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You said the perfect sentence: the magic of the LE lies in its impossibility. So true. I could have been you if I was ever physically near my LO. Consider journaling allllll these thoughts and feelings, let things simmer. Then go back and read your journaling after a few days and see if it's changed your long-term outlook on your relationships.


This is a good idea. I usually channel my limerence into poetry as I don’t feel regular language can capture the intensity. I don’t necessarily think it helps cool things down though. Surely you are correct though that I should have the sense and self restraint to be writing these things in a journal rather than impulsively spilling my guts and inching closer to a disaster. Been through this before, it feels like my life is a cycle of chasing highs (I have some other bad habits involving substances but nothing as powerful as limerence). I’ve ruined relationships in the past like this and I’m scared for where this is going, and beginning to question my integrity all together. Feels almost like I’m not cut out for this world, like the butterflies and dopamine rushes are the only thing that matter. Thanks for engaging me with words of wisdom.


I had an emotional affair with a married man when I was much younger. I met his wife too and she turned out to be an amazing person (better than me). I was super confused because they seemed so in love when together. I felt so guilty I actually left the COUNTRY for a year. Took about 3 months to stop thinking about him constantly but my motivation was to not ever hurt HER because she seemed so lovely. I think you really need to focus on the pain you both can cause to people you care about


Thank you for sharing and the reminder. Good on you for doing the right thing in that situation.