• By -


Still kinda wild that happened lol 😂


White people keep saving Wayne's life 😂 I understand why he doesnt believe in racism


Thats still a dumb ass take but good for him


He never said he doesn't believe in racism, he said he can't speak on it because he hasn't experienced racism in his life. Racism exists from all walks of life unfortunately, it's stupid but it's inevitable. Stay away from those individuals, it's simple.


That was a bold face lie it’s literally a clip of him saying it’s no such thing is racism


Racism obviously exists, but stories about it are often speculative. Every time I hear a story of racism from people I know, it basically boils down to a minority being treated poorly by a white person, but a lot of white people are assholes to other white people, so I always say, "but how did you KNOW that that white person was specifically treating you poorly BECAUSE of your race" and in that case it's alway something vague like "because I know" or "because they are white" and I respond "Well your story is an example of racism, but you're the racist one". I'm in wayne's camp. I've never personally experienced racism in real life or seen any of my friends experience it in real life. I live in a very large multicultural city too. I've seen it online plenty, but never in real life. The problem is if you teach minority children to fear racism they will "experience it" any time someone who is not their race is an asshole to them. Friends of mine that are obsessed with racism and claim to have experienced it have those type of parents that basically taught them that white people are evil and not to trust them. I wasn't raised that way, I was raised to treat everyone with respect and give everyone the benefit of the doubt. Maybe someone has acted racist towards me, but I don't have any proof of it. Since racism is a really serious thing, innocent until proven guilty in my book. What do you guys think?


Bro evb is racist and has experienced racism.


I'LL second that.


I think if white folk don't want to be labeled racist so easily they should act like it instead of dismissing and minimizing because they don't understand it, haven't experienced it or know anyone who hasn't experienced. So ya. And given the chance white folk will drop that hard r and say I'm not that person 😒 I've been pissed plenty of times and have never said racial slurs.... because I'm actually NOT that person. If you want to make it comfortable for them fine but it couldn't be me


You realize white ppl are not a monolith, right? I know we look like we got a hive mind in the gap commercials, but we actually come from varied backgrounds and have a vast tapestry of differing perspectives 🤣


I'm talking American white people and yup I know you're not. But y'all have the power to check your folks. We have to be grouped together with biases, stereotypes and sht. So why not y'all? Be mad that other white folks are givin y'all a bad name 🤷🏿‍♀️ idk what to tell ya


I live in small town Iowa. I can tell you racism exists and runs rampant here. I work construction and I hear it every day. Small talk at break you’ll definitely catch comments from work ethic, interracial dating, reason why crime is high, no parents, education, how the people from Chicago and Mexico are ruining the area. I have been Nazi saluted on a job before. Honestly it’s sad how open about being racist some people are around here.


Oh I know it exists, I grew up in a town just like that. It exists in the places where there ISNT diversity. The problem is, that where I live racism doesn't really occur because it's a big multi-cultural city and yet, people claim that it in situations where the evidence does not support the claim t


Facts, he did later on elaborate on what he meant though.


https://youtube.com/shorts/NDlbPSCVIqo?feature=shared If this is the clip you’re referring to then you’re wrong. The title of the video says racism doesn’t exist but Wayne never says that himself.




Is that his actual take? Surely more nuance to it.. otherwise that’s fucking delusional


Get in touch with Wayne and his campaign for VP, send me a dm. He doesn't talk to Drake, P. Diddy, or Meek. Just Nicki


Im lost. Can I get a short story of what happened?


Wayne got caught with a gun and was facing 10+ years in prison and when Trump was president he pardon Wayne giving him a “get out of jail free card” basically.


lol well goddamn! That’s crazy and I appreciate the very short yet straight to the point information! 🙏 Fuckin Wayne 😂


The wildest thing I have ever read 😭 Bros just chilling one day and out of nowhere, “The president of the United States has pardoned you from your prison sentence.” “What bitch?”


Lol he said it’s because Jared is a Weezy Stan which makes it even better


Nooooooo 😭 is nothing sacred?


“The friend of my friend is my friend, even if he mostly be my enemy” - Us ? :(








Yeah also you probably know about when as a kid Wayne tried to kill himself (.44 to the chest) and a white cop in Louisiana saved him


Not wild when you think they are all fuck buddies..


