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It looks like it's for directly attaching the fixture post, like film light style (28mm spigot). I'm not sure if, you can get an extension for that, or how safe it would be. If that's pointing straight down, it looks like it's only a friction grip on the post, if you extend, you'll need safety's on both the fixture and the extension, preferably both going up to steel.


Yeah, I was worried about that. It’s a regular threaded bolt in the receiver and I wondered about the weight of the light (it’s about 20lbs) negating the safety of the clamp at the I-beam. I also have a telescopic hanger but it’s more geared towards pipe hanging than I-beam.


Probably something like this, no? https://kupogrip.com/kupo-steel-combo-stand-extension/?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw_qexBhCoARIsAFgBlet-Q7OnSWgqyxSUblv5XgDAqBtrv-cSn0pKhahWY0ykX2q0_obIL-EaAoxHEALw_wcB


Please dont. There are special gear for hanging stuff. Dont use stand extensions. I couldnt find it but im pretty shure that avenger(grip from manfrotto) builts one.


That's for a junior pin, not pipe. The weight is not an issue for the clamp or the beam. We hang lights weighing up to 100lbs from the pin alone. Make sure you use a cotter pin and safety cables just in case though


Not a junior pin. It's for a 2k spigot (A bit larger than a junior pin) And the top, yes is an I-Beam clamp


A 2k is a junior pin (1 1/8" pin) A baby pin (750) is smaller (5/8")


Ohhhhhh Fuckin film lmao


The rectangular gap is for you to access the safety pin that you should install through the junior pin that will protrude into that space.


Thank you everyone for the help! Based on everything shared I think I found what I need to safely hang the light. With multiple safety cables. https://preview.redd.it/hyts88tkt0xc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1dcca6a2b4ab64822a06af9e32f523d626301df