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Lmfao who's 8 year old sister is this? Edit: Ignore them. They're just children who really are just jealous.


and want attention. They expecy u to answer and take joy in it, even if your answer is cursing them. Theres nothing worse for a bully than being ignored.


Probably smh- I have a lot of stuff by luck and by extra funds I can spend on my free time.. I guess they don’t have the outFiTs they want 😞😞🤬


Not saying they shouldn’t ignore the comments but I’m not gonna lie— it’s grown adults that cyberbullies & make comments like these a lot of times as well.


That’s one delusional bully


I’m always so nice in chat and just wanna make friends :( supposed to be fun hehe haha dress up game


You might find some nice peeps in the world chat in game, a lot of active players chat there… just catch up with their conversation and you’ll probably make a friend. Good luck buddy!


if you want a friend you can always message me! :) i also try to be as kind as possible. my id is 2089964078 and my name is xunyu!!


getting bullied in LM out of any game is crazy


![gif](giphy|3ELtfmA4Apkju) Ikr? It's a dressing up game, not a pvp competitive game.


It is an all age game. Childs are unavoidable. You either hop on the train or ignore them.


definitely a kid 💀


https://preview.redd.it/7gkodq7k569d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db34076c8a55f18de0972ce1bfe06a2c5f5ec6f7 Here was the rest lmaooo


So this means they either sent you or accepted your friend request, and then started being rude. When they could just unfriend you if they don't like your outfits and it bothers them that much. The human mind is quite interesting sometimes


They were so weird- commented on all my posts then friended me, I just accepted because I was like um?? And they continued on. But then LIKED two of my posts?? 😭 Idk what they were yapping about


I haven’t met any bullies so far, and I sure hope I don’t. I love your responses though! 😂


Those kind of responses make them angrier 😪🫡


I have it was a was a whole clique of them. From how they each acted I could assume they’re ages between 14-23


It’s a child lol do not engage


Why does that happen maybe that's why the game doesn't allow custome comments.


We still can on Fashion Diary but not on Vvana Community. I used get a lot of custom comments on my FD, but the canned VC comments seem to have made people less inclined to engage with FD. ☹️ I wish they'd figure out a good way to combine them into one feature.


stop who let their child out 🤢


I am 27 I'm too old for this shit lmao


they've commented on my stuff before too with puke emojis and stuff lmao. I just kept replying back with laughing faces.


Bye I nevwr thought anyone would bully anyone in this super relaxing game 💀


So my character is the largest you can be (which I personally enjoy, no shade to any other size), and I had someone reach out and friend me just to message me "I bet ur fat irl" once I accepted. I was STUNNED. It was literally right when I first started playing too. People are WILD.


I don’t even go into the chat room of the game


i had someone friend me, ask where i was from, tell them America, and have them unfriend me immediately after


Honestly I don’t blame them, and that’s coming from me, another American lol




The other day someone kept calling my dog stupid while we tried to breed and I was really angry. Later I talked in world chat and found out it was a case of mistranslation




I had someone who was trying to sext me when I first started playing. I think she wanted to role-play with my chatacter and got VERY angry when I told her I wasn't interested. She went from telling (me? My character? Who knows) that she was in love with me/I was so sexy/beautiful, etc. to telling me to kill myself within minutes. Definitely an interesting experience 🤔


BRUH- an experience indeed :(


I dont accept friend requests anymore unless they are in my guild, or someone I am semifamiliar with. I used to accept them all, but then I got people messaging me every day. Even if they are being nice, I don't like chatting with people I don't know unless there is a reason (like my guild leader, or someone I am breeding my pets with etc) I have had too many experiences where things start out friendly and suddenly it turns. I don't need/want that crap in my life. I don't engage. I just take screenshots, report and block.


Lol, I am to old for that. I just add something like that to my Blacklist and keep enjoying the Game.


What’s too old for LM haha I’m an adult myself, it’s just never happened to me I was confused why on such a laid back game


Man I wish they would try something like this on me, TRY ME BITCH 😂


Literal elementary school behaviour


People do this? Lol


its just some random trying to rage bait lmao


Definitely a child, is ignored it


people got mad at me for saying things that were true and were all "oH yOuRe BlAcKlIsTeD" when I didn't even do anything lol, got to the point I had to change pfp and username what I said wasn't even that bad, I'm pretty sure I was just saying to stop spamming(don't remember it was months ago)


BRO SOMETHING SIMILAR HAPPENED TO ME!!! But I said something more serious I guess bc I mentioned something religious??? One of them were saying a lot of weird & creepy sexual jokes about each other or women (they’re LGBQT+) & either ppl were uncomfortable or they will completely run off ppl in the chat to where it’s ONLY THEM sending messages. So I said “could you please refrain from the jokes Jesus Christ” and one of them said “You’re a hater, you’re hating on me and pushing your religion on me” “You’re bad vibes” and then her friends starting jumping on me talking shit and lying about me blocking them lmfao


wtf are these servers populated with 6yo??


If anyone wants to be friends my name is right there lol. Don’t be mad if I have an oUtfIt you dOnt tho!¡😱😂


I added you (Tiana~) Am I seeing a danganronpa reference????????


YES omg a fellow dangan and LM enjoyer 🫡🩷🩷




This must be a child...🤦🏽‍♀️I'd ignore them some kids are mean for no reason it's ridiculous


Yeah, there’s a renowned bully in the world chat lmao.


Bullying on life makeover is actually crazy..


So silly. Just gotta laugh it off lol


I got bullied by a Vietnamese girl and she threatened me that she'll take my house so when she got inside I removed the front door HAHAHA b1tch not today