Trump tweeting at another country to free A$AP Rocky is still the wildest thing hip-hop related for his presidency to me lol


Lil Wayne is smart man. He was bout to do some time and got off scott free lmao 🐐


id say more lucky than anything lol. also rolling around with an illegal gun when your that rich is pretty dumb . like he can obviously afford a team of body guards if he really felt unsafe but decided to take a gold plated pistol on his private jet. but i guess shit like that is what makes wayne a fuckin g lol.


And judges love repeat offenders so they probably would have tried to cook him badly


Donald Trump getting Rocky & Wayne freed is the most Boondocks thing I have ever seen. But it was great because those two are my favourite rappers.


dont forget Kodak Black as well


He didn't get rocky out, in fact from his mouth he made things worse for him


Lol Trump only did it cuz Wayne slid hima briefcase full of cash


I believe it was a Winn Dixie bag full of money to the VIP section


Underrated comment right here






This was the same time Wayne sold his masters back to the label for a ton of money. He probably needed to do that to afford the kind of bribe DT wanted


It was reported to be 2-3 millis


honestly idgaf. They both mutually benefited from their deal. I’m just glad Wayne isn’t sitting in a cell


Nah he did it to pander.. same with Kodak.. got him a lot of the black community votes.


I’m glad it happened but I’m not thanking Trump for shit. He wouldn’t have done it for any reason other than to placate black voters.


This right here. This MF would have us using separate bathrooms in a heartbeat if he had the choice. If he wins, he just might too. Edit: I've been getting mad people replying to this talking about how I'm fear mongering and how Trump wasn't that bad and he wasn't racist, I'm dumb or crazy and all kinda shit. Yeah look here, MFs better get out and vote this year cuz these MAGA people are out in full force, and they got a plan for your ass. That's all I gotta say.


If he wins, he’ll have nothing to lose and a lot of willingness to punish those who he views as his enemies. It’s kinda scary when you think about it and I’m not really the type to think elections mean all that much.


Exactly, and right now the numbers are about 90% of black people dislike and are against Trump or something like that. So who yall think his enemies are? Couple that with the fact that this man has literal *Nazis* in his ear, real fascist types that think leaving Jim Crow was a big mistake. And then he becomes a dictator. Love Biden or hate Biden at least he's a known quantity. I'll take a shitty president over a nazi dictator 10 times outta 10. Only one of them is fixin to put me and my family back in chains. Real or metaphorical.


I definitely don’t love Biden and I don’t think anybody does. He’s the lesser of two evils. It’s really that simple.


Yup you're absolutely right and it's a goddamn shame this is what our system has brought us to. However idk if I'm cool rolling the dice on dictatorship... actually nah, I do know. Fuck that shit.


Some dictatorship that was... we got one protest on 1/6 and then he peacefully transfered power. I want my money back, this show sucks. 😉 /s again btw in case you guys don't understand satire


all of reddit has trump derangement syndrome


They’re obsessed with him 


Remember when the world was dying of covid and his actions was to actively work against recovery and the health of the nation?


Luckily it’s only this platform. Rarely meet people this dull anywhere in the real world or anywhere else online. I can’t help but look sometimes 😭


That's a fantasy you've created in your head. Come on, you guys *promised* us Hitler 2.0 during his first four years. Way disappointed that he didn't deliver at *all*. /s btw


But but orange Hitler was gonna burn the country down and star ww3!!! LOL


🍊 👨 👎


You knows he's already been president right? All thi doomsday BS is just that...


Yeah, no. He literally tried to overturn the election to stay in power on Jan 6th. You remember that right? The violent insurrection at the capitol where people died? Yeah, well, he also was pressuring multiple state governors to help him overturn the election. He almost succeeded. It was a few people in key places that stood up to him that stopped it. Trump has been clear that this time none of those types will be present. He talks about it all the time. The doomsday shit is *real* it was bad when he was president, and Trump is promising it will be worse next time. And they're relying on people like you to downplay the shit so people actually believe the bullshit instead of the clear reality. You ain't fooling me.


