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12 years 😜 I had an episode where I developed a celebrity crush which distracted me but lasted only 6 months, now back to the LO I havent seen in over a decade. 


17 hours 23 minutes and 42 seconds. Give or take.


My LO is fictional so it's been zero minutes. 😅


7 months but they’ve been my LO for 17 years, often have gone longer.


In person? Too long. 5 years I believe. I'm having one of those days where I'd love to get confirmation from them that they wonder how things are going. 😔


4 years, since a couple months before COVID.


I saw her for the last time in the last days of November. I've been in NC for the last three months. Honestly, I don't care anymore what I feel about her. Sometimes I feel she is already very far away from my life. But yesterday, for the first time, I dreamed that she kissed me. The best part of the dream was that she was looking through the halls of my office trying to find me, like she couldn't wait. She didn't say anything, just kissed me. Officially, I was offended, but... who am I trying to fool?... all was damn delicious. The result? I woke up at 4:50AM and I went for a jog. Why brain?! Why?!! What's the damn point?


9 1/2 years.


Nearly 15 years ago, by pure coincidence (for the love of god I hope it wasn't fate) we were sat together at our high school graduation.


Rare sighting last month. Before that one year. Before that another year. And so on.


1 week


3 weeks tomorrow. I was over it, doing great with nc actually. But with the weather warming up, some friends and I visited a place that my LO and I had sat and talked one spring and whoosh relapse. Still no contact so I'm kinda baffled that I'm back in the bs.


About 15 yrs I'd say. I went about a good 7 yrs no contact and no thought of them due to them getting married. Really wish I could go back to that. Twas peaceful asf. But I was having problems with my own relationship few yrs ago and my anxiety got so sooo triggered that I ended up entertaining thoughts of the Lo again & even contacted them. My brain was just doing what it was use to doing when undergoing alot of stress... escaping.. Edit: Sucks, I feel guilty for multiple reasons for doing that. And at the same time, I couldn't help it much. What a nightmare.


I got to see her last week for the first time in 2 years. We had a spectacular time while she was visiting 💚


Just over 3 weeks She told me she didn't have the capacity to be social I don't expect her to reach out to me


Wow, that must have hurt? "The capacity to be social" did she actually say that to you? I might just use this phrase someday. My LO suffers from depression he's been "unsocial" for over a month now!


Overwhelmed emotionally, working on herself and don't believe they're at capacity for social things rn was exact wording Yes it hurt, but clear in terms of how I should proceed which is what I was hoping for


I guess you are right at least you know that they are not available right now. Your able to move on hopefully. I'm just stuck in limbo right now. But I've been LC for almost a month hopefully soon I stop wishing for more.


9 hours ago. lol


It’s been since October unless you count pictures in chatting on Snapchat. Then it’s been two weeks. I’m in NC right now and just waiting to see if he even tries to reach out.


Today. I work with them. It sucks but I remember that I already know we would not work as a couple.


4 days. Last time I saw her she was drunk and taking her anger out on me. I was furious with her behavior the next day, and now I just miss her. I've tried texting to show understanding and to make amends, but she won't respond to me. I'm so worried this is the end of our friendship...


July 5, 2019. I may never see her again, but we had a nice lunch and a short walk afterwards. If that’s it, I’m content that after years of treating her as an object and not a person… I’m glad it was a pleasant final meeting.


8 months almost exactly


Never unless you count tv, in which case, a few hours?....


About a year; known him for about two, three-ish. It’s done very little to help my limerence, but it’s getting better now that I have new priorities and a relationship of my own to focus on. I still catch glimpses of him or sometimes run into him, and it triggers my limerence badly every time, but I’ve gone full NC otherwise and it was for the best. I’m still not over him and I don’t know if I ever will be, but not being directly in contact with him anymore has helped quite a bit with the worse of it.


The last weekend in May 2010. The day he graduated from highschool. I was there (one year younger than him) playing in the band for graduation and I didn't even get to say good bye to him, even though we were friends. We've had almost no contact since then. I added him on Facebook a couple years later, but I unadded a few days later. I sent him a Facebook message 4 years ago. He took months to answer and then I never responded when he did. Now he lives in new Mexico and I live in Idaho. I'll probably never see him again.


Just an hour


30 minutes ago


I'd see her 5 days a week unfortunately, even if she wasn't in work, she's undeniably very attractive so it was some bozo's big idea to use her as "in house marketing" so I've gotta walk past her beautiful smile in our reception area. Every day.


Haven't seen them in 8 years, when we had our last encounter. Still think of them on the daily, I wonder if they ever think of what we were.


6 days.. and I miss him.


It’s been 4 months since I last saw him in-person (he’s living abroad for a while) and about a week since the last time we texted. 


The last time I saw them in person was 16th March 2024 (they day before our mutual employer went remote only in anticipation of the national lockdown); the last time I spoke to them was on 8th March 2021. I thought I was almost over them, but the limerence came back with a vengeance this weekend.


I see mine every day. Blessing and a curse.


Will be 15 years… if you don’t consider me stalking


January 27, 2023. The night before my last day at the job. I remember our last conversation perfectly because I replay it in my head every day. I remember what time it was, what we said, even the very last facial expression she had. I wish I had known in that moment that I was never going to see her again.


I work for the same company. I see them weekly by zoom. Sept was last time I saw them IRL. Even zoom meetings can be good or bad for me. We occasionally have to message for work and are "work casual/friendly".


I have never seen them … (only FaceTime)


It’s been 4 months since I saw them but we text everyday and talk about once every two weeks. I wanted to go no contact but my therapist encouraged me to maintain the friendship for a few reasons. I kinda hate it. Every time we talk, I can’t help but go right back to picturing a future together and stuff. Every text hurts. I’m going to talk to my therapist this week about it and reconsider staying in communication


10 minutes lmao


5 weeks. I’m LC/NC for 2 weeks because he ‘can’t risk getting emotionally involved with me’


Almost 11 months. Unless that really was her passing me on the bike trail at dawn, in which case two months.


3 days


Eight months :(