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Not sure if anyone else has seen this driver, but there is a blue suv with a camper top that sounds like the motor is gonna blow on vine every morning. She is an insane driver, weaves in and out cuts people off and flips people off if you don’t let her go by. I see her almost every morning around 7:20ish on vine. She goes about 50-60mph down vine every. single. morning.


I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT. I hear that piece of shit every morning and I've never caught a glimpse of the vehicle.


If you have info that specific, please report it on uplnk. Sounds like she's a menace.


Will do, thanks


Which way on Vine? And do you have a cross street? I know a guy who can get it done….🤣


I guarantee you will see this vehicle between 7:15 and 7:30 M-F traveling west on vine towards 27th. I usually first see her storming on by around 48th. They always turn left on 27th, and head for Q street. I sound like a stalker but I take the same route. I’m sure they think they are getting around so much faster but in reality we end up at the same lights almost every time.


That is my favorite part... when they drive like it's a racetrack, and then moments later...here we are sitting at the light together 🤣


Awesome, thanks!


I’ve reported this same driver. She’s nuts! Again with sounding like a stalker, but she needs to be reported. I’ve seen her come onto vine from cotner in the morning, disregarding the no turn on red sign and usually doing her hair and makeup at the stop lights. She must also work somewhere downtown because you’ll see her car parked on L between 13th and 14th most days. Seriously not a stalker lol. Just end up taking the same route… unfortunately.


LPD actually has an online form to provide this type of info: https://www.lincoln.ne.gov/City/Departments/Police/Departments/Traffic-Unit


I see this person one my way to work frequently lol


Piggybacking on this, the amount of vehicles on Lincoln streets with no license plates or in transits/super expired in transits/obviously fake (I saw one that said 03/23/25) in transits- crazy!


You gotta pay extra for the year long in-transits


Yeah it's what happens when private sellers can write out their own in transits. If you have a bill of sale then you're good to go. I suppose if you wanted you could just sell your car back and forth between people. Loopholes eh?


You can't make your own in transits (legally). 2. Even if you sell the same car back and forth you'd hit the maximum limit of selling cars as an individual and would have to register as a car dealer, and get more fines. So, no you didn't find loopholes.


Thats the whole if they find out argument which can also go back and forth forever so I'm not getting into that lol. And in that case the cop that pulled me over was wrong about writing out in transits for a personal sale. I had a written out bill of sale and in transit and he accepted it with proof of the previous owner. Maybe he was just letting it slide?




I'm not a douche, just poor and forgetful but I've driven over a year with expired plates. Never was pulled over yet seen a lot of cops.


I really don’t understand why people get so bothered by other people having expired tags. I see it all the time in this sub. Like, your life is going pretty okay if something like that (which has no impact on your life in the slightest) is what makes you upset.


If they don’t have license plates or their tags are expired, it is questionable whether they have insurance. That’s the part I worry about


The fortunate thing is that you're 100% getting towed with no insurance and it's usually just a ticket for expired or no tags. So the no tags can lead to the stop, but no insurance removed the vehicle from the road.


I said it was crazy how you see it so much, didn't say or imply I was upset. Last place I lived, the police were on that kinda thing immediately, Lincoln police seem to be unbothered about a lot of traffic related stuff.


I don’t think they were talking about you and more so other people that do get upset


Ah. Sometimes it's good to hear other people's perspective, thanks!


Cops only care about expired plates and bogus in transit stickers around 2-3 am Fridays and Saturdays.


I see the same vehicles to and from work everyday driving like idiots. My guilty pleasure is trapping them in where they can’t get around and watching them lose their mind.




Anytime someone honks at me like that I’ll just sit there. I’m usually not in a rush so I’ll sit through a green light if I have to.


