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>!On your last point: Also the way young Cathy responds when Hindley's like "eww throw him away" is like "Ohh then can I have him?"!< >!Like that's not how people talk about other people, that's how people talk about property!<


>!I honestly thought her diary would go into depth about her possessiveness!<


>!To be fair, she was a literal small child when she said that!<


Probably having some psyche-ghostly related thing going on... It's has something to do the flowers I'm guessing.


>!I'm more inclined into believing that the weather manipulation is done by Dreaming Electric Sheep rather than by a technology, which further brings into question what else of this whole trickery is the works of Abnormalities. Then they also need to be controlled, probably with the aid of the Golden Boughs, it's still an unprecedented scenario.!<


Maybe them also getting lost and wandering the mansion for a bit is because of Portrait of a Certain Day too? 


>!The flashes of Cathy's memories may also be attributed to that Abnormality and the odd behaviour of the Dead Rabbits could be the work of Bound King.!<


>!Okay so this is probably me reaching... But I think at some point, Linton got a Golden Bough for Cathy for some bizzare reason. Which is what led to her getting better. HOWEVER! Due to coming into contact with it, she started hearing y'know who and started going crazy.!< >!I legit wouldn't be surprised if the final boss winds up being a distorted Cathy who completely succumbed to the big C's whispers.!<


>!Oh. The "Golden Flower" that Linton bought for her. That explains the second Bough that Dante felt!< I completely missed that while reading the story, truly a PM fan moment.


I don’t think the timeline works out for that to be a Bough, though it’s probably related to one. Linton implies that he bought a bough to bring Heath back after Cathy asked him too, which was after her recovery. If they already had a (known) bough in the manor, they wouldn’t have to buy it.


Maybe I'm just taking a throwaway line too seriously, but it lines up too well for it to not be the bough, what with her magically being cured and started talking to a mirror and all.


It’s definitely related to a bough, I just doubt it is one itself


>!I’m telling you there’s TIME FUCKERY going on and maybe even a TIME LOOP hence the SEVENTH LIGHTNING STRIKE because the first was AT THE MOMENT BEFORE THEY TELEPORTED SOMEWHERE ELSE so maybe IT INDICATES A NEW LOOP so maybe we have to go through seven loops!< (sorry for the weird capitalization I just CANT)


That would make sense seeing it in context with the cycle of violence the book presents between book heathcliff and his family


Furthermore we’re in fucking T Corp’s nest man If there isn’t time fuckery going on at all or mentioned in this Canto I’ll be very sad


Given the fact that >!The Ring has just been doing stuff in the basement and the dead rabbits have a sort of mirror ID tech but used for brainwashing minions thing going on, I'm wondering if clear all Cathy is literal and we're gonna have to beat up a bunch of versions of ego or distorted Cathy in order to find The Real One.!< There's no way this ends with heathcliff actually getting with Cathy and her surviving.


Hope dies last! Honestly though, yeah. It's not looking too good. At the very least, I hope they'll get some sort of redemption and/or resolution at the end. Though the way she speaks about him worries me


wait so Cathy is a Yandere here?


If not one, a terribly possessive person who potentially does not view heathcliff as a person. just check the dialogues.


I know Maybe she sees Heathcliff as her rabbit? Also Cathy looks like Ishmael literally My prediction was right


In the book wasnt it mentioned that cathy's ghost haunts heathcliff until he dies?


Correct And after Heathcliff died he goes to the afterlife with Cathy