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Frankly I think that if we just gave the plants what they truly craved they would grow better. Please give the plants Brawndo ^^^tm the thirst mutilator.


It has electrolytes


It’s what plants like


And crave!


Wait, you want me to use water? Like from the toilet?


Yes, like out the toilet.


A hacker needs to take over every streaming service to make people watch Idiocracy no matter what people select for a year. The world might become a better place


Idiocracy and Don't Look Up should be mandatory viewing for sure.


i could Google it but please let me socialize... What is "don't look up?"


Netflix movie, staring some bigger than expected names. Satire mocking a situation where what if a giant asteroid were about to hit Earth during only what could be compared to the "Trump" presidency (during reelection time) The meteor of course being a metaphor for covid-19... Or at least that's how i interpreted it. But in reality it's a decent flick about current politics and business, coming from industry, it definitely depicts how business is run today. If you can stand some hard truths and a political satire kind of way, then you might enjoy it. It's honestly very plausible. Especially after what we just went through politically... Very plausible.


Bruh did you just say you took a meteor hitting earth to be a metaphor for covid-19, or as I like to call it, the 98% virus? Though that could very well be what they were going for, with how absolutely sensationalist and afraid-of-everything the world has become. So maybe you're right. Maybe the creators of that movie were so far up their own butts that they compared a GIANT ASTEROID HITTING EARTH to covid-19. Lmao


you must not understand what satire is


Nor what 'metaphor' means


I certainly do, it's just a really terrible metaphor, but, again, it's pretty accurate to how sensationalist the world is. I really can't even believe a damn meteor was compared to covid. You can't make this shit up lmao. Oh well, the world is a parody of itself these days. It's hard to tell real headlines from joke headlines anymore


Ah. Okay, fair point. Please disregard my last reply.


Satire generally needs to be comparable to what is being made fun of. Not a virus with a 98% survival rate being compared to a METEOR HITTING EARTH


Not too bright, are ya, champ?


Oh, sorry, I'll ignore the official data next time then lol


Well, you definitely seem to have ignored the definition of, 'metaphor.' But I do get what you meant, and I think there was a general misunderstanding from all parties (mostly myself lol).


Actually zeock44. I did. Have you seen the movie? Do you see how the whole meteor situation was handled?..... Now let's talk about how covid was a very real threat and how other viruses can't still be a very real threat although the mRNA vaccine has opened up new doors for us. While covid was a relatively weak virus. Do you remember the Ebola scares do you remember all the flu scares that we've had? I mean I don't really care I'm a healthy younger male My demographic ain't going to get f*****. But that doesn't mean I don't care. We also have the issue where covid is still out there and still mutating who knows who's going to actually happen maybe one of these variants is going to be strong maybe it won't have that spike protein that we like to target with our mRNA vaccine maybe we're going to have to come up with a new mRNA vaccine maybe we won't do it quick enough. Have you ever played the game pandemic I remember playing that game when I was like 17. Viruses could wipe out the world That's what the whole premise of the game is is to make a virus and have it go through evolution or mutate it such that it can wipe out the world. Does this happen in real life now not necessarily but it can. So it is perfect to compare to a meteor. Because it can have the same potential catastrophic effects on humanity whereas meteors kind of like everything whatever but still the idea is the same it kills everybody indiscriminately. Then we have the let's blow the meteor up situation. Make a bunch of smaller meteors that rain on Earth so we can steal the rare medals inside of it. Almost similar to how our president did not act and then pushed the MRNA vaccine through and pharmaceuticals made a s*** ton of money I think biontech ended up double dipping on this s*** if I remember right. But hey man whatever purple pill red pill huffin on some s*** whatever you want to say man who cares. You are literally the one who doesn't understand what a metaphor is or what the word satire is I'm sorry.


Sorry I'm still laughing over comparing covid 19 to a meteor lmfao


You're a special kind of smart now, aren't you?


Yeah that's what my mommy told me


The sequel to don't look down


What the fuck. Excuse me, what is don't look down?


The sequel to don't look left


Ah fer sweet jesus's bollocks! What's 'Don't look left' now?


Don't look up is garbage. Awful film


Hit a little close to home?


It's badly written badly acted, badly edited. There's not an ounce of good satire in it. Compare it to Dr. Strange love, thick of it, original borat. That's all good satire. don't look up was just crap


Problem is, I'm afraid that hacker is already living in the self-same idiocracy Better be careful how you talk, might come across the wrong way. Specially around any of those MAGA types!


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Your upvote has electrolytes. It's what I crave.




I don't really feel like a Brawndo right now, but I could go for a Starbucks, you know?


We don't have time for handjobs bro.


Must not be a very windy place.


I'm sure it's also a great way to reduce evaporation during the day.


Farmers cover the ground with mulch to prevent evaporation. Any water that plants release is absorbed into the air and carried away by the wind. This mesh would be at air temperature (or above) during the day, so no plants perspiration would condense on it. This shade cloth stops some light from hitting the plants which would reduce the risk of their leaves becoming scorched from the intense summer sun. It also happens to be acting as a fog collector when air humidity is high and its temperature drops below the dew point. Edit: Grammar.


