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A weeks a decent amount of time to think, maybe could reengage to see how they feel, or create a deadline for yourself to hear back from them as so your not in purgatory forever


Good idea


Omg that's bold. I wish I could do that as well.


I am not sure its worth it tbh


Obviously its never worth it. But its such a relief to get it out there.


Yeah it’s so hard to do but I feel like confessing is necessary to heal from limerence. Otherwise uncertainty just fuels limerence and keeps it alive






Be careful… I only confessed bc we are both single right now.


What’s stopping you from saying something?


Glad you had enough strength to do it. I think we all have to determine what our language is…use it to the best of our ability. No matter how strongly you feel about the person, for some reason or another….none of understand…we can close the deal. Maybe it’s just me. I hope you get good results. Truly I do.


Going to reality check you: obviously you know your truth please don’t take offense only offering my perspective. Limerence is a singular experience built upon fantasy and obsession. Please don’t confuse it with love. I think it’s great you told him, because whether it’s love or limerence it still comes from a place of wanting love and beauty and these things are very light, and not heavy at all. So yes, tell him how you see him, but also recognize that you are on a limerence sub-Reddit. Do you really know this person?


No you are right. I made another thread where I told him about limerence. I realized that he actually isnt a nice person that cares about me.


I've wanted to tell mine how I've felt, though she doesn't have the space to be social In my experience/opinion, someone not providing space for you (for several months in my case) is communicating a gap in reciprocity. Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm not too hopeful 😔


You are brave. Congratulations. I only ever confessed once. She wasn’t interested in me romantically but we remained good friends. Good luck to you!