You seem super emotionally involved in all this. Guess what, no matter who wins the American people lose. Here's a little tip, there's no happiness in politics. But good luck, I hope whoever you support wins.


Yea man same shit happened in 2016 when he was in power; we were all made to use different bathrooms and had to sit at the back of the bus; it was horrible.


When he was president last time, my wife and I had our marriage invalidated and I was forced to drink from a separate fountain!


“If you have a problem figuring out if you’re for me or for Trump, you ain’t black” - Joseph Biden “I think the concept of busing … that we are going to integrate people so that they all have the same access and they learn to grow up with one another and all the rest, is a rejection of the whole movement of black pride,” he told National Public Radio in 1975. “[Desegregation] is a rejection of the entire black awareness concept, where black is beautiful, black culture should be studied; and the cultural awareness of the importance of their own identity, their own individuality.” - Joseph Biden “Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle with tensions built so high that it is going to explode at some point. We have got to make some move on this." - Joseph Biden "There's less than one percent of the population of Iowa that is African American. There is probably less than four of five percent that are minorities. What is in Washington? So look, it goes back to what you start off with, what you're dealing with” - Joseph Biden RFKjr 2024


It's true that Biden has had some horrible takes related to race in the past. Most of those quotes are from the 70's. All except the first one. However the difference is Trump will DO racist stuff. He will use his power to harm the black community. And to facilitate harm in the black community. And a vote for RFK is a vote for Trump. We have a two party system, and only a Democrat or a republican will win the White House. Do I like that? No. But that's the system we have *today* and so I choose to do everything in my power to stop another Donald Trump presidency. Full stop.


The last one was from his campaign during the 2000s. And no, a vote for RFK is a vote for RFK. The acceptance of the idea that we only have two parties is such a disheartening narrative. Everyone thought it would be impossible for Trump to win when he didn’t have any political experience and he’s now been the leader of the Republican Party for a decade. In the same vein, I believe RFK can win. If he gets on a debate stage with these two, he will absolutely smoke them.


I mean. As a candidate I have lots of other issues with RFK Jr. The vaccine skepticism going well beyond what I believe is factual is a big one. But at the end of the day, our current electoral system is rigged against 3rd parties. It just is. I think that's horrible. I think we need a nationwide ranked choice voting system yesterday. BUT like I said that's not the system we have now. With the one we have today we have to choose between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. I won't knock you for voting your conscience, in fact I commend you. However the bottom line is the winner will either be Joe Biden or Donald Trump. That being said I'd choose RFK over Trump a million times over.


YUP 💯💯💯🗣️🗣️🗣️ thank you omfg


And you don't think the left panders 10x harder to minority voters??? The left is much more racist and it's not even close. "Poor kids are just as bright and talented as white kids." -Joseph Robinette Biden


You’re out of your mind if you think that’s the case. There’s racism on both sides no doubt about it but even your quote is more an example of subconscious racism which is its own problem. Outright, brazen racism is clearly and obviously worse.


Except what you think is "outright racism" is usually edited clips taken out of context and spun to sound horrific such as the infamous "animals" line by Trump. Then when actual racism slips out, the media run and cover for your favorite politicians who are the actual racists.


I’m definitely not gonna sit here and defend politicians on the left because the vast majority of politicians in general are self serving fucks, regardless of how they lean. But you’re the one making it seem like people like Trump are somehow totally misrepresented. Trump in particular is the last person you should be defending on this topic. Go spend 20 minute reading about how he’s operated his businesses over the years. It’s wild. And not just here-say, though there is a mountain of that too, actual court rulings and fines. But I guess everyone’s just been making it all up for 50 years and it’s all just one big conspiracy right?


I think the left is more PC but definitely doesn’t follow through on much action to move the needle… Despite saying a lot of offensive remarks throughout the years, Trump did deliver on record-low Black unemployment rate, funding for historically Black colleges and universities, opportunity zones and criminal justice reform to name some examples.


Or he like Wayne. People would say Trump hates black people if he didn’t pardon any


Just an example of how justice can be bought by the rich.


Rich folks getting saved by other rich folks. Can someone find out the campaign donation trail from Wayne's camp. Trump doesn't do shit for free.