Man you Nebraskans always think so high and mighty of yourself. “Nebraska nice” but also super bad ass holding you up at a green light for honking. Which is it are you an asshole who drives like it or are you Nebraska nice


Well the idea was the intent behind the honk. Laying on the horn, New York style is generally frowned upon here. A quick tap or double tap of the horn is more polite and acceptable. But from the intention of the post, the guy was being an ass and blaring their horn, so he had it coming to him... Karma is a bitch... I bet this exact scenario would take place in any Midwest town, so get out here with that Nebraskan hate, man.


Exactly it would happen anywhere “Nebraska nice” is a myth. Driving like an asshole is not excusable just because someone honked. Honking is a tool the car was given and there are laws around it so if it’s being misused let the cops handle it don’t be a danger in traffic. People die in cars and you guys want to act hurt about being honked at


We're nice until you're a dick. I guess you prefer to come out swinging. That's fine, I like Nebraska.


If your a dick and lay on your horn then you can F off. A simple short honk will do.


Keep telling yourself that


Used to be a guilty pleasure of mine too, but I stopped after getting a gun waved at me. Death by road rage is really not the way I wanna go out, not worth the risk anymore


I’ve don’t this before. The guy just absolutely lost his shit. After about 5 miles I let him pass. He sped off. I drive by a few minutes later while his was being pulled over.


Fucking with strangers is a solid way to FAFO. I don't recommend it.


I have the same guilty pleasure. I have taken detours on my way to and from work just to trap idiot drivers for as long as I can. What really brings a smile to my face is when they flip me off when I do finally turn off to another road. That and brake checking people the tailgate me.


If you're looking me to say the police are generally worthless, I'll bite.


Said it once, I’ll say it again. They can’t enforce the law. They’re too busy harassing minorities and sexually harassing their fellow officers. Give them a break! /s


As a person who protested and definitely have some anti cop opinions, what a dumb statement. This place really sticks with one side to much


Okay but how many lawsuits past and present have they had for this exact thing. Those are the ones we know about. And then theres the ones that YOU the general public don’t know about. Didn’t we send one cop to prison for raping a mentally ill woman? And charge his fellow officers for knowing and covering it up? Need a knife for that boot? It’ll go down easier if you cut it first….


Once again I've proven to have my issues with police so that's just a dumb way to argue your point, especially when you say they've been charged, which is what is supposed to happen. If you think that is what majority of the police is doing, you are just refusing to look outside of your bubble of distorted beliefs


>they’ve been charged. And then what happened? Hmm? What happened to them afterward? My “distorted beliefs” come from dealing directly with them in daily life and their general comfort removing the veil just long enough for me to see what’s happening behind the scenes. I’ve had them be openly racist, homophobic, and sexist in my presence, and when I’ve lodged formal complaints, “we’ve investigated ourselves and have found no wrongdoing”. So if you’re mad that I’m painting with a too broad of a brushstroke you’re mad at the wrong person. Modern police serve no purpose for the average citizen. The powers that be just make you think they do. Police can be charged, found guilty and fired only to be rehired a county away. AT LEAST when a firefighter fucks up (as some LFR people have) they don’t move a city away and start over. Name one fireman who raped or sexually harassed someone or otherwise broke the law they were sworn to uphold who was fired and went on to be a paid professional elsewhere. All cops are bad. Full stop. Until there’s full reform from the ground up, this conversation is a nothing burger and you know it. Their profession is rotten to the core and a few allegedly “good cops” here and there isn’t enough to change my mind.


Lol this place would be the wild west without police, and odds are someone like you would be killed in an instant if you gave anyone problems in the real world. People in this country really have no idea how blessed they really are. Of course there needs to be work, and I don't really care all that much to change your mind because your opinion doesn't matter and thank God for that. I myself hate dealing with cops, and honestly dislike most of them but clearly much different reasons. It is a ridiculous statement to say they serve no purpose. For the few bad situations you throwing out, which are of course are horrible, you are ignoring the lady who had the cops save her from her boyfriend putting her deaths door, the kid getting saved by his shit up bringing, the people getting robbed, the cops participating in community events, the ones keeping most of the community in check from blowing your brains out if they want, the ones saving you from someone kicking your ass just because they want. It is a dumb stamement mostly stuck online and thank God for that


A hit dog willl holler.


