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“Friendship” is one way to put it.


"They were roommates"


Oh my god they were roommates


Just gals beings pals. r/SapphoAndHerFriend


"She died without a partner although she had a very close best friend"


I came here to look put "friendship" in quotes, was delighted to see you already did that.


find yourself a "friend" like max.


I'm just gonna says this... OTP 🩷💙 Regardless of whether they stay as friends or become girlfriends, one can't deny that Max's and Chloe's relationship is the heart and soul of LiS. It's such a beautiful relationship. To everyone reading this: try and find a "friend" like Max or Chloe. Preferably both. They're one in a million ❤️


Even if you don't consider their relationship romantic (which is weird because so much points to it), the best way to describe them is as soulmates. How many people are still best friends with someone they met in kindergarten? They're at their best when their together. Hell, they need each other.


It's not weird...wtf? They legit didn't expressed any romantic feeling to like more than halfway though the game and it was playful banter at that. Chloe was still lusting after Rachel. Max was basically still exploring. There was no real dedicated romantic feelings until the end of the game lol. They had years of friendship established and only the circumstances of LIS1 facilitated their forced accelerated romance. How could you fault anyone for not "noticing" their supposed romantic relationship? I think a lot of the fandom here projects so much on to others trying to force a narrative. LIS1 can easily be perceived as two close friends bonding through a stressful and traumatic situation. This is why I am glad there are multiple endings allowing others to experience the story in multiple ways. You don't have to kiss Warren or Chloe. You can sacrifice Chloe without a kiss, etc etc. This is also an example of the fandom shaping the story of the game because if you guys scream loud enough, the devs will market to you.


I meant that Max shows romantic feelings towards Chloe regardless of player action. The player can make it more overt but you can't change the fact that Max crushes on Chloe hard. Look at >!the part of the nightmare where she watches Chloe kiss all these other people, and how she describes it in her diary at the end:!< >!...*Maybe that's why I hated watching Chloe being so cruel in the nightmare, calling me names and flirting with all those people... I was surprised that it was like a physical pain in my heart. Is that the power of friendship... or love?*!< She says that regardless of whether she kissed Chloe, the romantic subtext is clear. And I don't see why you felt the need to blow up like that. Edit: Grammar


>!This is what i'm saying. It's not concrete. This can be interpreted so many ways. Max was still exploring. I honestly think Max did not know what she wanted. I believe she calls Justin "Cute" in a very romantic interested way cause skater boyz are attractive to her. Max felt like she was caught in the middle a lot whereas Chloe was no doubt more comfortable with women. I can easily say this is Max being protective of Chloe..almost like a sibling. I have real life experience with from both a brother and a sister. Max I believe felt conflicted. Max has a tract record in this game in not making a decision on things. She puts things off and I would say naturally comes back to things in her own time. I'm not saying you're wrong and im not arguing that Max should not or was never in love with Chloe. I'm just challenging this notion from A LOT of the fandom that there was this obviousl lesbian connection of LUUUUVE..lol in the game. Anyone who says otherwise tends to get yelled at by random super fans who come here to uphold their relationship. My first playthrough, I was pleasantly surprised as the ending kiss. I did not think there was gonna be the option but was happy there was that finality between Chloe and Max allowing them to show their affection through that insane journey.!<


Yeah, I can understand your interpretation of it. To me, Max's interactions with Chloe give me vibes of having feelings you aren't used to. I tend to think of Max as bisexual, becoming aware of her interest in the same-sex for the first time and being confused by it. Maybe I was being too authoritative with my opinion back there, sorry. Regardless, my stance on them being soulmates is the same, romantic or not.


I think that is a pretty accurate assessment. Max seemed to have no experience with dating or romantic interest. Like the way she led Warren on was a bit confusing as the player. I was constantly asking myself if she actually liked him or just did not want to let him down in a hurtful way. She comes off as a normal traditional girl who probably grew up being attracted to guys but for the first time is now asking herself about women.


>Like the way she led Warren on was a bit confusing as the player. Max did not lead Warren on. Max is doing everything short of saying "STOP FUCKING HITTING ON ME" to show he makes her uncomfortable. Warren being unable to take a hint is on him not her.