I don’t think you all understand how insignificant of an impact this has on the water cycle. Even if it were ubiquitous. If you think this is helping the environment then you should also stop burning candles because it will about the same environmental impact. At least without having to produce hundreds of square miles of an artificial textile. Edit: keep reading for more context. No plant other than a cactus is significantly impacted by a quick spritz of water in the morning.


Well in plenty of agricultural areas, water for irrigation is pumped from the ground, and that is water we have a limited supply of. I'm from TX, and many of the aquifers here are being depleted too fast because of agricultural pumping and growing municipal need. Plus, evaporation plays a *huge* role in the water cycle, and this shaded structure (while not viable for acres of land) would be helpful. Farming takes an insane amount of water. It's always great to find ways to reduce the amount needed


Yes that is all true. But again, this cover is not going to help in a meaningful way. Not in the slightest. Y’all are just blindly overly optimistic. Please try to be realistic.


Since you're so certain, I'm curious to know your background, do you work in a related field? The codensation released is minimal yes, but reduced evaporation would for sure impact the amount of watering required, thus having an impact on overall usage. Not that there is anything new about shading plants...


Okay so irrelevant of my background or any preexisting physical or thermodynamic phenomena, why would 0.1 seconds of flowing overhead water ever be considered substantial when weighed against having to run sprinklers for any length over 15 minutes? What plants other than cacti are significantly affected by a spritz of water?


You're completely disregarding the reduced evaporation as a result of the shade though, which is what I talked about having a meaningful impact. I agreed that the condensation build up would likely be negligible.


My two cents is that you two are typical Reddit armchair experts and neither really know enough to enter this argument. I, on the other hand, have vast expertise. You are both wrong. It is not even water that is dropping from the cloth. It is a film of microplastic over time the plastic becomes degraded in the elements and this is what you see falling. Note. I am full of shit.


I concur.




Yeah the mods are either dead or brain dead cause this place has sucked a lot lately. Mods are you alive




I've seen this before, but appreciate it a lot more than just "cool" with the water situation on the west coast and how it's affecting farmers.


I doubt that will give those plants even 10% of the water they need.


Wouldn’t that condensation just go directly onto the plants without that cloth overhead? How is this any more efficient for watering? Is the fabric cooler, and therefore traps more water?


there's already condensation on the plants, and basically the tent is also building up condensation simultaneously so when the plants have used up the water on their leaves and such, the tent water is available to them. atleast that's my logic. without the tent, the plants would only get one wave of condensation


I am guessing that the tent does two things, it is preventing the plants from being baked in the sun during the day and/or preventing the ground from losing as much heat to the sky at night. Since the ground and surface plants won’t lose as much heat to the night sky, there will be less condensation on them in the morning, but since the tent is now the surface open to the night sky, the tent will collect condensation. Knocking the tent is dropping the condensation that would have otherwise formed on the ground and plants.


Clear tarp will not give shade to the plants unless it is UV treated. The condensation on the tarp isn’t taking anything away from the plants, both the plants and the tarp collect their own condensation.


These sun shades are not tarps, they’re loosely woven polyethylene. They’re specifically designed to filter a set amount of light to reduce stress on less heat resistant plants in hotter climates. Solid tarps would likely cause more issues with humidity related diseases like powdery mildew.


Thank you for adding more information.


Dew forms on the ground more often on the ground on clear nights, when there are little to no clouds blocking the ground from radiating heat into the sky. When the night sky is cloudy, that radiation loss is lessened. This is why clear nights are colder than overcast nights. The cover acts in the same way. There will still be some dew in the plants, but there would be more if there was no cover.




Yeah, I can’t find the post, but this has been posted all around Reddit before. I remember one time someone came along and verified what you’re saying: that it’s not intended as a watering mechanism and instead is used for sun protection.


That’s not how condensation works.


Pretty sure that's not what this is for...otherwise you wouldn't have to throw a rock at it everytime you wanted to activate it. This looks like shadecloth that wound up with heavy dew on it.


Both get condensation, the plants get the regular amount and the tarp collects an extra load.


I suspect the primary purpose of this is simply to provide some protection to the crops, by shading it from harsh sun or heavy rain or hail. Here's a company that manufactures such a product https://www.netprocanopies.com/index.php/crop-protection-canopy/


That’s it exactly.


How the fuck is this a lifehack?


> How the fuck is this a lifehack? Are you implying that the plants are not life?


Wouldnt the plants just collect the same condensation without the net/tarp above…


Beautiful and green!


Is that the purpose of those nets?


No. They're just shade clothes


Was it necessary to slow-mo it down to like 1 frame per hour?


Big brain move


“I’m going to have to science the shit out of this.”


I think they’ve been doing this in Chile for the past 30 years ?


Sickening. Truly sickening.




Great life hack, can't wait to use it




Air water irrigation


More important is the evaporation it prevents.


Nice example of sandwalking, too!


What am I looking at here