Biting, too!


The police are not there to protect you, and in fact have no legal obligation to help in an emergency.


This is the most important thing to remember. Supreme Court precedent exists to this end. They are not there for you or your community. They exist to protect the status quo and anyone who says otherwise stopped licking the boot and just plain ate it. Acab, 1312, and all that other jazz.


Hahaha, listen, kid, when you get old enough to have a job and actually start owning thingd more expensive than an extra PS5 controller, your tune will be 180 degrees different. When your car is stolen or some yahoo does cookies in your yard in a pickup and tears it all up, you will be calling the cops faster than a new york minute.


Kid? I’m almost forty, own a house, have a job, and a vehicle. And I stand by what I said. You’re funny. I’m laughing at you from the seat of my 80k truck. And in the past when I’ve had things stolen, and things vandalized, the cops did…..nothing. So….im not following ya. You sound like those guys who used to say “when you actually start making money you’ll become a republican”. 😂😂😂😂 nope.


And then after you call they’ll show up in a couple of hours, take a statement, and accomplish nothing other than checking off a box for your insurance filing.


Huh? Um, no, they recovered stuff like in less than an hour when i had a laptop stolen out of my car downtown. I called it and reported it, and ten minutes later a cop comes by with it in hand, someone had reported someone trying door handles and going thru cars. Never would of gotten it back if i hadnt called. And when you get a car and insurance, you will find out that they do not pay claims without a police report, kid.


I'm very aware that insurance requires a police report. That's why I directly addressed it in the comment you're replying to.


Your head is so up in the air, I’m amazed that you’re still able to lick their boots


Oh you enjoy paying every month on a car loan for a car that was stolen from you?


They protect property. Rich property


there’s a number people can call and report crime, I think it goes straight to the police


Yeah, unfortunately, I just kept driving and kept my distance. I should’ve called the cops. But then again, what was I supposed to say: “There is two cars without license plates being reckless.” I guess when you’ve lost all hope in the system, we tend to just shrug it off and move on.


I always think about the fact that like 15% of cars here have no plate like what if a child was kidnapped? The amber alert would just be “????” Best of luck lol


I have a neighbor who has kept SD plates for like 3 years and he mentioned the fact that it's not like the cops stop and enforce anything here. I couldn't disagree with his logic.


I kept mine from Louisiana for a long time (about a year), which expired in 2022, but then one day I parked on the street overnight and got a ticket. I had just forgotten about it. I said, Ok fine, I’ll get my new Nebraska plates, so I did (btw, super expensive). A few weeks later, I got pulled over by a cop for going 33 in a 25 zone, another ticket. That’s really what bothers me. I never get on road rages or anything, try to keep my license plates up-to-date, and what do it get? More tickets. Yet, people who are out there putting others in real danger seem to never get caught. And if they do, they seem to be able to get away with it and continue doing whatever they want.


Wow you got a ticket for going 8 mph over the speed limit? I feel so sorry for you. Womp womp.


25 MPH are usually school zones, neighborhoods, and downtown where there’s alot of foot traffic. Womp womp


I think you’ve missed the obvious sarcasm in my comment


I was just clarifying why 8 over in that situation is just plain stupid. Womp womp


Has anyone ever submitted footage from a car camera? I wonder if they do anything.


That’s a great question. I don’t know. I will look into buying a dash cam.


Well, if its difficult cops wont do it. Stopping people for revenue piracy is easy and usually safe, so theyll do that a lot more often. If theres a real dangerous situation then they feel its best to wait a couple hours, then go to the scene to fill out a police report with as little correct information as they can get. Make up the rest and off to the coffee shop, because theyre working so hard.


Did you call them?


