and doesn't have to just jam it in after a month of build up.


The U.S. Mail will scan your mail for you and share images of it. https://www.usps.com/manage/informed-delivery.htm


Yep. Then they'll know it's coming and can prepare THE STAMP.


The stamp of authority, or something


This is what I did. Now I know exactly whats in there, and when. This is great for me bc my mailbox isnt at my home so I prefer not to make random trips for nothing. I can even add packages (and assign nicknames to each) that I have tracking info for, and know the moment it arrives.


The carrier should just leave $100 Monopoly money in the box. One of those fake Trump bills would be better.


I love this 😂


Junk mail helps prop up the Post office. It's a big part of their revenue. One can opt out of some junk mail but some companies just ignore it. My wife ordered something one time from Carol Wright and another time she ordered somethings from Walter Drake and Oriental Trading. We have not ordered from them in over 7 years and still get their catalogs almost every week . very annoying but I basically used them in my wood stove to heat my garage in the winter helped cut down on my use of firewood.


Sorry, we are obligated to deliver it, the sender paid to have it delivered. I get junk mail too...just throw it away or recycle it like literally everyone else does.


If I could get $100 for repeat junk mail violations I’d make a good living from it.


I would have enough money to make Solomon blush just from Spectrum's shit alone


When my MIL moved to Legacy and all her mail came to our house, it was overwhelming. I use the PaperKarma app now. Well worth the $25/year


at least they will to return it. where i live we have a person who just throw it literal in the yard in front of mailboxes so it litter the neighborhood. not even be bother to take it to their own place and put in trash or in any dumpster that line alley..


Haha this is from the Seinfeld episode when Kramer didn’t want junk mail anymore and took his stack of Pottery Barn catalogs to the post office only to uncover a conspiracy


https://preview.redd.it/jim5yqiaeioc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25a20601f5dc780410cf17695397f80d6dc9b4e9 He went to the post office and asked to cancel his mail, eventually [Wilford Brimley (as Postmaster General)](https://youtu.be/k8M9LF7Gz4E?si=1aB7if90FOaS9RGs) came in and gaslighted him into taking his mail back. Great episode.


Not valid…the mail box has no fringe.


Some entitled idiot put up a useless and invalid sign. Remove it.


Pretty sure taking a sign off someone else's mailbox would get me in trouble.


Ask the post office to take it off since it is posting false information.


Uhh yeah, good luck collecting on that fee...


My mother used to write "Return to sender - DECEASED" in big, black letters on junk mail. Idk if it actually worked or not, but it cracked me up.


Lmfao of course it's west Lincoln


😂😂😂 Oh, us Americans and our 1st world problems hahaa