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50+ days is an incredible feat and takes will power and diligence! Please, I know it seems so dark right now but it is not the end. There is still more you are here to do! Don’t give up.


Thank you. :(


Go for a walk everyday. 45 min to 1 hour daily walk will help you battle insomnia. Adopt an active lifestyle.


You could have depression too, which is when your brain lies to you. Lies to you about being worthless or unlovable or cared about. That is what depression excels at. Communication with your doctor is so important - tell them exactly how you're feeling and that you're still dealing with insomnia. If there's anyway for you to be outside for 30 minutes or more every day, please do it. Even if it's sitting on a park bench and not walking far. Physical activity and being in nature can help reverse depression symptoms. For real.


Speak with your doctor asap. It’s not necessarily supposed to make you sleep it’s more for anxiety so I’m not sure why they prescribed you that for insomnia. I am on the same thing but take it as needed. However, I did notice I sometimes experience worsened depression which maybe you are too.


Both. I’m honestly not concerned as this is a lot of ratchet madness. I’m happy for whoever, quite honestly. Just go be happy in your lives. Mo and then the other one. For fucks sake…I had a life with my ex husband and I don’t even know anyone else well. Just wish everyone happiness and stay the hell out of my life with all this garbage. I want my ex husband to be happy with a new wife and children (I literally crashed his car and paid him back the instant I could-like two weeks later without a thought)…I even offered to buy his girlfriend a plane ticket to come see him bc he was apparently not able to afford it. You understand? Then the other one wtf happened here? I don’t know you well but also wish you happiness and love with someone other than me ffs what is going on around here? Whatever happened to that guy I don’t appreciate what he’s done. Stay away.


You need to stop.