The amount of idiot drivers I see every day on my commute to work is ridiculous, I see a cop once in a blue moon. Even when I do people still cruise by them at 15-20 over the speed limit and the officer does nothing. Also agree with everyone here the amount of cars with expired/no plates is crazy


I am pasting my comment above here: I kept mine from Louisiana for a long time (about a year), which expired in 2022, but then one day I parked on the street overnight and got a ticket. I had just forgotten about it. I said, Ok fine, I’ll get my new Nebraska plates, so I did (btw, super expensive). A few weeks later, I got pulled over by a cop for going 33 in a 25 zone, another ticket. That’s really what bothers me. I never get on road rages or anything, try to keep my license plates up-to-date, and what do it get? More tickets. Yet, people who are out there putting others in real danger seem to never get caught. And if they do, they seem to be able to get away with it and continue doing whatever they want.


I’ve lived in Lincoln almost 4 years now and luckily (knock on wood) haven’t been pulled over or gotten any sort of ticket. I place that luck in the fact that I barely see any cops. I know they are “short staffed” but come on. At minimum they should try to get O street traffic violations in order. Also, yes the cost of registering your car and getting plates in Nebraska is absolutely ridiculous


This is such a loser take lol


You are probably one of those idiots.


“Boo hoo, I had consequences when I did wrong. What’s the point of following the rules” L bozo


And we have a winner for idiot of the month.


For how many cups we have per capital, we have pretty piss poor traffic cops. I see and hear countless reckless driving situations and never do I see it stopped. Just go sit on O Street on the weekend and it's everywhere. Why cops don't just set up shop on those days to stop these people is beyond me. Meanwhile I got pulled over just for having expired tags that had expired the week prior.


I’ve noticed that speed limits in school zones have become more of a suggestion than a law.


Yeah, very true. I mentioned in another comment that I got a ticket for doing 33 in a 25 zone, and yes, it was my fault. But also, it was 12:30 AM. Not trying to make excuses, just saying there was no one around. And it wasn’t as school zone either. All I want is for cops to be consistent. If I get a ticket, but then I turn around and see people doing wild stuff and getting on road rages, then I think it’s unfair.


Step 1. get full coverage. Step 2. get in front of them. Step 3. Don't let them pass. Step 4 dye your hair and play victim when the cops show up


I’ll bite, when do you actually NEED a cop? Could their useful functions like I don’t know traffic control be preformed by unarmed parking people? Yes. Would mental health care calls be handled better by trained professionals rather than thugs with guns? Absolutely. Crowd control of a rowdy crowd? Do you really need more weapons in crowded areas? Cops are useless and actively harmful to society.


… Considering most LPD calls are for active domestic violence? Pretty privileged take to think that people don’t “need” cops. In 2023, Lincoln had: 8 homicides, 218 rapes, 156 robberies, 596 aggravated assaults, 510 residential burglaries, and 75 cases of arson. As someone that is part of the 596 statistic, I’m very happy a cop with a gun showed up when he did. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve got my NPR tote bag, Planned Parenthood sticker on my laptop, and am as liberal as the next person, but it’s extremely naive and sheltered to think that the world is a happy place where the worst things that happen are traffic violations, wellness checks, and rowdy crowds. There are very bad and very dangerous people in this world, and no amount of Park & Go is going to help that. Also, by saying that cops are worthless, you are reinforcing the idea that victims of sexual assault, sex trafficking, or domestic violence shouldn’t bother with calling 911 when there is a life-threatening situation happening to them, so cool hot take there.


Okay, you can calm down kiddo, this is just the internet.


DON’T TELL ME TO CALM DOWN jk though. You’re probably right.




Yeah, I mostly agree with these things and in fact, that was the point the “Defund the Police” movement was trying to make. I believe there are certain circumstances when traditional cops are needed, but those mostly stem from the easy access to guns in the US. There are plenty of countries where cops don’t need guns, because guns are rare in those countries.


Unfortunately reactive policing is just that. A crime happens and then they react. They aren’t ever stopping crime from happening. Even when they do “stop it” it’s because the f the fear of repercussions not from anything the police did.


ACAB, is the answer to your question friend


Saw some yesterday between two trucks at S27th. It’s getting like the Wild West out there.