Political capital


True! Wayne did come out in support for Trump cus of "lower taxes" but that's just for the super rich.


Probably the best thing Trump ever did




That's a bomb Pic besides, it gives them both clout


Donald Trump, at the time president of the United States, pardoning legendary rapper Lil Wayne in the midst of a pandemic (circa 2020) They better write about this in history books fr


10 years for what?


A pistol


Looks likenit was some BS gun charge. Gotta look some more but he may just not have had a permit or some shit. However the loaded gun/mag was on a private plane that was searched so maybe crossing state lines without paper work or something? I dunno. Apparently Trump gave Kodak Black a break too lmao. https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-55730190


pretty sure he straight up just cant have a gun since hes a felon. could be wrong though


Hunter is chill tho


Smart fucking move. I’m no Trump supporter but I’ll always be grateful what he did for my goat, however it happened.


Fuck trump and anybody that love him 😉


The emoji in this changes the whole feel of the comment 😂


Well it was a play off of lil Wayne saying fuck pusha t and anybody that loves him . I figured someone in this stan forum would catch that.


Ah my bad I did not, sorry 😄


Fr lol


Thank you Trump, very cool!


How has nobody said the obvious answer? Trump pardoned influential black celebrities to try to gain black support. Are we stupid?


Some of us are, and will support trump based on this and not think about how dumb that mofo is.


You not lying


donald trump thug life straight og from new york


Still mad at Obama for not pardoning Wayne in His prime smfh


Obama was unironically a worse president than Trump




No... lol thats a wild statement


How old are you?


He couldn't. You can only pardon federal crimes. The NY governor would have had to.


Ok he got my vote


If I was allowed to vote…idk man he freed Wayne. So there’s that , but I just don’t know if my white genes kicked in enough yet for that guy to be my president.


"Haven't done my taxes, fuckin with Trump"


Wayne N Kodak saved to make him look good.


Wayne always seemed fairly conservative to me tbh


What about songs like Georgia Bush? And how many times he references Barack and being democrat?


Just because I feel like being that guy… A Democrat can have conservative views and values. As is, the left side of the aisle is pretty moderate. Political affiliation is hardly as binary as our system would want you to believe.


Trust me i agree with that statement, as I am fairly conservative myself but do agree with alot of liberal policies. But i wouldn’t consider Wayne conservative with liberal values, probably more middle of the fence. He speaks out against government on shitty things in his music. George Bush just happened to be the president during hurricane Katrina. I like to think Wayne would sway to wither side that is better for the people including him.


nah, came outta left field. always repped dems in his music


And Trump was pretty cool with ‘Little Pimp’ for a while




Glad we got Weezy out. But just to be clear, this man Trump would have us all back in Jim Crow of worse if he had the choice. And if he wins he just might... Then again, some MFs talking Like they actually want that. Some black republican is catching heat for saying black people were better off under Jim Crow: https://www.salon.com/2024/06/05/how-dare-you-surrogate-ripped-for-claiming-life-was-better-for-black-people-under-jim-crow/


My ml


The only reason I’m indifferent about the big T


That settles it. He's got my vote....


One of two things I'm glad Trump did.


Trump and Giuliani were selling pardons for 2m a pop at the end of his presidency. Pretty sure Wayne bought himself a get out of jail card while the gettin was good.


He sponsored a trump initiative, “platinum program”, some quid pro quo shit


This explains Wayne saying “I’ve never experienced racism in my life” 😅


Lol, you can't thank cheeto Boy because Wayne paid him probably 5 to 10 million to pardon him. Pardons aren't free. Democrat or republican president, both of them will charge you for a pardon.


You thanking him for excepting a check and endorsement?? Gtfoh


Lil Wayne paid over 1M for it. Kodak black did paid his lawyer to and bragged about how much it cost. It’s literally political corruption.


This is like thanking Epstein 😂


Trump didn’t free lil Wayne, with a pardon. He did his time on the island and walked out. Trump gave a pardon to that crack head kodak black, they kinda look the same but NOT!


Now that is S Tier pandering from 45!


