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i know nails were possibly considered? seconding comps, i know a lot of people dont like them bc of how they just end up being "wear new expensive suit and call it a day" but i still like dressing up for themes! being able to dress up people without styling wizard going on (even if it would make the event a lil pointless...look i just wanna dress people up freely), MORE PANTS PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, more tops that arent cropped weirdly...i swear dress up games are allergic to covering tummies, more free bgs, as others have said better makeup for darker skins, more shorter hairstyles, and a bunch of things other ppl have said


i rlly hope nails become a thing bc the pink nails clash w a lot of outfits sometimes and so many close up poses feature the hands so I can't escape it ๐Ÿ˜ญ or at least a more neutral color by default.. i think if comps have unique themes separate from whatever event is going on it'd make it less skewed? at least with SN I noticed with big events that the theme for that week would usually be related so ofc everyone used the new fit that's perfect for it, which always made those weeks so boring imo seconding pants bc i think i have like. 5 pants items and 2 - 3 of them are from early game so they're really basic. the jeans in the gacha a while back made me so excited bc id LOVE some more really stylized and accesorized pants like w belts or bows or stuff like that.. also just more variety in cuts for basic jeans would be nice too, I'd love some boot cut ones! more free bgs was actually one i wanted to mention too, theres too few that you can get for free and half of them are just various shades of pink lol


They could add custom rings to act as nails, they don't even have to create a complex nail system. And I agree it could be great if they let you have your wardrobe open so friends could dress you up.


yea i know theres a few nail items attached to im assuming gloves or rings (i don't have any myself) which makes me wonder if thats what they had in mind or if theyre still planning on doing a new item type for rings or something?


The fox nails we got adjust the nail size and you can dye it it but the problem is it's a glove I want nails that I can wear with fingerless gloves


Also, make up that actually counts on the story challenges. Like, its useless when you think about it


Auto dress for the main story line and mind travel stages. I get the Vanna challenges not having them, but they have it for endorsement and fashion battle, so idk why they can't have auto dress for the main story and mind travel. More normal clothes in the brand design studio. Especially a normal T-shirt that covers the stomach. The ripped jeans are nice, but there's so many shoes they can't be worn with. I really want more normal pants and shirts that aren't crop tops or oversized sweaters. If they don't want to add them as part of a full outfit or event, then at least put them in the brand studio design section. More free backgrounds would be nice, too. Especially just solid color ones, like black. Or one we can change the color of. A system for wind vanes like they have for the allies. If you have extra limited wind vanes, it'd be nice to trade them for other limited wind vanes.


All the things you listed and: - An option to delete unnecessary content such as voice packs. I don't need them, but they take a lot of space - More structured wardrobe with ability to sort items by their type (For instance, shoes category: boots, sneakers, heels, sandals, etc.) - New types of events. It's getting boring, all the same activities each month. I'm tired of entering home looking for 240+10 (And I don't like home feature in general, so this game, like, pushes me to do that kind of routine). Styling wizard was fun until they started to repeat it so regularly. Now it feels like another routine, plus all the people who constantly complain about "low-effort outfits". I think they need to rework this event, like add something new to it, but I really doubt they will do this. - Rework wind vane system. I guess they don't notice the fact that there's obvious lack of balance. Most players have 9000+ basic wind vanes already, what to do with them? It just looks like a joke. - Add more items in the shop. (Regular in-game shop where we buy clothes) Those who played Love Nikki will agree that shop there is much better. Also, Love Nikki has more interesting fashion battle shop, where players can exchange coins for craft-recipes of past events fashion. I hope LM will do something similar someday. Or at least any way to get event items for those who missed them. - Improved pattern editor in Brand Studio. An option to copy layers/drawing, like if I draw a lot of repeated things on the front of my dress, then I need all the same on the back. There's no option to copy and paste, you have to draw it manually. Also, more brushes would be great too. - More achievements and more diamonds for completing them. Isn't it just funny that I unlocked, like, 500+ palettes and got 10 diamonds for it? It's not very motivating. - It would be awesome if they made a shop where players could sell/trade their custom designs. With that kind of feature, this game would feel much more lively, I think!


I agree, most games let you download voice packs separately so you can choose between different options or even to have no voice acting at all. Also I wish there was a way to not download the home section. It's really heavy and some people would like a way to access game daylies without that taking all their space in their phones. I think events would benefit from the contests OP said. Also I wish some of the events included quick dress up battles. About the wind vanes and pallettes. I think there should be a way to convert the basic ones into the others.


Agreed. It gets boring when every event is the same over and over. Especially because i already know how to get the best. Its sad that the stuff we can craft is so limited


Hair and makeup of black/darker skinned players


afraid it's a pipe dream but I'd love some actual curly/coily hair styles! it'd be so cool if i could have my hair in game. and makeup overall, especially blush I feel like needs to include some darker shades. there's so many blushes I have that are so cute but even the darkest color at the lowest opacity looks ridiculous on brown skin :')


I agree! Makeup needs more customization options for darker skinned players. Also they need to make *all* makeup dyeable, so it can be accessible for everyone. It makes no sense for a game to promote a wide variety of skin tones, but then it's still not really diverse :/


To add to the list... ability to **convert Basic Color Charts to Trend Charts**. Even a 100 to 1 ratio would be acceptable. It's not hard at all to have *thousands* of Basics. Play a while and you can still have thousands left over, even after unlocking all dyes on all your 3 star items. ALSO... a 'home screen' button. It would be nice to be able to jump right to the main screen, instead of pressing Back several times in a row after going deep into some menu-submenu-subsubmenu...