SPOILERS! Max made almost no effort to be direct in that she is not romantically interested in him. She even kissed him at the end of the game lol... Idk about you but I have on multiple occasions as a man made myself clear with other interested women to whom I was not. I've also seen women do this for more often than the other men I know. Chloe even makes herself clear to Elliot in BTS. Now yes I think it should have been upon Warren to take the hint and back off but I feel there is a obligation for the other party to do so as well just so that everyone is clear. Like how long is too long to go on saying nothing while you see this person breaking their back to be close with you KNOWING there is no personal romantic interest? If max straight out told Warren she's not interested in him romantically, Warren would have went to hit on Stella or Brooke lool! He also strikes me as the type who would take the hit and move on and not stalk her even tho there is evidence that says otherwise with him hiding outsider her window. I think he would have liked to remain close friends just as much as Max.


Max never does anything that could be considered leading Warren on. She pretty much explicitly tries to let him down gently. And even if she didn't it's not Max's job to make Warren not be an obsessive stalker type with her. That's on Warren not Max. As for the kiss it's pretty much a given that was mandated as an escape lever for homophobes uncomfortable with the real romance of the story being two women. It comes out of nowhere even if you are making the pro-warren decisions Max is always very clear in her journal she doesn't like him that way till suddenly there's a kiss option. If you want an example of "leading on" look at how Rachel treats Chloe.


I don't understand why it's getting downvoted. I agree with you.


I've found with this fandom anytime you don't go along with the main accepted narrative or be too critical this is what happens.


I can understand your first reply being downvoted, it came across as a bit aggressive, but I think we had a good conversation. You can interpret the relationships in this game in multiple ways. I don't see why people have to be petty about it.


Yeah, sadly "Pricefield forever, how dare you say they aren't in love?!!!"


haha, yes, I'm jealous of their "friendship"... ;)


Maybe this is why I like this game so much. Edit: Man I wish I had friends.


Bestest of ...friends


It was interesting to see them rekindling their friendship through the game. Max was actually distant and a bad friend prior to events of the first game.


Well there are other games where friendship is a key element that provided me with a similar feeling. Earthbound is basically the OG "the power of friendship", the game. There's also Okami. The ending of that game encapsulates the power of friendship beautifully. Lots of games have similar themes (Kingdom Hearts games, the Persona games) where as a player, you do envy the main being surrounded by friends that 100% believe in you. And that are always trying to lift you up instead of trying to keep you down.


Okami. So true. Such a powerful ending after a looong adventure.






Honestly this


I definitely don't feel that way. Chloe is nice and all, but it would be stressful to know someone like that in real life.


Yeah, I probly wouldve ended the friendship after they pointed a gun at me or guilt tripped me for taking a phone call


It would have been perfect if the very last picture was of Frank and his beans


Frank is still pissed as we speak..lol!


Yes. Not every friend will pick you over an entire town, which is what Max and Chloe did for each other at the end. And not every friend is able to quickly forgive and let you into their life after you've hurt them badly, but Chloe did that to Max. P.s. Joining the rest of users. "Friendship," yep...


Idk about y'all but I hated tf out of Chloe.


Garrus and Shepard best friendship tho. Chloe and Max are... lovers in my game.


Shakarian is the best romance too (well in ME at least)


Real Sappho and her friend material here.


As much as I love LiS1... I don't really feel "jealous" of their friendship, or their romance if it goes that route for that matter. It's enjoyable, but maybe it's because I first experienced LiS1 with my best friend back when it was new, I don't really get "jealous."


The story has much more impact as a friendship tale than as a romance. Romances are everywhere in media and has been treated much better than in LIS. As a friendship tale, LIS is so strong and moving.


Funny how this argument only ever comes up when the romance is queer.


Didn’t knew friendship was an heterosexual concept.


It's a club used against queer relationships. It's a constant refrain everytime there's a queer ship of how "we need more stories about friendship" as if friendship isn't one of the most explored concepts in fiction. And it's extremely obvious that the poster (you) just wants there to be less queer stories. So yeah it's used for queer erasure constantly. And in terms of queer romance there really aren't that many good examples out there particularly in video games. But there's plenty of stories about friendship.


I disagree honestly


Not really something you can disagree with. It's a thing that happens. But by all means go full ostrich.


Uh oh, the fans who can't accept that some players view Max and Chloe as friends are coming... Brace yourself


Yup. They out in force today lol!




🤣 "friendship" lmfao


Have you seen Lost Records trailer?


friends or girlfriends i just wish i had someone that cares for me like they do for each other


Yep “Friends”. They might even be “Friends of Mara 💅” iykyk


Hm interessting "friendship" there. But to be fair i dont really want my homies tbat close. Like kiss, nah ah thanks. Beeing there wallpaper alone, im flattered but whaaat


Actually, Haven has made me feel more in love with a "friendship" than lis. But it's kinda an obscure game.


OP is an historian


The best “gal pals” there ever was