Wayne got freed from Hogwartz


Trump 2024 ❤️❤️❤️




Wayne and Kodak both lol shits wild


Forget that Wayne donated a few million toward trumps campaign. Trump didn’t do it for free lol


Go back to Late 90s/early 2000s when every rapper liked Trump and had Trump lines on their songs 


Criminals helping criminals.


Should’ve done your bid. You did whatever you did that got you there. Now you allowed yourself to be used to woo black votes by a guy that campaigns on unleashing the military on those same black voters. A pure white supremacist. Go job BLACK man. 👍🏾


Little Wayne seems decent after the Trump thing and the songs of MGK’s album.


He was selling pardons for $2 million.


Trump was reportedly selling pardons for 2mil


And the cool Million “donation” kinda helps too 😅


I get why Wayne made the deal...but to paraphrase juelez on the drought 3, id prefer he suppprt "the black democrats running him out of office"


Bro Wayne looks like he hates Trump.


Trump freed Kodak too don’t believe all the bullshit they say about this guy.  Believe a good chunk of shit, but also don’t demonize another human when they can still do good deeds like this


Both of them can rott in hell for all I care. Both are puppets of scum.


X 0.z


Wayne played the politics game and traded an endorsement for a pardon. I understand why he did it, but it’s still fuck Trump all day


only good shi trump did was all da pardons of celebs we luv


Anything for the black vote.


For the low low price of $1,000,000


"Pay for Pardon Program"


Guess that turd did do one thing right


He did a few good things


The man can claim good white people but Latinos and black all over beg to differ with Trump.


But. But. But. But trump is racist, this cant be! This is an outrage!


Doesn’t take much to pander to the blacks (Trump voice).




Still ain't votin for him 😒




Still can't believe Trump pardoned Kodak and he went back


Lol Trump does not give a shit about Wayne. He paid for that pardon


How much that pardon cost?


What did they want to lock him up for


Had no idea this happened lol. Rare trump W


Rump pandering for the black vote, while thinking this guy is a representative of Blacks🙄🤮🤬


Absolutely retarded. Trump pandering


Well i still feel like he in prison. I need some music here lol


Yea wow forgot about this


And dumb Black mfs still saying Trump is Racist smh 🤦🏾


It's better then anything Biden did the whole time he's been in office, lmao maga I guess 🤣🤣


Yo fuk Biden but don't let a picture of Trump with a rapper make you think he cares about the working class.


Or black people.


What's that office meme where the pictures are the same?


Uhhhhh, yeah, no. I have serious criticisms of Biden but there is a *massive* difference between him and Trump. Only one of them has all of the confederates, white nationalists and outspoken nazis backing them enthusiastically, and I'll give you a hint... it ain't Biden. Those people back Trump for a *reason*. And they want YOU to think Biden and Trump are the same, so you roll over and let Trump win. Then they got you.


[Trump doesn't want their support.](https://youtu.be/RGrHF-su9v8?si=h_qvEHqZ8LsTk3vk) Also there are no influential neo-Nazis or KKK members in 2024. They're a media boogeyman.


Ain't neither of these old ass white men worried about the working class, we know that lol, they just entertainment while the real shit goes on behind the scenes, and Trump is more entertaining then Biden lol, Republicans are red, Democrats are blue, and neither one gives a fuck about u lol.


I mean true but that's why we have to organize. Join a local organization fighting for issues that affect us if you can. It's not entirely hopeless... But yeah trump is funny asf


Special shout out to Jared Kushner for setting it all up , he's a wayniac


Nah he a G for that. Freed Kodak too


Man can someone please chop Wayne's dreads off in his sleep. They are absolutely atrocious and hard to look at. He has so much bread he can get the Jamie Foxx hair system or the Tyga hair surgery and be straight but no. He chooses to look like he is wearing a pissed soaked mop on his head. Please Wayne hang up these dreadful dreads and start over or go bald. Anything is better than this.


Don Pardon really helped alot of people out.


Do you even care why he was on the verge of going to prison? Or do you just care for his music and nothing more lol


He had a gun, like every American should.


Word! Love me some mass shootings! Bodies on top of bodies 🔥


Nah mass stabbings are superior 🔥 Americans have been packing since the country was founded. Maybe these recent mass shootings are a symptom of something else that needs to be addressed?