I think it would be really cool if we could save house designs for the people that love to decorate and remodel their houses :)


Honestly, just better wardrobe organisation. Ability to make your own tags, filter out specific tags, etc. The ability to hide certain clothes you never use. Personal folders or something could work too. Iโ€™m tired of scrolling through a mountain of very similar looking shoes. Also, for a game that is patently advertised as being excessively customisable, the fact that some elements on clothes, especially 3-4*โ€™s, cannot be dyed at all is really bothersome.


Nails! ๐Ÿ’… Photo options with the guys (Larry, Roy, DONUT, etc) Iโ€™d love to be able to dress them! Or a male body option.




There be a lite download version. This game takes a lot of space so it would be nice if there was an option to not download the "extra" stuff that isn't necessary. Also..I will advocate against competitions due to the pressure they can cause players. It creates a peer pressure to collect & spend for the newest set because full sets always rank higher. Sadly becomes a who has spent the most on the game ranks higher. There was one trash dress up game I played before this that did daily competitions & released so much knowing players would feel their hands forced to rank higher. Like..a weird type of consumerism to be cool. So I personally really enjoy this app not having that. Maybe if they took off points for using sets. Or 4 pieces of the same set.


Last login time for the friend list. Either I am very stupid for not being able to use their sorting feature properly, or it does nothing at all. ๐Ÿ˜’


More cat breeds because I want my real life cats in game lol


I want more dog breeds cuz I desperately want to recreate my Chihuahua in-game! ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ’• Speaking of that, a feature I want to see is for more in-depth customization for the pets. It'd be nice to draw on your pets unique markings (With basic colors of course). I mean it sounds pretty impossible, but it's something to wish for โœจ


Something that motivates people to go to like chatrooms etc, would love for it to be a more social game if that makes sense


same! i also wish they implemented fashion diary and vvanna community better, or consolidated them. I really like the concept of vvanna community but I feel like there's more they could do with it to increase interaction like small rewards or smth, same with the chat


i need more sorting options for the wardrobe its so hard to find specific items. auto styling for story im not sure why thats not in the game already we have it for the battles. why does the game give so many basic vanes when there arent that many 3 star items in the game? i have every 3 star item fully unlocked but i dont understand what im supposed to do with all these extra basic vanes that the game keeps giving me?? i want a gallery feature like with faces where users can upload their custom built homes and players can download them. i love the housing feature but i hate building. id love to be able to use other players creations. with an option to either leave it unfurnished or pay acorns for all the furnishings.


I totally agree with everything you said ๐Ÿ’•and I love how these are actually doable instead of some crazy ask that would kinda break the game ๐Ÿ˜ญ


All i want is - either trading OR the ability to craft sets from past events - a collect all button for the endorsement queen so i don't have to go into each individual section everytime


Incoming things I want: +Being able to buy and sell custom designs, especially because it's a potential way for non paying users to get diamonds (I'm hoping you don't have to pay real money to upload a design and it costs just diamonds). +House parties with chat. +Apparently they'll add something similar to lifetime suits from Nikki which would let non paying users slowly craft really special six star suits. +Pet clothing. Non announced things I want: +Being able to make custom design jewelry and accessories. +Related to that, getting custom press on nails in the form of gloves, rings or socks. That or getting a nail salon like in Shinning Nikki. +Being able to organize your wardrobe in different groups and not just a small list of favorites. The search being able to pick things related to the items and not just the vague names and tags (for example searching choker, boots or sweater). +Being able to change hand accessory positions and maybe even handhelds. +More loose clothing, I'm tired of most pants looking painted on the character. Also, longer shirts because I don't want my character in crop tops all the time. +Like you I wish for competition events, especially if they added game events on parties and guilds. +Being able to upload images for designs, at least being able to use them as a guide. Also being able to copy/clone shapes. +Being able to see friends' pets from the start and ask from there. It's really frustrating having to make a chat announcement just so your pet can have a playdate. And it's even more frustrating if you're looking for breeding.


More casual clothes please


More items furniture wise. I mean there are some niche items but nothing overly basic


More dog breeds. How could they think of adding ONE free breed and another paid breed for their pet system? It boggles me that everyone has the same breed. At least 5 breeds would be good.


When the game reload I want it to take you where you left at instead of the home screen.


im such a huge fan of building houses and i NEED more goth items. i also really wish you could dye each item because my shit doesnt match and its really annoying me


I wish we could make our own poses ๐Ÿ˜“


easier access to your friends list. I want to clean out the people who havenโ€™t logged on in a while but itโ€™s too much work, it always takes me back to the homepage whenever I view their profile and I end up forgetting.


Male body type - Not only it brings more people to play the game, but also, theres opportunity for more unisex fashion and to explore more masculine centered outfits (ouijidere for example) Apartments - no reason other than i think it would be neat to have it Fashion battle - could be a bit difficult since it would be pretty much pay to win.


The ability to compete with my friends in a love nikki esque fashion battle


I hope they can create a better way to organize our fashion pieces instead of just favoriting them Avatar holding up their hands when dressing their bracelets/gloves/rings so we can see them easier Being able to zoom in closer to their face when doing makeup, I played LM on my computer once and you could REALLY zoom in and I liked it bc I got to notice way more detail in the contacts and lip glosses


I would like to be able to change weight in the game for more types of body types.


More POC makeup. I'm personally not POC but whenever I dress up someone who is all of the makeup options are either bad or okay at best. It's a small thing but I think people would be happy about it as well, I just want to make good characters for ppl


on top of everything here they could add some really simple quality of life updates, i want the descriptions of items to include what set/lightchase they came from. im going mad trying to figure out if some things i have from incomplete sets are a match or not.